Chapter 814: The Legend of Dou Zhen

Following Wu Tao's whisper, streams of light flew out from the storage bag on his waist, manifesting various cultivation elixirs in the Nascent Soul realm.

In the next moment, he had already activated Jiu Yaotian's divine magic. The Nascent Soul mana and Nascent Soul divine thoughts wrapped these cultivation elixirs and began to refine them.

The Nascent Soul realm broke through a small realm, and there was no big bottleneck for Wu Tao. With the operation of Jiu Yaotian's divine magic, the Nascent Soul aura in his body became stronger and stronger.

Finally, three hours later, Wu Tao suddenly opened his eyes, and the Nascent Soul in his body also suddenly opened his eyes. His body and the aura of the Nascent Soul in his body changed simultaneously, transforming from the second level of the Nascent Soul to the third level of the Nascent Soul.

The mana of the Nascent Soul has increased dramatically, and the Nascent Soul has also grown taller. Now the Nascent Soul on the third level of the Nascent Soul is already as tall as a small arm, and its aura is getting stronger and stronger.

Wu Tao felt the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, which was also surging. Every time it surged, the spiritual thoughts would increase by one point. It took half an hour for the spiritual thoughts to stop growing.

His original spiritual power was 8,600 miles. After this breakthrough, his spiritual power at the third level of Nascent Soul increased by another 1,000 miles, reaching the level of 9,600 miles.

Although it is said that every time you break through a small level, your spiritual will will increase by a thousand miles, but the further increase of 1000 miles of spiritual will is not only about the length, but also about the quality. The degree of concentration of the spiritual will will increase with each breakthrough.

This is why when faced with high-level immortal cultivators, practicing with low-level immortal cultivators can achieve a devastating effect.

After the breakthrough, Wu Tao quietly felt his powerful Nascent Soul mana and Nascent Soul mind.

He felt the mana of the Nascent Soul. Due to the dual cultivation of the body and law, the mana of the Nascent Soul was stronger than that of the ordinary third-level Nascent Soul, but it was not as good as the mana of the fourth-level Nascent Soul.

The reason why he is able to cross realms and kill enemies is entirely due to his dual cultivation of law and body and the practice of the Tianyan God Refining Sutra. The intensity of his spiritual thoughts far exceeds that of other Nascent Soul Lords.

"During my golden elixir period, I possessed the secret technique of Golden elixir Nine Refining to enhance my magic power, and also possessed the secret technique of Tianyan Divine Refining Sutra to enhance my spiritual thoughts. Now, after I have been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, I only have the ability to enhance my spiritual thoughts. The secret technique of Tianyan God Refining Manual is available, but when it comes to mana, it doesn’t have any secret technique, so it doesn’t have much of an advantage.”

"However, this war merit hall does have a secret cultivation technique to enhance the mana of the Nascent Soul. That secret technique costs a full 10,000 battle merits."

Wu Tao pondered whether he should redeem that secret technique. He felt that if he redeemed it, he would indeed become stronger. But if he didn't redeem it, he would be able to become stronger quickly as his realm increased rapidly.

Nowadays, there is a triple accelerated training room in the War Merit Hall, and the Star Streaming Light can also be exchanged in the War Merit Hall. His physical cultivation realm can grow rapidly, and he will soon be able to reach the divine body realm, on par with the God Transformation God Lord.

After comparing it like this, the secret technique to enhance the Nascent Soul's magic power seems to be unnecessary.

Because even a Yuanying cultivator who has practiced the secrets of Yuanying's magic power cannot be an opponent of the God of Transformation, nor can he be an opponent of the divine body.

"Forget it, my current battle achievements are not enough. These battle achievements need to maintain my practice. In the triple acceleration training room, although the training speed is accelerated three times, the consumption of training resources is also increased three times."

"Xingchen Liuguang also needs to start a conversation, otherwise it will slow down the time to break through the divine body."

Wu Tao no longer thought about it, but opened his personal information and checked the progress of his cultivation in the past 10 months.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 120/1859】

[Realm: Nascent Soul Third Level]

[Kung Fu: The third level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s divine magic (0%)]

[Spells: Briefly, Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing Nascent Soul stage·eighth level (20%), the sixth level of the hidden secret technique of transformation (100%), the fifth layer of the red flame divine fire cover method (99%), Yuan Ying stage Magnetic Aurora Escape Mastery (72%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Mastery of Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique (89%), Nascent Soul Level 2nd Level of Artifact Refining and Fighting (15%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level advanced divine prohibition (5%), fourth-level intermediate level of falling treasure money (100%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhou Tianxing body training·Yuan Ti chapter: fourth level (70%), shamanic tactics that shatter the stars·Proficiency (90%), omitted]

Wu Tao's eyes fell on life span. He didn't feel much about his life span because his life span was too long.

But when he sees the lifespan, he will know how long it has been since he came to this world, and he will think of Chen Yao who was cultivating immortality in the Sea of ​​Stars, and his son Li Yi.

"I wonder how A Yao and Yi'er are doing." Wu Tao was concerned about Chen Yao's cultivation and Li Yi's growth. As for their safety, he was not too worried.

After all, Chen Yao and Li Yi were also the family members of Wu Tao, the family members of the deputy master of the Weapon Refining Hall. No one in Xingchen Palace dared to bully them.

But he knew that now that he had come to this world, he was regarded as an extraterrestrial demon by the immortal cultivators in this world. It was difficult to reach Dongyunzhou from Dongyuezhou and meet his master Wen Xingrui, let alone find those who left this world. Road, back to the Three Realms.

The only thing that can be done now is to strengthen one's cultivation and follow the rules of the game in the War Merit Palace. One day, one can leave this world.

His eyes came to the spell column, which was the 8th level of the Nascent Soul stage of the Tianyan Divine Refining Manual. During this period, he also started practicing, and the improvement effect was also obvious, and he reached 20% progress in practice.

As for the fifth layer of the Red Flame Divine Fire Shield, it is estimated that the fifth Red Flame Divine Fire Shield will be refined in another month.

Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape has also been improved, and the progress is very obvious.

Wu Tao is very satisfied with his magical practice during this period.

Then he looked at the column for the main professional weapon refiner. Since he basically didn't refine weapons after coming to this world, the Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique didn't make much progress.

The weapon refining and fighting method at the Nascent Soul level has also begun to practice the second level. When the practice reaches 15%, it can control 9 magic weapons at the same time instead of being able to control 10 magic weapons at the same time.

And because Wu Tao cultivated both his body and mind, his spiritual thoughts were extremely powerful. He could do two things at once. Using the method of weapon refining and fighting, he could control ten magic weapons and at the same time control the treasure money.

In such a fight, the other party will have no power to fight back.

The fourth-level advanced divine forbidden weapon has also begun to comprehend, but because he has not yet officially refined the fourth-level intermediate magic weapon, has been officially promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner, and has not undergone any precipitation, it is still difficult to comprehend the fourth-level advanced weapon refining method. There will inevitably be obstacles.

Regarding this, not only did Wu Tao want to be promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner in the War Merit Hall, but his master Wen Xingrui also suggested this to him, and he decided to exchange spiritual materials for refinement in the War Merit Hall after breaking through to the third level of Nascent Soul. Make a fourth-level intermediate magic weapon.

Finally, Wu Tao set his sights on the physical training career column. Zhou Tianxingchen practiced physical skills and reached the 4th level of Yuan Ti. The progress per month changed from 9 to 7, so he only reached 70 in the past 10 months. % progress, it will take more than 4 months to break through to the fifth level of Yuan Ti.

The wizard's battle method of breaking the stars has also reached 90% proficiency, which can be said to be a rapid progress.

"The current flow of stars is far from enough for me to cultivate to the fifth level of Yuan Ti, and the cultivation resources on my body are not enough to support the continued cultivation of Yuan Ying. Therefore, after I am promoted to the fourth level intermediate weapon refiner, I will It’s time to go to the war palace.”

Thinking of this, Wu Tao closed his personal information, walked out of the triple acceleration training room, and went to meet his master Wen Xingrui.

The two masters and apprentices wanted to discuss his promotion to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner.

Based on Wu Tao's personal experience, he did not need Wen Xingrui as a protector when he was promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner. However, Wen Xingrui, as his master in the art of weapon refining, must be his protector, and Wu Tao could not refuse. After all, this is Wen Xingrui's good intentions.

After coming out, Master Wen Xingrui was already waiting for him at the door of the training room.

Wen Xingrui felt the powerful aura that Wu Tao had just broken through, and his face showed a happy look. He was happy for Wu Tao. He nodded in appreciation and said: "As expected of my disciple, it seems that as a master, I must seize the time to practice. Otherwise, one day he will be overtaken by his apprentice."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Master, we are both strong and weak. When the apprentice becomes stronger, he can protect the master."

Wen Xingrui laughed and said, "Okay, then I'll wait for this day."

Wu Tao then went to the resource exchange room to exchange for the spiritual materials needed to refine the fourth-level intermediate magic weapon, and exchanged his military exploits for a temporary token in the weapon refining room.

There is really everything you need in this War Merit Hall. There is an Item Refining Room that provides refining tools for Weapon Refiners, and there is also a Talisman Room that provides Talisman Painting Rooms specifically for Talisman Masters.

It is indeed an immortal weapon.

The functions of this immortal war merit palace are so vast that it is actually equivalent to a super sect.

The two masters and apprentices came to the weapon refining room. After Wu Tao prepared everything, he faced Wen Xingrui and said, "Master, then I will start refining the fourth-level intermediate magic weapon and be promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner."

Wen Xingrui nodded and indicated that Wu Tao could start. If there were any problems along the way, he would use his spiritual thoughts to remind Wu Tao in time.

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon and officially started refining the fourth-level intermediate magic weapon.

Wu Tao's current understanding of the fourth-level intermediate weapon refining method showed that there were no mistakes or omissions at all when refining the weapon. It took two days to refine a fourth-level intermediate flying sword magic weapon.

After inspection by both the master and the disciple, the refined fourth-level intermediate flying sword magic weapon was of the highest quality.

This also means that Wu Tao has been officially promoted to the fourth level intermediate weapon refiner.

If he were still in the Xingchen Immortal Palace, Wu Tao's status in the Xingchen Immortal Palace would definitely improve, but this is the War Merit Hall, and the weapon refiner cannot use the weapon refining to obtain any cultivation resources in the War Merit Palace.

Because the immortal cultivators from the Three Realms can obtain a large amount of magic weapons by killing the immortal cultivators in this world.

You can get training resources faster by killing, so why bother refining weapons?

And after these two years, the three realms of immortal cultivators and demons who are still alive have become accustomed to the rules of the game, and it is becoming more and more difficult for them to die. And as they survive longer, it becomes more and more difficult to use the War Merit Palace. powerful.

For example, Li Jingxing, who ranks first on the battle merit list, had successfully broken through to the state of becoming a god two months ago.

Li Jingxing has broken through to the realm of divine transformation. This is an exciting surprise for the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Three Realms. As long as they live, one day they will be able to use the War Merit Hall to break through to the realm of divine transformation like Li Jingxing.

Currently, the number one in the war merit list at the Nascent Soul level is Tianmo Guquan, a member of the Demon King family. However, there is news that Tianmo Ancient Quan will soon break through to the Demon Lord realm. This is also encouraging for the demon clan.

Moreover, there are also many golden elixir-level immortal cultivators and demon elixir-level demons who have entered this world to use the War Merit Palace. In just two years, 50% of the golden elixir-level immortal cultivators and demon elixir-level demons have set foot on it. The Nascent Soul realm and the Original God realm.

For the War Merit Palace, the immortal cultivators and demons from the Three Realms are becoming more and more dependent on it. If they were asked to go back to the Three Realms now, they would not be willing to go back.

The road to immortality is actually a word "struggle". In the Star Sea, the immortal world and the demon world are also fighting. Although the competition is not as fierce as here, they are still fighting.

The greater the risk, the greater the reward, which is reflected here.

After being promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner, Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui planned to practice for another month before going to the battle hall.

There was no other reason, because Wu Tao planned to commemorate the fifth Red Flame Divine Fire Shield before going out.

If you make more sacrifices to refine a red flame divine fire shield, your combat power will be stronger.

A month later, Wu Tao successfully commemorated the fifth Red Flame Divine Fire Shield.

"It's time to leave the War Hall."

In the triple acceleration training room, Wu Tao was surrounded by five red flame divine fire shields. The divine fire shields were surrounded by flames, burning the void and making the void seem to twist. However, such a high temperature had no effect on Wu Tao. Influence.

"Leave the War Merit Hall with Master now."

The edge of Dongyuezhou.

Xiao Tiandao and Gu Tianling, the two true successors of Shenzong, have not left yet.

However, the search intensity for Wu Tao, an extraterritorial demon, was reduced.

The search was not as intensive as previous searches.

But in order to get the opponent's spiritual elixir treasure, he still sent his Nascent Soul cultivators to search outside.

Xiao Tiandao and Gu Tianling settled in Tianqing Sect. Tianqing Sect was the sect where Fellow Daoist Zhao belonged. Now that Fellow Daoist Zhao and two fellow Nascent Soul cultivators were killed by Wu Tao, Tianqing Sect is no longer a Nascent Soul sect. No, it can only be regarded as the Jindan Sect.

As Wu Tao killed more than 20 Nascent Soul cultivators on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture, excluding some Nascent Soul cultivators who were in seclusion, 80% of the Nascent Soul sects were missing on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

If it develops according to the past pattern, the Nascent Soul Sect without the Nascent Soul cultivators will be targeted by the sects that still have the Nascent Soul cultivators and be annexed.

But now that Xiao Tiandao and Gu Tianling, the two chief disciples of the Shen Sect, are here, those Yuanying Sects that still have Yuanying cultivators dare not move.

On this day, Xiao Tiandao and Gu Tianling were drinking tea. Although they were competitors at the moment, they both wanted to kill Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon, in advance.

But before they were found, the relationship between the two seemed quite harmonious.

Of course, this kind of harmony is to pay close attention to the other party's actions. As long as the other party behaves abnormally, it means that the extraterrestrial demon has arrived again.

"It seems that this extraterrestrial demon has hidden deep enough and will not appear again."

"Perhaps they are afraid of us. As long as the two of us stay on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture for one day, this extraterrestrial demon will not appear." Gu Tianling said.

Xiao Tiandao looked at Gu Tianling and said slowly: "So taking care of fellow Taoist means that we leave the edge of Dongyue Province for the time being, first lure the snake out of the hole, and then come back and hit the snake within seven inches?"

Gu Tianling nodded and said, "That's all. Otherwise, if we wait here for 100 years, it will be useless and we will only waste your time and mine."

"Okay, that's it. But before leaving, we need to create some momentum so that the extraterrestrial demons hiding in the dark can know about it," Xiao Tiandao said.

Gu Tianlin said: "That is inevitable."

Then the two separated, planning to leave the border area of ​​Dongyue State and attract the extraterritorial demon hidden in this area to appear.

Just when Gu Tianling was about to summon the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Taiyue Divine Sect to leave together, a Nascent Soul cultivator came over and said to Gu Tianling: "Chief, we found traces of the demon from outside the territory."

"Oh." Gu Tianling's eyes lit up and he said happily: "Where is it?"

"After the extraterrestrial demon appeared, he killed Junior Brother Li on the sixth level of the Nascent Soul, and now he is entangled by Senior Brother Gong on the seventh level of the Nascent Soul!"

"Okay, okay, go quickly, lest this extraterrestrial demon escapes, or if Xiao Tiandao finds out about it and gets there first, then I will suffer a big loss." Gu Tianling said slightly anxiously.

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