Chapter 815: Pursuit, aggressive generals


There was a loud sound in the air, and the powerful aftermath of the fighting spread to all directions, and the two figures stepped back together.

Gong Zhenghong became more and more frightened as he fought. The aura of the extraterrestrial demon in front of him was clearly from the third level of Yuanying. However, after hundreds of rounds of fighting, he, the seventh-level Yuanying from the Shen Sect, could not get it for a long time. Come down.

He remembered that Junior Brother Li had met this extraterrestrial demon and was killed by this extraterrestrial demon on the third level of Nascent Soul.

"Now we have no choice but to hold him back until Chief Gu arrives!" Gong Zhenghong thought to himself.

As a Nascent Soul cultivator of the Taiyue Divine Sect, he came to the edge of Dongyue Continent this time, and it was with Gu Tianling, the chief true disciple, as the leader, that he wanted to obey Gu Tianling's orders.

Gong Zhenghong also knew the bet between Gu Tianling and Xiao Tiandao, the chief successor of the Guyang Sect. In order for Gu Tianling to win the bet, Gong Zhenghong had to go all out.

The bet between the two chiefs of the true inheritance of the Shen Sect is not just about personal matters, but an honor that rises above the two sects.

Therefore, for a period of time, the Nascent Soul cultivators from both sides of the Shen Sect have been searching for traces of Wu Tao, an extraterrestrial demon, but they did not know that Wu Tao was in retreat at the War Merit Hall.

After breaking through the third level of Yuan Ying, Wu Tao's dual cultivation of legal body, coupled with the cultivation of the fourth level of Yuan Body, he can win even if he encounters the seventh level of Yuan Ying.

When he came out of the War Merit Hall, he met Li Hao, the Taiyue Divine Sect on the sixth floor of Nascent Soul. After killing Li Hao, he just collected the storage bag on Li Hao when he met Gong Zhenghong.

Gong Zhenghong's cultivation has reached the seventh level of Nascent Soul, and Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts now reach 9,600 miles, which is 600 miles more than Gong Zhenghong's.

Wu Tao had just broken through the third level of Nascent Soul, but he had no chance to test his current combat power. Gong Zhenghong came just in time, and his cultivation level of the seventh level of Nascent Soul could be used to practice his skills.

So Wu Tao immediately started a fight with Gong Zhenghong.

In a battle with Gong Zhenghong, a seventh-level Nascent Soul, Wu Tao did not go all out, but only used 9,000 miles of spiritual energy and mana comparable to the third-level Nascent Soul.

He did not use the weapon-refining fighting method at the Yuanying level, and only used a fourth-level intermediate flying sword to fight Gong Zhenghong back and forth. Because the Yuanying's magic power was not as good as Gong Zhenghong's, he was outnumbered by Gong Zhenghong.

But it's just that he is at a disadvantage, and it is completely impossible to defeat him.

Moreover, as soon as Wu Tao fought with Gong Zhenghong, he knew that the Nascent Soul spiritual thoughts and Nascent Soul mana produced by this person's Nascent Soul magic skills were not comparable to those of the Nascent Soul cultivators on the edge of Dongyue Continent.

Therefore, Wu Tao instantly guessed the identity of Gong Zhenghong, who was a Nascent Soul cultivator from Shenzong.

This also shows that in this border area of ​​Dongyue Prefecture, there are immortal cultivators from the Shenzong Nascent Soul stage coming here.

Wu Tao was not surprised at all by this, because he killed all the Nascent Soul cultivators on the edge of Dongyue Continent, leaving no one alive.

There are three divine sects in Dongyue Prefecture with the God-Transforming God Lord at their command. If these divine sects know the traces of demons appearing outside the territory, they will definitely send immortal cultivators to check them out.

"That's fine. We can kill some more Nascent Soul cultivators to gain military merit." This was what Wu Tao was thinking at the moment.

He has fully accepted his identity as an extraterrestrial demon and accepted the rules of the game in this world. Anyway, for the immortal cultivators in this world, when they encounter extraterritorial demons, they must kill them all.

Wu Tao was not wrong at all. What was wrong was this world.

What's wrong with him? He just wants to live, leave this world alive, and return to the Three Realms alive to see his wife Chen Yao and son Li Yi.

Moreover, the immortal cultivators in this world would kill him when they saw him, so he had no psychological burden at all in killing him.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on Gong Zhenghong. With his current cultivation level, it didn't take much effort to kill Gong Zhenghong. However, the reason why he slowly fought with Gong Zhenghong was to test his newly broken cultivation level. Be familiar with the enhanced strength of your body.

Secondly, I hope that the battle with Gong Zhenghong will make Shenzong's Nascent Soul cultivators come over to the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

Gain more military merit, so that you can maintain your practice in the War Merit Hall more and go out less to fight and kill.

But what Wu Tao was thinking was exactly what Gong Zhenghong wanted. Gong Zhenghong also wanted to delay Wu Tao and wait for Gu Tianling's arrival.

"If we delay it any longer, Chief Gu's cultivation will definitely kill this extraterrestrial demon and win the elixir from Xiao Tiandao." Gong Zhenghong thought in his heart.

In Gong Zhenghong's heart, although Chief Gu is at the seventh level of Nascent Soul with him, Chief Gu is still the chief of his Taiyue Divine Sect, and the skills he practices are not comparable to his.

Moreover, Gu Tianling, the chief true disciple, had killed immortal cultivators who had reached the eighth level of Nascent Soul with his seventh-level Nascent Soul cultivation.

Therefore, although this third-level extraterrestrial demon of the Nascent Soul was a little weaker than himself, Gong Zhenghong was very confident in Gu Tianling and felt that Wu Tao would definitely die if Gu Tianling made a move.

Thinking of this, Gong Zhenghong used the flying sword magic weapon to kill Wu Tao again.

Seeing this, Wu Tao immediately used the fourth-level flying sword magic weapon in his hand to attack Gong Zhenghong's flying sword.

At this time, Gu Tianling had quietly left the Tianqing Sect. He considered that Xiao Tiandao was also in the Tianqing Sect and it was not appropriate to take many of his subordinates out, as this would make Xiao Tiandao aware of something unusual.

So Gu Tianling only brought one immortal cultivator from the eighth level of Nascent Soul, and together they went straight to the place where the extraterrestrial demon appeared.

Gu Tianling was very confident. With his seventh-level Nascent Soul cultivation, he had the combat power to kill an eighth-level Nascent Soul cultivator. He would not be afraid of an extraterrestrial demon of the second-level Nascent Soul.

Even if this extraterrestrial devil had killed an immortal cultivator on the sixth level of Nascent Soul.

In Gu Tianling's view, the Nascent Soul cultivators in the border areas of Dongyue Prefecture are no different from casual cultivators. The inheritance of their techniques is so rubbish. A fifth-level Nascent Soul cultivator from their Taiyue Divine Sect can sweep across the borders of Dongyue State. These are those who are cultivating immortals in the Nascent Soul stage.

Therefore, the extraterrestrial demon is very strong, as recorded in the classics, but no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to be stronger than him.

Thousands of miles away from the Tianqing Sect, Gu Tianling dared to use his escape technique with all his strength and flew with the eighth-level Nascent Soul cultivator beside him towards the place where the demon appeared outside the territory.

At this moment, in Tianqing Sect, Xiao Tiandao suddenly remembered something. He ordered one of his Nascent Soul cultivators to say: "Go and invite Chief Gu of Taiyue Divine Sect to come here and tell me that I have I need to discuss important matters with him, but I forgot to mention it just now!”

Upon hearing this, the Nascent Soul cultivator from the Guyang Sect immediately bowed and cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Chief Xiao."

So the Nascent Soul cultivators from Guyang Sect immediately went to Gu Tianling's training residence in Tianqing Sect.

Gu Tianling's residence here was naturally guarded by the Yuan Ying stage cultivators of his Taiyue Shen Sect. Therefore, when he saw the Yuan Ying stage of Guyang Sect approaching, he immediately stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "It turns out he is a fellow Taoist from Guyang Sect."

The Nascent Soul cultivator of Guyang Sect bowed his hands to the Nascent Soul cultivator of Taiyue Shen Sect and said: "Fellow Taoist, on the order of the chief of my family, I have come to invite Chief Gu to discuss matters. Please give me a friendly greeting, fellow Taoist."

When the Nascent Soul cultivator from the Taiyue Divine Sect heard this, his heart moved slightly. He naturally knew that his chief Gu Tianling had gone out to kill the demons outside the territory, and he also ordered them not to let Xiao Tiandao know that he had left the Tianqing Sect.

Therefore, his expression remained unchanged and he said to the Nascent Soul cultivator of Guyang Sect: "I'm sorry, fellow Taoist, my chief Gu is practicing in seclusion and cannot leave for a while."

Upon hearing this, the Immortal Cultivator of the Nascent Soul Stage of the Guyang Sect frowned slightly and said, "But my Chief Xiao said that there is something very important. Please tell me, fellow Taoist, about it!"

Seeing this, the Yuan Ying stage immortal cultivator of Taiyue Shen Sect knew that he could not escape and had to find an excuse, so he said to the Yuan Ying stage immortal cultivator of Guyang Sect: "Okay, then, fellow Taoist, please wait here for a while. I'll go in and pass the message."

"Excuse me, fellow Taoist." The Nascent Soul cultivator of Guyang Sect was very polite.

The Yuan Ying stage immortal cultivators from the Taiyue Shen Sect turned around and entered the main hall in the courtyard, where the Yuanying stage immortal cultivators from the Guyang Sect were waiting slowly.

After a while, the Yuan Ying stage immortal cultivator of Taiyue Shen Sect came back, raised his hand to the Yuan Ying stage immortal cultivator of Guyang Sect and said: "Fellow Taoist, Chief Gu said, please go back and tell Chief Xiao that he has two quarters of an hour." Will come later."

"Okay!" The Nascent Soul cultivator from Guyang Sect received the answer, and naturally wanted to go back to meet Xiao Tiandao.

He went back to see Xiao Tiandao and replied to Xiao Tiandao: "Reporting to the chief, Chief Gu of the Taiyue Divine Sect is practicing in seclusion and said he will be here in two hours!"

"Retreat? What else are you practicing at this time? Aren't you going to prepare to leave and lure the snake out of the hole?" Xiao Tiandao frowned slightly when he heard this, and soon he was startled. He looked at the Nascent Soul cultivator of Guyang Sect and asked: "You Can you meet Gu Tianling?"

The Nascent Soul Lord replied: "Back to Chief Xiao, I didn't see Chief Gu. It was the Yuanying Taoist friend of the Taiyue Divine Sect who communicated on my behalf and passed it on to the next generation."

"No, Gu Tianling should not be in Tianqing Sect anymore. He went out and must have found traces of the demon from outside the territory." Xiao Tiandao's expression changed instantly.

At that moment, his spiritual thoughts were released directly, covering the place where Taiyue Divine Sect Gu Tianling stayed. As soon as his spiritual thoughts were covered, several Nascent Soul divine thoughts sensed Xiao Tiandao's divine thoughts and immediately rushed out to confront Xiao Tiandao. The collision of spiritual thoughts.

After this collision, Xiao Tiandao knew that Gu Tianling really didn't care.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that I asked you, Gu Tianling, to find the traces of the demon outside the territory first. However, finding it first does not necessarily mean killing it first." Xiao Tiandao snorted coldly, and immediately summoned the Yuanying Stage cultivators of the Guyang Sect who stayed in the Tianqing Sect. .

Immediately left the Tianqing Sect.

The extraterrestrial demon has appeared, and the immortal cultivators they control on the edge of Dongyue Continent can also know where the extraterrestrial demon appears, and it won't take too long.

Xiao Tiandao left Tianqing Sect with the Nascent Soul cultivators of Guyang Sect in a mighty manner, while the Nascent Soul cultivators of Taiyue Shen Sect who stayed in Tianqing Sect to confuse and cover Xiao Tiandao knew that they had been seen through by Xiao Tiandao. , they immediately stopped staying in Tianqing Sect and prepared to meet Gu Tianling.

At that time, Xiao Tiandao must be hindered to buy Gu Tianling time to kill the demon outside the territory.

Flying swords collide with flying swords, Yuanying's mana collides with Yuanying's mana, Yuanying's spiritual thoughts collide with Yuanying's divine thoughts, and the two figures are inextricably fighting in the void.

Gong Zhenghong was about to kill Wu Tao again when he suddenly felt two powerful auras coming towards him. He was very familiar with them. They were the Nascent Soul cultivators of his Taiyue Divine Sect, and one was Gu Tianling, the chief of the True Tradition.

"Okay, my mission is completed. When Chief Gu arrives, the extraterritorial demon will be handed over to Chief Gu." Gong Zhenghong breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't really want to continue fighting with the extraterritorial demon.

Because even though this extraterrestrial devil is only at the third level of Nascent Soul, he really can't win it.

Wu Tao was about to continue fighting with Gong Zhenghong when suddenly his expression changed slightly. He also sensed two powerful Yuanying breaths coming towards him, one breath of the seventh level of Yuanying. He was not afraid.

But there is still an aura from the eighth level of the Yuanying. The spiritual thoughts of the eighth level of the Yuanying have reached 10,000 miles. Wu Tao's current spiritual thoughts are only 9,600 miles. Fighting alone and using up all his body, it is possible to defeat a Yuanying. The immortal cultivator on the eighth level of the infant was beheaded.

But there were two immortal cultivators at the seventh level of Nascent Soul here. To be on the safe side, Wu Tao decided to go first.

However, this immortal cultivator at the seventh level of Nascent Soul can be killed first.

He had plenty of time before the two Nascent Soul cultivators arrived.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao reached out and patted the storage bag, and streams of light flew out and turned into pieces of killing magic weapons to kill Gong Zhenghong.

The aura is no longer as gentle and gentle as the flying sword magic weapon used by the imperial envoy before.

Seeing ten offensive magic weapons coming toward him, Gong Zhenghong's expression changed drastically. Only then did he realize that the third-level Nascent Soul extraterrestrial demon had completely withheld his hand.

"Escape!" Gong Zhenghong did not hesitate. He did not confront Wu Tao's practical attack magic weapon at all. He turned around and used his escape technique to escape in the direction of Gu Tianling and the two of them. As long as he reunited with Gu Tianling, he would no longer be afraid of this extraterrestrial demon.

But just as he turned around, five red flame divine fire shields fell from the sky, blocking his path in all directions.

In desperation, Gong Zhenghong had no choice but to use his fourth-level flying sword, but another stream of light came first and hit directly on his fourth-level flying sword. Gong Zhenghong instantly felt his envoy's fourth-level advanced flying sword appear. A little obscure.

The more powerful the immortal cultivator is, the more he fights for every breath and moment. Once there is an omission in a breath, it is extremely easy for the opponent to seize the opportunity and perform a one-hit kill.

So Gong Zhenghong died.

As soon as Gu Tianling arrived, he saw Gong Zhenghong being killed by ten offensive magic weapons. The extraterrestrial demon who killed Gong Zhenghong showed the aura of the third level of Nascent Soul. He directly picked up Gong Zhenghong's storage bag and used Escape. Shu escaped without hesitation.

"You can't escape!"

Gu Tianling shouted softly and immediately used his escape technique to chase Wu Tao's figure.

The eighth-level Nascent Soul of Taiyue Divine Sect next to him also wanted to use escape skills to chase Wu Tao, but he heard Gu Tianling's words: "Senior Brother Chen, you stay here and help me stop Xiao Tiandao."

"I can take down that extraterrestrial demon by myself."

"Furthermore, the reason why the Outer Territory Demon escaped is because he felt the aura of your Nascent Soul eighth level, Senior Brother Chen. If I were the only one, with the arrogant nature of the Outer Territory Demon, I would definitely dare to fight with me."

When the eighth-level Nascent Soul surnamed Chen heard Gu Tianling's words, he stopped and watched Gu Tianling pursue Wu Tao'er. Gu Tianling was right. At the same time, he also believed that Gu Tianling was powerful enough to kill the extraterrestrial demon.

Wu Tao used his Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape with all his strength, feeling Gu Tianling chasing closely behind him, and thought to himself: "This person's escape technique is quite good, he can actually bite me tightly and won't let go."

At the same time, his spiritual sense also sensed the rear, and he found that only Gu Tianling was chasing after him. The cultivator of the eighth level of Nascent Soul was not chasing after him. He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and after thinking about it, he knew Gu Tianling's intention.

"As expected of a cultivator from the Shen Sect, even if he is confident that he can kill me by himself, if that's the case, then find a place where no one is around to see who kills whom."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao continued to use Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and ran forward.

Gu Tianling was chasing after him closely. He released his spiritual thoughts, which vibrated and made a loud sound that fell in Wu Tao's ears.

"Everyone in the world says that the demonic membrane outside the realm is extremely powerful. You are indeed very powerful. With your cultivation level of the third level of the Nascent Soul, you can kill the seventh level of the Nascent Soul. Now I am also the seventh level of the Nascent Soul. Why should I run away?"

"Do you dare to stop and fight Gu and let me see how powerful the extraterrestrial demon is?"

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