Chapter 816: Make me a wedding dress

Wu Tao turned a deaf ear to Gu Tianling's words and still used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to escape forward.

"Catch up with me if you can."

Wu Tao shouted something to Gu Tianling.

Gu Tianling snorted coldly when he heard this and used his escape technique with all his strength. He was confident that with his escape technique, he would be able to catch up with this extraterrestrial demon sooner or later.

And he also saw that the escape technique of the extraterrestrial demon was not as advanced as his escape technique training, and his speed was far inferior to his.

About a quarter of an hour later, Gu Tianling was getting closer and closer to Wu Tao, and he was about to catch up.

But at this moment, Wu Tao, who was fleeing in front, suddenly stopped and turned to face Gu Tianling. Seeing that the demon from outside the territory was no longer escaping, Gu Tianling said calmly: "Why aren't you escaping?"

Wu Tao looked at him and shook his head and said, "No more escaping. Your escape skills are better than mine. You will be able to catch up with me at some point."

When he said this, Wu Tao actually admired Gu Tianling. With the seventh level of Nascent Soul, he was able to practice escape skills to a higher level than him. This was something he had never seen before.

Therefore, when fighting Gu Tianling later, he must not give Gu Tianling a chance to escape, otherwise it will be difficult to catch up with Gu Tianling with his Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape.

Gu Tianling heard Wu Tao's words and said with a smile: "So, the demon from outside the territory, are you prepared to die?"

Wu Tao laughed when he heard this and said: "No, noble immortals, any immortal cultivator who has reached the level of cultivation like us will not think of seeking death. The reason why I stopped is because I found out that there is no one around who is stronger than me. The cultivator of immortality.”

"And the eighth-level Nascent Soul cultivator who was following you just now can't even reach him before I kill you. I have enough time."

"Hahaha." After hearing Wu Tao's words, Gu Tianling smiled, looked at Wu Tao and said: "Sure enough, the extraterrestrial demons are as arrogant and arrogant as recorded in the classics, and regard our world as an inferior world. "

"Of course, you are indeed qualified. Most of the extraterrestrial demons have strong combat power that can leap across the realm to kill enemies. Your third level of Nascent Soul can kill the seventh level of Nascent Soul."

"But I, Gu Tianling, also have the combat power to kill enemies across borders. Today, let me try your cultivation strength as an extraterrestrial demon."

"At the same time, Gu is also curious, which world of immortal cultivation do you come from?"

After listening to Gu Tianling's words, Wu Tao said: "Which world I come from, what's the use of a dead person knowing it."

Hearing this, Gu Tianling laughed and said, "Yes, you are right. Asking a dead person where he came from really has no effect."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Tianling had already taken action, but Wu Tao took action a moment earlier than him. A fourth-level flying sword shot towards Gu Tianling, carrying the majestic Nascent Soul mana.

Gu Tianling's flying sword is also a flying sword, but his flying sword is a fourth-level advanced flying sword, which is one level higher than Wu Tao's fourth-level intermediate flying sword.

Flying swords collided with flying swords, and the powerful aftermath of the fighting skills impacted all around.

As soon as the moves were exchanged, Gu Tianling felt that this third-level Yuanying extraterrestrial devil was really powerful. With his third-level Yuanying cultivation, he could actually compete with him, a seventh-level Yuanying, but in fact his combat power had already reached the eighth level. The cultivators of immortality are not much different.

However, as long as there was a slight difference, he, Gu Tianling, would be able to find an opportunity to kill this extraterrestrial demon with one strike.

As the chief true disciple of the Taiyue Divine Sect, he encountered countless enemies on his way from refining his energy to becoming the chief true disciple, but he was able to win every time, which made him develop an invincible mind.

Even when faced with extraterrestrial demons that he had not yet come into contact with, Gu Tianling had invincible self-confidence.

Gu Tianling was about to decide on Xiao Tiandao's elixir.

Thinking of this, Gu Tianling roared and said: "Exterior Demon, use all your strength. If that's all, then I will send you home."

Seeing how arrogant he was, Wu Tao looked very calm. He stretched out his hand and patted his waist, and ten more streams of light flew out. They were nine fourth-level intermediate attack magic weapons and fourth-level intermediate treasure money, all directed towards Gu Tianling. Attack and kill.

Wu Tao had just clashed with Gu Tianling's flying sword. No wonder Gu Tianling dared to catch up with him after seeing him kill a seventh-level Nascent Soul. It turned out that he had something to rely on. Human's spiritual thoughts are really powerful, a little stronger than his 9600 miles of divine thoughts.

Facing the surging momentum, Gu Tianling showed no emotion, and he was not surprised when he saw that Wu Tao could control so many magic weapons. Based on his knowledge of the true inheritance of the Shen Sect, he immediately guessed that he must have practiced a secret. technique.

But the more powerful this secret technique is, the more it consumes mana and spiritual thoughts. Once his Yuanying mana and Yuanying divine thoughts are exhausted, he will be knocked back to his original form.

At that time, the combat power of the extraterrestrial demon will be greatly reduced, and he can kill the extraterrestrial demon with just a raise of his hand.

At the moment, all he had to do was resist these waves of attacks and wait until the extraterrestrial demons were seriously exhausted before taking action. Therefore, Gu Tianling used his flying sword and shot out another defensive talisman. The defensive talisman formed a golden cover around him.

Wu Tao used a series of offensive magic weapons to attack the cover on Xiao Tiandao's body, emitting bursts of dazzling light, but the defensive cover formed by his talismans did not move at all.

Obviously this talisman is of a very high level, it should be a fourth-level advanced talisman.

As expected of a cultivator of the Shen Sect, he has a profound foundation.

Wu Tao is now in this world, and if he wants to redeem talismans, he also exchanges them from the War Merit Hall, but the price/performance ratio is not very high. It is better to exchange for training resources and practice in the triple acceleration training room.

If it were in the Star Palace, Wu Tao, as the deputy hall master of the Artifact Refining Hall, would be able to easily go to the Talisman Hall to buy fourth-level high-level talismans with those fourth-level talisman masters based on his status and the merit he earned.

However, the talisman is a one-time consumable and has a time limit. As long as Wu Tao attacks a few more times, he can break the defensive mask formed by the talisman.

Thinking of this, Commander Wu Tao used Luobao Qian to attack Commander Gu Tianling's fourth-level advanced flying sword. With this blow, Gu Tianling's expression changed slightly, because he felt that the opponent's money-like magic weapon hit his flying sword, which actually made him feel a little bit unsmooth when wielding the flying sword.

Although there is only a trace, as a Nascent Soul cultivator, he knows the seriousness of the matter.

"We must not let his magic weapon attack my flying sword." With this thought, Gu Tianling used the fourth-level flying sword to avoid the attack of Luobao Qian.

It has to be said that Gu Tianling's flying sword was very flexible, and Wu Tao's flying sword did not hit Gu Tianling once for a while.

However, several other offensive magic weapons were head-to-head with Gu Tianling's flying sword.

"It seems that I have to use close combat methods. I haven't used that Yuan-Ti level witchcraft method to shatter the stars. Now I will try it on this person."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao escaped while attacking, and closed the distance towards Gu Tianling.

When Gu Tianling saw Wu Tao trying to get closer to him, he chuckled. This was not asking for death. Immortal cultivators are good at long-range fighting. The further away, the harder it is to attack the opponent, but the closer you are, the faster the attack will be.

"I want to see what tricks you can do!" Gu Tianling snorted, not afraid of Wu Tao approaching him at all, because he was very confident in the defensive talisman on his body.

This defensive talisman is of the fourth level and cannot be broken even if it is at the eighth or ninth level of the Nascent Soul.

Wu Tao then exchanged blows with Gu Tianling's flying sword. He passed through the torrent of flying swords and drew closer to Gu Tianling. Within a hundred miles, he suddenly escaped and appeared in front of Gu Tianling under the starlight. .

"So fast?" Gu Tianling was startled, but quickly calmed down. So what if she got close to him? Could it be possible to break his defensive talisman?

Arriving in front of Gu Tianling, Wu Tao used all his strength to activate the Star Yuan Body. In an instant, his entire body was like a star, emitting powerful star radiance, which seemed to faintly affect all the stars in the sky, and the stars gave him help.

Wu Tao used the move to shatter the stars.

A punch hit the golden light shield formed around Gu Tianling.

"You can actually cultivate both body and law. No wonder, no wonder, you can kill Junior Brother Gong on the 7th level of Nascent Soul. However, this defensive light shield is not so easy for you to break." At this point, Gu Tianling turned his flying sword, It shot towards Wu Tao's back heart. If he still insisted on hitting his defensive light shield, he would definitely be penetrated by his flying sword and die.

"It's too early for you to be happy."

Wu Tao spoke calmly, and another one shattered the stars, hitting Gu Tianling's defensive light shield. There was a boom, and the defensive light shield around Gu Tianling shattered into pieces, turning into rays of light and dissipating in the sky. .

"How is it possible? I'm..." Gu Tianling saw his defensive light shield being shattered and cried out in horror, wanting to use his escape technique to stay away from Wu Tao.

Because Wu Tao was able to break his defensive mask and shatter his body, naturally his body could not be as strong as this defensive mask.

But Wu Tao was already close to him, so how could he let Gu Tianling escape? He mobilized the power of the Star Yuan Ti with all his strength, and used ten moves to shatter the stars in his hands.

The endless starlight drowned Gu Tianling's body, and he could only hear Gu Tianling let out a scream, and his body had been beaten into powder. There was a Nascent Soul that wanted to escape, but it was consumed by the endless starlight and ground into powder.

There was only one storage bag, which Wu Tao grabbed out of the starlight. Then Wu Tao turned around, and a fourth-level advanced flying sword stopped at his back. It was the fourth-level advanced flying sword of Gu Tianling. As soon as Gu Tianling died, There is no one to envoy.

Wu Tao put away the fourth-level advanced flying sword, escaped, and wanted to leave here.

At this moment, another breath of the seventh level of Nascent Soul escaped towards this side.

"In that case, let's kill another seventh-level Nascent Soul." Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately rushed towards the seventh-level Nascent Soul aura.

Xiao Tiandao had already sensed the aura of fighting ahead, and he was gritting his teeth with hatred in his heart. Gu Tianling was so despicable that he actually allowed the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Taiyue Divine Sect to stop him.

Fortunately, he brought all his men together and asked his Nascent Soul cultivators to stop the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Taiyue Divine Sect, and finally allowed him to escape and rush towards the place where Gu Tianling was fighting with the demon from outside the territory.

At this moment, because Wu Tao had just killed Gu Tianling and Gu Tianling's aura had not dissipated, Xiao Tiandao did not know that Gu Tianling was dead. He only sensed the aura of an extraterrestrial demon rushing towards him.

"Okay, okay, this is really my chance." Xiao Tiandao was overjoyed. He guessed that the demon outside the territory couldn't defeat Gu Tianling, so he escaped. Unexpectedly, he escaped in his direction. Wasn't he going to make a wedding dress for him?

"Gu Tianling, I told you, whoever finds the extraterrestrial demon first will be able to kill the extraterrestrial demon."

When Xiao Tiandao was overjoyed, Wu Tao had already appeared in the range of his spiritual induction, and he used extremely fast escape techniques to reach within a thousand miles of him.

Xiao Tiandao took action.

But in the next moment, he saw 11 streams of light coming towards him, five huge fire canopies coming towards him, and a figure that didn't even care and fled towards him quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Tiandao was drowned by ten streams of light, covered by five huge fire covers, and a figure emitting light like stars reached in front of him and the endless starlight engulfed him.

Xiao Tiandao was horrified.

It was at this moment that he sensed that Gu Tianling's aura was getting weaker and weaker, and he finally understood that the extraterrestrial demon was not running away from him, but that he had killed Gu Tianling, sensed his aura, and wanted to take him with him. Behead.

Xiao Tiandao was beheaded by Wu Tao in regret, and his Yuanying body and Yuanying were obliterated by endless starlight.

Wu Tao put away Xiao Tiandao's flying sword and Xiao Tiandao's storage bag.

Wu Tao then fled tens of thousands of miles away, unable to feel the breath of any Nascent Soul cultivator. He just stopped, pinched the two storage bags in his hands and said, "Not bad, not bad, I got two more storage bags." .”

"In this area on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture, immortal cultivators from the Shen Sect have come over. Although I only saw an eighth-level Nascent Soul, there must be another ninth-level Nascent Soul. Therefore, I can only go to the War Merit Hall to avoid it and disappear. Come out after a while.”

"This world is really too dangerous. There is only one month between me and the master. I don't know how difficult it is to meet each other."

Thinking like this, Wu Tao directly activated the Zhan Gong Palace brand and disappeared into the void.

And just when Wu Tao entered the War Merit Hall, the Yuan Ying immortal cultivators from the Taiyue Shen Sect and the Yuanying stage immortal cultivators from the Guyang Sect finally stopped confronting each other, because they felt that by this point in time, the extraterrestrial demons should be dead, so they didn’t know. Did he die in the hands of Gu Tianling or Xiao Tiandao?

So they went to look for Gu Tianling and Xiao Tiandao, but they couldn't find Gu Tianling and Xiao Tiandao.

For a moment, they felt terrible in their hearts, knowing that Gu Tianling and Xiao Tiandao must have died in the hands of the demon from outside the territory.

The chief true disciple of the Shen Sect died. This was no small matter. They would definitely be punished if they returned to the sect. Therefore, as soon as the Nascent Soul cultivators from the two major Shen Sects gathered together, they decided to work together to find the extraterrestrial demons and directly surround them. Kill the extraterrestrial demons.

Wu Tao's body slowly appeared in the War Merit Hall.

He looked at the main hall and saw that there was no one there, so he went directly to the triple acceleration training room. He sat down cross-legged and reached out to look through it, and four storage bags appeared in his hands.

One is a Yuanying 6-layer storage bag, and the other three are Yuanying three-layer storage bags.

Even if the Nascent Soul cultivator's storage bag dies, there are still restrictions left on it from his lifetime, and the restrictions are very powerful.

Wu Tao's mind fell on the four storage bags, and he immediately identified a Yuanying 6-layer storage bag that could be easily opened, but there were two Yuanying 7-layer storage bags... The restrictions on the storage bags of the two seventh-level Nascent Souls he killed later were very strong, which shows that the two seventh-level Nascent Souls who were alive were also very strong.

Indeed, Gu Tianling is very strong, and his spiritual thoughts are also very powerful. If he doesn't break the stars and catch Gu Tianling off guard like Lao Liu, he may not be able to kill Gu Tianling.

The same can be said about Xiao Tiandao later. Gu Tianling and Xiao Tiandao both died due to their own carelessness.

"From the experience of this fight, even if I think I am strong, I still have to go all out when facing immortal cultivators with lower cultivation levels than myself, so as not to hunt geese all day long and have my eyes pecked by geese."

"I am the sixth child, and the sixth child cannot be anyone else!"

Wu Tao thought like this and began to wear away the Nascent Soul restrictions on these four storage bags.

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