Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 820 Pushing the Nascent Soul Realm

In the rest room No. 13.

Wu Tao bowed to Ning Qiudao as a disciple, which meant to tell Ning Qiudao that Wu Tao was still a disciple of Lingxu Immortal Sect.

Ning Qiudao had a warm smile on his face. He did not show off his master's style, but waved his hand to Wu Tao like an elder would do to a junior: "Sit down and talk!"

"Yes, Master."

Wu Tao said as he respectfully sat cross-legged opposite Ning Qiudao.

Then he looked at the empty Ling Tea Cup in front of Ning Qiudao, and immediately reached out to take the Ling Tea Pot beside him, and filled Ning Qiudao's Ling Tea Cup with tea with both hands.

"Master, please have some tea."

Ning Qiudao's eyes fell on Wu Tao, he nodded three times and said: "Not bad, not bad."

Wu Tao knew that Ning Qiudao was praising him and his cultivation, so he was humble, then looked at Ning Qiudao, opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

He really wanted to ask about the being behind Ning Qiudao, but he felt that it was not appropriate to ask him something involving that kind of existence, in case Ning Qiudao was in trouble.

Ning Qiudao saw Wu Tao opening his mouth but hesitated, so he smiled and said, "If you have anything to ask, feel free to ask without hesitation."

After hearing Ning Qiudao's words, Wu Tao asked tentatively: "Master, that senior behind you?"

Ning Qiudao seemed to have known that this was the question he was going to ask, and he replied: "You want to ask about my relationship with that senior, right?"

After asking a question, Ning Qiudao looked at Wu Tao and said firmly: "My relationship with that senior is the same as your relationship with the senior behind you. I know you are worried about me, don't worry, I will be fine. of."

Wu Tao heard this and continued to ask: "Then you were the head of Xingchen Immortal Palace before?"

Ning Qiudao smiled and said: "I had some different opinions with that senior before, but now, they have been resolved."

"The reason I want to see you this time is to tell you to practice well and improve your cultivation as soon as possible in this Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm. This way, you won't have any regrets when you return to the Three Realms."

Wu Tao felt that there was something in Ning Qiudao's words, but since Ning Qiudao didn't directly explain the meaning of his words, he probably wouldn't give him an explanation if he asked again.

Therefore, he had no choice but to cup his hands and say: "I understand, I will definitely practice hard!"

Ning Qiudao said: "Okay, then this meeting will end here."

Seeing this, Wu Tao had no choice but to stand up, bow to Ning Qiudao, and said, "Yes, Master, disciple, please leave."

Ning Qiudao nodded slightly, and Wu Tao exited No. 13 Rehabilitation Room.

Looking at the door of the rest room No. 13, Wu Tao sensed the coffin nails in the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. During his meeting with Ning Qiudao, there was nothing strange about the coffin nails. In fact, if you think about it, what level are the coffin nails? , definitely didn’t care about his conversation with Ning Qiudao.

This meeting was very brief, but Wu Tao also got a message, that is, the crisis in Ning Qiudao seemed to be lifted. What Ning Qiudao said to him that time in the Star Palace was no longer needed.

"I hope Master Ning will get better and better!" Wu Tao prayed in his heart and left the Xixi Yang Hall directly.

After leaving the Xixi Hall, Wu Tao returned to the Triple Acceleration Training Room. Today's daily training lessons have not been completed yet.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the triple acceleration training room, Wu Tao opened his personal information and checked the progress of his cultivation over the past year.

In the past year, although he has participated in the deduction of the fourth-level formation, the main person involved in the deduction of the formation is the fourth-level formation mage. As a weapon refiner, he only assists in refining some things.

Looking at the personal information, Wu Tao's eyes fell on it.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 121/1859】

[Realm: Fourth level of Nascent Soul]

[Kung Fu: The fourth level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (46%)]

[Spells: Briefly, Tianyan Divine Refining Scripture Nascent Soul stage·eighth level (70%), Change Hidden Secret Technique sixth level (100%), Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique sixth level (98%), Yuan Ying stage Magnetic Aurora Escape Expert (38%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Nine-Yao Divine Fire Technique Expert (2%), Nascent Soul Level 2nd Level of Artifact Refining and Fighting (100%)

Master the prohibitions: slightly, fourth-level advanced divine prohibition·(35%), fourth-level advanced magic treasure money (15%)】

[Sub-professional ·Physical Training: Zhoutian Star Body Refining Kung Fu·Yuan Ti Chapter: Fifth level (72%), Wu Dao War Technique Shattering the Stars·Mastery (45%), slightly]

After he broke through the fifth level of the Yuan Ti, the cultivation of the fourth level of Jiuyaotian Dusun Divine Law changed from the original progress of more than two points per month to three progresses, so the progress of the fourth level of practice this year has been Came to 46%.

If you follow three steps per month, it will take another year and a half to reach the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

This speed is considered very fast at the Nascent Soul level.

Wu Tao then turned his attention to the spell column. The 8th level of the Tianyan God Refining Manual was steadily improving. Other spells such as Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and the Red Flame Divine Fire Barrier were about to refine the 6th Red Flame Divine Fire. Covered.

The Red Flame Divine Fire Cover Technique, a Nascent Soul-level spell, is also a top-notch spell. Master Wen Xingrui found it for him, so naturally he wouldn't find a rubbish spell for him.

He still has two Nascent Soul level spells brought from the Xingchen Immortal Palace, but he has never practiced them.

He plans to practice again after settling in the Northern God Territory.

"The second level of the weapon refining and fighting method at the Nascent Soul level has been completed. Now I can control 18 fourth-level magic weapons at the same time, and my combat power has been greatly improved." Wu Tao's eyes fell on the weapon refining. On top of the teacher profession, I was thinking in my heart.

Finally, he set his sights on the column of physical cultivation. Since breaking through the fifth level of Yuan Ti, even if he used the star streamer to practice, his cultivation progress has dropped by another step.

Using the three times accelerated training room to practice, plus the star streamer, you can only improve 6 progress every month.

"According to this calculation, we will be able to break through to the sixth level of Yuan Ti in 5 months."

If Wu Tao breaks through to the 6th level of Yuan Ti in 5 months, it will definitely bring an increase to the practice of Jiu Yaotian Du Cun Shen Dharma. By then, he will not need a year and a half to break through to the 5th level of Yuan Ying. realm.

This breakthrough speed is really fascinating.

Sure enough, as Coffin Nail said, coming to the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm was really a great blessing for him.

Without thinking any more, Wu Tao closed his personal information and started today's practice.

On the second day, after Wu Tao sent a message to Wen Xingrui, he went directly to the rest room on the 26th to wait for Wen Xingrui's arrival.

In the rest room, Wu Tao boiled water and made tea first. When the fragrance of tea filled the entire rest room, master Wen Xingrui had also arrived.

"Master." Wu Tao stood up and called out. After asking Wen Xingrui to sit down, he poured a cup of tea for Wen Xingrui.

"Master, when we are in the Eastern God Territory, the human cultivators must first go to Dongping Prefecture where Kaiyang Divine Lord is located, and Xuanyue Divine Lord will also approach Dongping Prefecture. Unfortunately, Xuanyue Divine Lord will not go to Dongping Prefecture along the way. Yunzhou, otherwise, with the protection of Lord Xuanyue, the dangers on the road will be greatly reduced."

"Indeed, it can only be said that our master and disciple are a little unlucky. If we arrive close to the God of Transformation, we can avoid many risks." Wen Xingrui nodded.

Wu Tao continued: "Master, the Dongyun Continent where you are located is closer to Dongping Continent than the Dongyue Continent where I am, so Master, you will wait for me in Dongyun Continent."

The reason why he said this is because his current cultivation level is stronger than that of his master Wen Xingrui, and it is less dangerous to reach Dongyun State from Dongyue Prefecture.

Wen Xingrui nodded and said, "Okay, then I will wait for you in Dongyun Continent."

Wu Tao thought for a while and said: "Master, you should not leave the War Merit Hall now. You should practice in the War Merit Hall first. When I arrive in Dongyun Prefecture, you can leave the War Merit Hall and join me."

After hearing this, Wen Xingrui pondered for a moment and said: "Okay, then I will practice in the War Merit Hall first. Once you arrive at Dongyun Continent, you will return to the War Merit Hall, and then we will leave the War Merit Hall together."

After speaking, Wen Xingrui told Wu Tao his specific location in Dongyun Continent. When they appeared in the Tailingxiu Immortal Realm from the War Merit Hall, they could meet directly.

Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui continued to talk for half an hour, and then as agreed, Wu Tao left the War Merit Hall first and headed from the edge of Dongyue Prefecture to Wen Xingrui's location in Dongyun Prefecture.

Wen Xingrui went to the training room to continue practicing.

Wu Tao came to the main hall of the Zhan Gong Palace and directly activated the Zhan Gong Palace brand. His body slowly disappeared. In the blink of an eye under the Zhan Gong Palace, his body condensed in the void on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

As soon as he appeared, a powerful Nascent Soul Divine Mind swept over and swept over Wu Tao's body instantly.

"This is the spiritual thought of the 8th level of Nascent Soul, which has reached 10,000 miles." Wu Tao instantly sensed the intensity of this powerful divine thought.

If it had been before, he would have used Yuan Magnetic Aurora to escape, but now, he has made breakthroughs on both sides of his body, and his spiritual thoughts have reached 11,400 miles.

His spiritual thoughts are 400 miles farther than those of a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, so how can he be afraid of this eighth-level Nascent Soul cultivator?

"Outer Territory Demon!" The ten thousand miles of divine thoughts on the eighth level of Nascent Soul vibrated together, and a roar sounded in this space.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Tao sensed a light rising into the sky thousands of miles away. This was the light of the communication talisman.

As soon as this ray of light soared into the sky, rays of rays of light rose into the sky all around Wu Tao in all directions, thousands of miles and tens of thousands of miles into the void, responding to the first ray of light.

Regarding this, Wu Tao's face was calm and he had no fear in his heart. Now that he has not come out, who can stop him from going to Dongyun Continent?

Thinking like this, Wu Tao directly used the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to fly towards Dongyun Continent. As for those Shenzong Nascent Soul cultivators on the edge of Dongyue Continent who stood in front of him, he would kill them all. .

Wu Tao has this confidence.

Using Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, Wu Tao's body was surrounded by the power of Yuan Magnetic and aurora light, flashing like light over the edge of Dongyue Continent. A cultivator of the seventh level of Nascent Soul just appeared in front of him.

The Immortal Cultivator at the seventh level of Nascent Soul looked horrified. He didn't expect the Extraterrestrial Demon to appear in front of him so quickly. He wanted to avoid it. After all, the Extraterrestrial Demon had killed Gu Tianling, the true successor of his Divine Sect.

He was at the 7th level of the Nascent Soul, but not the 7th level of the Nascent Soul like Gu Tianling. Even the 7th level of the Nascent Soul as powerful as Gu Tianling had died in the hands of the demon from outside the realm. Wouldn't it be like a ten thousand deaths and no life when he encountered one.

So he shouted, "The demon from outside the territory is here", and Wu Tao passed by him. Thousands of miles away, a storage bag appeared in Wu Tao's hand, and the seventh-level Nascent Soul of Taiyue Shenzong , standing in the void blankly, but in the next moment, the body suddenly collapsed into blood mist.

Even the Nascent Soul inside his body collapsed together.

It turned out that when Wu Tao passed by him, he used a move at a very fast speed to shatter the stars. After Wu Tao used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and appeared thousands of miles away, the seventh-level Nascent Soul exploded. The sky filled with blood mist.

At this time, the Taiyue Divine Sect cultivator from the eighth level of Nascent Soul finally arrived here. Seeing the blood mist that filled the sky, he was suddenly startled and said in shock: "The demon from outside the territory has become powerful again!"

Thinking of this, he actually felt unsure. Fortunately, the Nascent Soul cultivators in his Taiyue Divine Sect and Guyang Sect not only had the eighth level of the Nascent Soul, but also had four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators.

He sensed the direction in which Wu Tao was escaping, and found that the direction in which Wu Tao was escaping turned out to be the realm where the four Nascent Souls of the Taiyue Shen Sect and the Guyang Sect were at the ninth level.

"The demon outside the territory is dead!"

He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately sent a message to other nearby Nascent Soul cultivators to rush over there and form a circle around Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon.

Wu Tao used the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape. He also released his spiritual thoughts, but he only released his spiritual thoughts of nine thousand miles. In this way, the Yuan Ying stage cultivators of Shenzong in Dongyue Province would think that he was only at the seventh level of Yuan Ying. Cultivation.

But the Yuanying aura on his body directly exudes the aura of the fourth level of Yuanying.

The 4th level of the outer demon Yuanying is comparable to the 7th level of Yuanying, and his combat power may be stronger, reaching the 8th level of Yuanying, or he may have other trump cards, so he can kill Gu Tianling, the chief true successor of the Taiyue Divine Sect. and Xiao Tiandao, the chief true disciple of Guyang Sect.

The spiritual thoughts of the immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage are extremely powerful. The spiritual thoughts are intertwined and enveloped in the sky above Wu Tao. They feel the aura on Wu Tao's body and are surprised.

After not seeing each other for a year, this extraterrestrial demon appeared again. He actually cultivated from the third level of Yuanying to the fourth level of Yuanying, one level per year. This cultivation speed is too terrifying.

Uninformed immortal cultivators thought that Wu Tao's cultivation speed was terrifying, just like the extraterrestrial demon recorded in the classics. However, the immortal cultivators at the eighth and ninth levels of Yuanying knew that Wu Tao, an extraterritorial demon, killed Xiao. After Tiandao and Gu Tianling, they must have obtained the two treasures Yuanling Pill and Nourishing Lotus. There is an explanation for the breakthrough from the third level of Yuanying to the fourth level of Yuanying.

Wu Tao didn't care about these Nascent Soul thoughts intertwined in the sky above him. He focused on using the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and ran towards Dongyun Continent.

You can't waste time on these Nascent Soul cultivators, because the will of this world now has almost no influence on the Nascent Soul cultivators. As long as they chase them, they will run around and waste a lot of time. , it would be terrible if the time is delayed and the three gods of Dongyuezhou's three divine sects take action.

First go to Dongyun State, meet up with Master Wen Xingrui, and join the Nascent Soul cultivators from other nearby states to Dongping Continent. As long as you reach Dongping Continent and have the protection of Kaiyang Shenjun, there will be basically no big problems. It's dangerous.

After all, in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, apart from Zhongzhou, which has immortal cultivators in the Void Refining Stage and demons in the Demon King Realm, the four major regions only have immortal cultivators in the Divine Transformation Realm and demons in the Demon Lord Realm.

There is no way to stop Kaiyang Shenjun, Xuanyue Shenjun and the three Demon Lords from heading to the Northern God Territory.

Wu Tao's Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape has also improved during this year's practice, so it is faster than before.

Soon, 11,000 miles away from Wu Tao, four figures were sitting quietly in the void. Suddenly, these four figures sensed that Wu Tao's breath appeared within the range of their 11,000-mile spiritual sense. Within.

Huoran stood up.

"The extraterrestrial demon has appeared and is ready to kill the extraterrestrial demon. Only then can we give an explanation to the sect."

As cultivators of the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, they followed the chief true disciple of their respective sects to kill the demon from outside the territory. They actually let the devil from outside the territory kill the chief true disciple among them. They would definitely be punished if they returned to the sect.

But if the extraterrestrial demon is killed, the punishment will be less severe.

When they sensed Wu Tao's aura, Wu Tao also sensed the four immortal cultivators at the ninth level of Nascent Soul, but his Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape did not stop and continued to rush towards the four ninth-level immortal cultivators in front of him. .

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