Sensing that Wu Tao did not stop, but rushed directly towards them, the four Nascent Soul Ninth Levels were all shocked and roared:

"It's really an extraterrestrial demon. He's really arrogant!"

Arrogance is arrogance, but one has to admit that the demon outside the territory does have the capital to be arrogant. At that time, with the third level of Nascent Soul cultivation, he killed the chief true successor of their Shen Sect.

It is not ruled out that there are other trump cards.

Seeing that Wu Tao was getting closer and closer to him, these four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators finally took action.

A person at the 9th level of the Nascent Soul stage sacrificed a big drum. This big drum is called the Zhenshen Drum. Beating this drum will form a sonic attack, which can shake the divine thoughts and cause interference. If the divine thoughts are weaker, they can directly shake the divine thoughts. Annihilation.

A ninth-level Nascent Soul sacrificed a fourth-level high-level flying sword magic weapon. As soon as the God-shaking drum was struck, he quickly used the flying sword to chop off the head of the extraterrestrial demon.

A ninth-level Nascent Soul holds a talisman in his hand. This talisman is a fourth-level advanced talisman, named Qianzhang Peak. When this talisman is activated, a mana mountain with a height of 1,000 feet will be formed. If this mountain is smashed head-on, even if it is the Nascent Soul The eighth floor also had to be suppressed and killed on the spot.

The last cultivator at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul cast a spell at the Nascent Soul level. This spell was a water attribute spell, and water arrows formed behind him.

As soon as the extraterrestrial demon comes within a thousand miles, these four nine-level Nascent Soul cultivators will all launch an attack, powerfully killing Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon.

Wu Tao used the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, he was eight thousand miles away from the four Nascent Soul ninth-level cultivators. The spiritual thought he was emitting at this moment was 9,000 miles away. These four Yuan Ying ninth-level immortal cultivators were The open formation was naturally sensed by his spiritual thoughts.

But Wu Tao was not afraid and still rushed straight towards the four Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators. Behind him, he also sensed the auras of the Nascent Soul cultivators coming from left and right quickly from behind, which would form a wave on him. Encirclement.

If Wu Tao was smart, he would not run in the direction of the four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators. Instead, he would run to the left, right or behind, and there would be a great possibility of escaping.

But this was just what the immortal cultivators of Guyang Sect and Taiyue Shen Sect thought. They didn't know that Wu Tao needed a battle at this time to verify the strength of his newly achieved breakthrough.

This opportunity is just right.

In just a few thoughts, Wu Tao was already thousands of miles away from the four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators in front of him. At this moment, these four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators roared in unison.


Before the roar could subside, the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator holding the God-shaking drum surged with all his mana and divine thoughts and struck the drum with a bang. Waves of invisible and transparent sound waves suddenly erupted from the drum. Rushed out and rushed towards Wu Tao.

The speed of this sound wave was extremely fast. As soon as it took a breath, it had already brushed through Wu Tao's body and the nine thousand miles of his spiritual thoughts that spread out. As time passed, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts stopped for a moment.

At this moment, the remaining three Nascent Soul ninth-level simultaneous immortal cultivators took action. The fourth-level advanced flying sword magic weapon came in an instant like light, and water arrows shot from the front and above Wu Tao.

The ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator holding the talisman also activated the talisman in his hand. In a short time, the talisman turned into a thousand-foot peak, and the majestic mana formed a thousand-foot peak and pressed towards Wu Tao's head.

When the nine-level Nascent Soul cultivators holding the God-shaking drum attacked Wu Tao, the drums kept surging, and the sound waves were like ripples, brushing over Wu Tao's body and his spiritual thoughts one after another.

Wu Tao watched as a thousand-foot peak was pressing down on his head. Countless water arrows formed an encirclement, trying to rid his Yuanying body with holes. Another stream of light formed by a fourth-level advanced flying sword magic weapon went straight towards his sea of ​​spiritual thoughts. , wanting to directly completely annihilate his Nascent Soul body and the sea of ​​divine thoughts.

Faced with all this, Wu Tao looked calm and did not panic, as if he had expected all this, or that he did not take it to heart and could face it calmly.

In the next moment, Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts surged like a tide. The nine thousand miles of divine thoughts he spread out instantly turned into 11,400 miles of divine thoughts. These 11, The 400 miles of divine thoughts formed a substantial power of divine thoughts in the void, forming a huge drum hammer, which slammed into the God-shaking drum offered by the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

At the same time, Wu Tao patted the storage bag with his hand, and nineteen streams of light flew out of the storage bag, eighteen of which flew towards the water arrows all over the sky.

The remaining stream of light attacked the fourth-level advanced flying sword magic weapon. In a blink of an eye, ding ding ding ding ding, the two streams of light hit each other thousands of times.

There is also the thousand-foot mana peak above his head. Wu Tao is running the Zhoutian Star Body Exercise with all his strength. His star Yuan Body blooms with endless starlight. At this time, he can't tell that he is a human being.

The starlight drowned his figure. At this time, he was a bright star. I saw this bright star crashing into the thousand-foot mana peak in the sky.

Faced with the attacks from the four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators, Wu Tao counterattacked almost instantly, so at this moment:

Such scenes were formed respectively.

The drumstick of Wu Tao's 11,400-mile spiritual power turned into a drumstick of spiritual power, suddenly hit the God-shaking drum. The drum suddenly felt as if it had been hit hard, and the majestic Nascent Soul God-mind struck towards him like a storm. The surroundings rushed away, and the one on the 9th level of Nascent Soul of the Taiyue Sect who was holding the God-shaking Drum was the first to bear the brunt.

He saw that he was hit by this unstoppable Nascent Soul Wind Explosion, and he immediately felt that his Nascent Soul Spiritual Mind had been severely damaged. The sea of ​​divine thoughts was turned upside down like a tsunami, and the Nascent Soul Spiritual Mind became chaotic, and his body also became chaotic. Keep going backwards in the void.

When he stopped, blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

His face was filled with shock.

As for the second-level Nascent Soul cultivator of the Taiyue Divine Sect, his fourth-level advanced flying sword magic weapon and Wu Tao's fourth-level intermediate falling treasure money collided with each other thousands of times in an instant, and every time they fell with Wu Tao, As the treasures and gold collided, he felt that his connection with the fourth-level advanced flying sword magic weapon was weakened.

After thousands of times, he finally lost contact with the fourth-level advanced flying sword magic weapon.

The level of Wu Tao's fourth-level intermediate falling treasure money is not as good as his fourth-level advanced flying sword, but Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts are stronger than his. The falling treasure money hit him thousands of times, wearing him down bit by bit. The brand attached to the fourth-level advanced flying sword.

Finally, the brand was removed, causing him to lose control of the fourth-level advanced flying sword.

As for scene three, the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator who uses water-attributed Nascent Soul-level spells and water arrows is indeed very advanced in his spells, but against Wu Tao's weapon-refining and fighting methods, at the same time The imperial concubine used 18 fourth-level magic weapons to neutralize all his water arrows.

Scene 4, the bright stars transformed by Wu Tao finally met the thousand-foot mana peak formed by the talisman. There was only a loud bang, the stars remained motionless, but the thousand-foot mana peak exploded with a bang. The majestic mana rushed around, causing ripples in the void all around.

Wu Tao's figure fell back from above, and the star light on his body was introverted little by little back into the star body, slowly manifesting Wu Tao's figure.

At this moment, Wu Tao was quietly suspended in the void. Behind him were magic weapons hanging in the air. He was waiting for the opportunity to strike. His face was calm, with a smile on his lips, and he looked quietly at 4 people thousands of miles away. A cultivator of the ninth level of Nascent Soul.

"How can it be?!"

These four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators looked at Wu Tao in horror. Each of them had attacked with all their strength. Any other ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator with the same level of cultivation as them would also have done the same. Under the combined efforts of the four of them, the body and soul were destroyed.

But this one, an extraterrestrial demon who was only on the fourth level of Nascent Soul, attacked the four of them with all their strength in an instant.

Moreover, he received their all-out attack with ease and did not suffer any injuries.

The cultivator of the Taiyue Divine Sect of the ninth level of Nascent Soul who was holding the Shocking God Drum felt the drumstick formed by Wu Tao's Nascent Soul's spiritual thoughts just now. He was horrified in his heart and said in a voiceless voice: "The divine thoughts of the demons outside this area are stronger than mine. Be strong!”

As soon as these words came out, the other three Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators all changed their expressions. The ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator who inspired the Qianzhang Peak Talisman said: "He just transformed into a big star and smashed it with one punch. That thousand-foot peak of mana formed by the Thousand-Zhang Peak Talisman, and its methods show that the demon from outside this area is still a physical cultivator!"

"Looking at his formation, his physical cultivation is higher than his legal cultivation!"

"Dual cultivation of law and body!"

In the end, he cried out in surprise, unable to calm down.

No wonder, no wonder Xiao Tiandao and Gu Tianling faced such an extraterrestrial devil. Even if the extraterritorial devil had no other trump cards, it was more than enough to kill Gu Tianling and Xiao Tiandao by relying solely on their magic and body cultivation.

"Such a powerful extraterrestrial demon is difficult for us to kill. We can only kill it by asking the sect's God-Transforming Lord." The ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator from the Taiyue Divine Sect, holding the God-shaking Drum, said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, your escape technique is the fastest among the four of us. You go back to the Taiyue Divine Sect and report the matter of the alien demons to the ancestor of the gods, and ask the ancestors of the gods to come out of the mountain and kill the demons outside the area."

"The three of us will block the steps of the demon outside the territory for you and delay time for you."

The ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator of the Taiyue Divine Sect who lost the fourth-level advanced flying sword magic weapon took a step forward and said to the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator holding the God-shaking Drum.

When the two ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from the Guyang Sect heard this, they had no objection. If the extraterrestrial devil was immortal, their situation would not be much better.

The ninth-level immortal cultivator of Taiyue Divine Sect Yuanying who was holding the God-shaking drum heard this and knew that this was the best way. He threw the God-shaking drum in his hand and said: "You can keep this God-shaking drum. , although it cannot pose much of a threat to this extraterrestrial demon, it can interfere to some extent."

"Fellow Taoists, just delay for 30 breaths for me. After 30 breaths, you can run away quickly."

After finishing speaking, the ninth-level immortal cultivator of Nascent Soul named Qi used his escape technique without hesitation, turning into a ray of escape light and disappearing instantly.

When Wu Tao saw a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator escaping, he knew without thinking that he was going to bring in reinforcements. So with a thought, the eighteen streams of light behind him turned into a torrent and headed towards the three people thousands of miles away. The ninth-level immortal cultivators of Nascent Soul swept away.


The ninth-level immortal cultivator of the Taiyue Divine Sect who had lost the fourth-level high-level flying sword magic weapon saw Wu Tao coming to attack and kill him, and immediately beat the God-shaking drum, while the other two ninth-level immortal cultivators of the Guyang Sect of the Yuanying Sect also He immediately used all his methods to attack Wu Tao.

At the same time, Wu Tao was followed by Nascent Soul cultivators from the Taiyue Shen Sect and the Guyang Sect. Without thinking, they all attacked Wu Tao.

Magical weapons, talismans, and various Nascent Soul spells all over the sky appeared in different forms and came towards Wu Tao.

In such a formation, Wu Tao was not careless. He activated the fourth-level advanced defensive robes on his body for defense, and then used the star elemental body with all his strength. For a moment, he turned into a star emitting bright light.

During the siege, this star appeared in this position in an instant, and then appeared in that position in an instant. Every time it reached a position, the star knocked the Nascent Soul body of a Nascent Soul cultivator into a blood mist, along with The Nascent Soul inside the body was also destroyed by the impact, making it impossible to escape.

Wu Tao's 11,400-mile Nascent Soul Soul also controls Luobao Money and 18 attack magic weapons to shuttle around. If anyone blocks it, the magic weapons will directly form a torrent and drown the person.

Within a few breaths, the bodyless Nascent Souls screamed in terror, trying to escape from this chaotic battlefield, but divine fire shields appeared from the sky one after another, covering the fleeing Nascent Souls and closing them down. It is refined into ashes.

Wu Tao was already furious at this time. He didn't even know what level the Nascent Soul cultivator was on the opposite side. Anyway, when his attack arrived, he would definitely kill a Nascent Soul cultivator. He could feel the force in his wrist. The number of Brands in the Hall of War Merits is constantly soaring.

Faced with such a violent attack by Wu Tao, the three cultivators at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul stage were seriously injured one after another, but they could not retreat and had to buy time for the ninth-level cultivator of the Nascent Soul stage named Qi to escape.

This is their sect's duty, and they must also give an explanation for the death of Xiao Tiandao and Gu Tianling. Otherwise, even if they escape directly back to the sect, the sect's God Transformation Lord will not spare them, and will also kill their heirs. All descendants were punished.

Therefore, they must make some sacrifices for the sake of their family. They just hope that after 30 breaths, they are still alive and can escape directly.

For these three ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators, every breath is a kind of torture. Wu Tao, this extraterrestrial demon, is really too powerful.

Finally, the 30-breath time was up. The three ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators retracted their attacks without hesitation and escaped in three directions in an instant.

The three immortal cultivators at the ninth level of Nascent Soul all escaped, and the remaining seven or eight immortal cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage also immediately used escape techniques to escape. Seeing this, Wu Tao had no choice but to start chasing them.

After a while, Wu Tao killed all the immortal cultivators below the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, and then killed another immortal cultivator at the ninth level of the Nascent Soul, and harvested the magic weapon of the Shocking Drum.

The God-shaking Drum is really a killer weapon. When the time comes, it won’t need to be recycled in the War Merit Hall. It can be sold directly to other Three Realm Immortal Cultivators in the War Merit Hall. It should be able to sell for a good price.

Wu Tao stood quietly in the void and collected all the trophies. This time he killed 31 immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, all of whom were in the middle Nascent Soul stage or above, and none of them were in the early Yuanying stage.

Nowadays, this void has a strong smell of blood, and there is also a strong aura of the Nascent Soul left behind, mana, and spiritual thoughts intertwined together, making the void feel a little chaotic. As time goes by, these remaining Nascent Souls The breath, mana, and divine thoughts will also disappear.

Only by becoming an immortal can one avoid the passage of time.

He looked at the War Merit Hall brand on his wrist. The war merit mark on the War Merit Hall brand had soared to more than 12,000.

Wu Tao calmed down. He had just killed too many people, and he still had to dissipate some of his killing intent, otherwise he would become a tool for killing.

You need to be righteous when killing someone to avoid becoming a demon.

If someone kills him, he will kill him. This is the right way that Wu Tao upholds in his heart.

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