Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 822: God Transformation takes action, the demon outside the territory is dead

"It's not a good place to stay for a long time!"

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts spread out and sensed the surroundings, but did not sense the aura of any immortal cultivator within ten thousand miles.

But when his Wanli Divine Sense swept out, some of the monster beasts in the forest below all trembled and lay on the ground, whimpering.

In the next moment, Wu Tao used his Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and fled towards Dongyun State.

He couldn't stay in this place any longer. He knew that the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator was going to bring reinforcements. The reinforcements brought by the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator must be Lord Transformation God.

Wu Tao is now invincible in the realm of Yuanying, but once he faces the God of Transformation, there is a 100% chance that he will be slapped to death by the Lord of Transformation.

This is also why he hunted down the remaining Nascent Soul cultivators and made the two Nascent Soul ninth-level cultivators escape. It was because he didn’t want to waste time and was afraid that if he stayed here too long, the God of Transformation would arrive. That's bad.

The Yuanci Aurora Escape turned into a ray of Yuanci Xuanguang and fled in the direction of Dongyun Continent. However, it did not escape in the direction of the shortest straight line between two points, but in a roundabout way.

Because if you go to Dongyun Continent in the shortest distance, you will definitely pass by Taiyue Shenzong, a divine sect in Dongyue State. Taiyue Shenzong has a God-Transforming God Lord.

Wu Tao was no match for the God of Transformation, so he had to avoid the edge for the time being.

Wu Tao's Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape was extremely fast and soon left the edge of Dongyue Continent and directly reached the central area of ​​Dongyue Continent.

In order to get to Dongyun Prefecture as soon as possible, he also bypassed some Nascent Soul Sects in the central area of ​​Dongyue Prefecture. He did not want to have a battle with the Nascent Soul Lord of these Nascent Soul Sects, which would delay his time.

Wu Tao bypassed the center of Dongyue Continent from the edge of the central zone of Dongyue Continent. The Shenzong of Dongyue Continent is all in the center of Dongyue Continent.

Therefore, when he bypassed the central area of ​​Dongyue Prefecture, the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator from Taiyue Divine Sect finally rushed back to Taiyue Divine Sect.

He was in an extremely embarrassed state. When he entered the Taiyue Divine Sect, he met an immortal cultivator at the eighth level of Nascent Soul. When he saw him, he asked in surprise: "Senior Brother Qi, why did you come back alone? Didn't you follow Chief Gu?" Have you gone to the remote areas of Dongyue Prefecture to kill the extraterrestrial demons?"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Qi Yue and saw that Qi Yue's breath was a little disordered and a little embarrassed. He immediately had an ominous premonition in his heart and asked in a voice: "Senior Brother Qi, what happened?"

But Qi Yue had no time to waste on him. He hurriedly said: "Junior brother Xiao, I have something urgent, so I won't talk to you now!"

After saying that, he hurried directly to the retreat and training residence of Taiyue Shenzong's God-Transforming Lord.

He went to the Taiyue Shen Sect's retreat and training residence of the God of Transformation, and first asked to see the guard on the ninth floor of Nascent Soul at the entrance of the hall of the God of Transformation.

The guard on the 9th floor of Nascent Soul came out and looked at Qi Yue and said, "It turns out to be Fellow Taoist Qi Yue. What's the matter with Fellow Daoist Qi Yue here?"

As the guard of the Divine Lord of the Taiyue Divine Sect, he naturally did not want anyone to disturb the cultivation of the Divine Lord of the Heavenly Mountains. Anyone who wanted to see the Divine Lord of the Heavenly Mountains had to pass his test first. He went to report before he could see the Lord. Lord Tianyue.

Even the leader of the Taiyue Divine Sect is the same.

"Fellow Daoist Fang, I have something urgent to ask to see Lord God!" Qi Yue bowed his hands to the guard named Fang and said.

"You have to explain what is going on. This is the rule set by Lord Tianyue. Otherwise, if you can see whoever you want, then Lord God will stop practicing!" The guard surnamed Fang had a rigid look on his face and showed no tolerance for it. Said lovingly.

Qi Yue had no choice but to tell the guard named Fang: "Chief Gu died on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture!"

"What?" Guard Fang's expression changed when he heard this. The chief true successor of their Taiyue Divine Sect died on the edge of Dongyue Zhou. This is not a small matter.

Because he had been protecting the Lord Tianyue, he didn't know that Gu Tianling went to the edge of Dongyue Prefecture to capture the demon outside the territory.

"Then you take the thief who killed Chief Gu and let the sect master punish him!" When the guard named Fang said this, he suddenly became confused, knowing that Qi Yue was not a reckless person, and asked: "Did the person who killed Chief Gu Is he a divine king from another state?”

Only with this possibility would Qi Yue come and report to the Lord Tianyue, because if he were to confront the Lord Tianyue from other states, only the Lord Tianyue would be able to settle the matter and seek justice for the death of their true chief.

"No, Fellow Daoist Fang, please let me go see Lord Shenjun first, and we can explain together later. If time goes by, it will be too late!" Qi Yue said anxiously.

Time is slowing down, and it’s time for the extraterrestrial devil to escape from Dongyue Prefecture.

When the guard surnamed Fang heard this, he looked at Qi Yue and said: "Okay, you wait here first, I will report to the Lord God!"

"Excuse me, Fellow Daoist Fang." Qi Yue also knew at this time that the rules here could not be broken and could not disturb the cultivation of Lord Tianyue, so he watched the guard named Fang turn around and leave, and slowly waited.

The guard surnamed Fang soon arrived at the main hall where Tianyue Divine Lord was practicing. He reported softly outside the palace door: "Master Shenjun, the true successor of our Taiyue Divine Sect, Gu Tianling, died on the edge of Dongyue Continent. He should be from other continents. Lord Transformation God takes action.”

After the guard surnamed Fang finished his report, he stood outside the main hall door, quietly waiting for the reply from Lord Tianyue.

After a while, the voice of Lord Tianyue came into his ears and said: "I am at the critical moment of my cultivation."

Upon hearing this, the guard named Fang immediately nodded and said: "I understand, Lord Shenjun!"

Guard Fang turned back and came to Qi Yue. When Qi Yue saw him coming back, he immediately asked: "Guard Fang, what did Lord Shenjun say?"

The guard surnamed Fang shook his head and said: "Master Shenjun is at an important moment in his cultivation, so he cannot leave the confinement!"

"Fellow Daoist Qi, can you tell me what happened? Why did Chief Gu die on the edge of Dongyue Continent?"

When Qi Yue heard the words of the guard named Fang, he sighed and said: "I can only say that the fate of the demon outside the territory should not be cut off."

"An extraterrestrial demon?" Guard Fang's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he became interested.

Guard Fang didn't seem to care about Gu Tianling's death, and even Tianyue Shenjun didn't seem to care. In fact, in the eyes of Huashen Shenjun and their Nascent Soul Ninth Level, Gu Tianling's death really didn't matter too much. It was just his death. It is related to the reputation of the sect, and what matters is the reputation of the sect.

The chief true successor who can grow up is the chief true successor. The chief true successor who cannot grow up is just an ordinary cultivator.

In the Tailing Cultivation Immortal World, there is never a shortage of Tianjiao disciples. What is lacking is Tianjiao disciples who can survive forever. Only the Tianjiao disciples who survive can be promoted to the gods and become the sect's sect-level figures.

Seeing that the guard surnamed Fang was very interested in the demon outside the territory, Qi Yue sighed and had no choice but to talk to the guard surnamed Fang.

After finishing speaking, Qi Yue said: "The extraterrestrial demon is so powerful that it is unbelievably powerful. Even the four Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators like us cannot be his opponent."

"He is a dual cultivator of law and body. The realm of law cultivation has reached the 4th level of Nascent Soul. The realm of body cultivation is stronger than the realm of law cultivation. Moreover, the devil outside this area must have practiced the secret technique of the soul. His spiritual thoughts are actually better than mine. Even stronger.”

"So we are no match. Naturally, only Lord Transformation Shenjun takes action to kill the demon outside this territory."

"Not only did the chief true successor of our Taiyue Divine Sect die in the hands of the demon outside this territory, but Xiao Tiandao, the chief true successor of the Guyang Sect in East China, also died in the hands of the devil outside this territory."

"I only hope that there are Nascent Soul cultivators from the Guyang Sect who have survived, and the news of this extraterrestrial devil can also be reported to the ears of the Lord Tianyang of the Guyang Sect, so that the Lord Tianyang can pay attention to it."

"If Lord Tianyang takes action, he will definitely be able to suppress this extraterrestrial demon to death!"

After listening to what Qi Yue said, the guard named Fang was very shocked. It was the first time he had heard of such a powerful extraterritorial demon. It was even more powerful than the extraterritorial demons recorded in the classics. In the end, he could only shake his head regretfully and said :

"There is no way. Lord Shenjun is at an important juncture in his cultivation. An extraterrestrial demon that is stronger than the ninth level of Yuanying is not worth asking Lord Shenjun to stop his training and kill."

"I just hope that, as you said, Fellow Daoist Qi, some Nascent Soul cultivators from the Guyang Sect will return to the Guyang Sect and report the matter of the extraterrestrial devil to the Lord Tianyang, so that the Lord Tianyang can take action."

"But these extraterrestrial demons are the most powerful among the extraterrestrial demons."

"If such an extraterrestrial demon grows up and breaks through the realm of divine transformation, it will be an important hidden danger to our Eastern God Territory."

Listening to the words of the guard surnamed Fang, Qi Yue also nodded in agreement: "The growth of demons outside this territory is not only a hidden danger for our Eastern God Territory, but also a hidden danger for the entire Tailing Cultivation Immortal World."

"I didn't expect that I would follow Chief Gu to encircle and suppress the demons outside the territory, but I failed to protect him well. Even Chief Gu died in the hands of the demons outside the territory. I will inevitably be punished when Lord Shenjun comes out of seclusion." Thinking of this, Qi Yue had a look on his face. Frustrated.

The guard surnamed Fang saw the dejected look on his face and comforted him: "This outer world is so powerful, and there is nothing you can do about it, fellow Taoist Qi. After all, fellow Taoist Qi, you almost died in the hands of the outer demon. I believe that the sect master and Lord Shenjun will not It would punish you too much."

"I hope so!" Qi Yue sighed, the worried look on his face still not receding.

Qi Yue did not persuade Tianyue Shenjun to catch up with Wu Tao, but even the two ninth-level Nascent Souls of Guyang Sect on one side escaped with their lives and returned to Guyang Sect.

As soon as they returned to Guyang Sect, they caused a sensation in the entire Guyang Sect, because the entire Guyang Sect's immortal cultivators knew that they followed their Guyang Sect's true chief Xiao Tiandao to Dongyue Prefecture to encircle and suppress the extraterrestrial demons.

Now only the two of them are back, but Xiao Tiandao, Xiao Tiandao's guardian Yuanying Aunt Lin, and other Yuanying True Lords have not returned.

Therefore, after receiving the news, the leader of the Guyang Sect immediately summoned the two Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators.

"Two fellow Taoists, what happened?" The leader of the Guyang Sect fell on these two ninth-level immortal cultivators of the Nascent Soul and asked with a frown.

Because these two ninth-level Immortal Cultivators of Nascent Soul were in such a sorry state. They were seriously injured in the battle with Wu Tao, and their breath was very low.

The two ninth-level Immortal Cultivators of Guyang Sect's Nascent Soul looked at each other and immediately began to tell them everything that happened on the edge of Dongyue Prefecture.

After listening to their stories, all the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Guyang Sect in the entire hall looked horrified and fell into silence.

An extraterrestrial demon from the fourth level of the Nascent Soul actually forced the Nascent Soul cultivators of the two great sects, Guyang Sect and Taiyue Shen Sect, to this point, and even made the ninth level of the Nascent Soul run for their lives.

"Sect Master, if the extraterrestrial demons are not eliminated, it will be a catastrophe for our entire Eastern God Territory. Sect Master, you also know that the extraterrestrial demons have come to our Tailing Cultivation Immortal World and will use our Tailing Cultivation Immortal World's cultivators as cultivation resources. Killing, more importantly, killing the clan and destroying the family."

"If this extraterrestrial demon is not eliminated, sooner or later it will attack our Guyang Sect. Once this extraterrestrial demon has time to grow up, I am afraid that even the Lord Tianyang will not be a match for this extraterrestrial demon."

"Now, while this extraterrestrial demon has not yet grown up, please ask the sect master to ask Master Tianyang to come out and kill this extraterrestrial demon." The ninth-level immortal cultivator of Guyang Sect Yuan Ying who escaped from Wu Tao sobbed. said.

After hearing what he said, the head of the Guyang Sect looked very serious. He nodded heavily and said, "Okay, I will go see Master Tianyang right away and ask Master Tianyang to take action."

Therefore, the leader of Guyang Sect immediately went to see True Lord Tianyang. As the leader of Guyang Sect, it was naturally more convenient for him to meet Lord Transformation of God within the sect. After he saw Lord Tianyang, he reported everything about Wu Tao, the extraterrestrial demon.

After the report, Tianyang Divine Lord frowned slightly and said: "You are right, we must not let such monstrous extraterrestrial demons grow up. Otherwise, with the unyielding nature of the extraterrestrial demons, Jia Zui will definitely return to our Guyang Sect and come to our country. At that time, our Guyang Sect will be completely destroyed."

"I will set off immediately to kill the demon outside this territory."

After Tianyang Shenjun finished speaking, he immediately transformed into a ray of light, left Guyang Sect, and followed in the direction of Wu Tao.

When the leader of the Guyang Sect saw that Lord Tianyang had left the Guyang Sect immediately, he also returned to the main hall and said to the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Guyang Sect: "Uncle Tianyang has left the sect and is going to hunt down the demons outside the territory. .”

"If the Lord God takes action, the demon outside the territory will definitely die!"

When these immortal cultivators from the Guyang Sect heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and spoke confidently.

Because these two Nascent Soul cultivators from Guyang Sect were hunted down by Wu Tao, it took them a full day to return to Guyang Sect from the edge of Dongyue Prefecture, and Wu Tao had already arrived in Dongyang Sect. Yunzhou.

After he arrived in Dongyun Prefecture, he went directly to the place agreed upon by his master Wen Xingrui.

As soon as he arrived at the place agreed with his master Wen Xingrui, Wu Tao released his spiritual thoughts and sensed that there were no Nascent Soul cultivators within ten thousand miles. He felt a little strange. According to what his master Wen Xingrui said, there were Immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage are searching and waiting for his reappearance.

"Is it because the Master has been in the War Merit Hall for a year and these Dongyun Continent Nascent Soul cultivators have lost their patience, so they retreated?"

When Wu Tao thought of this, he didn't think much about it, because the possibility was very high, and he directly activated the War Merit Hall mark on his wrist.

Because he and Wen Xingrui agreed that after arriving at Dongyun Continent, he would return to the War Merit Hall and leave the War Merit Hall with his master, departing from Dongyun State and heading to Dongping Continent to meet up with Kaiyang Shenjun.

Just when Wu Tao left Dongyun State, a spiritual thought swept directly across the void where he left. This divine thought was very powerful, a full ten thousand miles away, and it was the divine thought of the ninth level of Nascent Soul.

"Hey, there is the aura left by the extraterrestrial demon here, and judging from the degree of residual aura, it should be someone who just left? It seems that the extraterrestrial demon has appeared again!"

The ninth-level Nascent Soul made a cry of surprise in his spiritual thoughts. Then the ninth-level Nascent Soul, thousands of miles away, withdrew his spiritual thoughts and immediately sent out a communication talisman to send a message to other Yuanying cultivators in Dongyunzhou, telling them about the demons outside the territory. Appeared again, come here and prepare to surround and kill the extraterrestrial demons.

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