Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 823 It’s very dangerous to face the Avatar directly

Wu Tao's body slowly appeared in the main hall of the War Merit Hall. He looked around and saw only a demon from the demon world appearing in the War Merit Hall at the same time as him.

When he looked at the winged demon clan, the winged demon clan nodded slightly towards him, very kindly. Seeing this, Wu Tao also smiled and nodded to the winged demon clan in response.

Wu Tao then directly took out the summons token and summoned his master Wen Xingrui.

Now the formation for messaging and leaving messages has been deduced and arranged in the War Merits Hall. As long as you are in the War Merits Hall, you can communicate through token messaging.

After Wu Tao finished summoning Wen Xingrui, he directly waited for his master Wen Xingrui in the corner of the hall.

Wen Xingrui was practicing in the triple acceleration training room at the moment. He sensed movement in the communication token in his storage bag, so he immediately stopped practicing and took out the communication token. After reading the spiritual thoughts, he immediately stood up from the futon and left the triple acceleration training room.

When I arrived at the main hall of the War Merit Hall, I looked around and saw Wu Tao in the corner.

He immediately took steps and walked towards Wu Tao.

Wu Tao also saw Master Wen Xingrui at this time. When Master Wen Xingrui came to him, he smiled and said: "Master, I have arrived at the location you designated in Dongyun Continent."

Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and found that he did not have any injuries. Obviously those Nascent Soul cultivators in Dongyue Province were not a threat to his apprentice.

So he nodded and said: "Okay, without further ado, let's leave the War Merit Palace immediately and head to Dongping Prefecture to meet up with Kaiyang Divine Lord from the Sun Immortal Palace!"

Wu Tao said: "Okay, I arrived at the place designated by the master, but I did not find the Nascent Soul cultivators in Dongyun Continent. It seems that they have been searching for you, master, for a year, but found that their efforts were in vain, so they withdrew."

With that said, he and Wen Xingrui activated the War Merit Hall mark on their wrists.

When Wen Xingrui activated the mark of the War Merit Palace, he said: "The Nascent Soul cultivators in Dongyun Continent also need to practice, but for the sake of caution, we should be careful around us when we appear later to prevent a sneak attack."

After saying this, Wen Xingrui and Wu Tao disappeared from the War Merit Hall at the same time.

In the next moment, in Dongyun Continent, above the void where Wu Tao had just left, the figures of Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui slowly condensed.

As soon as their figures condensed in the void, the master and disciple heard an angry shout: "The demon from outside the territory has appeared, let's surround and kill them together!"

As soon as the roar fell, attacks came one after another in front of Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui, master and disciple.

This was a premeditated siege, so the magic light formed by various attacks rushed towards Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui, master and disciple, like a tide.

"Master, be careful!"

Wu Tao shouted softly, stretched out his hand and slapped the storage bag, and 19 streams of light flew out from the storage bag on Wu Tao's waist, resisting attacks from all directions.

And Wen Xingrui's reaction was not slow at all. Eighteen rays of magic light flew out from his waist, and he also faced attacks from all directions.

As the owner of the Tianyan God Refining Manual, Wen Xingrui also created the art of weapon refining and fighting. Therefore, even if Wu Tao is stronger than him in both physical and mental cultivation, Wen Xingrui will also use Yuan to fight. After completing the second level of the Infant Level Weapon Refining and Fighting Method, you can control 18 fourth-level magic weapons at the same time.

Among the Nascent Soul cultivators from Dongyunzhou who besieged the two Situ, the lowest cultivation level was at the fifth level of Nascent Soul, and the highest cultivation level was at the ninth level.

And there are fully six Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators.

They only found Wen Xingrui, an extraterrestrial devil, in Dongyun Prefecture. Being able to dispatch six Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators made Wen Xingrui very popular.

Now seeing Wen Xingrui appear again, and there is also an extraterritorial demon, this is a surprise for the Nascent Soul cultivators of Dongyun Continent, they can kill two extraterrestrial demons at once .

Of course, Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui were shocked to be able to control so many magic weapons at the same time. If they could obtain the secret skill of the Extraterrestrial Demon to control so many magic weapons at the same time, their combat effectiveness would be greatly improved. cut.

However, they also know that any powerful secret technique will not be retained on the body, but will be remembered in the mind, unless the soul-searching secret technique is used, but the soul-searching secret technique may not be able to be found sometimes.

This thing depends entirely on luck.

One of Wu Tao's 19 magic weapons is a fourth-level intermediate treasure money, and one of Wen Xingrui's 18 magic weapons is a fourth-level intermediate treasure money.

The immortal cultivators in Dongyun Continent have fought against Wen Xingrui many times, so they know that Wen Xingrui's money magic weapon can knock down their magic weapons.

So as soon as they attacked, a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator shouted: "Don't collide with their money magic weapon."

Hearing the warning from this ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, the other Nascent Soul cultivators tried their best to avoid the treasure money from Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui when they were using their magic weapons.

However, Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui's spiritual thoughts are extremely powerful. The 8th and 9th levels of Yuanying may be able to avoid the treasure money of the two imperial envoys, but those on the 7th level and below of Yuanying do not have this ability.

Therefore, shortly after the battle with the fourth-level intermediate treasure-losing money, the magic weapons of several Dongyunzhou immortal cultivators on the 6th and 7th levels of Yuanying were knocked down by Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui's fourth-level intermediate treasure-losing money, and then The master and apprentice found an opportunity to kill him.

The siege and unprepared sneak attack by the Nascent Soul cultivators of Dongyun Continent did not have any effect on Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui, the master and apprentice, because the two had learned the art of weapon refining and fighting, so they were not afraid at all. Sieges and surprise attacks.

A moment later, Wu Tao found an opportunity and killed a Dongyunzhou immortal cultivator who was on the 9th level of Nascent Soul. This suddenly shocked the other Dongyunzhou immortal cultivators.

They have fought with Wen Xingrui many times, so they naturally know what level Wen Xingrui's cultivation strength is?

But the sudden appearance of an extraterrestrial demon can actually kill a cultivator on the ninth level of Nascent Soul?

As expected, the demon from outside the territory still moved reinforcements.

However, even if Wu Tao killed a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, the remaining five ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators did not give up immediately, but continued to besiege, because Wu Tao just found an opportunity to kill him. If he didn't have that opportunity, , the ninth level Nascent Soul from Dongyun Continent will not die in the hands of Wu Tao.

Therefore, the remaining 5 Nascent Soul cultivators felt that with their combined efforts, plus the assistance of more than 20 Nascent Soul cultivators around them, they would be able to exhaust the mana of these two extraterrestrial demons.

As long as their Nascent Soul Soul and Nascent Soul Mana are exhausted, they will not be able to use so many magic weapons.

At that time, it will be the perfect opportunity to kill these two extraterrestrial demons.

Wen Xingrui and Wu Tao were back to back. The master and apprentice had a very deep foundation of trust and could put their lives in each other's hands. Therefore, they were back to back and facing the siege. It was impossible to attack them from behind.

When Wu Tao killed the ninth-level Nascent Soul of Dongyun Province, Wen Xingrui was also horrified. The day had finally come, and his disciple's strength had surpassed him at this moment.

His current strength can only kill the cultivators of the eighth level of Nascent Soul. As for the ninth level of Nascent Soul, unless his cultivation reaches another level.

Of course, Wen Xingrui was very happy about Wu Tao's ability to kill the ninth level of Nascent Soul. His good apprentice could finally protect his master.

In the face of a siege, he can relax a little and don't have to run for his life.

"Master, we have to fight quickly. When I came from Dongyue Province, some cultivators from the ninth level of Nascent Soul returned to Shenzong to bring reinforcements. The two cultivators from the ninth level of Nascent Soul that I killed in Dongyun Continent, Those who survive the ninth level of Nascent Soul will definitely ask the God of Transformation to take action."

"The God-Transformation Lord has vast supernatural powers and unpredictable cultivation. We are not our opponents yet. If we delay here for too long and the God-Transformation Lord comes here, we will be in trouble."

Wu Tao whispered to Wen Xingrui while using 19 fourth-level magic weapons.

Wen Xingrui nodded when he heard this and said: "Okay, then you and I, master and disciple, will break through this siege."

Having said this, Wen Xingrui's mana surged and he went all out to kill another seventh-level Nascent Soul cultivator in an instant.

After Wu Tao finished speaking, he immediately used 6 red flame divine fire shields. As soon as the 6 red flame divine fire shields came out, his combat power increased a lot.

The moment these six red flame divine fire shields appeared, they hooded a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, covering him from four directions: southeast, northwest, up and down. There was no doubt that the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator avoided them at all. Without opening it, it was instantly covered by six red flame divine fire shields.

The shrill screams rang out in the red flame divine fire shield, causing the expressions of the other four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators to change greatly.

After screaming for a few breaths, the red flame divine fire shield enlarged and divided into six parts. Only a few ashes were seen falling from the void. There was no doubt that they were the ashes of the ninth level of the Nascent Soul.

"The demons outside the territory are invincible, separate and run for your lives!" After the ninth-level Nascent Soul was refined to death by Wu Tao's red flame divine fire shield, the four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators looked at each other, and finally one of them shouted. , then he used his escape technique to turn around and escape.

"Master, let's leave Dongyun Continent first and rush to Dongping Prefecture. There is no need to chase them." Wu Tao said to Wen Xingrui when he saw them fleeing in all directions, his spiritual thoughts spreading out, and taking away all the loot.

Wen Xingrui nodded, immediately used his escape technique, and followed Wu Tao closely.

After Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui used their escape skills to stay away from this world, some Dongyunzhou Nascent Soul cultivators who had just besieged the two masters and disciples dared to come back. Feeling the residual Nascent Soul aura in the void here, they were still filled with fear. .

They were glad that these two extraterrestrial demons did not chase them. Otherwise, how many Nascent Soul cultivators would have died. It was unknown whether they would be among them.

"The strength of the extraterrestrial demon is lower than that of the Transformation God and above Nascent Soul. We can only go back to the Shen Sect and ask the sect's divine monarch to take action to suppress the extraterrestrial demon."

Some Nascent Soul cultivators suggested that in Dongyun Prefecture, there are also three major Divine Transformation Sects.

Just as they were discussing and collecting the bodies of the dead fellow Taoists, a powerful aura came directly from a distance. When these Nascent Soul cultivators in Dongyun Continent sensed this powerful aura, they were suddenly shocked.

"This is the aura of the Transformation God Lord!"

Just when their hearts were shocked, a figure appeared in front of them. Looking at them, he released his divine mind, sensed the world and said, "Sure enough, there is the residual aura of the extraterrestrial demon."

"Tell me, in which direction did the extraterrestrial demons escape?" Tianyang Shenjun's eyes fell on these Dongyunzhou Nascent Soul cultivators.

"Back to senior, those two extraterrestrial demons fled in that direction." A ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator immediately bowed and replied.

Upon hearing this, Lord Tianyang immediately turned into a stream of light and chased in the direction pointed by the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

After Tianyang Shenjun left, some Nascent Soul cultivators sighed: "This is the realm of transformation into gods. The oppression given to us is too strong. It is really a realm and a heaven."

"This is the Tianyang Divine Lord from East China, right? East China is separated from our Dongyun Continent by Dongyue State. Tianyang Divine Lord actually pursued and killed us from Dongyue State to our Dongyun Continent. It seems that those two extraterrestrial demons In Dongyue Prefecture, I offended Tianyang Divine Lord of Guyang Sect." said the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator who just showed the way to Tianyang Divine Lord.

"Since the Lord Tianyang has gone to hunt down the demons outside the territory, do we still need to report the matter to the Lord Transformation of the God of our own Divine Sect?" A Nascent Soul cultivator asked.

"It's better to report it!"

Therefore, these Dongyunzhou Nascent Soul cultivators returned to their respective sects and reported to their own sect’s God-Transforming God-Monarchs. There is no doubt that the God-Transforming God-Monarchs of the three divine sects in Dongyun Province heard that Tianyang God-Monarch had been hunting outside the territory. Since the demons were gone, they had no intention of hunting down the demons outside the territory.

In the words of these three Dongyunzhou God-Transforming God Lords, Tianyang God Lord has already taken action. Even if the two layers of extraterrestrial demons can easily kill the 9th level of Nascent Soul, they cannot avoid being killed by Tianyang God Lord. .

Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui used their escape skills with all their strength. Dongyunzhou was three states away from Dongpingzhou where Kaiyang Shenjun was located. It would take at least ten days for them to reach Dongpingzhou with their escape skills.

However, because they are extraterrestrial demons, they will stop them once they encounter immortal cultivators from the Tailing Immortal Realm. Therefore, I don’t know how long it will take to actually reach Dongping Continent.

Just when Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui used the Long Escape Technique to leave Dongyun Continent, Tianyang Shenjun had already sensed the auras of Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui. He was the God-Transforming Shenjun, and naturally his divine thoughts were not what Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui could detect. Yang Shenjun’s.

They also escaped in the direction of Dongpingzhou without knowing it.

"Two extraterrestrial demons, one with the 7th level of Nascent Soul and the other with the 4th level of the Nascent Soul. I want to see how strong their fighting power is." Tianyang Shenjun sensed Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui, and then he felt faint. Transformed and disappeared into the void.

In the next moment, the body of Tianyang Shenjun had already surpassed Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui, and reached the void thousands of miles away from Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui. He stood quietly in the void, waiting for the arrival of Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui.

Master Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui still used their escape skills to escape forward. When they escaped forward, they also spread their spiritual thoughts and sensed everything around them. If they sensed danger, they would change direction, or activate the War Merit Hall brand in time and hide in the War Merit Hall.

"Master, there is no danger ahead." Wu Tao's 11,400 miles of spiritual consciousness spread out, sensing the front.

But in fact, his spiritual thoughts had already landed on Tianyang Divine Lord, but he did not sense Tianyang Divine Lord.

Therefore, after a moment, Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui's eyes were shocked, because there was a middle-aged man floating quietly in the void ten miles away from them.

There was no mana fluctuation on this middle-aged man, but he was just floating in the void quietly, with a very calm expression, and his eyes fell on Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui.

Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui had been sensing with their spiritual senses, but their vision was not as clear as their spiritual senses, so they did not know that someone was standing in the void ten miles away from them.

If you can avoid their spiritual induction, there is only one possibility.

"God Transformation Lord!"

At this moment, master and apprentice Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui had this terrifying idea in their minds.

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