What should I do if I meet the God of Transformation?

Regarding this problem, the first idea of ​​Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui, masters and apprentices, was to activate the mark of the War Merit Hall and enter the War Merit Hall to escape.

They did the same thing.

Just when Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui wanted to activate the War Merit Palace brand, they were horrified to find that their Nascent Soul magic power and Nascent Soul consciousness could not be used and had been imprisoned.

Needless to say, it must have been imprisoned by the God-Transforming Lord in front of him.

The Nascent Soul's divine thoughts and Nascent Soul's mana are imprisoned, but the mind can still move, and the five senses and six senses can also be sensed.

"It's over, my good disciple is going to die now!" Wen Xingrui looked at Tianyang Divine Lord in horror. He had cultivated to this point, and he also didn't want to die. He didn't want his whole life's cultivation to be wiped out in one fell swoop.

But there is no way at all. Facing the God of Transformation, being separated by a big realm is equivalent to being separated by a sky, and there is no power to resist at all.

The terror of the Transformation God Lord is unimaginable.

Wu Tao's eyes rolled, but he was not very panicked in his heart. Although the trump card of Zhan Gong Palace could not be used, he still had another trump card, which was the Coffin Nailer in the center of the Divine Mind Sea.

Who is Mr. Ding? !

Master Ding is a being on the same level as the being behind Emperor Shenjun and Ning Qiudao, and is equivalent to an immortal being.

As early as when he entered the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm, Master Ding told him that he would protect him and keep him safe in the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm.

However, Wu Tao was also very horrified by the power of the God of Transformation. He knew in his heart that the Lord of Transformation was powerful, but he had never faced the Lord of Transformation directly or been truly oppressed by the Lord of Transformation.

This time, he finally knew how powerful the God-Transforming God was. A single thought from the God-Transforming God could render his Nascent Soul mana and Nascent Soul mind unable to be used.

When he faced the God of Transformation, he was just like a golden elixir cultivator facing him. His thought could also imprison the golden elixir cultivator's golden elixir magic power and golden elixir spiritual thoughts.

He looked at the golden elixir cultivator like an ant, and the God Transformation Lord also looked at him like an ant.

This is the oppression of the big realm.

"The Nascent Soul mana and the Soul of the Nascent Soul cannot be used. Facing the God of Transformation, we can only communicate with Master Ding. Please ask Master Ding, an immortal-like being, to take action!"

Thinking like this, Wu Tao's thoughts immediately entered the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts, and his thoughts for help fell on the body of the coffin nail.

And just when Wu Tao asked for help, Tianyang Shenjun looked at Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui as if they were ants.

These two extraterrestrial demons may be extremely powerful and unmatched in the eyes of immortal cultivators at the Nascent Soul level, but in the eyes of Tianyang Divine Lord, they can be suppressed with a raised hand. Originally, he wanted to test the cultivation of these two extraterrestrial demons. strength.

But now, he has lost interest.

There is really no need to waste time with ants.

However, Tianyang Shenjun still wanted to know which world of immortality these two extraterrestrial demons came from.

Or... fairyland?

So he said: "Where do you come from in the world of immortality?"

Wu Tao was communicating with Coffin Nails at this time and had no time to answer Tianyang Shenjun's words. However, Wen Xingrui had time. Seeing that his apprentice's face was calm and without any panic, he thought that his apprentice must have other trump cards. , so he felt the need to delay for a while.

If the God Transformation Lord didn't take action immediately, then there must be a chance.

If the God-Transforming Lord had killed them as soon as he arrived, they would have been dead long ago and would not have any chance of survival.

Of course, it is understandable that before possessing absolute strength, one would not think that an ant has any chance to leap forward. God Transformation God Lord has this confidence.

Wen Xingrui's Nascent Soul Soul and Nascent Soul Mana could not be moved, and even his body was imprisoned, but his mouth could move. He spoke carefully: "Senior Hui Shenjun, we come from the Three Realms."

Because the God of Transformation has vast magical powers and many methods, Wen Xingrui still dare not lie. If he is defeated by the God of Transformation, and he raises his hand and wipes him out, it would be too unfair.

Therefore, it is better to tell the truth and try to delay time for my apprentice.

"Three Realms?" Tianyang Shenjun was confused when he heard Wen Xingrui's answer. He had never heard of the existence of the Three Realms.

But he could sense that this extraterrestrial demon on the 7th level of Nascent Soul did not lie, and in this situation, he did not dare to lie. There are many immortal realms under the Immortal Realm, and the Tailing Immortal Realm is not the most powerful one. Therefore, Tian Yang Shenjun is not surprised that he does not know which of the three realms is.

"Senior, we are from the Three Realms." Wen Xingrui replied firmly, speaking in an extremely humble and respectful manner, trying not to make the God-Transforming Lord angry.

Wu Tao finally got in touch with Coffin Nail at this moment, and Coffin Nail conveyed his thoughts to him, saying that he could not take action himself.

Wu Tao almost wanted to cry when he heard the thoughts conveyed by the nails in the coffin. It was you who forcibly controlled me to enter the Tailing Cultivation Immortal Realm. You said you would give me a great fortune. Now that I encountered a force majeure danger, you told me not to take action.

But in the next moment, Coffin Nail explained to him: "I can't take action, because once I take action and reveal my existence, it will be more troublesome for you. However, I can lend you a method."

"Ah, okay, thank you Master Ding." Wu Tao was overjoyed.

In the next moment, the coffin nail in the center of the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts shook slightly, and black light overflowed directly and poured into Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and Nascent Soul. The next moment, Wu Tao instantly felt the influence of God Tianyang on him. The confinement is gone.

Just when Wu Tao's imprisonment by Tianyang Divine Lord dissipated. Tianyang Shenjun's expression changed, and he raised his hand and slapped Wu Tao and Wen Xingrui directly. This palm did not seem to have any majestic mana fluctuations, but it gave Wen Xingrui a feeling that the sky was falling.

He felt that he would be wiped out by this palm, so he couldn't help but yelled: "Good disciple, you have a trump card, use it quickly."

Wu Tao knew that the nail in the coffin had been lent to him at this time, but when those black rays of light entered his sea of ​​spiritual thoughts and Nascent Soul, he did not feel how much stronger he had become. However, facing the attack of Lord Tianyang, He couldn't help but slap it away with his palm.

With this palm strike, the palm forces of the two collided in the void, invisible and qualityless. However, at this moment, a powerful aftermath emanated from the collision of palm forces. Wu Tao could not feel how powerful it was, but Wen Wen on the side Xingrui, however, was in a state of shock and shouted: "Save me as my disciple!"

Wen Xingrui had an intuition that as long as his body was hit by this invisible and immaterial aftermath, his Nascent Soul body would definitely be shattered, and even the Nascent Soul might not be able to escape.

This is why the Nascent Soul cultivators dare not participate in the battle of the Transformation God Lord. Even the aftermath of the battle will wipe out the Nascent Soul cultivators.

Wu Tao heard Wen Xingrui's horrified cry, and hurriedly stepped forward and came to Wen Xingrui. With a flick of his hand, the mana mixed with black light was swept forward, and the aftermath of the collision with the palm of Tianyang Shenjun was swept forward. Easily dispersed.

After Wen Xingrui was rescued, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul moved, and black light burst out from Wu Tao's fingers. Wu Tao pointed lightly toward Wen Xingrui, and the black light turned into a black mask, covering Wen Xingrui. Then with a flick of his finger, Wen Xingrui was sent tens of thousands of miles away.

At the same time, Wu Tao's voice rang in Wen Xingrui's ears: "Master, you go back to the War Merit Hall first."

Wen Xingrui is at the 7th level of Nascent Soul. He has practiced the Tianyan God Refining Sutra to the 8th level. He has not yet completed the 8th level, so his spiritual thoughts are ten thousand miles away.

Wu Tao's method directly sent him tens of thousands of miles away, so when he sent out his spiritual thoughts to sense, he did not sense the positions of Wu Tao and Tianyang Divine Lord.

He looked at the black light shield that covered him, and without hesitation activated the War Merit Palace brand, and his body slowly disappeared in the black light shield.

Within a few breaths, his body slowly condensed in the main hall of the War Merit Hall. Standing in the War Merit Hall, Wen Xingrui finally exhaled a long breath, feeling unavoidable fear in his heart.

It was such a close call, I almost died.

Because if Wu Tao hadn't used his trump card at the last moment, he and Wu Tao would have died.

Thinking of the critical moment when Wu Tao fought with the God-Transforming Lord with one palm, and they were evenly matched, he was no longer so worried about the safety of his apprentice Wu Tao, and thought to himself:

"I didn't expect that my good disciple would have such a big secret, and he wouldn't even be afraid of the Lord Transformation God."

Thinking of this, Wen Xingrui came to sit down under the battle merit list. Although he was not worried about Wu Tao's safety, he still cared about Wu Tao. He stared at the battle merit list, paying attention to the battle merit list at all times. Wu Tao’s name.

As long as there is a disciple's name on the battle merit list, it means that his disciple's life is not in any danger and he is safe.

"You're just a God-Transforming Lord. I believe in you, my good disciple!" Wen Xingrui thought in his heart.

He actually wanted to go over and invite Kaiyang Shenjun from Dongpingzhou in the message formation, but Dongpingzhou was some distance away from Dongyunzhou. By the time Kaiyang Shenjun received his message and came to Dongyunzhou, the battle might have been over.

Therefore, in such a critical situation, it was too late to ask the God of Transformation to come to the rescue.

In Dongyun Continent, Wu Tao looked calmly at Tianyang Divine Lord across from him. Tianyang Divine Lord was extremely horrified at this moment. He originally thought that he could suppress these two extraterrestrial demons by raising his hand.

However, he did not expect that this extraterrestrial demon at the fourth level of Nascent Soul would undergo a sudden change, and even the magical powers he had imprisoned on him would be released.

Tianyang Shenjun is also a very decisive person. When he sensed that the magical power he had imprisoned on Wu Tao was released, he took action immediately.

But he took action, and Wu Tao also took action, and the nail in the coffin was lent to him. Although he didn't feel any changes in himself, he was evenly matched with Tianyang Shenjun in one shot.

At this moment, he finally felt at ease.

At the same time, he also knew about the struggle at the level of the God of Transformation. There was also a master at the Yuanying level, Wen Xingrui, beside him. If he was affected, he would inevitably die, so Wu Tao immediately protected his master Wen Xingrui. , covering Master Wen Xingrui with black light and sending him tens of thousands of miles away.

The black light lent to him by this coffin nail seemed ordinary, but after a duel with Tianyang Shenjun, the god-transforming god, he felt that the black light was too powerful.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that the extraterrestrial devil on the fourth level of Nascent Soul actually has a trump card that is comparable to the method of transforming into a god. However, the trump card is not his own strength after all. There will always be a moment of consumption. I want to see what you can do in this seat. How long can I hold it in front of you?"

After finishing speaking, the aura of the Divine Lord Tianyang finally came out at this moment, and a red sun actually rose behind him.

The reason why Guyang Sect is Guyang Sect is because the skills practiced are related to the sun. The technique practiced by Tianyang Shenjun is called "Supernatural Sun-Transforming Technique", and it is a magical technique at the level of transforming into gods.

Wu Tao's eyes fell on the big sun behind Tianyang Shenjun, and he felt the horror contained in it. If this big sun hits, even 100 or 1,000 Nascent Soul Lords will be killed.

At the level of becoming a god, one has begun to practice magical powers, and above magic are magical powers.

Although Wu Tao lent him the coffin nail at this time, he felt that his cultivation strength was still at the 4th level of Yuanying and the 5th level of Yuanti.

At this moment, the sun behind Tianyang Divine Lord finally pressed down on Wu Tao. At this moment, the sun emitted endless bright light, drowning Wu Tao's entire body.

Wu Tao's Nascent Soul immediately moved, and wisps of black light emitted from the Nascent Soul. The black light intertwined on his hands, forming circles.

At the same time, he also used the Zhou Tianxing Body Refining Technique to activate the Star Yuan Ti. If in normal times, once all the fifth levels of his Yuan Ti cultivation were activated, his whole body would burst into starry glory, as bright as a star. .

But at this time, Wu Tao activated the Star Yuan Body, and a black light emitted from his body, clinging to his Star Yuan Body. This light did not seem to have any powerful aura fluctuations, and seemed ordinary.

"Believe in Mr. Ding!"

Wu Tao looked at the sun that was smashing towards him and shouted softly: "Shatter the stars, no, today, let me shatter the sun!"

After saying this, Wu Tao directly pushed out his fists and hit the oppressive sun.

The fists entwined with black light landed on the sun transformed by the divine power of Tianyang God. When it first came into contact, there was no fluctuation, but the next moment, the sun transformed by the magical power suddenly exploded. , endless sunlight attacks the surroundings.

The mountains and forests below were swept by the exploding sunlight, and all the trees, mountains, and monsters in the mountains and forests were vaporized. The entire mountains and forests below turned into scorched earth for tens of thousands of miles in radius.

The sea of ​​clouds high in the sky above was swept across by the exploding sunlight, and the sea of ​​clouds directly turned into gas and dissipated directly.

Tianyang Shenjun's magical power was broken, and he immediately spit out a mouthful of blood. He looked at Wu Tao in horror and said tremblingly: "How is it possible?"

Wu Tao withdrew his fist and looked at Tianyang Shenjun calmly, but he shouted in his heart: "Praise Master Ding!"

"Today, let me kill the gods!"

Wu Tao whispered to himself, turned into a black light, and rushed towards Tianyang Divine Lord. This black light covered the star body, and it was actually much faster than his Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape Technique.

Tianyang Shenjun has already felt the threat of Wu Tao. With his third-level cultivation as a god, and his magical powers, the sun he transformed into can be ranked among the top 10 in the entire Eastern God Territory.

But now it was broken by the extraterritorial devil in front of him.

Therefore, Tianyang Shenjun did not dare to be careless anymore. He flipped his wrist and a treasure mirror appeared in his hand. He shouted: "Sun Yao Treasure Mirror, use the power of the sun to slay the devil!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the treasure mirror in Tianyang Shenjun's hand directly faced the sun in the sky. When the sun was paired with the treasure mirror, a powerful sun beam fell directly on the treasure mirror.

Tianyang Shenjun turned the treasure mirror, and the sun beam was directly aimed at Wu Tao who was rushing towards him. The sun beam hit Wu Tao's chest hard.

Hit by the sun beam on the chest, Wu Tao's body that was rushing forward was instantly knocked back thousands of miles by the sun beam.

"As expected of the God Transformation Lord, he is so powerful!"

Wu Tao lowered his head and glanced at his chest. His chest was still covered in black light and unscathed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

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