Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 825 Killing the Transformation God

Wu Tao had to admit that the God Transformation Lord was really too powerful.

This was the first time he faced off against the God of Transformation.

The treasure-judgement magic weapon of Tianyang Shenjun can actually borrow the power of sunlight. If Wu Tao hadn't borrowed it from Master Ding, it would have melted directly under the sunlight beam.


The God-Transforming God is very powerful, and Tianyang Shen-Jun's side of the Treasure Appraisal Magical Artifact is indeed very strong, but he has the Dingye Borrowing Technique at the same level as an immortal, so what can a mere God-Transforming Master do to him?

Wu Tao's eyes moved away from his chest and fell back on Tianyang Shenjun who was thousands of miles away.

Tianyang Shenjun held the Sun Treasure Mirror and his eyes fell on Wu Tao from thousands of miles away.

The spiritual perception of the Nascent Soul Perfection Immortal Cultivator is twelve thousand miles away, and it is necessary to emit spiritual thoughts to be able to sense everything thousands of miles away.

But at this moment, Wu Tao borrowed the help from the nail in the coffin, and he could clearly see Tianyang Divine Lord just with his eyes, as if Tianyang Divine Lord was standing in front of him.

The same thing happened to Tianyang Shenjun, watching Wu Tao from thousands of miles away.

At the level of the God-incarnation God-Monarch, whatever one's eyes can see is what the gods can see.

"Master Ding borrowed the method. If I can't kill this god, wouldn't it mean that Master Ding's reputation has been ruined?" Wu Tao thought in his heart. As soon as his body moved, he turned into nothingness. In the next moment, he had arrived. Ten miles away from Tianyang Shenjun, both fists came out, using the shamanic fighting method of shattering the stars.

The shamanic fighting method of breaking the stars is a fighting method at the Yuan Ti level, but now that he has Master Ding lending him the method, even if it is a Qi refining level method used in his hands, the power is close to that of the gods. level.

After two battles, Tianyang Shenjun no longer dared to underestimate this extraterrestrial devil at the Nascent Soul level, even if the opponent's real cultivation level was only at the Nascent Soul stage, not the Divine Transformation stage.

Therefore, he turned the Sun's Treasure Mirror, and beams of sunlight shot out from the Sun's Treasure Mirror, shining towards Wu Tao.

Wu Tao shook the stars with one move after another and pushed them out from his palms. The sun beams collided with his palms, just like smashing the suns. The sunlight directly drowned his and Tianyang Shenjun's figures.

When Tianyang Shenjun was using the Riyao Treasure Mirror, he used his magical power to transform the sun. A total of three rounds of the sun emerged behind him, and these three rounds of the sun all crashed down towards Wu Tao.

Wu Tao felt these three great suns. The combined power of the three great suns was naturally not comparable to the power of the previous great sun.

He shattered the sun's beams with Star Breaker, took a break, reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, and streams of black light flew out from the storage bag.

Master Ding lent him a spell, and any spell he used or any magic weapon he wielded was dependent on Master Ding's black light, because only this black light could fight with the Lord Tianyang.

If he uses his own Nascent Soul mana and Nascent Soul mind, under the magical power of Lord Tianyang, his Nascent Soul mana and Nascent Soul mind will melt like spring snow.

It's not at the same level as Tianyang Shenjun.

Like an egg hitting a stone.

There are a total of 18 fourth-level flying swords. The flying swords are covered with black light and shoot towards the three-round sun pressing above their heads, just like Hou Yi shooting at the sun.

The black flying sword dragged its black light tail and shot directly at the three-wheeled sun. The black light exploded, and the three-rounded sun also exploded.

In an instant, the sunlight flooded Wu Tao's figure again, and rushed towards Wu Tao, making his long hair and robes fly back with a fierce roar.

At this moment, his long hair is also attached to black light. If there is no black light attached to it, Wu Tao may instantly turn into a bald head when hit by this sunlight.

The 18 flying swords successfully exploded the three-round sun, but the end result was that these 18 flying swords could not withstand the black light of Lord Ding, nor could they withstand the three-round sun. They were directly vaporized, and not even the scum was left. .

The loss of these 18 fourth-level flying swords does not hurt Wu Tao. As long as he kills Tianyang Shenjun and gets the wealth from Tianyang Shenjun... No, just the treasure mirror in Tianyang Shenjun's hand at this moment will be enough. Wu Tao can make a lot of money.

The big sun transformed by Tianyang Shenjun's three-wheeled magical power was shot and exploded by Wu Tao with his flying sword. At this moment, he also understood that the reason why this extraterritorial devil on the fourth level of Nascent Soul was able to fight with him on equal footing showed such a performance. The powerful strength relies on that black light.

Therefore, he carefully sensed the black light, but could not sense anything strange, and could not find any flaws to break through. But he couldn't sense it, but it gave him an ominous premonition.

He always felt that this ordinary, seemingly non-threatening black light might cause him disaster.

The more a cultivator continues to practice, the stronger his instinct to seek good fortune and avoid disaster will become, and his sensitivity to disasters will also become more sensitive. Tianyang Shenjun has reached the level of the God-Transforming God, and his reaction to disasters will naturally be very sensitive.

"If you can't take down this extraterrestrial demon, you can only call for help."

Tianyang Shenjun had already made up his mind. If he wanted to call for help, he would naturally ask the God Transformation Shenjun from the three major gods of Dongyun Continent to come with him and besiege this extraterrestrial demon.

There are three god-transforming cultivators in Dongyun Prefecture who are in charge of the three major divine sects. Among them, there is a god-transforming god-lord who is as powerful as him and is also at the third level of god-transforming cultivation.

The other two God-Transformation Lords are both at the second level of God-Transformation.

If the four God-incarnation Lords attack together, they will definitely be able to kill this extraterrestrial demon.

Thinking of this, Tianyang Shenjun controlled the Sun Treasure Mirror, transformed the sun beam, and attacked Wu Tao. He knew that his magical power of transforming the sun could not do anything to Wu Tao, and the sun beam could not do anything to Wu Tao.

In short, none of his methods could stop Wu Tao.

Therefore, he was very decisive and stretched out his hand to slap his waist. A stream of light rose directly into the sky and was divided into three parts as soon as it reached the sky.

Wu Tao used Shattering Stars one after another, shattering the sun beams emitted by Tianyang Shenjun Riyao Health Care. But seeing the stream of light inspired by Tianyang Shenjun, he didn't need to think about it. He also knew that Tianyang Shenjun was going to bring in reinforcements.

The reinforcements brought by Tianyang Shenjun must also be at the same level as him.

Wu Tao's Dingye borrowing skills at this moment was not afraid of the reinforcements brought in by Lord Tianyang. There was an extra God of Transformation. He killed it, and the harvest was even greater. Moreover, he killed a Lord of Transformation at the level of Nascent Soul. I don’t know how much military merit the War Merit Hall will give him.

Therefore, when he watched the stream of light split into three, he had no intention of intercepting it.

At this time, in the center of his mind sea, Coffin Nail seemed to see through Wu Tao's thoughts, and quickly transmitted his thoughts to Wu Tao.

"Boy, you also want to harvest my wool. The magic I borrowed from you is not for your consumption. I only lend you the magic power to kill a transformed god."

"I don't care if there are more!"

Wu Tao felt helpless when he heard that Master Ding had arrived and conveyed his thoughts. He did not expect that Master Ding would see his little thoughts. In this case, Lord Tianyang could not be allowed to bring in reinforcements.

Therefore, he moved his body upward, and a black light shot directly into the sky, faster than the three streams of light from Tianyang Shenjun. The black light split into three and swallowed up the three streams of light in an instant.

Seeing that the magical powers of the three god-transforming gods he had sent to Dongyun Continent with his magical powers were swallowed up by black light, Tianyang Divine Lord's expression finally changed.

They couldn't bring in any reinforcements, and they couldn't do anything about this extraterrestrial demon, and they still had an ominous premonition that they were about to suffer disaster. Therefore, Tianyang Shenjun had the intention to retreat and did not want to continue fighting Wu Tao, an extraterrestrial demon.

As for revenge against the sect’s chief true disciple, Xiao Tiandao, there is no such argument. Xiao Tiandao’s life is not even 1/10000 of that of his Tianyang Divine Lord. If Xiao Tiandao dies, a chief true disciple can be selected from among the true disciples. .

But if he Tianyang Divine Lord dies, then Guyang Sect will lose the Divine Transformation Lord who controls the sect, and will be cannibalized step by step by the other two Divine Transformation Sects in East China, until the sect is destroyed.

This kind of thing happens all the time in the Eastern Divine Territory.

The Divine Lord of Transformation can continue to exist in the Shenzong. Once the Divine Lord of Transformation is gone and becomes the Shenzong, the promotion method of the True Lord of Transformation within the Shenzong will not only be coveted by other Shenzongs, but also some powerful Nascent Soul sects. He covets the method of promotion of the Shen Sect's God-Transforming God Lord.

Once the Yuanying Sect obtains the method to advance to the Divine Lord of Transformation, then there will be a great chance to promote the Yuanying Sect to the Divine Lord of Transformation.

Although Tianyang Shenjun has already developed the intention to retreat, he will not retreat now. He must retreat unexpectedly. Therefore, he pretended to be fighting Wu Tao to the death, and the Sun Yao Bao Jian in his hand kept transforming the sun beam to attack Wu Tao.

Wu Tao borrowed a method from Ding Ye, and in a flash of thought, he fought with Tianyang God Lord for hundreds of rounds. At first, he was not very skilled in using the black light lent to him by Ding Ye, but at this moment, he Already know the power of black light.

I also know how to use black light.

At first, he thought that he only needed to cast spells and magic weapons by himself, and the light would only act as an attachment to strengthen his spells and magic weapons.

But at this moment, Wu Tao finally understood that the black light itself has a powerful attack and does not need to be attached. Moreover, the use of the black light is directly controlled by God.

It can also be unpredictable, and God will change it.

"Look at my thousand arrows!"

As soon as Wu Tao's mind moved, black light surged out from his body, separated and turned into long black arrows. Then Wu Tao's mind moved, and thousands of long black arrows were densely packed behind him, like Like a rain of arrows, the beam of light shot towards Tianyang Divine Lord.

Tianyang Shenjun's face changed drastically. The dense black arrows actually made him feel the threat of death. Therefore, he no longer cared about delaying time. Why did he run away unprepared? He directly reached out and put his hand in the storage box. As soon as he patted the bag, a yellow stone was taken out. The moment the yellow stone came out, it instantly began to extend, forming a huge golden protective shield, covering his body.

When the golden protective shield covered his body, Tianyang Shenjun also immediately used the magical escape technique at the level of god transformation, and escaped directly towards the center of Dongyun Continent.

Because there are three Shen Transformation Sects in the center of Dongyun Continent, as long as you escape there, the Shen Transformation Lords of the three Shen Transformation Sects in the center of Dongyun Continent can come to the rescue.

"If I want to escape, wouldn't it be in vain that I borrow Master Ding's magic power?"

The escape technique that turned into levels was very fast, tens of thousands of miles away in an instant. Wu Tao used his spirit to control thousands of long black arrows. With a thought, black light surged from his body and turned into black light, pointing directly towards the sky. The king of gods chased after him.

Its speed is faster than Tianyang Shenjun.

At this time, Tianyang Shenjun could no longer calm down.

"My life is at stake!"

Tianyang Shenjun groaned in his heart, and at this moment, the long black arrows rained down on Tianyang Shenjun's golden protective shield.

The arrow rain came in waves, and the golden protective shield of the first wave shook violently. Due to the impact, Tianyang Shenjun's magical escape method was also hindered.

"You must block it!"

Tianyang Shenjun exclaimed in his heart, and the majestic divine transformation power was poured into the golden protective shield, holding it up.

When the second wave of arrows rained down, the golden protective shield shook violently again, even more violently than the first wave of arrows rained down, which made Tianyang Shenjun's god-transformation power somewhat incapable of sustaining.

But Tianyang Shenjun still withstood the second wave of arrows.

The figure of Tianyang Divine Lord was already submerged in the black rain of arrows. Under the third wave of arrow rain, long black arrows pierced the golden protective cover of Tianyang Divine Lord.

But it only broke through. The black light arrow entered halfway into the golden protective shield and was stuck by the golden protective shield.

The stuck black light arrow turned into black light and dissipated.

Tianyang Shenjun breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this time, the fourth wave of rain had already fallen. Tianyang Shenjun shouted, and the fifth-level defensive robes on his body swayed, and he was fully activated. This was his last defense!

Once the golden protective shield is broken, if the fifth-level defensive robe on his body is broken by the black rain, he may die a violent death.

"No, no, I, Tianyang, have fought tens of thousands of small and small battles in my life, and I have survived. When I was in Jindan, I also encountered dangers from the demons outside the territory. I also survived in the hands of the demons outside the territory. This time, I, Tianyang, Will definitely survive again.”

Tianyang Shenjun shouted angrily in his heart, and his magic power was operating at full power.


There was a loud noise, and the golden protective shield finally failed to withstand the fourth wave of Hex-colored arrow rain. The black arrow rain directly smashed the golden protective shield into pieces, and the pieces were suspended around Tianyang Shenjun.

The remaining black arrows hit the fifth-level defensive robe of Lord Tianyang like raindrops.

Tianyang Shenjun suddenly felt waves of pain, like bone erosion, and he also felt that the fifth-level defensive robe on his body was breaking inch by inch.

The black rain dissipated, and the fifth-level defensive robe on Tianyang Shenjun became tattered, but he still withstood all the black arrow rain.

"After all, I managed to hold on, and I, Tianyang, survived again!"

Lord Tianyang was overjoyed, but the next moment, he heard a soft shout: "Today, let me, Wu Tao, kill the transformed god!"

Tianyang Shenjun turned around in horror, and saw a figure thousands of miles away above him. The figure was holding a black giant sword that was thousands of miles long, and it cut across his body in an instant.

"More than 1,500 years of cultivation have finally come to nothing!"

Tianyang Shenjun's face was stunned, and he murmured to himself. Then he saw a black straight line from his forehead. This black straight line emitted black light, and the light spread to both sides. Tianyang Shenjun's The body was annihilated bit by bit in the black light.

His transformed body and soul melted into the black light like spring snow.

In just the blink of an eye, there was only a storage bag, a treasure book, and golden pieces as thin as pieces of paper floating around in the void.

As for Tianyang Shenjun, he has disappeared.

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