"Senior Qi Ling, I want to redeem the token for entering the Yuan Ling Secret Realm."

Wu Tao said to the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall.

Hearing this, the Weapon Spirit of the War Merit Palace looked at Wu Tao and nodded and said: "You have more than 21,000 war merits now, and it is indeed the most suitable to exchange them for the entry token of the Yuanling Secret Realm."

"Sorry for bothering you, senior!" Wu Tao said.

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace said: "It costs 20,000 war merits to exchange for the entry token to the Yuanling Secret Realm." At this point, he stretched out his hand and a cyan token flew out of the light wall and landed on his in hand.

He handed it to Wu Tao and said: "This is the token to enter the Yuanling Secret Realm. If you hold this token and activate the token, you can enter the Yuanling Secret Realm. I have deducted your military merit."

Wu Tao took the token and looked down. Sure enough, he saw that only more than 1,000 military exploits were left in the mark of the War Merit Hall. He looked at the token. It was all blue, with the four characters "Yuanling Secret Realm" written on the front and "Yuanling Secret Realm" on the back. It is a miniature scene engraved with a secret realm.

The entry token for the Yuanling Secret Realm has been exchanged. Wu Tao did not leave immediately. During the exchange, he handed over the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall and asked for advice: "Senior, this junior enters the Yuanling Secret Realm this time. I don't know the specific situation of the Yuanling Secret Realm. I wonder if the seniors have any advice?”

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace looked at him and said, "Yes, you are quite smart. I have a guide for the Yuanling Secret Realm here. Do you want a thousand war merits?"

Wu Tao heard this and said dumbly: "Senior, why is there no strategy for the Yuanling Secret Realm in the redemption list?"

The war-merited electrical appliance spirit said: "This is my exclusive strategy, so naturally it will not be included in the exchange list."

Wu Tao suddenly said: "So that's it, but senior, you are a weapon spirit. Wouldn't it be more convenient to put it in the exchange list to exchange it directly? If you are too lazy to exchange it separately, you can save a process."

Hearing this, Qi Ling chuckled and said, "When you exchange for training resources in the exchange list, the battle merit you consume will not go to me. But if you exchange battle merit alone, it will go to my little purse. Do you understand?"

"Can it still be like this?" Wu Tao was surprised.

"Okay, no more nonsense, just ask your kid if you want it." The weapon spirit reached out and flipped through, and a blue book appeared in his hand.

Wu Tao looked at the blue-covered book in Qi Ling's hand. To be honest, 1,000 battle merits for a guide is a bit expensive, but if you have the guide for the Yuanling Secret Realm, you will gain even greater rewards when you enter the Yuanling Secret Realm.

The introduction to the Yuanling Secret Realm in the exchange list only says that when Nascent Soul cultivators enter the Yuanling Secret Realm, they can improve their cultivation. Basically, those who enter can improve their realm by a small level.

As for other dangers in the Yuanling Secret Realm, there is no introduction. Yuanying cultivators who enter the secret realm need to explore by themselves.

He thought about the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace. The person in charge of the War Merit Palace should know the situation of the Yuanling Secret Realm. He did not expect that this weapon spirit actually had a strategy for the Yuanling Secret Realm.

"Change! Aren't war merits used to improve my cultivation? This guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm allows me to enter the Yuanling Secret Realm, where I can gain greater rewards and my cultivation can become stronger." Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately challenged the battle merit palace weapon Ling said:

"Senior, I'll change!"

"Smart boy." The weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall handed the blue book to Wu Tao, and crossed out another 1,000 war merits on top of Wu Tao's War Merit Hall brand.

Wu Tao took the blue-covered book thrown by the weapon spirit and looked at the smile on the weapon spirit's face, as if he had made a lot of money. He handed over to the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall and said: "Senior Qi Ling, I will go back first!"

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace said to him: "Okay, since you know me so well, I will give you a piece of advice. After entering the Yuanling Secret Realm, you must not bite off more than you can chew, and do not enter the Yuanling Secret Realm. The depths of it. It’s almost enough to raise it to two small realms.”

"Can entering the Yuanling Secret Realm improve two small realms?" Wu Tao immediately grasped the key point of what Qi Ling said, and he asked with joy in his heart.

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace said: "You kid can go through the back door of the War Merit Palace, so you must be a genius. Tianjiao can advance to a small realm by entering the Yuanling Secret Realm, but a top genius can rise to two minor realms."

"As for you, even if you are an ordinary genius, with my guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm, you can advance to two minor realms in the Yuanling Secret Realm."

After hearing this, Wu Tao looked down at the blue book in his hand, thanked the weapon spirit of Yiyi Battle Hall again and said: "It seems that the strategy for this Yuanling Secret Realm is far more than 1,000 battle merits. It was me who took advantage of my seniors. Thank you very much, seniors." .”

"It is true that you took advantage. I spent a lot of effort to search for the guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm. Okay, I won't tell you more. You read this guide in detail, and then enter the Yuanling Secret Realm. I hope You will be able to advance to two small realms after you come out, so don't let me down with this guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm." The weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall waved to Wu Tao, indicating that he could retreat.

Upon hearing this, Wu Tao immediately bowed to the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall and said, "That junior has resigned!" After saying this, he exited the resource exchange office.

After Wu Tao retreated, the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall instantly showed a smile and said: "Not bad, not bad, I earned 1,000 battle merits today. After this kid comes out of the Yuanling Secret Realm, I can ask him about the situation in the Yuanling Secret Realm. By adding new content to this guide and increasing the price in the future, the Nascent Soul boys in the future won’t find it expensive.”

The weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace was very happy. He did not spend a lot of energy to collect the strategies for his Yuanling Secret Realm. Instead, he questioned every Nascent Soul cultivator who entered the Yuanling Secret Realm. Those who were cultivating immortals for a long time only thought that he was the weapon spirit of the Immortal Weapon and War Merit Hall, so they explained it to him in detail respectfully.

After Wu Tao exited the resource exchange room, he returned to the triple acceleration training room. To enter the Yuanling Secret Realm, he must first read the guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm given by the weapon spirit of the War Merit Hall.

There are other areas where preparation can be made.

Entering the Yuanling Secret Realm consumes too much military merit. It costs 20,000 military merits to enter the Yuanling Secret Realm once, and you can only stay in the Yuanling Secret Realm for 10 days. How much cultivation can be improved within 10 days depends on personal opportunities and efforts. .

Therefore, Wu Tao must cherish this opportunity to enter the Yuanling Secret Realm, and cannot waste the 20,000 battle achievements.

This is the only way to enter the Yuanling Secret Realm after killing a God-Transforming Lord.

Sitting down in the triple acceleration training room, Wu Tao reached out and turned over the blue book.

The blue-covered book is made of ordinary animal skins and has little value in itself, but the content recorded in it is of greatest value.

Wu Tao opened the book and began to read it in detail.

The beginning of the book introduces the Yuanling Secret Realm. The Yuanling Secret Realm is a small secret realm. The formation of the Yuanling Secret Realm is the combination of the law and the god after the death of a god and demon.

In the secret realm, many Yuanlings were born. If these Yuanlings are captured, swallowed and refined, they can directly improve the Yuanying's cultivation level.

The Yuanlings inside are also divided into levels, from level one to level 9, and the Yuanling's combat power corresponds to the Yuanying 1st level to the 9th level.

Therefore, if the Yuanling cultivator enters the Yuanling secret realm to capture the Yuanling, he may be killed by the Yuanling, because the Yuanling may be stronger than the Yuanling cultivator.

Moreover, there are not only Yuanlings in the Yuanling Secret Realm, but also evil spirits and some dangerous areas. The evil spirits are very powerful. It is said that the formation of evil spirits is the yin and yang side of the god and demon after death.

It also incorporates the resentment of the immortal cultivators who died in the Yuanling Secret Realm.

Generally, encountering evil spirits is very unlucky.

However, the existence of evil spirits is relatively rare. As long as you do not go to areas where evil spirits often appear, you will not encounter evil spirits. The areas where evil spirits often appear are also recorded in this guide.

The dangerous areas in the Yuanling Secret Realm are also recorded in this guide, so the more Wu Tao reads this guide, the more he feels that the 1,000 battle merits are well worth it.

Finally, this guide later said that a fifth-level Yuanling may be born from the depths of the Yuanling Secret Realm, which is a Yuanling comparable to the realm of gods.

The Yuanling Secret Realm only allows immortal cultivators at the Yuanying level to enter. Naturally, they cannot be opponents of fifth-level Yuanlings. Wu Tao finally knew why the weapon spirit of the War Merit Palace gave him advice in the end, telling him not to enter the Yuanling level. In the deepest part of the spiritual realm, you must know how to be content.

Because capturing, devouring and refining Yuanling can improve your cultivation level, many immortal cultivators can only want to capture more Yuanling after entering the Yuanling Secret Realm. Their greed may cause them to lose their consciousness. Step into a dangerous situation and end up in Yuanling Secret Realm.

This happens all the time.

After reading this guide for an hour, Wu Tao slowly closed the book and thought to himself: "With my current strength, as long as I don't go to areas where evil spirits appear and areas marked with danger, I won't be able to do anything." Going deep into the Yuanling Secret Realm, I should not encounter dangers beyond my strength that I cannot resist."

After all, Wu Tao can easily kill even the 9th level of Nascent Soul. He has become invincible in the realm of Nascent Soul.

If you can't become a god, who can compete with you?

Wu Tao put the blue book back into the storage bag, and then entered the storage bag with his spiritual thoughts. A stream of light flew out of the storage bag and floated in front of him, which was a ball of golden fragments.

"I wonder if I can refine this golden fragment."

Wu Tao looked at the golden fragments in front of him and thought, he was very aware of the defensive strength of this golden fragment. In the hands of Tianyang Divine Lord, it could withstand three waves of Heguang arrows. In the fourth wave, At this time, it was shattered into pieces by the black light arrow rain.

The black light arrow rain is a power borrowed from Master Ding, a being who is equivalent to an immortal.

Of course, the black light that Master Ding lent him was not only equivalent to the strength of the God Transformation Nerve, but Master Ding only lent him the power to kill the God of Transformation.

If he encounters an immortal cultivator, Wu Tao believes that the power given to him by Master Ding will be able to easily kill the immortal cultivator.

"The original appearance of this fragment was that of a stone. After it was sacrificed by the God-Transforming Lord, it was directly extended into a protective shield. This is not a magic weapon, but a spiritual object." As a fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner, Wu Tao, this There is still some discernment.

That's why he thought about refining this spiritual object. If it was a magic weapon, it must have reached the fifth level in the hands of the God of Transformation. It was not something that his Nascent Soul level could refine.

"So it has been broken into pieces, but its defensive strength should be stronger than the fourth-level advanced defense robe."

"Then let's try to refine this. Then I can add another layer of defense."

Now Wu Tao has two layers of defense. The first layer is the fourth-level advanced defensive robe, and the innermost layer is his star yuan body. The physical training is also combat type and defensive type.

"Start refining."

Wu Tao no longer thought about it. As soon as the Nascent Soul in his body moved, the powerful Nascent Soul mana and the Nascent Soul's divine thoughts directly wrapped the golden fragments in front of him.

Try to refine it.

An hour later, Wu Tao's face lit up with joy and he said in his heart: "It can indeed be refined."

Since it can be refined, he will no longer be distracted and concentrate on refining all these fragments.

It is indeed possible to refine, but it is still very difficult, but Wu Tao has plenty of time. Anyway, entering the Yuanling Secret Realm is not required to enter now. He has an entry token and can enter at any time.

It just stipulates that once you enter the Yuanling Secret Realm, you will be expelled from the Yuanling Secret Realm after 10 days.

As time passed slowly, Wu Tao was refining the pieces piece by piece, because with his current Nascent Soul mana and Nascent Soul mind, he could not refine all the pieces together.

There are tens of thousands of these fragments.

At that time, the dense rain of arrows from his hand directly smashed the golden protective shield around Tianyang Divine Lord into tens of thousands of fragments.

And just when Wu Tao was refining the fragments of spiritual objects, in Dongyun State, in the void where Wu Tao killed Tianyang Divine Lord, three figures suddenly appeared out of thin air.

These three figures formed a triangle and stopped in the void. There was no powerful aura manifested on them, just like mortals. But how could a mortal be suspended in the void?

In this way, the identities of these three people are obvious. They are the three god-transforming gods from the three major divine sects of Dongyun Continent.

"It's the breath of Tianyang." One of the gods of Dongyunzhou said.

They have already felt that there is a fighting technique at the level of gods in Dongyun Continent. As the gods of Dongyun Continent, they must come and take a look.

As soon as they arrived, the fight was over, but there was still some breath left in the void.

The various states in the Eastern God Territory knew each other. Moreover, the distance between East Shenzhou and Dongyun State was very close. The God-Transforming Lord of Dongyun State and the Tianyang Shenjun of East Shenzhou had dealt with each other many times, so instantly Then he sensed the aura of Lord Tianyang.

"Who is Tianyang fighting with?" one of the gods transformed into gods asked in confusion.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if he is fighting with others, as long as it doesn't affect us. There are only his remaining auras here, and the remaining auras of two Yuan Ying stage demons from outside the territory. It seems that he came to kill two Yuan Ying stage ones. The extraterrestrial demon then left Dongyun Continent.”

The three God-Transforming Lords of Dongyun Continent quickly came to this conclusion, because under Wu Tao's black giant sword, Tianyang Lord didn't even drop ashes and was directly swallowed by the black light.

As for the aura of the coffin nails, relying on the realm of the three god-transforming gods in Dongyunzhou, they would definitely not be able to sense it.

Therefore, they felt that Tianyang Divine Lord was not dead, and did not know that Tianyang Divine Lord had died and disappeared, so they quickly left this void and returned to their respective sects to continue practicing.

A month later, Wu Tao finally refined all the fragments of these spiritual objects.

He stood up from the futon and looked at the golden fragments floating in front of him. With a thought in his mind, he shouted softly: "Come together!"

With the sound of 'join', this group of golden fragments flew around him like a rain of flowers, and quickly spliced ​​together to form a golden giant egg, protecting Wu Tao inside.

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