Triple acceleration in the training room.

As Wu Tao thought, the fragments of spiritual objects he had refined took on various shapes and formed a defense around him, which was very agile.

After changing into more than a dozen shapes, Wu Tao's thoughts moved, and the golden cube around him immediately dispersed into pieces, and then turned into a torrent of fragments and flew into the storage bag on his waist.

"This fifth-level spiritual object is extremely defensive. Although it has been damaged, it still has stronger defensive properties than the fourth-level advanced defensive robe."

After Wu Tao refined it, he also felt the defensive function of these fifth-level spiritual objects.

"I know very little about fifth-level spiritual objects, because I am not a fifth-level weapon refiner. After I came out of the Yuanling Secret Realm, I went to exchange for a complete collection of fifth-level spiritual objects to look through it and find this spiritual object. , what kind of spiritual creature is it?"

Wu Tao thought like this and clicked on his personal information.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 121/1859】

[Realm: Fourth level of Nascent Soul]

[Kung Fu: The fourth level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s magical power (49%)]

[Spells: Briefly, the eighth level of the Nascent Soul stage of Tianyan God Refining Scripture (73%), the sixth level of the secret technique of transformation (100%), the seventh layer of the red flame divine fire cover method (3%), the Yuan Ying stage. Magnetic Aurora Escape Expert (46%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Mastering Techniques: Nine-Yao Divine Fire Technique Expert (3%), Nascent Soul Level 3rd Level of Artifact Refining and Fighting (5%)

Mastering the Restrictions: Slightly, Level 4 Advanced Divine Restriction (37%), Level 4 Advanced Luobao Money (18%)]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhou Tianxing body training·Yuan Ti chapter: fifth level (79%), witchcraft tactics shattering the stars·Mastery (55%), slightly]

"There is still 51% progress to break through the fifth level of Yuanling. But now we are about to enter the Yuanling Secret Realm, so we will break through the fifth layer of Yuanling in the Yuanling Secret Realm."

"If it is true as Senior Qi Ling said, I should be able to break through to the sixth level of Yuanying in the Yuanling Secret Realm."

Wu Tao was thinking in his heart and continued to look down. There was no need to look at the spells. He mainly wanted to look at the progress of the Yuan Ti realm.

Entering the Yuanling Secret Realm would not be of any help to his Yuan-Ti cultivation, and he only had 10 days to enter the Yuanling Secret Realm. Time was very precious, and in the Yuanling Secret Realm he only wanted to improve and break through to the Yuanying Realm.

"That's it, get ready to enter the Yuanling Secret Realm!"

With a thought in Wu Tao's mind, he closed his personal information, then reached out and turned over, and the entry token for the Yuanling Secret Realm appeared in his hand.

As long as he activates this token in the War Merit Hall, he can enter the Yuanling Secret Realm.

There is a passage to the Yuanling Secret Realm in the War Merit Hall. As for how the passage is formed, Wu Tao, a minor cultivator at the Yuanying level, cannot know.

"By the way, before entering the Yuanling Secret Realm, I need to tell the master, so that the master can't find me in these 10 days." Wu Tao immediately took out the summons token and sent a message to his master Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xingrui also practiced in the War Merit Hall to improve his cultivation.

Maybe the master Wen Xingrui was practicing, and Wu Tao didn't reply immediately when he called him, but he had already left a message. He would check it after the master finished practicing, so Wu Tao directly inspired the entry token of the Yuanling Secret Realm.

The token has been activated by Wu Tao's magical power. The token immediately floated in Wu Tao's hand, floated to Wu Tao's head, and emitted a burst of white light. The light formed a pillar of light, enveloping Wu Tao's body in the pillar of light.

Wu Tao looked up towards the light column and saw a white vortex above the light column.

The vortex was slowly rotating. In the blink of an eye, the white vortex began to rotate at high speed. Wu Tao suddenly felt a strong suction force pouring into his body, and he instinctively resisted.

But in the next moment, he gave up resisting the suction of the vortex, because he knew that the white vortex was the gateway to the Yuanling Secret Realm.

Sure enough, as soon as he gave up resistance, his body was sucked directly into the white vortex.

Entering the white vortex, Wu Tao felt like he was walking in the passage of light, surrounded by light. There was no concept of time. It could be an instant or it could be a long, long time. He quickly passed through the passage of light and appeared in another strange place. in the environment.

Wu Tao stepped on the ground, which was very soft. When he looked down, he saw that it was not the earth, but water, as soft as water.

He looked around and saw that there were trees, flowers, grass, and mountain peaks all around. However, these trees, flowers, grass, and mountain peaks were not real trees, flowers, grass, and mountain peaks. Instead, they seemed to be made of some unique substance.

Looking up at the sky again, I found that there were no clouds, no sun, and no moon. The sky was white.

"Is this the Yuanling Secret Realm?" Wu Tao walked forward, came to a big tree, stretched out his hand and patted it, and Yuanying's magic power directly destroyed the big tree.

But the next moment, there was an illusory shaking in front of me, and the big tree recovered from the illusory shaking, as if the scene was replayed and returned to before.

"Interesting Yuanling Secret Realm. According to reports, this Yuanling Secret Realm is a combination of the magic of gods and demons and gods. Therefore, every plant, tree, mountain and stone here is actually a special substance formed by the special fusion of magic and gods."

"It also has a very strong repair function. Even if there is a war here and everything is destroyed, it will be restored to its original state. It is really a wonderful secret place."

Wu Tao became initially interested in the Yuanling Secret Realm, but he did not come to the Yuanling Secret Realm to explore how the Yuanling Secret Realm was formed and what kind of recovery function it had. He came here to capture the Yuanling, devour the Yuanling, and improve it. His own Nascent Soul cultivation level.

So Wu Tao flew directly into the air, and all his spiritual thoughts from 11,400 miles away were spread out to check the surrounding terrain. He wanted to know which part of the Yuanling Secret Realm he had reached.

Entering the Yuanling Secret Realm is also random and is not fixed in a certain area, so the first time you enter the Yuanling Secret Realm is to check your location.

Of course, randomness also comes with danger. Some Nascent Soul cultivators enter the Yuanling Secret Realm and directly descend into the depths of the Yuanling Secret Realm, never to come out again. Others descend in front of evil spirits. Defeat the evil spirits. You can live, otherwise you can only be killed and devoured by evil spirits.

Evil spirits are not like Yuan Ling. Yuan Ling will only kill immortal cultivators in self-defense and will not devour them. However, evil spirits will devour immortal cultivators and regard them as their own powerful nourishment.

Fortunately, Wu Tao was not unlucky. The area where he appeared should be a dangerous area, otherwise danger would have come to his door long ago.

Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts spread out to sense the surrounding land, looking for some iconic terrain. He recalled in his mind the guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm that he bought from the Artifact Spirit of the War Hall. The guide also contained a rough map of the Yuanling Secret Realm. Of course it's not comprehensive enough.

However, when Wu Tao's spiritual sense sensed a mountain peak shaped like an eagle's beak, his face lit up with joy and he said to himself: "It turns out that we have arrived at the boundary of Eagle Mountain."

There are many realms in the Yuanling Secret Realm that were marked by Yuan Ying stage immortal cultivators who entered the Yuanling Secret Realm to explore. They were given various names and spread widely, and then they became common names for everyone to facilitate those who came after. .

"There is indeed no danger in the Yingshan realm, but Yuanling is very rare here. It can be said that if you are unlucky, you may not encounter even one Yuanling. Therefore, you still have to leave the Yingshan realm and go to other realms."

"There is an evil spirit realm next to the Yingshan realm. I was on the edge of the Yingshan realm and almost randomly arrived at that evil spirit realm. It seems that I am very lucky. I should be able to continuously break through this Yuanling secret realm. Two levels of Nascent Soul cultivation."

Wu Tao secretly thought in his heart, and directly used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Light Escape to escape towards the east.

The Yuanci Aurora Escape was very fast, and soon Wu Tao had left the Yingshan realm. As expected, there were very few Yuanlings in the Yingshan realm. He crossed the Yingshan realm without finding a single Yuanling.

After Wu Tao left the Yingshan boundary, he continued to release his spiritual thoughts and spread them around. Suddenly he felt a stone mountain below and found something different.

He stopped immediately, suspended above the stone mountain, and then penetrated the stone mountain with his spiritual thoughts. As soon as his spiritual thoughts penetrated the stone mountain, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "It was well hidden, I almost didn't find it. "

After muttering to himself, Wu Tao stretched out his hand and patted the storage bag, and a stream of light flew out of the storage bag and shot towards the rocky mountain below.

At this moment, there was a loud roar from the stone mountain below, and huge stones flew out in all directions. A huge stone man jumped out, stretched out his hand and punched the flying sword.

"Bang." There was a loud noise, and the flying sword directly shattered one of the stone giant's stone fists.

The stone giant glanced down at his fist and found that the stone fist was gone. Knowing that he was no match for Wu Tao, he immediately turned around and ran away. The stone giant is hundreds of meters tall, and every time he runs, the ground seems to be shaking.

"How can you escape after finally encountering a Yuan Spirit? Judging from its aura, it should be a fourth-level Yuan Spirit." Wu Tao's body burst out with Yuan Magnetic Aurora, and he used his flying sword to chase directly towards the stone giant. .

The stone giant is a fourth-level Yuanling, and his strength is equivalent to that of a fourth-level Nascent Soul cultivator, but Wu Tao is capable of killing a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator. A mere fourth-level Yuanling can suppress it with just a raise of his hand.

Therefore, Wu Tao quickly appeared in front of the stone giant, intercepted the stone giant, and then used a flying sword to turn into streams of light. In the blink of an eye, the flying sword stabbed the stone giant hundreds of times, each time Stab the stone giant, and huge rocks will explode into rubble and fly everywhere.

Bang bang bang explosions sounded, and all the stones on the stone giant shattered into rubble. The stone giant that was hundreds of meters tall instantly became 10 meters tall. Another flying sword slashed out, and the 10 meter stone giant also shattered into pieces. Come, and then a white light flew out from it, trying to escape.

But Wu Tao was well prepared, and his magic power and spiritual thoughts intertwined into a large net that instantly covered the white light that wanted to escape.

The white light was covered by the great net of mana and spiritual thoughts, and manifested into a body shape. It was a palm-sized white Nascent Soul, just like the Nascent Soul of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The Yuanling is the spirit of the Yuanying. It looks like the Yuanying, but has no face. It contains rich Yuanying mana and the spirit of the Yuanying, so swallowing the Yuanling can improve the cultivation of the Yuanying.

The spirit of the Nascent Soul sometimes hides in mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, turning into stone giants or other water giants, so careful exploration is required to find the spirit of the Nascent Soul.

There are also some Yuanlings who directly manifest themselves, but of course they are relatively rare.

If it weren't for Wu Tao's careful sensing and exploration just now, he really wouldn't have discovered a fourth-level Yuanling hidden in the stone mountain.

Looking at the fourth-level Yuanling struggling in the web of his mana and spiritual thoughts, Wu Tao thought to himself: "I wonder how much cultivation can be improved by swallowing and refining this Yuanling."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately fell to the ground below, took out a set of fourth-level defensive formations, and began to set them up.

In this secret realm of Yuanling, she may not be the only one, there may also be other Yuanying stage cultivators who will appear. Sometimes they will compete with each other for Yuanling, so every time they refine and devour Yuanling, they must do it well. Complete preparation.

After setting up the fourth-level defensive formation, Wu Tao sat down and used his magic power to make the big net disappear. When the fourth-level Yuanling was trapped, seeing the net disappear, the fourth-level Yuanling wanted to escape, but this time When Wu Tao opened his mouth and sucked in, the fourth-level Yuanling was immediately sucked into his belly.

As soon as it entered his belly, Wu Tao immediately used Jiu Yaotian's divine magic to refine this fourth-level Yuanling with all his strength.

As soon as he refined this fourth-level Yuanling, Wu Tao felt a sense of pleasure in cultivation, just like when he used the star streamer to practice the Zhou Tianxing Body Exercise at a very fast speed.

Half an hour later, Wu Tao completely refined this fourth-level Yuanling. He immediately opened his personal information to see how much this fourth-level Yuanling had improved his cultivation.

The fourth level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s divine magic: (53%)

Seeing this progress, Wu Tao's face was filled with joy: "A level 4 Yuanling has directly improved my progress by 4%, which is equivalent to saving 4 months of hard work."

If he did not practice in the triple accelerated training room, it would indeed save Wu Tao four months of hard training.

Half an hour of refining and swallowing is equivalent to 4 months of normal practice. No wonder that in 10 days, some genius Nascent Soul cultivators can advance to one minor realm, and even more evil ones can advance to two minor realms. .

As long as you capture enough Yuan Spirits, your cultivation level will not increase drastically.

"Continue to search for Yuan Ling." Wu Tao became more motivated, put away the fourth-level defensive formation, and immediately began to continue searching for Yuan Ling.

Two days later.

Within the fourth-level defensive formation, Wu Tao was sitting cross-legged, using all his strength to run the Jiu Yaotian's divine magic to refine a level 5 Yuanling he had just captured.

After half an hour and a little more time, Wu Tao finally refined this level 5 Yuanling and immediately opened his personal information.

The fourth level of Jiuyao Tiandu’s divine magic: (93%)

After reading, Wu Tao closed his personal information and couldn't help but smile on his face, thinking: "In just two days, the progress has been improved to 93%. If there is another Yuanling above level six, it will be Can directly break through to the fifth level of Nascent Soul."

"It is possible that today or tomorrow, we will be able to break through to the fifth level of Nascent Soul."

Wu Tao felt that his luck was quite good, and relying on the guide to the Yuanling Secret Realm given to him by Senior Qi Ling of the War Merit Hall, he specially went to guide some of the places where Yuanling often appeared, and as expected, in just a short time In two days, he is about to break through to the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

And I have to say that the hidden methods of these Yuanlings are really weird. If Wu Tao had not had that guide, he would have almost missed many Yuanlings and missed the opportunity to improve their cultivation.

"Continue to search for the Yuanling, and quickly break through the fifth level of the Yuanling."

When Wu Tao thought of this, he immediately stood up and put away the fourth-level defensive formation.

He put the formation into his storage bag, straightened up, and directly used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, and continued to escape forward. At the same time, he released all his spiritual thoughts, sensing a radius of thousands of miles.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

At this moment, there was a loud roaring sound from below. Wu Tao immediately controlled the Nascent Soul to sweep over, and his face was immediately happy, because there was a giant made of mud running below, and he might have encountered some danger.

The dangers Yuan Ling encounters are, first, they are immortal cultivators who specially enter the Yuan Ling secret realm to capture Yuan Ling, and second, they are evil spirits. Evil spirits will not only devour the Yuan Ying stage cultivators, but also the Yuan Ling.

"This Yuanling is a seventh-level Yuanling. If I capture it, refine it and devour it, I will be able to advance to the fifth level of Yuanying immediately."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao escaped and at the same time used a flying sword to kill the seventh-level Yuanling clay giant below.

Just as his flying sword shot towards the seventh-level Yuanling clay giant, another flying sword flew over from the other side, and at the same time there was a roar:

"I dare to covet Xiang Ziheng's Yuanling. I am really looking for death!"

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