Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 834 Breakthrough to the Sixth Level of Nascent Soul

Wu Tao was in a very good mood.

Although he did not capture a single Yuan Spirit that day, controlling three Blood Sect ninth-level Yuan Ying immortal cultivators with the Life-Strangulating Lock was equivalent to having six ninth-level Yuan Spirits.

Taking the ninth-level Yuanling that he handed over to Xiang Ziheng, he quickly arrived at a quiet place, landed, and began to set up a fourth-level defensive array.

He must first devour and refine this ninth-level Yuanling into cultivation.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Wu Tao quickly began to use Jiu Yaotian's divine magic to refine this level 9 Yuanling.

Half an hour and a quarter of an hour later, Wu Tao finally finished refining this level 9 Yuanling, and the fifth level of his Jiu Yao Tian Du Shen Magic had reached 18% progress.

A level 9 Yuanling can bring him 8% progress.

Calculated in this way, Xiang Ziheng still has one level 9 Yuan Spirit, Liu Hai has two level 9 Yuan Spirits, and the three blood sect nine-level Yuan Ying cultivators still need to hand over 6 level 9 Yuan Spirits.

In this way, there are a total of 9 level 9 Yuanlings.

One level 9 Yuanling can increase his cultivation level by 8 points, and nine can provide 72 points of progress.

72 progresses plus 18 progresses can advance the fifth level of Nascent Soul to 90% progress in one fell swoop.

It only takes one or two high-level Yuanlings to break through the sixth level of Yuanying.

"In this way, with my own efforts and the efforts of other Nascent Soul cultivators, maybe I can really improve my cultivation to the 7th level of Nascent Soul in the Yuanling Secret Realm!"

Wu Tao was quite happy. Once the Nascent Soul realm entered the seventh level of the Nascent Soul, it was already in the late Nascent Soul stage, which meant that the realm of transformation into gods was not far away.

Of course, after leaving the Yuanling Secret Realm, Wu Tao still felt that his physical cultivation would catch up with his legal cultivation sooner or later, because practicing with the stars and flowing light, Zhou Tianxing's physical training was too fast.

First, cultivate the physical body and cultivate the spiritual body, and then cultivate the spiritual body by cultivating the Dharma.


Thinking like this, Wu Tao stood up from the futon, put away the futon, and put away the fourth-level defensive array. Time was running out in the Yuanling Secret Realm, and he was about to start capturing Yuanling.

It was almost noon today, and he had not yet captured a Yuanling.

"I hope I can catch a few Yuanlings today. My luck can't be so bad. I haven't been able to catch them all the time!" Wu Tao thought to himself, using Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, he began to explore the Yuanling Secret Realm again.

There is no day or night in the Yuanling Secret Realm, but the weather is vaguely felt, which is quite magical.

Therefore, Wu Tao and others who have entered the Yuanling Secret Realm can know how long has passed.

The fourth day passed quickly. Wu Tao's luck was not that bad on this day, but he captured four Yuanlings, one level 4 Yuanling, two level 5 Yuanlings, and one level 3 Yuanling.

He also improved his cultivation level by 8 levels.

On the fifth day, Wu Tao received the second level 9 spirit captured by Xiang Ziheng. Looking at the level 9 spirit in his hand, his eyes fell on Xiang Ziheng, and he felt extremely envious. , because he had been in the Yuanling Secret Realm for so long without encountering a ninth-level Yuanling, but Xiang Ziheng captured two ninth-level Yuanlings in two days.

"Fellow Daoist Li, should I remove the life-strangling lock on my Nascent Soul?" Xiang Ziheng looked at Wu Tao cautiously, fearing that Wu Tao would regret it.

Wu Tao is naturally not a person who goes back on his word. He has his own principles on the road to immortality. Although continuing to control Xiang Ziheng and Xiang Ziheng's luck can bring him more Yuanling, he will not do so.

Cultivation of immortality is not only about cultivating the realm, but also cultivating the mind. A person cannot lose his bottom line principles.

Wu Tao put away the ninth-level Yuanling, nodded to Xiang Ziheng and said: "Okay, release your Yuanying!"

When Xiang Ziheng heard this, his excited Nascent Soul moved and landed in front of Wu Tao. He bowed his hands to Wu Tao and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, Fellow Daoist Li!"

Wu Tao nodded lightly, stretched out his hand and wiped it on his waist, and the life-strangling lock appeared in his hand. He immediately activated the life-strangling lock, and blood lines appeared on Xiang Ziheng Yuanying's body, and then expanded and turned into blood lines. The thread fell into a life-threatening lock.

As soon as the life-killing lock released its control on Xiang Ziheng, Xiang Ziheng felt that his Yuanying had a sense of freedom. He immediately took the Yuanying back into his body and bowed to Wu Tao: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Li."

Unexpectedly, this Fellow Daoist Li was really a person who kept his promises. It was his fault before and he went against this Fellow Daoist Li. Xiang Ziheng reflected in his heart.

Wu Tao shook the lock in front of Xiang Ziheng and said, "According to the previous agreement, this lock is mine."

"Of course, of course, Fellow Daoist Li, please keep it." Xiang Ziheng said to Wu Tao with a happy smile on his face.

Wu Tao put away the life-strangling lock. If he encountered the Nascent Soul cultivator who competed with him for the Yuanling again, he would use the life-strangling lock to control him and let him capture the Yuanling in exchange for his freedom.

He said to Xiang Ziheng: "Fellow Taoist Xiang, time is pressing, so I'll say goodbye."

Xiang Ziheng also bowed his hands to Wu Tao and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, take your leave."

Wu Tao's figure turned into light and disappeared in front of Xiang Ziheng. Xiang Ziheng looked at Wu Tao's disappearing light, and immediately took out the communication talisman to inform Liu Hai that he had given Wu Tao two ninth-level Yuanlings. Wu Tao also fulfilled his promise and lifted the life-strangling lock.

Liu Hai received the message from Xiang Ziheng and was immediately full of motivation. He must quickly capture two ninth-level Yuanlings, or Yuanlings with the same value as two ninth-level Yuanlings, in exchange for his own life and freedom.

At the same time, he also envied Xiang Ziheng. In just two days, he had already captured two ninth-level spirits. Compared with other people's luck, it was really bad.

In fact, Liu Hai didn't know that not only did he envy Xiang Ziheng, but Wu Tao also envied Xiang Ziheng.

Wu Tao took Xiang Ziheng's ninth-level Yuan Ling and used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to fly across the sky above the Yuan Ling Secret Realm, trying to find a place to refine it. However, on the way to find a place, his Yuan Ying Shen The thoughts continued to spread out and explore the surrounding areas.

Suddenly, Wu Tao felt happy and said to himself: "It seems that my luck is not bad, and I also encountered a level 9 Yuanling."

In the coverage area where Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts spread, there was a faint aura emitted by the ninth-level Yuanling underground in one of the grasslands. Although it was very hidden, it was still detected by Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts.

This ninth-level Yuanling is in a hole underground.

If Wu Tao's spiritual sense hadn't reached 12,400 miles, he really wouldn't have been able to find this level 9 Yuanling.

"The stronger my spiritual will is, the more acute my perception of Yuanling will be. After I break through to the sixth level of Yuanying, my spiritual will will increase by another thousand miles. It is estimated that it will be more convenient to detect Yuanling."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao no longer hesitated and reached out directly to the storage bag at his waist. Eighteen streaks of light flew directly out of the storage bag and blasted towards the grass below.

He is not like Xiang Ziheng, who needs to secretly set up a trap and then hunt Yuanling.

With his strength, it would be enough to capture him directly. Yuan Ling would not be able to escape from his grasp.

Eighteen streaks of light hit the grass, and a big pit was blasted out with a roar. Under the big pit lay an earth-colored Yuanling. At this time, the Yuanling was already in a daze, and he happened to be sleeping well. When I was sleeping, I was stunned by a sudden shock.

The ninth-level Yuanling naturally has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. It felt the powerful aura on Wu Tao's body and the magic aura emanating from the 18 streams of light around him. It quickly jumped and escaped into the ground.

"I didn't expect to know the art of earth escape, but you can't hide from my magic weapon." Wu Tao muttered to himself, and with a movement of his mind, eighteen magic weapons were blasted out at once, directly blasting the ninth-level Yuanling that had escaped into the earth. come out.

As soon as it was blasted out, Wu Tao's magic power and spiritual thoughts had intertwined into a large net, trapping this ninth-level Yuanling in the large net.

No matter how many ninth-level Yuanlings swooped left and right, they couldn't leave his net.

"Okay, okay, now there are two ninth-level Yuanlings for me to devour and refine." Wu Tao looked at the ninth-level Yuanlings in the great net of mana and spiritual thoughts, with a look of joy on his face.

Wu Tao held this ninth-level Yuanling in his hand and was about to find a place to refine the two ninth-level Yuanlings on his body when he sensed a ray of light flying towards him.

The aura emanating from the escape light is clearly the aura of a ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator.

Wu Tao immediately stopped where he was, holding the ninth-level Yuanling in his hand, waiting for the opponent's arrival. If the other party wanted to snatch the ninth-level Yuanling in his hand, he would directly take action and capture it, and then Control with a life-lock.

There will be two more ninth-level spirits.

The escaping light was so fast that it reached the sky above Wu Tao in an instant. It sensed Wu Tao's breath and stopped, manifesting into an immortal cultivator wearing a black robe.

This man was in his early 30s with a square face. He glanced at Wu Tao and then at the level 9 Yuanling in Wu Tao's hand. Without saying a word, he used his escape technique again and turned into a stream of light and left.

Wu Tao saw that the other party had flown away, and he was slightly surprised. He did not expect that this ninth-level Yuanying immortal cultivator had no intention of robbing his ninth-level Yuanling. You must know that the Yuanying aura he had just revealed was nothing more than that. It is the fifth level of Nascent Soul.

"But it's not surprising. The world of cultivating immortals is so big. No, there are so many worlds of cultivating immortals. It's normal for a prudent cultivator to appear." Thinking like this, Wu Tao flew away from here, looking for a quiet place, ready to swallow and refine. Transform these two ninth-level Yuanlings.

An hour later, in a certain fourth-level defensive formation on the ground, Wu Tao had completely devoured and refined the two level 9 spirits, adding another 16 points of progress to him.

The time to break through the sixth level of Nascent Soul is getting shorter and shorter.

After the 7th day.

Wu Tao's whole body flashed with Yuan Magnetic Aurora, sliding over the Yuan Ling Secret Realm. He took the time to call up his personal information and check the progress of the fifth level of Yuan Ying.

Level 5 of Jiuyao Tiandu’s Divine Law: (87%)

In the past two days, Wu Tao's luck was pretty good. He pushed the progress of the fifth level of Jiu Yaotian's Divine Law to 87%. He only needed to find two more ninth-level Yuanlings to break through to Yuanling in one fell swoop. Infant 6th floor.

This day is coming to an end, and it is estimated that tomorrow I will be able to break through to the sixth level of Nascent Soul.

As a result, there are only three days left.

In three days, you should be able to do it just fine. If you are lucky, you can break through to the 7th level of Nascent Soul.

After all, in the past two days, Wu Tao did not receive the Yuanling handed over by Liu Hai and the three ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from the Blood Sect.

When they handed over Yuan Lingyi and refined the eight ninth-level Yuan Lings, their cultivation level had not increased dramatically.

Just when Wu Tao was looking for Yuan Ling, he suddenly received a summons talisman.

It was the three ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from the Blood Sect who inspired the messenger talisman to come over.

"It should be that they have prepared the Yuanling."

Wu Tao was overjoyed and immediately asked the three blood sect Yuanying ninth-level immortal cultivators to come over to him and hand over the Yuanling.

In the realm tens of thousands of miles away from Wu Tao, there are nine figures hidden in the mountains and forests. These nine figures are all wearing blood-colored robes, and they are all ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators of the Blood Sect.

They have already set up a blood path formation here. As soon as Wu Tao comes over, after the three of them, the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Huang Yuan Ying, hand over the Yuan Ling to Wu Tao, and as soon as Wu Tao removes the life-stricken chains on the three of them, then they will The blood path formation will be immediately activated to trap and kill Wu Tao.

But at this moment, a communication talisman turned into light and flew over and fell into the hands of the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Huang. After reading the communication talisman, the ninth-level Yuanying immortal cultivator surnamed Huang changed his face slightly and turned to the 8 A ninth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Blood Sect's Nascent Soul said: "If he doesn't come, let's go to his realm to hand over the Yuan Ling."

"It's quite prudent." A ninth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Blood Sect Nascent Soul snorted coldly.

The other two, the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Qian and the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su, were controlled by Wu Tao with a life-killing lock. He had no choice but to say: "We can only go find him!"

"Then we will go with you. Once you hand over your Yuan Ling and remove the life-stricken chains on your body, we will swarm up and kill them." A ninth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Blood Sect's Nascent Soul said.

"No, this person is too strong. If there is no blood trap, this person can exchange for at least 2~3 of us. Which of you is willing to trade your life with him?" The ninth-level Yuanying immortal cultivator surnamed Huang shook his head and said.

As soon as he said this, other blood sect Yuanying ninth-level immortal cultivators fell silent. Obviously no one was willing to gamble with their lives. After practicing to this point, everyone wanted to live, leave the Yuanling secret realm, and attack the gods. realm.

"Then what should we do? He's not here, so our arrangements are useless."

"Let's do this. One of us will hand over one less level 9 Yuanling. We promise to leave it to him next time. We will find an opportunity to arrange a difficult situation next time, and then wait for him to take the bait." said the ninth-level Yuanying Immortal Cultivator surnamed Huang.

As soon as he said this, others agreed. The Yuanying cultivator named Qian and the Yuanying cultivator named Su looked at each other: "Then who will have to hand over a ninth-level Yuanling less?"

This still needs to be discussed, because whoever pays less than a ninth-level Yuanling means that the life-strangling lock on his body has not been lifted, and he will need to take greater risks next time as a bait.

"Let's draw lots!"

That's all.

After a round of drawing lots, the ninth-level Yuan Ying immortal cultivator surnamed Su was unlucky, and he was caught missing a ninth-level Yuanling this time.

"Okay, let's go!"

Three rays of blood rose into the sky and flew towards the realm where Wu Tao was.

Wu Tao waited quietly in the void. After a moment, he saw three rays of blood escaping towards him, stopping in front of him, manifesting the ninth level of the three blood sect Nascent Souls that he had previously controlled with the life-strangling lock. Immortal cultivator.

"Are you ready for Yuan Ling?" Wu Tao looked at the three of them and said.

The ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Huang and the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Qian nodded and said: "We are ready!"

Only the ninth-level Yuanying immortal cultivator surnamed Su said with a sad face: "I still have a ninth-level Yuanling that is not ready."

Wu Tao looked at the ninth-level Immortal Cultivator surnamed Su and said, "Then hurry up!"

Next, Wu Tao received two level 9 Yuanlings, and several other Yuanlings, the value of which was equivalent to 3 level 9 Yuanlings.

Therefore, Wu Tao also kept his promise and lifted the life-strangling locks on the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Huang and Qian Yuanying, and returned the life-strangling locks to them.

The three of them didn't stay long, said goodbye to Wu Tao and left.

Wu Tao looked at the Yuanling in his hand, feeling overjoyed and thinking: "Find a place to break through the sixth level of Yuanying."

With these Yuanlings, Wu Tao can not only break through the sixth level of Yuanying, but can even improve a lot at the sixth level of Yuanying.

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