A ray of light flashed through the void, then stopped, manifesting Wu Tao's figure.

Suspended in the void, Wu Tao released his spiritual thoughts 12,400 miles away, scanned the surrounding area, and landed when he found no trace of evil spirits or immortal cultivators.

He planned to devour and refine Yuanling here and officially break through to the sixth level of Yuanying.

"Breaking through the realm is not a trivial matter. You must choose an absolutely safe place where no one can disturb you. If your breakthrough is interrupted, your success will be in vain." With this thought in mind, Wu Tao took out the fourth-level intermediate defense array from his storage bag and began to arrange it. Formation.

After a while, Wu Tao had already arranged the fourth-level intermediate defense array, took out a futon from his storage bag and sat down in a cross-legged position.

Now his level 5 cultivation progress has reached 87%.

Swallowing a level 9 Yuanling can increase the progress by 8 points, which means it reaches 95%.

There is only 5% progress left, and it is enough to swallow another level 6 elemental spirit, and there happens to be a level 6 elemental spirit inside.

Thinking like this, Wu Tao moved his spiritual thoughts, and a level 9 Yuanling was captured by him, struggling in the confinement of his magic power and spiritual thoughts.

Looking at the struggling ninth-level Yuanling, Wu Tao had a thought in his mind, and he had already activated Jiuyaotian's divine magic. The magic power and divine thoughts were refined and devoured the ninth-level Yuanling.

More than half an hour later, Wu Tao refined all the level 9 Yuanling and checked the progress of the practice. Sure enough, the progress reached 95%.

So Wu Tao took out another level 6 Yuanling. As long as he swallowed and refined this level 6 Yuanling, he could break through to the sixth level of Yuanying.

With joy, Wu Tao immediately began to devour and refine the breakthrough.

And just when Wu Tao was about to break through to the sixth level of Nascent Soul.

Three blood sect cultivators, including the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Huang, have already joined the other six blood sect ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators.

"How's it going? Did that person keep his promise and lift the life-stricken chains on your bodies?" asked a ninth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Blood Sect's Nascent Soul.

The ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Huang Yuanying flipped his skills, and a life-strangling lock appeared in his hand. He said: "This person is very trustworthy. Not only did he remove the life-strangling locks of me and fellow Taoist Qian, but we also The life-threatening locks were also returned to us."

"It doesn't matter if you talk about credibility, you still have to die!" The ninth-level immortal cultivator named Qian Yuanying said bitterly.

"If possible, prevent him from dying first, and then let him die after using him." The ninth-level Yuan Ying immortal cultivator surnamed Huang also said coldly.

When the ninth-level Immortal Cultivator named Qian Yuanying heard this, he suddenly understood and nodded in agreement: "Fellow Daoist Huang is right. If we can severely injure him and capture him alive, we can use the life-strangling lock to control him and let him stay in the Yuanling Secret Realm." After helping us capture the Yuanling, we can then use the life-strangling lock to destroy his Yuanying, completely killing him."

"Now, we should consider how to lure him here again."

"If we try to seduce him again, we can't choose this place. We have to change places, and it can't be today. Wait until tomorrow and ask Fellow Daoist Su to send him a message saying that a ninth-level Yuanling has been found." The ninth-level Yuan Ying immortal cultivator surnamed Huang is cautious. After thinking about it he said.

"Then how do we get him to come over instead of asking us to hand him over like today?" Qian, a ninth-level immortal cultivator named Yuan Ying, asked with a frown.

The ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su named Su, who was acting as a bait, remained silent throughout the whole process. He was unlucky enough to be a bait, so he listened to their plan and refused if the plan was not good for him.

It doesn't matter whether Wu Tao dies or not. What's important is that he lives, because he has seen Wu Tao's character and is a man who keeps his promises. As long as he hands over the ninth-level Yuanling on him, Wu Tao will also give him the The life-straining lock was lifted and the life-suffocating lock was returned to him.

Hatred sometimes violates one's own interests, and it doesn't seem so important.

The ninth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Nascent Soul surnamed Huang pondered for a moment, then suddenly his eyes moved and said: "I thought of a way."

"What method? Tell me quickly." The ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Qian Yuanying asked quickly.

The ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Su also set his sights on the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Huang, waiting for him to tell him the method he thought of. If the method was risky, he would definitely refuse, and it was impossible to use his own Bet your life.

The ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Huang glanced at the entire audience, and then said slowly: "Actually, the method is also very simple, and the simpler the method, the more successful it will be."

"Just like the way we besieged the person from Xuyang Sect, let these fellow Taoists attack Fellow Daoist Su together, and then Fellow Daoist Su will send a message to that person and ask him to come over and help."

"Then as soon as he came over, all the fellow Taoists who were besieging Fellow Daoist Su gathered together to besiege the man. Fellow Daoist Qian and I, who were hiding, also immediately activated the blood path formation to trap the man in the formation."

"In this case, that person will definitely be unable to escape."

As soon as the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Huang finished his words, the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Su immediately shook his head and said: "This method is not good, I don't agree."

"Why not? This method is the simplest and the one that will make that person happy the most. And with that person's fighting power, even the three Nascent Soul Ninth Levels won't take it seriously. This time we will let four fellow Taoists surround you first. , the others are hiding around. That person will probably not take it seriously when he sees that there are only four of them, and will definitely come to rescue you."

The ninth-level Immortal Cultivator of the Nascent Soul named Huang explained: "And you can rest assured that we will not let that person see the flaw. At that time, we will make the four Taoist friends who besiege you not to show the blood sect's method."

After hearing the explanation of the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Huang, the other Blood Sect Nascent Soul cultivators nodded repeatedly, obviously agreeing with his trapping method.

"There are no flaws in these, but once you leave me and besiege that person, he will know that this is a conspiracy and directly activate the life lock on me. Then my Yuan Ying will collapse and my body will disappear." Su surnamed The ninth-level immortal cultivator of Nascent Soul said angrily.

In his opinion, Huang Daoyou was completely joking with his life. Does it mean that the life of his Huang Daoyou is not his life? It is true that a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

Seeing the ninth-level immortal cultivator named Su named Nascent Soul, he became angry. The ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Huang chuckled and said, "So Taoist friend Su is worried about this. Don't worry, I have a way to solve it."

"What can be done?" The ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su Yuanying asked suspiciously.

Upon hearing this, the ninth-level Immortal Cultivator surnamed Huang named Nascent Soul reached out and touched the storage bag on his waist. A white lock appeared in his hand, and he looked at everyone.

"The Absolute Soul Lock? It turns out that Huang Daoyou also has a Absolute Soul Lock hidden in his body, no wonder!" Other ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators from the Blood Sect suddenly said.

"How are you doing, fellow Taoist Su?" The ninth-level Yuanying immortal cultivator surnamed Huang looked at the ninth-level Yuanying immortal cultivator surnamed Su.

The ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su Yuanying fell on the Absolute Spirit Lock. He pondered for a moment and nodded: "If there is a Absolute Spirit Lock, you can give it a try!"

The Absolute Spirit Lock is a magic weapon against the Life-Strangling Lock, which is more difficult to refine. Moreover, they realize that they are strong in cultivation. When they come to this Yuanling Secret Realm, they are not afraid that others will attack them, so they only prepare the Life-Strangling Lock. Absolute spirit lock.

You can use the Absolute Spirit Lock to cut off the control of the Life-Strangling Lock on the Nascent Soul, but it can only cut off the time for half a stick of incense. If you don’t get the Life-Strangling Lock after half a stick of incense, and unlock the control of the Life-Strangling Lock on the Nascent Soul, the opponent will You can also use the Life Lock to destroy the Nascent Soul and make your body die.

Therefore, the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su said: "But within half a stick of incense, you must kill or capture the other person alive, get the life-strangling lock on him, and help me release the control."

The ninth-level Immortal Cultivator surnamed Huang named Huang said with a confident smile: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Su, the eight of us will attack together, with the assistance of the blood path array, we can kill that person in a matter of seconds without even half a stick of incense."

"Furthermore, fellow Daoist Su, you used the Absolute Spirit Lock to cut off the control of the Life-Strangulating Lock, and you can join us in killing this person."

After the nine ninth-level Immortal Cultivators of the Blood Sect completed their discussions, they began to capture Yuanling in the Yuanling Secret Realm.

Because they also want to practice, after seven days here, their cultivation is getting stronger and stronger, and they are infinitely close to the perfection of Nascent Soul.

As long as you practice here until the Nascent Soul is perfected and go out to settle for 2 to 10 years, you can start preparing to break through to the realm of divine transformation.

Once they break through to the realm of spirit transformation, they will be considered as people with status in the Blood Sect, rather than just a disciple of the Nascent Soul.

As for tomorrow, it is the day when the blood path array is arranged to trap Wu Tao. With the help of nine immortal cultivators who are close to the perfection of Nascent Soul, Wu Tao can definitely be trapped and killed.

This is their confidence.

On the other side, Wu Tao has almost finished refining this sixth-level Yuanling, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the fifth level of Yuanying. He only needs to rush hard to break through the bottleneck of this small realm, and he can successfully Breakthrough to the 6th level of Nascent Soul.

A quarter of an hour later, this sixth-level Yuanling was completely refined. He had accumulated abundant Nascent Soul mana in his body, and the spiritual thoughts absorbed from the Yuanling had also accumulated into the Sea of ​​Divine Mind. Without hesitation, the Yuanling in Wu Tao's body was Yinghe Shen Nian Hai officially rushed towards that level of checkpoint.

There was a roar, and the inner body chimed. The Nascent Soul in Wu Tao's body shook slightly and broke through the bottleneck of that small realm. The aura immediately changed from the fifth level of the Nascent Soul to the sixth level of the Nascent Soul.

As soon as he broke through the sixth level of the Nascent Soul, Wu Tao's Nascent Soul mana began to increase dramatically, and the sea of ​​spiritual thoughts began to expand with ebb and flow, causing the spiritual thoughts to also begin to grow.

Wu Tao took out another third-level Yuanling, refining it while consolidating the 6th level of Yuanying that he had just broken through, waiting for the Yuanying's mana and Yuanying's divine will to complete the final transformation.

An hour later, Wu Tao completed refining this third-level Yuanling, and completely consolidated the sixth level of Yuanying that he had just broken through.

The mana has stopped growing, and the divine will has also stopped growing.

His Nascent Soul has grown taller again, and it contains abundant Nascent Soul mana.

The sea of ​​spiritual thoughts also expanded in a circle, growing by a thousand miles of spiritual thoughts. Now his spiritual thoughts have reached 13,400 miles.

The strength increased sharply again.

"The feeling of breakthrough is so wonderful!" Wu Tao felt his enhanced cultivation, with a joyful smile on his face, and couldn't help but murmur to himself.

"There is still a ninth-level Yuanling with me, and several levels of Yuanling. Let's devour and refine all these Yuanlings. Let's see how much progress can be made to the sixth level of Yuanying?"

With this in mind, Wu Tao began to devour and refine Yuanling again to increase Yuanying's cultivation.

As time passed, Wu Tao finally devoured and refined all the Yuanlings in his body, and he opened his personal information to check the progress of the sixth level of Yuanying.

Level 6 of Jiuyao Tiandu’s Divine Law: (18%)

Seeing this progress, Wu Tao is also very satisfied. Although with the Yuanling in him, when he is on the 5th level, he should be able to push forward more progress, but don't forget that he has already broken through to the 6th level. Every time he increases a little, Cultivation requires more pure mana and spiritual thoughts.

If the energy required is the same, then it is impossible to say that a high-level immortal cultivator can crush a low-level immortal cultivator.

The speed of cultivation becomes slower in the later stages. This is the truth of cultivation.

"There are still three days left. I hope to be able to break through to the seventh level of Yuanying in this Yuanling secret realm." Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately stood up from the futon, put it away, and put away the fourth-level defensive array.

Then he used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and continued to search for Yuan Ling in this Yuan Ling secret realm.

Surrounded by the magnetic aurora, Wu Tao looked at the deepest part of the Yuanling Secret Realm, and thought in his heart: "The deepest part of the Yuanling Secret Realm has the most Yuanlings. If you can enter there, not to mention the seventh and eighth levels of Yuanling. has hope."

"However, there is no deep place in the Yuanling Secret Realm, but there are Yuanlings that are comparable to the realm of transformed gods. My cultivation is not strong enough to resist the realm of transformed gods. If I take the initiative to go there, I am seeking death."

Wu Tao's character naturally won't take risks, and he is more cautious. Although he has coffin nails as his trump card and life-saving talisman, actively seeking death and passively encountering danger are two different concepts. If you keep taking risks in order to improve your cultivation, go If you fight against the Avatar, you'll get tired of the nails in the coffin, and you might not take action anymore.

Placing your hope on a nail in the coffin is an adventure in itself.

Day 8 came in a blink of an eye.

On the 7th day, Wu Tao captured a few Yuanlings, and his cultivation progress reached 23% of the 6th level.

On this day, while Wu Tao was struggling to find Yuan Ling in the Yuan Ling Secret Realm, nine Yuan Ying ninth-level immortal cultivators from the Blood Sect had already set up a blood path formation in a realm.

The blood path formation will be presided over by the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Huang Yuanying. He holds the blood path formation disk in his hand, temporarily conceals the blood path formation, and says to the other blood path cultivators: "Fellow Taoists, get ready. Just start taking action!”

"Okay, start taking action, Fellow Daoist Su, it's up to you!" The other Blood Sect cultivators nodded. One person looked at the ninth-level immortal cultivator named Su.

The ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Yuanying Su nodded.

Then four Blood Sect Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivators took off the Blood Sect's blood-colored robes that represented the sect's identity, put on other fourth-level high-level robes, and cast spells and magic weapons that were not from the Blood Sect. They began to besiege the ninth-level immortal cultivator named Su Yuanying.

The remaining four blood sect Yuanying ninth-level immortal cultivators were hiding in the four directions of the blood path formation. They only waited for Wu Tao to come to rescue the ninth-level Yuanying immortal cultivator surnamed Su and enter the formation. They immediately activated the blood path. The formation trapped Wu Tao in the blood path formation.

Come and catch a turtle in an urn.

Once the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Su was under siege, he activated the communication talisman given to him by Wu Tao, which also showed that he had found a ninth-level Yuanling, but there were four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators chasing him. He wanted to snatch Yuanling and asked Wu Tao for rescue.

The talisman turned into a ray of light and flew towards the north.

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