Wu Tao stepped on the Xuanguang Boat and flew slowly in the Yuanling Secret Realm. While flying, he released his 13,400-mile spiritual energy to sweep wherever he passed.

Since his spiritual sense has increased to 13,400 miles, his sensing ability has become even more powerful. As long as there is a spirit below, no matter how deep it is hidden, it will be sensed by his terrifying 13,400 miles divine sense.

But how many Yuanlings there are in this land depends on luck.

Wu Tao's luck fluctuates. Sometimes he catches more Yuan Spirits and sometimes he catches less Yuan Spirits. This is normal.

"Hey, I found a level 5 Yuanling!"

Suddenly, Wu Tao discovered a level 5 Yuanling in the woods below. Among a pile of rocks, he also disguised himself as a stone.

When Wu Tao discovered this level 5 Yuanling, he immediately stopped hesitating and took action. The powerful mana and spiritual thoughts weaved into a large net and enveloped the level 5 Yuanling.

This level 5 Yuanling, seeing this formation, also knew that his concealment had been discovered by human immortal cultivators. However, he saw a big stone exploded with a bang in the pile of rocks, and a rock-colored Yuanling The spirit wants to escape.

But he is only a level 5 Yuanling, and Wu Tao's spiritual consciousness has reached 13,400 miles, and his magic power is also very deep. There is no way he can escape. As soon as he jumped up, he was enveloped in Wu Tao's magic net. Among them, there is nowhere to struggle.

The big net formed by mana and spiritual thoughts trapped the Yuanling, flying towards Wu Tao, and flew in front of Wu Tao. Wu Tao grabbed it with one hand and looked at the fifth-level Yuanling, thinking: "Now it is far away from the Yuanling Secret Realm. We are getting closer and closer, but why is it so strange that there are fewer and fewer Yuanlings."

"It stands to reason that the deeper the Yuanling Secret Realm goes, the more higher-level Yuanlings there are."

Wu Tao frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong, because the Yuanling Secret Realm Guide given to him by the War Palace Artifact Spirit stated that the deeper you go into the Yuanling Secret Realm, the more Yuanlings there are and the more advanced they become.

In the area he was in, it was recorded in the Yuanling Secret Realm Guide that there were many high-level Yuanlings. After searching for so long, he only found one level 5 Yuanling.

"If this continues, it is very likely that my cultivation will not be able to break through to the seventh level of Nascent Soul."

Wu Tao really wanted to break through to the seventh level of the Yuanling in the Yuanling Secret Realm, but he couldn't break through to the seventh level of the Yuanying. He also wouldn't have any obsessions or inner demons. He could just practice his best and let nature take its course.

However, even if you can't break through to the 7th level of Yuanying, you can still push the progress higher. Once you get out of the Yuanling Secret Realm, you can break through to the 7th level of Yuanying in less than two or three years.

He has this confidence.

"Keep looking, find a few more and refine them together!" Wu Tao put away this level 5 Yuanling and no longer thought about refining it, because with his cultivation level, he was not afraid of anyone in this Yuanling secret realm. Able to take Yuanling away from him.

Who wants to take Yuan Ling away from him? He still has a life-killing lock on him. When the time comes, he can use the life-strangling lock to control the opponent and let the other party help him find Yuan Ling in this Yuan Ling secret realm.

Although there are only three days left today, it can more or less help him find some Yuanling.

Wu Tao controlled the Xuanguan boat and continued to fly forward slowly.

After flying for a short time, before finding the second Yuanling today, a talisman flew towards me, and I sensed that its aura was the communication talisman I had created.

Wu Tao stretched out his hand, and the communication talisman fell into his hands. As soon as he read the information on it, it turned out that it was inspired by the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator named Su from the Blood Sect. The talisman said that he had found a A ninth-level Yuanling, but he was besieged by four ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivators who wanted to snatch the ninth-level Yuanling in his hand.

"What has been robbed again? After all, this level 9 Yuanling is still mine, and it cannot be robbed by others." Wu Tao made a decision in his heart after reading the information about the talisman, and immediately went to the blood sect's man named Su's Nascent Soul ninth-level immortal cultivator went to help him lift the siege.

Ninth-level Yuanling is a rare thing in this Yuanling secret realm. He himself only found one ninth-level Yuanling. The other ninth-level Yuanlings were donated to Xiang Ziheng and two other Blood Sect cultivators.

He refined a total of 5 level 9 Yuanlings.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao put away the Xuanguangzhou. The speed of the Xuanguangzhou was still too slow. He had to use his Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape to rush there, so that he could have time to rescue the ninth-level Immortal Cultivator named Su from the Blood Sect.

Just when Wu Tao put away the Xuanguangzhou, another communication talisman of his own flew towards here. The only communication talismans he sent out were the ninth-level immortal cultivator of the Blood Sect named Su with the surname Su and Xiang Ziheng. I have bangs from the same school.

"Has Liu Hai already found two ninth-level Yuanlings?" Wu Tao thought like this, and quickly took the communication talisman into his hands. When he read it with his spiritual mind, Liu Hai really told him in the communication talisman that he had found them. Enough Yuanling.

Ask Wu Tao to give him his position and he will come and hand it over.

"Liu Hai said that he had gathered enough Yuanlings, which means he did not find a ninth-level Yuanling. It seems that Liu Hai's luck is not as good as that of his classmate Xiang Ziheng."

"There is no danger over Liu Hai. There is no need for rescue. Yuan Ling can be given to me at any time. However, if I arrive late, I will not have time to rescue the Yuan Ying cultivator of the Blood Sect named Su. His ninth level Yuan Ling was taken away by other immortal cultivators. , I don’t have any more.”

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately dropped the message on the communication talisman and asked Liu Hai to meet at the place where the Blood Sect's surname was Yuanying Su. When Liu Hai arrived, he might have rescued the ninth-level immortal cultivator of the Blood Sect's surname Su Yuanying. .

When the time comes, he will put away the ninth-level Yuanling of the Yuanying cultivator surnamed Su of the Blood Sect, and Liu Hai has collected enough Yuanlings worth two ninth-level Yuanlings, which can further boost his cultivation by ten. progress.

After activating the communication talisman and turning it into light, Wu Tao directly used the Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape, and the Yuan Magnetic Laser flashed around his body, quickly flying towards the position of the Blood Sect's Nascent Soul cultivator.

Wu Tao's Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape was extremely fast, and within a moment he was already within 13,400 miles away from his predecessor in the snow.

In the 13,400-mile range of Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts, he sensed that just as the Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Su said, he was being attacked by four Nascent Soul ninth-level warriors. He was extremely embarrassed, in danger, and had been beaten. I had to vomit blood and my breath was very low.

If he had arrived a moment later, the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su Yuan Ying might have been beaten to death.

It can only be said that the Yuan Ying stage immortal cultivator surnamed Su has extremely good luck, and he can also ask for help from Wu Tao. Of course, he can also ask for help from his fellow immortal cultivators of the Blood Sect. However, the Yuan Ying stage immortal cultivator surnamed Su has seen Wu Tao's combat power, and asks Wu Tao for help. Nature is the best choice.

Wu Tao also guessed the reason why he asked for help.

"Although I am controlled by my life-strangling lock and capture Yuanling for me, when encountering danger, I am equivalent to their amulet. Speaking of which, they are really making a lot of money. Later, the ninth-level Yuanying cultivator surnamed Su will After the victim is rescued, the life-strangling lock will not be given to him as a reward for saving his life."

The reason why Wu Tao saved his life and did not let him continue to help him find Yuanling to save his life was because they only had a few days, and it was difficult for him to find two ninth-level Yuanlings for him.

And they themselves also need to practice.

Don't break the jar when the time comes, that will be bad.

Wu Tao is not a capitalist or entrepreneur in his previous life, and he will not squeeze him too hard.

Those four ninth-level Nascent Soul practitioners who besieged the Su surnamed Yuanying stage cultivators were really ruthless. Every time they attacked, they seemed to be killing themselves. If Su surnamed Yuan Ying stage were not in the same realm as them, they would probably have died if they were not careful. He was beaten to death by them.

When Wu Tao sighed, the Nascent Soul cultivator named Su was also very aggrieved. Didn't he agree that he was an actor? Why are they all so cruel? If I weren't in the same realm as the four of you, I would have been beaten to death by you long ago.

Therefore, the Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Su expected Wu Tao to arrive sooner.

He released his eleven thousand miles of spiritual thoughts and spread them out, just to pay attention to whether Wu Tao was coming. It was normal to release his spiritual thoughts during a battle and would not arouse Wu Tao's suspicion.

The four blood sect Nascent Soul cultivators who besieged him also released their eleven thousand miles of spiritual thoughts, and were also paying attention to whether Wu Tao was coming or not.

They were also worried that if Wu Tao didn't come, their plan would come to nothing.

But what they don't know is that Wu Tao is 13,400 miles away from them. Wu Tao's spiritual sense has such a range that he can sense them, but their spiritual sense is only 11,000 miles away, so they cannot sense Wu Tao.

In the four directions below, the four Nascent Soul cultivators surnamed Huang and the others did not dare to expose their auras because they had to preside over the blood path formation, so they did not dare to release their spiritual thoughts. They had to hide well and could only wait for Wu Tao to show up. , they dared to reveal their traces, activated the blood path formation in an instant, controlled Wu Tao in the blood path formation, and surrounded and killed Wu Tao together.

Wu Tao was very fast, but when he reached the battlefield 12,000 miles away, his spiritual sense suddenly sensed something was wrong.

Then he concentrated on his spiritual thoughts and sensed carefully, and sure enough he found the four Yuan Ying stage immortal cultivators surnamed Huang who were hiding in the corners.

Among the four people, the ninth-level immortal cultivator named Huang named Huang, who was familiar to Wu Tao, held a formation disk in his hand. The formation disk was full of blood, and it looked like the Blood Sect's blood path formation.

Among the other three, there was a ninth-level immortal cultivator named Qian named Yuan Ying whom Wu Tao was familiar with. The three of them were holding a formation flag in their hands.

Sensing the four dormant people, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts fell on the besieged ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su.

"Not bad, not bad, the acting skills are really good. Those 4 should be the ninth level of Nascent Soul from the Blood Sect. There are a total of 9 ninth level Nascent Souls from the Blood Sect who have entered the Yuanling Secret Realm. Now they have all gathered here to set up such a plan. Wait for me to take the bait.”

"If my spiritual mind hadn't reached 13,400 miles, I really wouldn't have been able to find the four Nascent Soul cultivators hidden in the snow in the four corners. Once I entered the field to rescue the person named Su, I would be dormant immediately. The four people who got up activated the formation and trapped me in the formation, and then eight people surrounded me!"

"The man named Su is so great. He is willing to sacrifice his life, but he also wants to kill me?"

Wu Tao felt that this was very wrong. Since the ninth-level immortal cultivators of Yuanying had cultivated to the point where they were only one step away from becoming gods, and could enter the Yuanling Secret Realm, it meant that they could basically advance to the realm of god transformation. How could they give up on their own? What about the path to immortality?

"Unless they can let me control the death lock of the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su, to fail?"

Wu Tao instantly thought of this possibility.

"Yes, this life-stricken lock is made by the weapon refiners of their Blood Sect. They can make this life-stricken lock ineffective, or ineffective for a period of time. After killing me, they can naturally control Su Yuanying Jiu. The life-strangling lock of the first-level immortal cultivator is lifted."

Wu Tao figured out all of this while thinking.

He stopped twelve thousand miles away from the siege of the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su Yuanying, and was watching a show.

He wanted to see how long the 9th level Nascent Soul surnamed Su could last under the siege of the 4 blood sects at the 9th level Nascent Soul?

At the same time, Wu Tao was also thinking about whether to join the game.

To be honest, with his current level of cultivation, he is not afraid of the formation presided over by the Blood Sect’s 9th level Nascent Soul. It cannot be a 5th level formation. The 5th level formation is presided over by 4 Nascent Souls 9th level. If it is completely insufficient, it will not be able to exert the power of the fifth-level trapping formation.

Therefore, it must be a fourth-order advanced dilemma.

While Wu Tao was watching the show, the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su Yuanying was hit by a spell. The blood-red robe on his body shook a little, and he felt that the injury was more serious, so he glared at the person who hit him. The ninth level of the Blood Sect Nascent Soul glared over.

"You can't be gentler!"

This is the meaning of the eyes of the ninth level Yuan Ying surnamed Su, and the ninth level immortal cultivator of the Blood Sect Yuan Ying who hit him gave him a look in return. The meaning in his eyes was that if I don't act more seriously, how can I wait for that person to come over? Do you believe it? So I feel aggrieved to fellow Taoist Su.

The ninth-level immortal cultivator named Su also knew that this was true, but he was still very aggrieved.

Now he wants Wu Tao to come over soon. Once Wu Tao comes over, he won't have to be attacked. At that time, when Wu Tao is trapped in the blood path formation, he will not take action and go to heal outside the formation. Four fellow disciples will Just take action at the ninth level of Nascent Soul and kill Wu Tao.

It doesn't matter if you don't kill them, or you can use a life-lock to control them if they are captured alive.

Wu Tao didn't know how frustrated the ninth-level Nascent Soul surnamed Su was. Seeing the precarious state of the ninth-level Nascent Soul surnamed Su, he finally made a decision. He wanted to break through this game. With his strength, even if he was ranked 9 He wouldn't be afraid of the ninth level Nascent Soul plus the fourth level trapping formation.

"Today, I will let you feel what it means to be crushed by strength, and what it means to feel despair!"

When Wu Tao thought of this, he immediately used Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape and fled towards the battlefield. As soon as he escaped to a range of 11,000 miles, the ninth level Yuan Ying immortal cultivator surnamed Su and the four Yuan Ying ninth level immortal cultivators who besieged him were filled with thoughts. A joy.

After all, that person came, and he would definitely die if he came, or he would be controlled by them with a life-straining chain, driven and enslaved by them, and help them capture Yuanling in the remaining days.

"Fellow Daoist Li, come and save me quickly, I can't hold on any longer!" The ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su Yuanying was overjoyed. The joy on his face truly came from his heart. He was really frustrated by being besieged.

Wu Tao's Yuan Magnetic Aurora Escape was so fast that he was already a hundred miles away from the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su Yuanying. He looked at the ninth-level immortal cultivator surnamed Su Yuanying and said: "Where is the ninth-level Yuanling? "

Upon hearing this, the ninth-level Yuan Ying immortal cultivator surnamed Su immediately slapped the storage bag on his waist and took out a ninth-level Yuanling: "The ninth-level Yuanling is here. Fellow Daoist Li, please help me quickly."

Wu Tao put on a happy smile and said, "I'm coming to save you right now."

At this moment, four pillars of blood rose into the sky from four directions: southeast, northwest, and instantly enveloped Wu Tao.

The four Blood Sect Nascent Soul ninth-level cultivators who were originally besieging the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Su immediately abandoned the ninth-level Nascent Soul cultivator surnamed Su and turned to attack Wu Tao.

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