The first time, the second time.

"What is the name of this lady? I am Otto Apokalis, the current Bishop of the Mandate of Heaven."

"... Kiana Kaslana"

Otto's smile on the screen paused for a moment, and then a strange color flashed in his eyes.

"Kiana... Ms. Kiana, I look forward to the day when you visit the Mandate of Heaven headquarters~"

In the Bishop's office on the Mandate of Heaven Floating Island, Otto turned off the communication and played with the golden cube in his hand.

"Void Manzang, are you sure that the attack of the lady just now contained the collapse fluctuation of 'End'?"

The golden cube named Void Manzang in his hand turned into the appearance of Otto's childhood, took Otto's red wine glass, and sat on the sofa beside him.

"My database records the Houkai energy of the End. The feeling just now is definitely correct. However, the Herrscher is only the second, so why would the End come down in person? And it's such a...humane End~"

Hyakusho Wanzang couldn't think of the reason why the End appeared in advance, and she didn't even directly execute the destruction of the world.

"Kiana Kaslana... Oh? Interesting"

Two pictures appeared on the light screen in front of Otto, one of Kiana and the other of little Kiana. Through the comparison of the Destiny system, it was found that the similarity was as high as 90%.

Only this 90% similarity can't explain anything for the time being. He doesn't have Kiana's body tissue and can't determine her specific identity through DNA.

And even if the two Kianas are not the same person, there must be a great relationship between the two.

"I didn't intend to hide it from the beginning. Is it because of absolute power that I am so confident?"

Otto closed his eyes and frowned slightly, raised his hand and kneaded his eyebrows. His mental state is very bad now. Not only is it because of the erosion, but the bigger problem is that Kiana is a completely unstable factor, and he has no way to deal with her at present.

If Kiana has any ties, he can use it as a way to restrain Kiana. Unfortunately, for now, he basically knows nothing about Kiana.

"Hiss... Headache, no restraint, or even bargaining chips. If this Miss Kiana really has the ability to fulfill my long-cherished wish, then all I can do is offer my all. Don't let me down then..."

After saying that, Otto closed his eyes and leaned his head against the bishop's chair, falling into a deep sleep, breathing evenly, and frowning slightly.

For the first time in a long time, he had a dream, dreaming that he returned to his childhood and the days when he was with Kallen.

Otto's frown began to relax, the corners of his mouth began to curl up, revealing a smile, as if he was dreaming something.


Xukong Wanzang looked at Otto who suddenly fell asleep and even began to dream, and was a little speechless. He turned back into the form of a golden cube and fell on the table.


"Although I don't know what he noticed, no matter what, Otto's soul steel face feels really good!"

'Indeed, it feels much better to beat him up personally. I'm going to go back to watch anime~'

? ? ?

You are wrong, you can't be that cold queen! You were replaced? Who are you! Ahem...

Kiana found that Qilin had completely changed since she reappeared in her consciousness space. Except for the temperament that can still be seen in the temperament of the former cold queen, she is completely a home girl!

Sighing slightly, Kiana felt that this was all caused by the anime brought by her part of the memory of the time traveler. The second dimension is so scary!

Kiana and Theresa walked towards the crowd watching the battle. Silin had already flown over impatiently and hugged Kiana.

"As expected of my daughter~ so powerful~☆"

As he said, he rubbed Kiana's cheek affectionately.

Kiana opened her mouth slightly but didn't say anything. She could see the worry in Silin's eyes when she fought with Otto, and there was a hint of childish love in it.

This was something she had never really experienced, whether in her memories as a time traveler or as K423. It should be maternal love, and it was in a 14-year-old girl...

"That's a must!"

Kiana suddenly smiled and hugged Silin's arm, as if she had encountered something happy. This sudden change made the cute purple-haired head tilt.

"Kiana, I need to reconnect with the Cocoon of the End immediately. If I don't deliberately control it as the will of collapse, there will be many unknowns in the future.


No. 17 flew over and said to Kiana.

Although in No. 17's opinion, Kiana's current level is definitely greater than the cocoon of the end, but Kiana does not belong to this world after all. There is no reason to put everything in this world, including the future, on one person. She went back just to add an insurance.

"You don't have to go back. I can control and interfere with that thing at any time, and it is easy to destroy it, but I want to give it as a gift to someone one day in the future~"

No. 17 pinched her chin and looked at Kiana thinking. After a while, she nodded slightly. Through the quantum computer in her brain, she roughly came to the conclusion and roughly guessed what the cocoon of the end currently does for Kiana.

As for the others, they were confused, and they also Only Walter could roughly know something. Although he didn't know what the cocoon of the end was, he knew the end clearly.

He could also hear from the meaning of the other party's words that Kiana could obviously control the collapse at will.

Although Walter had no expression on his face now, the accelerated heartbeat caused by joy had betrayed him. He seemed to have seen the dawn of mankind's transcendence of collapse!

Although there had not been much negotiation, he temporarily understood Kiana's attitude towards humans. From her stopping Sirin from falling and not killing them, it can be seen that Kiana at least cares about humans.

"Miss Kiana, since everything has settled, I should also leave. If you have time, you can come to visit the Anti-Entropy Headquarters. Anti-Entropy will always regard you as a distinguished guest!"

After sending Tesla the order to lift the alert and return to the Anti-Entropy Headquarters, he walked out of the forest, leaving only Kiana and the others with a back that he felt was very handsome.

"What should we do then? "

Siegfried scratched his head. He really didn't expect that the Great Collapse would end so abruptly, and he even had a kinship with the Herrscher...

"Then... how about you come back to the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven with me, Kiana... Siegfried, go home first and bring Cecilia and little Kiana to my house, what do you think?"

Theresa saw the message in the background, Otto left a message for her to treat Kiana and the others well, and even use all the resources of the Mandate of Heaven.

Now Theresa is thinking that through their sincerity and kindness, she can subtly change Sirin's attitude towards humans.

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