The two of them were very close, but they were still very close.

"I have no problem with that, Qi... How about you guys, Qiyana?"

Siegfried felt a little strange when he called Qiyana's name, but after all, she was his granddaughter by blood, so he didn't mind it that much, just a little uncomfortable.

How about... Discuss it with Cecilia after you go back? Change the name of little Qiyana to Bianca Yulandel Kaslana Shaniat Atagina? Would it be too long... Well, let's go back and discuss it with my wife!

Siegfried made up his mind and prepared to go back and discuss it with Cecilia!

"I'm fine, No. 17 and my Silin... Mom is fine too, but... I have a friend and a few kids to pick up..."

Stared at by Silin's sharp eyes, Kiana had to change her words.

When talking about the children, Kiana's face turned slightly red. In the current situation, she was a little afraid to say that she had adopted two children...

Others had no objection to just picking up a few extra people. Theresa even agreed with both hands, because children are the foundation for the future establishment of St. Freya Academy! The more the better! She, Theresa, can't even afford to raise a few children!

And No. 17, who had been observing Kiana from beginning to end, noticed the abnormal red on Kiana's face, narrowed her eyes slightly, touched her cheek with her fingertips, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a humane smile.

Kiana, who wanted to open the imaginary door and go back directly, was interrupted by Silin, and then directly opened a portal as big as a hill.

A giant dragon with white outer armor and dark blue overall color flew out and crawled in front of Xilin, who gently stroked its hard head.

"This child is Bella, let her take us a ride~☆"

At this time, Kiana's left eye turned golden again, and a tear flowed out at the same time, and she reached out to touch Benares.

Benares felt the same breath as Xilin on Kiana's body, and did not reject her touch. He also stretched out his huge head and rubbed Kiana.


A cold voice came out of Kiana's mouth, but she quickly recovered. Kiana evaporated her tears with the power of the Law of Fire and jumped onto Benares' back skillfully.

"Hershersman personality?"

No. 17, who was familiar with the mechanism of Honkai, naturally knew the reason for Kiana's change. It seemed that Kiana and the Herrsher personality got along well, so she didn't say much, but floated to Kiana's side. She decided to follow Kiana at all times and witness everything about her.

Then everyone jumped on Bella's back one after another. When Siegfried wanted to try the feeling of a dragon knight, he was blown to the ground by Bella's breath just after he jumped.

"Hahahaha! It seems that Bella doesn't like you, Siegfried! Just take the transport plane back by yourself!"

Theresa lay on Bella's back and laughed, pointing at Siegfried's dusty face, and even took a few photos and secretly sent them to Cecilia.

Before Siegfried could react, Bella flapped her huge wings and flew in the direction given by Kiana.

As soon as Siegfried stood up, he was blown away again by the airflow brought by the flapping of his wings. By chance, he landed not far from the transport plane. This scene happened to be seen by Salome and Shabu who were resting. Especially Shabu, she laughed at Siegfried for a long time.


Bella landed in front of the mountain villa that Kiana had temporarily built before. Because Bella was too big, Kiana rubbed a conquest gem in public and stuffed it into Bella's body.

A flash of light flashed across the huge dragon body, and a girl with the same feather hair ornament as Silin, sky blue pupils, and long gray hair stood where Bella disappeared.

The girl wore a white top similar to a small vest, with a purple four-pointed star decoration on the chest, and the hem was long and hung to the knees.

Wearing black long gloves, white armor on the outside, and purple fingers. Wearing black hot pants and white stockings, the stockings are connected to purple high heels.

"Bella...? You are Bella!"

Silin saw Bella's human form now. Except for being a little bigger, she was exactly the same as her good friend Bella in Babylon Prison.

Bella, who was called, was stunned for a moment. After looking at her human hands and arms, she immediately knelt on one knee in front of Silin and Kiana.

"Bella greets the Queen, thank the Queen... the Conquest Gem given by the young master"

"Bella, no

Use this! Get up quickly"

Kiana pulled Bella up from her kneeling position.


The door opened and Alice walked out.

Due to the loud noise, the people in the room had already noticed something was wrong outside. They comforted the three children and asked them to stay in the room and not make any noise. Alice opened the door alone to check the situation.

"It turned out to be Kiana, you are back. I thought someone attacked..."

After seeing the familiar figure, Alice patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. In this strange world, she didn't know how strong she was at the moment, so she was a little nervous after hearing the noise outside the door.

"Who are these..." Alice glanced at the strangers in front of her in confusion.

"Who are these..." .”

“Let the children come out, we are moving.”

Kiana introduced several people to Irisviel and told her the purpose of this trip.

Irisviel thought about it and nodded in agreement. After thinking about it, it was true that she couldn’t let three children live in the deep mountains and forests in the snow forever.

Not long after Irisviel entered the house, she brought Sakura and the others out. After all, they were still children. When they saw so many strangers, Sakura and Rin hid behind Kiana and looked at Theresa and the others with their heads exposed.

Illya was much bolder. Seeing the little girl Theresa, she thought she was her new playmate and ran over excitedly.

“Kiana... Who are these children? ☆”

Xilin frowned and stared at the two little heads that popped out from behind Kiana.


Seeing Kiana was a little silent, Sakura raised her big watery eyes and stared at Kiana straight on, even with a little cry.

“These two children are my adopted children in another world… Sakura and Rin, come, call Xilin grandma”

Push the two children in front of Xilin.

“Grandma Xilin”

Although it was strange why the grandma was so young, Sakura still called her obediently.

“Grandma Xilin…”

Rin blushed, lowered her head and fiddled with her hands, and whispered very reluctantly.

14-year-old Xilin:???

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