The journey was a long one, but the journey was a long one.

Kiana strengthened the body of the RV and some hidden weapons and equipment, and also added an artificial intelligence to it, which saved them a lot of trouble on the way. They didn't even need to drive the car, and just gave the artificial intelligence a navigation system, so that it could remind them when it encountered a situation that needed to be handled or when it arrived at the location.

The RV crushed countless zombies along the way and slowly stopped when it drove to a department store.

[Creator, multiple life signals detected in the department store]

Kiana, who was lying on Luo Xueqi's black silk thighs, sat up and asked, "How many people are there in total?"

[Number of people detected: 27, of which 4 female life signals are gradually weakening]

Kiana frowned slightly, closed her eyes and felt the situation inside. There were so many people gathered in a small shopping mall, which should be a small team of survivors, but why are the life breaths of four women gradually weakening? In this end of the world where moral boundaries are blurred and human nature is fragile, there is only one reasonable explanation, that is, these four people have been abused inhumanely.

A cold light flashed in her beautiful eyes. As a warrior who has experienced countless battles (Kiana's own battle memory), Kiana knows that in such an environment, the survival of the weak often depends on the mercy of the strong. And the situation of these four women is obviously extremely unfair and cruel.

Thinking of this, Kiana's eyes became more determined, and the anger in her heart was like a volcano about to erupt. The surface is calm, but the power to change the situation is hidden inside. If her guess comes true, then today, this small shelter may witness the execution of justice, and let blood become the price of cleansing sin.

"Sister Xueqi, you stay here first, I'll go see the situation inside, No. 1, deploy your weapons and clean up the zombies approaching."

After that, Kiana opened the car door and walked straight to the mall gate.

Luo Xueqi listened to the whole process. She was a reborn person. She knew very well how low the morality and bottom line of human nature were in this doomsday. If she hadn't had a system in her previous life and her strength was considered to be in the forefront, then she might have been one of the victims.

Luo Xueqi still didn't feel at ease with Kiana. Although she knew that Kiana was very strong, so strong that she didn't know the limit of Kiana's strength, she also knew that Kiana was essentially a pure, kind, lively and cheerful girl. She didn't want Kiana to have dirty hands.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Xueqi got out of the car and followed Kiana. If possible, she hoped that she would be the executioner.

"Kiana, I'll go with you. Some things are better left to me." Luo Xueqi's voice was filled with an irrefutable determination, and her eyes were firm, as if she was sending a signal to Kiana - in such a world, they should support each other and jointly protect the light in each other's hearts.

Kiana's frowning eyebrows relaxed slightly upon hearing this, and her mood also relaxed a lot, and she chuckled, "Sister Xueqi, I'm not a person with a fragile heart, but thank you anyway."

Swoosh -

Two crossbow arrows flew towards the arms of the two people. Kiana was about to raise her hand to shoot them down, but Luo Xueqi was one step faster and used telekinesis to stop the arrows in the air.

Luo Xueqi waved her hand, and the two crossbow arrows seemed to be pulled by invisible silk threads, flying back along the trajectory they came from, bringing a gust of wind and unspeakable power.

"Ah!" x2

Two screams came from behind the mall door. The two exchanged glances and then quickly ran to the source of the wailing sound. They saw a yellow-haired young man and a bald strong man, both holding their injured arms and rolling on the ground in pain. The scene was both shocking and a little funny.

"Take us to find the person in charge here"

Kiana used the power of the Ruler of Reason to construct two Desert Eagles until the two people's eyebrows. At this moment, her eyes turned into golden deep pools, and the cross marks intertwined in her pupils revealed a piercing chill, as if she had judged the creatures in front of her to the brink of death.

"Lady! Don't, don't shoot! I'll lead the way for you! Can you give me a way out afterwards...?" The yellow-haired man was forced into cold sweat by the black muzzle of the gun. The pain of the crossbow on his shoulder was instantly drowned by fear. He knelt on the ground and begged with a trembling voice.

"Don't talk nonsense, lead the way"


The bald man gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and struggled for a while, then sighed and agreed, a cunning flashed in his eyes, and covered his injured arm with his hand.

Leading the way forward, he did not notice that Kiana had seen through his scheming eyes——

In a shop facing the elevator entrance on the top floor of the mall, several hoodlums with wretched faces and frivolous behavior were unbuttoning their belts while approaching two student girls curled up in the corner. They were tear-stained and their eyes were full of despair and helplessness.

Suddenly, several rapid gunshots appeared, and each of the four wretched hooligans had a bloody hole on their foreheads and fell down in the terrified eyes of the two student girls.

One of the playful girls with a side ponytail was the first to recover from the shock. She was full of indignation and stood up resolutely. With her eyes like torches, she looked directly at the four bodies on the ground that had attempted to violate them, and stepped on them heavily without hesitation. Following closely, another girl with twin ponytails also joined this revengeful action, until the emotions of the two seemed to be released with this series of actions, and finally collapsed to the ground powerlessly, as if the heavy burden was relieved.

The two female students sitting in the duck seat turned their eyes to their savior. Although the deep golden eyes carried a majesty that should not be underestimated, making the two young hearts tremble involuntarily, gratitude quickly overwhelmed the fear of the first meeting. The girl with a side ponytail took a deep breath, and courage and determination gathered in her eyes. "Sister, can we follow you?"

"Oh, Kiana, please restrain your momentum, you look so scary..."

"Ah, sorry, Sister Xueqi, I can't help but get angry when I see this scene."

Luo Xueqi came out from behind Kiana and walked towards the two cute female students, pulled them up, patted the dust on them, turned back and complained to Kiana, and Kiana's cold golden eyes instantly broke and turned back to their original azure blue.

The yellow-haired and bald-headed men who witnessed all this were so scared that they broke out in cold sweats. If these two ladies saw this scene, they would definitely have no chance of survival. Now they hated the four thugs who were already dead, and they didn't forget to drag them down with them before they died!

The two exchanged a tacit look and tried to escape the scene carefully.

Such a subtle move naturally could not escape the keen perception of Kiana and others, but they did not stop it. Instead, they pushed the boat along and let the two guys gather their group by themselves, eliminating the tediousness of searching one by one, and also saving a lot of trouble for the subsequent cleanup work————

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