The two of them were very happy.

"My name is Kiana, Kiana Kaslana, and the beautiful sister next to me is Luo Xueqi, what are your names?" Kiana smiled brightly and touched the heads of the two people.

"I am the elder sister Cheng Lingling, 15 years old," said the student girl with side ponytails.

"Sister Cheng Shuangshuang... 15 years old..." The girl with twin ponytails replied timidly.

Emmmm, good guy, Cheng Lingling, Cheng Shuangshuang, this is Cheng Lingshuang being split in half——

Kiana's smile seemed to dispel all the haze, dispelling a lot of the cold impression that Kiana had initially brought to them, and also brought some warmth and peace of mind to the two lovely girls named Cheng Lingling and Cheng Shuangshuang.

She squatted down and made her eyes level with theirs, which invisibly brought them closer.

"Cheng Lingling, Cheng Shuangshuang, nice names. Don't be afraid, we will protect you from now on."

Qiana's words were simple but firm, and her eyes showed sincere care, which made Cheng Lingling and Cheng Shuangshuang's tense nerves relax a little.

Luo Xueqi also hugged them when she saw this scene, and said gently to the two sisters, "Thank you for your hard work... Leave it to the sisters next."

The other emotions of the two sisters were gradually replaced by trust. In this doomsday world, it is undoubtedly a great fortune for them to meet people who are willing to lend a hand.

"Then... where are we going now? It's dangerous outside." Cheng Lingling asked with courage.

"We will take you to a safe place, but before that, I have some personal matters to deal with." She rubbed the two cute little heads, then turned to look at Luo Xueqi, "Sister Xueqi, take care of them first, and leave it to me to handle the rest."

Looking at the unquestionable determination in Kiana's eyes, Luo Xueqi nodded and agreed. Obviously, Kiana didn't want the two sisters to see such a bloody scene.

The smile that was originally as warm as the sun was covered by frost the moment she turned around, and she walked step by step towards the direction where the two people who had just escaped left——

In a hidden shop room.

"Boss! We're in trouble!"

"What's wrong? What are you doing? Don't you know what I'm doing?!"

On a big bed in the room, the ferocious scarred man who was about to do something indecent to the unconscious woman shuddered when he heard the sound, and then he became limp. After he came to his senses, he became furious and started to scold the yellow-haired and bald man who broke in.

After scolding a few words, the scarred man, who was called the boss, also noticed the crossbow arrows that pierced the arms of the two younger brothers, and knew that the matter was serious, so he asked about the situation.

After learning that the two intruders were both rare beauties in a century, the ferocious scarred man showed a disgusting and lewd smile, and quickly asked the two to call up his group of younger brothers, and then kicked the white body on the bed with a look of disgust.

After a while, screams were heard outside the room, which made Scarface Boss a little restless. He quickly put on his clothes and walked out. He looked at the bodies of several brothers lying on the ground, and then looked at Kiana holding two Desert Eagles. His throat rolled and cold sweat flowed down his forehead.

Those two damn things didn't say they had guns!

Scarface Boss's thoughts were running fast, and he slowly walked towards Kiana with an ugly and disgusting smile.

"Oh, this is the flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple. Look, young lady, my little brothers are ignorant, so don't bother with them! I'll say sorry to you on their behalf..."

"Stop, or you'll be the next one to have your head chopped off"

The boss, whose head was pointed at by the black muzzle of the gun, was also panicked. He stopped immediately, rubbing his hands and looking at Kiana flatteringly, "Look, who has offended you? I'll help you deal with it, so you don't have to go through so much trouble..."

Ignoring the scarred face, Kiana carefully sensed that there was a small storage room in the room inside, with 8 people in it. Counting the two schoolgirls outside and the four hooligans who had already been killed, there were a total of 13 people lying and standing on her side.

"Spear of the Sub-Sky"

After confirming that nothing was missed, she decisively waved her arms, and several spears of time and space turned into white ribbons, lightly binding the remaining breath not far away, making it unable to move, and completely losing the ability to resist.

After taking a cold look at the scum who were bound and wriggling, he opened the door and walked in.

Go, there was a naked woman lying quietly on the ground, with scars on her delicate skin, blurred consciousness, weak breathing, and life and death hanging by a thread.

With her fists clenched secretly, the veins on her forehead faintly exposed, and her heart heavy as if she was carrying the sorrow of the whole world, Kiana staggered towards the deeper storage room.

Pushing open the door, the scene in front of her was heartbreaking: four women and three men were ruthlessly tied together by ropes. The difference was that the four women were naked, and there was a disgusting smell around them, stinging every nerve————

The moment the door opened, the people in the storage room also noticed the movement at the door, and they all raised their heads and looked instinctively. They had lost hope in their eyes, especially the four women, three of whom were very weak, no less than the one lying outside.

The door slowly opened, and a thought arose in their minds, 'Ah... Here it comes again, what kind of torture will I be subjected to, I want to die...'

After the door was completely opened, they saw a white figure standing at the door, and even untied the rope for them, but they no longer had the strength to move, and could only stare at Kiana with their eyes full of despair and dullness.

"Come out with me..."

Kiana constructed four pieces of cloth to cover the bodies of the four girls, suppressed her anger, and tried to be gentle in her tone, motioning them to follow.

Several people came over, supporting each other, and looked at Kiana with puzzled eyes.

Carrying the dying girl lying on the ground to their side, Kiana's pupils appeared to rotate gears, and a blue data stream surged in her hands, constructing a white lance with ancient and beautiful patterns: simulated black abyss white flowers!

"I am the black from the abyss, I am the white from the sky, born before the creation of the world, and exist after annihilation; I will give the spring of life to the thirsty for free. God's Key·Black Abyss White Flower, Zero Rated Power——Holy Lance's Centennial Orchid!"

The lance burst into a dazzling light, like the morning light penetrating the darkness. Under the bathing of this sacred light, the sparks of life of the people in the room were rekindled, and the dim eyes gradually regained vitality and brilliance.

The girl who was already hovering on the edge of life and death, miraculously stood up, knelt on the ground, clasped her hands devoutly, and stared at Kiana holding the glorious lance.

She was just caught, unwilling to surrender to Scarface, beaten to the point of death, and almost humiliated. At this moment, she seemed to really see the only god in her life.

At this moment, everyone had a common thought in their hearts

'God, has come to the world...'

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