After a long time of hard work, the world was in chaos.

After finishing everything in Tendoki's world, Kiana returned home early and fell asleep on the bed.

But strangely, she had another dream, dreaming of the starry sky she had dreamed of before.

"Where on earth is this... This should not be just a dream."

Kiana stood above the starry sky, scratched her head and looked around, only to see a huge white vortex in the distance.

"Look what Aha found!? It's the little guy who ignored Aha last time! Aha is so embarrassed!"

Suddenly, a huge black figure holding a red mask appeared not far from Kiana, and at the same time, a voice came out along the red smiley mask.

""Joy" Aha...? I slept through the Starry Sky Railway? ! "

Seeing the familiar mask and the strange words, Kiana knew the identity of the mask, the "joyful" star god of the Starry Sky Railway, Aha.

"You didn't ignore Aha? Aha thought he was going to be ignored again! Aha guessed wrong! Aha is so embarrassed! Hahaha!"

"Ah! You are so noisy! Shut up!"

"Aha was scolded, Aha has no face at all, woo woo woo ~"

Aha's strange voice made a series of laughs, but after being scolded by Kiana, the smile turned into a crying face.

But then it immediately changed back to a smile, and the mask turned in a direction and looked behind.

"Look who's here! Oh my God, that idiot is looking over here! He won't smash Aha's little mask! It's so funny!"

After seeing the stone giant made of stone and amber appear, Aha's mask kept circling around him and making weird laughs.

"The Star God of "Protecting", Kriber... Is this the narrow path of fate?"

After seeing the second Star God appear, Kiana also roughly realized where this place was.

But why did she come here? Kiana didn't know, but she felt that other Star Gods would appear here one after another.


Kriber glanced at Aha, who was like a madman. A hammer appeared on his huge stone arm. After staring at Aha for a while, he put away the hammer and chose to ignore Aha.

He turned to look at Kiana's position. This imaginary energy exceeded all Star Gods, and he was like a Star God but not a Star God.

"Aha was ignored by the idiot? So boring, the idiot is so boring! Why don't you go back and continue hammering your wall? Aha's suggestion is great! Aha gave himself a thumbs up! "

Aha still didn't give up, and kept muttering around Kribber, and Kribber was really patient. He didn't get angry at all, just treating Aha as air.


A crystal wall appeared, then shattered, and a huge figure made of mirrors emerged, wearing a crown and tilting his head to look at Kiana.

"Memory" Star God Fuli..."

"Come to witness the record of the birth of a new god. Don't worry. I will only watch and won't disturb you. I will help you stop other star gods. There is only one condition. Can you give me a copy of your memory?"

"Ah? Can you add punctuation? I don't understand!"

Kiana was confused by the series of words that were looming in her ears without pause. What did He want to express?

It's really not that she is stupid, it's all because of the weird way this big ice cube speaks!

"Big ice cube, big ice cube, do you think Kribber is a fool? "

Aha found a new target and immediately rushed around Fuli, but Fuli didn't even look at him, staring straight at Kiana.

Suddenly, several more imaginary energies began to gather. Kiana looked carefully and found that it was someone she knew again.

"Harmony" Star God Xi Pei, um... she looks so beautiful when she smiles... she is looking at me!

"Wisdom" Star God Boshizun, looked at Kiana with his big scarlet eyes, and a stream of data flashed from time to time, as if calculating something.

"Abundance" Star God Pharmacist, "Hunting" Star God Lan, these two appeared one after the other, but Kiana was surprised that Lan didn't even shoot an arrow.


The last one to appear was even more heavyweight, "Nothingness" Star God IX, who stared at her from a distance and disappeared again.

"Destruction" Star God Nanook appeared, staring at Kiana.

He felt the aura of destruction from Kiana, and he even thought that Kiana would devour him after becoming a Star God.

Nanook stretched out his hand to grab Kiana, but before Kiana could make a move, Aha rushed over with a strange laugh.

"Crazy, come and accompany Aha

Let's play~? Ahha is so bored, Ahha likes to play with crazy people! Ahha wants to draw a few more patterns on you! "

Aha's smiley mask flashed a strong light on the forehead and looked at Nanook, as if warning Nanook.

Kiana was happy to see that she didn't have to do it herself. She wanted to see how strong she was now, but now it seems that there is no chance.

"Hiss, so many people have come, and there are also "Balance" and "Mystery". Why don't they join in the fun? And why are they looking at me like this? ”

Kiana felt like she was being watched like a monkey in a zoo, and she felt very uncomfortable.

And why didn't Hu and Misi come out to join in the fun... Are those two old guys planning to do something bad?

And even the top bad guy Heidashuai IX (Ix) came out to take a look at her? Although he ran away after taking a look.

It seems that not only Kiana was surprised by Ix's appearance, but even the other Star Gods didn't expect that the black thing would show up...

"So, these idle guys came to see me? So annoying..."

Kiana put her hands on her hips and looked around at the Star Gods in dissatisfaction. Although Kiana is much smaller than the Star Gods now, the gradually rising momentum on her body is not weaker than them, and even exceeds them.

"Huh? Tree mother? "

Suddenly, Kiana heard a call in her mind, and then closed her eyes, receiving the message from the tree.

After a while, Kiana opened her eyes.

"So that's what's going on... It means that I can take the position of a star god in name only?"

The tree told Kiana that she could take the position of a star god, and she didn't have to be restricted by the so-called destiny, just be free, and gave Kiana the power to command all the star gods. Of course, the other star gods didn't know this, and didn't even know that Kiana was meeting the tree of imaginary numbers.

And Kiana didn't care, just took the name to open up her own destiny.

Purple light began to emerge from Kiana's body, and a beam of light formed a beautiful landscape in the narrow sea of ​​stars between the destiny.

After the light dissipated, Kiana, who was the same size as the star god, appeared, still wearing the end god outfit, floating with a universe in her arms.

At the same time, a new destiny "the end" appeared in the minds of everyone in the universe.

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