The fate of "The End" appeared very suddenly. No one knew what the definition of this fate was, and no one knew who the "End" Star God was.

People in the universe speculated about the relationship between "The End" and "The End".

But what they didn't know was that the name of this fate was given by Kiana herself, just because she was the Herrscher of the End and was used to the word "End"...

Although Kiana had the identity of a Star God, it was just an identity. She could be a Star God, but a Star God could not become her.

Kiana was a unique existence in this forest system.

(OK, I'll go to Star Iron later)


Kiana glanced at the Star Gods calmly and disappeared in the narrow space of life.


After a roar, Kribber's body disappeared.

Fu Li disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared.

"It's so funny, "The End" and "The End", which one is the real "end"! It's so funny! Hahaha~"

Accompanied by Ah Ha's laughter, the star gods gradually withdrew from the narrow path of life.

Only the pharmacist and Lan were left staring at each other.

The pharmacist smiled slightly at first, then touched Lan's head and disappeared.

After Lan reacted, his body was in a turmoil of imaginary energy, and he chased the pharmacist with a bow and arrow.

What the pharmacist and Lan didn't notice was that in the process of chasing each other, they gradually developed feminine organs.

They gradually became them.


"Ah~ um~ It was a really comfortable sleep. I hope the gifts given to the pharmacist and Lan will be liked by them~"

After getting up, Kiana stretched her back and thought of the pharmacist sister x Lan sister. Avi, her heart was full of joy.

She wanted to see love and hatred, and the water flowed into a river! It should be the pharmacist who has more water, after all, it is "abundant".

After kissing the sleeping little Qiana, Sakura and Rin, she tiptoed out. The three children played in the paradise until late and came back.

"La~ La La La~ La, La La La~ La La~ La~!"

After leaving the room, Kiana, who was in a good mood, hummed a little song and saw Xilin and Bella on the sofa in the living room below.

"Yo~ Mom, Bella, good morning"

She ran over and threw herself into Xilin's arms and rubbed her.

"What's wrong with you today? You are so happy?"

Although it is a good thing for her daughter to be happy, when Kiana is happy, Xilin always feels that someone is in trouble. I don't know if it is an illusion.

"Hehe, I remembered something happy~ Mom, Bella~ Kiss"

Kiana stretched her face over and tapped her cheeks with two fingers.

Bella didn't hesitate and kissed her directly.

After Xilin looked at Kiana lovingly, she put her cherry lips on her and kissed her gently.


"Stop playing tricks... What's wrong with Qilin? After coming back yesterday, she locked herself in the room, and her face was as red as a monkey's butt."

Xilin remembered how Qilin covered her face and rushed into the house and locked the door after coming home yesterday. It was weird no matter how she thought about it.

Why did Qilin look similar to when she was teased by little Bianca...?

No, her reaction was not that big!

Thinking of this, Xilin's eyes gradually became weird when she looked at Kiana. Did this kid push Qilin?

Although they are sisters now, to be honest, Qilin can be another Kiana. She pushed herself down. Seriously?

"Ahem, nothing, just had a little conflict with Qilin yesterday."

Kiana coughed lightly and turned her head slightly. From her tone, it seemed that they were just quarreling a little, but seeing that Kiana's ears had turned slightly red, it was clear that there must be something fishy about this matter!

But the considerate Xilin did not intend to ask further. If Kiana really had that plan, Xilin would support it... After all, it was her lovely Qibao.

Ding Dong~ Ding Dong~

Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong!

"I'll go open the door"

No. 17 just came down from the upstairs to the living room and heard the doorbell ringing continuously, so he slowly floated over.

"Uh... why don't you open the door?"

Xilin looked at the door with a horrified face, as if there was some kind of flood and beast outside.

"But if you don't open the door, Bianca will keep ringing the doorbell"

No. 17 turned his head and looked at Xilin and said.

Ding Dong xN

The doorbell rang again, as if confirming what No. 17 said.


No. 17 opened the door and made way. The little figure outside the door turned into a shadow and instantly pounced on Xilin who wanted to escape, and hugged Xilin's thin waist.

"Dear daughter, save me..."

Xilin stretched out a hand to Kiana weakly.

Kiana nodded, then took Bianca's collar off Xilin and brought her to face her.

"Emmmmm, put me down, Dad said, you are my daughter! You have to be obedient!"


Kiana rolled up her sleeves and put Bianca on her smooth legs, lifting Bianca's little skirt to reveal her butt.


"Woo woo woo! Stop hitting me, it's all Dad's words, Xilin's wife, save me"

Bianca was still a child after all. After being spanked twice, she sold Siegfried directly, and looked at Xilin with tears in her eyes, pitiful.

This little look softened Xilin's heart.

"Qiana... let me hold Bianca"

Xilin took Bianca and asked her if it hurt while rubbing her little butt. She was very considerate.

But Kiana clearly saw Bianca's expression of knowing what was going on, and her eyes twitched violently. She didn't use any strength at all!

Is this kid really only three years old? !

"Mom... hold her"

Kiana rubbed her eyes and staggered down the stairs. When she saw Kiana, she opened her arms and hugged her.

"Little Kiana, your sisters are still sleeping"

Kiana picked up the sleepy Kiana and asked after giving her a mua.


Kiana responded with a smudge of her eyes...

It seems that she hasn't woken up completely yet, and is still a little confused.

"Today, Mom will take you to visit someone's house. Do you want to go? Maybe you can see your future wife."

"Hey...wife...hmm? Mom! I'll go!"

Kiana, who was not fully awake at first, woke up instantly after hearing the words "visiting someone's house" and "finding her a wife". Her eyes were twinkling with stars as she looked at Kiana.

"Hmm! Mom will contact Ryoma later to see if he is home."

Kiana held Kiana and opened the Honkai group chat, and tagged Raiden Ryoma.

[Kiana: @Raiden Ryoma, are you home? ]

[Raiden Ryoma: Yes]

[Kiana: I heard that you have a daughter who is one year older than my daughter. Is it convenient for me to visit your house?]

[Raiden Ryoma: You are very welcome. Meiyi just happens not to have a playmate of the same age.]

After getting consent, Kiana closed the group chat, held Kiana and changed into a cute outfit, and directly opened the portal to Raiden Ryoma's house in the Far East.

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