The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next two days.

"Hmm? Just walk back like this?"

Kiana looked at Seele with some doubt.

"What else? Do you still expect someone to pick us up?" Seele rolled her eyes and said helplessly.

"There's no need to be so troublesome. If we walk back, it will waste time again."

Kiana smiled, and then a portal appeared in front of everyone with a thought.

Then she used the power of Rock Law to manipulate gravity to make the two boxes of supplies float up.

Kiana has so many abilities that except for Xing, who is already used to it, everyone else looked at her in shock.

"Your ability... isn't it too convenient?" Bronya exclaimed. "

"I wonder how many abilities do you have that we don't know about?"

Seele said in disbelief.

"Well, there are still many, but you can't use them casually for the time being."

Kiana smiled and shook her head without explaining too much.

She knew that her abilities were too special, and if she showed them casually, she might cause unnecessary trouble.

Although a lot of them had been exposed, only a few of them knew about it, so Kiana was not very worried.

Everyone passed through the portal and returned to Panyan Town.

Natasha saw everyone coming back and smiled happily.

"Hi, Nata! We are back." Seele smiled and greeted, then turned around and motioned Kiana to put down the supplies.

"As expected of Seele, you are always so punctual~"

Natasha looked at the supplies in front of her, and a trace of gratitude flashed in her eyes.

"But this time with their help, you came back very quickly~"

"Well, it was indeed much smoother this time. "Xi'er nodded, looked at Xing and Kiana and others beside her, and showed a satisfied smile on her face.

"However, the erosion of the Rift has worsened. When we went there, we encountered a large group of monsters that kept appearing. "

As she said that, Xi'er turned to look at Kiana and explained to Natasha.

"If it weren't for her help, we would have to work hard to come back."

Hearing this, Natasha looked at Kiana with gratitude in her eyes.

"Thank you all for your help. With you, Panyan Town will definitely get through this difficult time."

As she said that, Natasha checked the supplies and said after a while.

"Well, that's great. All the supplies we need are complete. Now we can ensure everyone's safety."

"Do you need me to stay and help you?" Xi'er asked.

Natasha shook her head and smiled and said, "No, just leave the clinic to me. You guys should have more important things to do, Oleg - and your two friends, they are waiting..."

"Ah! I almost forgot about these two people..."

Xing heard this and slapped his head, then he remembered that they came here as 4 people.

"Uh... I would have forgotten if you didn't say it." Kiana touched her nose awkwardly, she was also distracted by other things.

"It doesn't matter much, I think the two kids are very energetic."

"Uncle Oleg wants to talk about Swarovski, right?"

Xier nodded slightly, thinking so, and then looked at Natasha again.

"We have to go, sorry Nata, I'll leave the wounded to you."

Natasha also nodded slightly when she heard this, indicating that she didn't need to worry: "Don't worry, I wish you all the best."

"Yeah. ”

Then Seele turned around and looked at Hoshi, Kiana and others, her eyes resting on Bronya. A firm expression appeared on her face.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Then, Bronya and Seele walked forward shoulder to shoulder.

Hoshi and Kiana looked at Bronya and Seele, smiled at each other, and followed.

“Ha… yawn…”

On the way, Bronya, who hadn’t slept all night, rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned.

“Why, you’re sleepy now?” Seeing this, Seele beside her chuckled and teased.

Hearing this, Bronya said listlessly and dissatisfiedly: “Aren’t you tired? You haven’t rested all night.”

“Huh~ My highest record is 6 days without sleep, you still have to work harder.”

Seele proudly puffed out her chest, as if showing her “superpowers” ​​to Bronya.

Bronya shook her head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

Xing walked behind the two of them and couldn't help sighing when listening to Seele's words.

"Well... if you don't rest for 6 days, it will break down..."

Xing's words

Seele and Bronya were stunned for a moment, and then they couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, it's okay if it breaks." Seele smiled and patted Xing's shoulder, "Don't worry, I'm in good health, it won't break that easily."

"Okay, we're here. They're just ahead."

When they arrived at the location, Danheng and March Seven had been waiting here with Oleg for a long time.

"Hey! They're finally back."

March Seven looked at everyone returning, with a bright smile on her face, and she waved excitedly.

"Sorry for disappearing without saying hello." Xing

Xing said apologetically, she knew that her sudden departure with Kiana and others made March Seven and Danheng worried.

March Seven didn't care, but smiled and said with her hands on her waist: "Ha, what's the matter. The record holder for disappearing without saying hello is here~"

Danheng, who was next to March Seven, looked at March Seven's boasting, and his whole body was numb.

"I don't know what you are so proud of..."

"Hahaha, now that everyone is here, I will get straight to the point--"

Oleg looked at these young people joking and couldn't help but chuckle. Then he coughed lightly and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"Regarding the "star core" you mentioned last time, and the experience in the upper area, these two young people have helped me sort it out from the beginning again."

"Now, I roughly understand what is going on."

"The last time I saw Kokolia, she was still a little girl with a strong demeanor... I didn't expect that after becoming a guardian..."

Speaking of this, Oleg frowned.

"I can only say that I deeply sympathize with your experience. Don't worry, "Earth Fire" will not do such a thing as stabbing in the back."

"Although your plan is similar to the nonsense of a miner after getting drunk, it at least points a way. The lower-level people have long had no way to go. Now that things have come to this, I would rather take a gamble on you. "

Hearing this, March Seven confidently put his hands on his waist and said to Oleg.

"Hehe, don't worry, uncle! We will prove that you didn't trust the wrong person."

Dan Heng also corrected here: "And we are not the nonsense of the miners after getting drunk."

"Don't worry, boss, I also understand the abilities of these people, they can really do it."

As he said, Xier turned his eyes to Kiana.

This guy named Kiana's abilities are definitely not just those shown.

"Hahaha, good! Then let's look at it more realistically..."

As he said, Oleg turned his eyes to the train group.

"You guys want to learn about the "Star Core" from Swarro, and we "Earth Fire" want to solve the blockade of the lower area..."

"In other words, our target is Swarro. If we don't solve that "big boss", the rest of the things are nonsense."

"It means... find a way to make him stand on our side?" Xing said hesitantly.

"Humph! He is a robot, what can he understand? Just chop down that piece of scrap metal!" Seer said coldly, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she seemed to be full of hostility towards Swarovski.

"Have you forgotten that Clara regards him as a family member? If you destroy him directly, wouldn't Clara lose her relatives..."

Kiana's words made Seer speechless. She was silent for a moment, and then sighed.

"Tsk, you're right..."

"Alas, it's best to solve it peacefully. No one wants to make it to this extent. But if the situation changes, we will have to use force..."

Oleg also sighed. He understood that some things are unavoidable.

"Uh... Do you remember that he is a robot? Even if he is destroyed, as long as the core components are intact, he can still be repaired. "

Xing suddenly thought of something and said hurriedly.

Everyone showed a look of realization when they heard it.

Yes! How could they forget that Swarro is a robot!

As long as the core components are still there, Swarro can be repaired!

"That's right, as long as we don't destroy his core components, there will be a chance."

Kiana also nodded and showed an expression of approval.

Oleg also sneered when he heard it,

"Hahaha, you are right, Swarro's machine is still a dead thing after all, and dealing with living people is different."

"Before this, "Earth Fire" tried to contact Swarro many times, but was rejected every time. That guy didn't intend to talk to us at all."

"With our strength, it is very risky to use force. Swarro's robots are not afraid of sacrifice, but I don't want to take the risk of taking the lives of the lower-class people."

Then, Oleg suddenly changed the subject.

"But it's different now. Your arrival

And let Svarro admit that "external variables have appeared." Things have changed. Although I don't know the reason, you may have a chance to persuade him. "

"That would be the best."

Dan Heng nodded.

"Hahahaha... Look at our little abacus? It's a beautiful idea..."

Oleg laughed heartily, but his laughter revealed a bit of helplessness and bitterness.

"Alas, when you get to Svarro's base, you will understand that there is never such a smooth thing in the underground."

Then, Oleg turned his eyes to Bronya.

"What do you say, Iron Guard girl? Among our group of people, you are the only one who has no reason to fight Svarro to the end. I would like to hear your plan."

Bronya was silent for a moment, then looked at Oleg firmly and said.

"The lower area is also part of Beloberg. If the existence of Svarro threatens the residents here, I will certainly stand on your side. ”

“Hahaha, very good! You are worthy of being the girl who will take over the responsibility of the guardian. You are very conscious.”

Looking at Bronya’s determined eyes, Oleg couldn’t help but look at her with admiration.

“Since we are united, there is no need to delay any longer. Let’s go. I have arranged a guide to take you to find Swarovski.”

“What about you?”

Xing asked.

“Earth Fire” has always been at odds with Swarovski. Following you may cause misunderstandings and do more harm than good. We will wait not far away. If something goes wrong, Earth Fire will arrive immediately.”

As he said that, Oleg looked at Seele again.

“Then… Seele, take the outsider friends for a while.”

“Hmph, leave it to me, boss.”

Seele nodded, and then took everyone away to meet the guide.

However, at the destination, they saw a… kid?

“Hook? Is it you? ? "

Xier looked at the child in front of her with a surprised look.

Kiana was also incredulous when she saw Hook.

"Wouldn't the guide that Oleg said he would introduce to us be her?"

Letting such a young child lead the way for us, wouldn't the "Earth Fire" people be illegally employing child labor?

However, Hook was a little nervous when he saw so many people gathering.

She didn't understand what these people just said, but instead asked with courage.

"It's... it's me, Lord Dark Hook! Is there something you want to talk to me about?"

Lord Hook put his hands on his waist and put on a majestic look. Although she looked like a young girl, her confidence and momentum made people dare not underestimate her. There was a firm light in her eyes, as if saying, "I am very powerful, don't underestimate me!"

However, just when the few people were still surprised, a voice suddenly came from behind Hook.

"Uh... kid, I think this is a misunderstanding..."

The voice was so mean that Xi'er and the others knew who it was.

When the man appeared in front of everyone, everyone was shocked.

Before everyone could speak, the man spoke.

"It's me, friends. Oleg sent me to show you the way..."

Then, the man continued in a mean tone: "It really makes me sad... You even thought of such a young child, but didn't think of me..."

As he spoke, the man's tone was aggrieved and a little crying.

Xi'er looked at his tone of speaking, rolled her eyes impatiently, and said unhappily: "Okay, okay, why bother about this."

As he spoke, Xi'er questioned again: "I want to ask you, Sambo: "Earth Fire" Everyone knows where Svaro's lair is, why do you need a guide? "

Sanbo seemed to be unconcerned about Seele's questioning. Instead, he showed a smug smile. He straightened his chest and said with an "I am very important" look: "Well, everyone has their own expertise. Although "Dihuo" knows where Swarro's base is, he has never been in it."

"Have you been in there?" Seele questioned.


Sanbo scratched his head and smiled awkwardly. He then straightened his chest again and said seriously: "But I have touched the mechanical settlement from top to bottom and collected a lot of clues. I guarantee that I can help you a lot."

"Touch? Are you sure you didn't steal?" Kiana looked at Sanbo with a smirk.

"Uh...hehe, this is not important. What's important is the result." Sanbo waved his hand, as if he didn't want to dwell on this issue too much.

"Why are you stealing...touching other people's settlements? "

Xing Ye couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Hey, what are you talking about! Isn't that

"Dihuo" has given a request, so I'm working hard for him?"

Sangbo blinked and said innocently.

"It's obvious that I, Sangbo, am really enthusiastic--"

"Okay, okay! We believe you can do it, so lead the way quickly."

March Seven couldn't stand Sangbo's endless nagging anymore, so he interrupted him.

"Hey, hey, okay! Then you guys should follow closely."


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