After walking for a long time, they crossed the entire Rivet Town again and finally came to a bright and open place.

March Seven's feet were a little sore from walking along the way. She couldn't help complaining: "Sangbo, where is this mechanical settlement? Have we arrived yet?"

"Hey, sister, you don't ask me every minute, do you? Just take two more steps and two more steps forward and we'll be there."

Sangbo said while leading the way in front without looking back.

Hearing this, March Seven had to sigh helplessly and continued to follow Sangbo forward.

After walking for a while, everyone finally arrived at the mechanical settlement.

"Is this the lair of Swarro? I thought it was a cold place, but I didn't expect it to be so lively."

March Seven said in surprise, looking at the tents and bonfires built around, as well as the people walking back and forth.

Hearing this, Xi'er also explained the situation of this mechanical settlement to several people.

"Many wanderers live here temporarily, and their hometowns are occupied by monsters from the Rift."

"Huh? Don't you think it's dangerous to camp under Swarro's nose?"

March Seven asked in confusion.

"No, although Swarro is domineering, he never attacks humans without reason. For homeless people, this place is safe."

Xi'er continued to explain, suddenly laughed at herself, and continued.

"Hehe... If I hadn't moved away early, maybe I would be one of these people now."

"After passing through the front gate, is it the lair of Swarro?"

Qiana pointed to the only closed iron door in front and asked.

"Yes, through this door, it is Swarovski's residence."

After saying that, he continued to move forward and came to the iron gate.

An iron gate blocked the only bridge leading to Swarovski's residence. Although the gate was an iron railing gate, it still looked very heavy when it was close.

"Such a heavy gate... Okay, watch me!"

Looking at the locked gate in front of him, March Seven shouted eagerly.

"Open Sesame!"

However, March Seven's attempt was not successful. The door was still locked and motionless.

March Seven touched his nose awkwardly and said embarrassedly: "Uh... This door doesn't seem to listen to me."

The command shouted by March Seven made Kiana curious.

Good guy, there is this command in the fairy tale book of her own world. Can the command "Open Sesame" be so popular in this universe?

"What is that? A password?"

Bronya looked at March Seven with a puzzled look on her face, as if she was puzzled by this strange way of opening the door.

Apparently, there is no such legend or story as "Open Sesame" on the isolated planet of Yalilo VI.

However, Dan Heng has become accustomed to March Seven's behavior, and then complained expressionlessly.

"The password in the fairy tale can't work here."

"Go! Pry the door open!"

Xing couldn't wait any longer and ordered directly to Sambo.

"Hey, prying the door in front of so many eyes, do you think the wanderers and robots are blind?"

Sambo looked at Xing helplessly and explained: "Let me tell you, I have figured out the mechanism of this door. Not everyone can enter and leave the territory of the big boss Swarlow at will. Those who want to see him must get "certification." ”

"Certification...certification? "

Hearing these two words, Xing, Sanyueqi and Danheng all looked at Kiana in tacit understanding.

Others were puzzled by the behavior of the three people.

"What are you looking at? Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not a master key, where does the certification come from?" Kiana felt a little uncomfortable with the looks of several people, and hurriedly explained.

"Ah! How could I forget..." Kiana suddenly slapped her forehead, as if she remembered something important.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Kiana walked forward and placed her hand on a mechanism next to the door.

After a green light entered the mechanism from Kiana's palm, there was a crisp sound of "click", and the lock in the middle of the door opened.

Although everyone in the train group had seen Kiana's so-called "erosion" power, they were still a little amazed at Kiana's means.

With this ability, wouldn't any mechanical creation in the world be easily manipulated?

At this time, Sambo looked at Kiana's means so quickly and was also embarrassed.

He coughed a few times, trying to ease the atmosphere, and then said awkwardly: "Uh... this, I didn't expect you to have such a method, it really opened my eyes."

Kiana just smiled faintly when she heard this, and didn't say much.

Seele and Bronya were already numb. The ability Kiana showed along the way was enough to shock the two of them. They were no longer surprised by Kiana's erosion ability.

Several people crossed the gate and passed through a narrow passage surrounded by cliffs.

At the end of the passage, what came into view was another iron door that was even heavier than the previous one, which sealed the narrow passage tightly.

"Another door? Is Sambo playing tricks on us?" March Seven complained unhappily.

"Look at the structure... It seems to be more complicated than the previous one." Bronya looked up and down at the gate in front of her, and a solemn expression appeared on her face.

"This door...if I'm not here, how can I get in?"

Kiana looked at the iron door in front of her, and a confused expression appeared on her face.

"Sambo? Come over and explain?!"

Seele looked at the door in front of her and shouted directly at Sambo.

However, no one responded for a moment.


After shouting several times in a row, no response was received.

"Where are the people?"

Everyone looked back and found that Sambo, who was supposed to be following behind, was gone at this time.

"Where did this guy go? He was there just now?"

March 7 looked at the empty back and said angrily.

"In this case...I will continue to crack it?"

Kiana no longer cared whether Sambo was there or not. This guy never said a word of truth.

Without further ado, it would be the fastest to crack it directly.

But would this make Swarovski feel that they were a little disrespectful?

"Wait, don't be in a hurry."

Xing stepped forward and stopped Kiana's action.

"What's wrong?"

Kiana looked at Xing in confusion.

She pointed behind her, and Kiana turned around.

A traffic light-shaped robot slowly walked in front of everyone.

"Is this the robot that needs "authentication" that Sambo mentioned before? I wonder what tricks it will play again."

Xi'er said with her hands on her hips, looking unhappy.

"The visitor of Mr. Swarovski has been found - the protocol... is activated. Start... scanning... verification!"

As the robot's voice fell, its two eyes began to flash red and began to scan.

At this time, Xing walked up and stretched out his hand with a smile.

"Good boy~ give me authentication and take us there."

March Seven looked at Xing's operation and couldn't help but "praise" him: "So that's it! Treating robots as watchdogs is great!"

"This can't possibly work! "

As soon as March Seven finished speaking, the robot's voice sounded.

"Authentication failed... The individual did not obtain access rights."

"Access rights again? Whose access rights? Swarro's? Can Swarro give us access rights? I might as well crack it."

Kiana was about to do it again.

However, Xing grabbed Kiana's hand and signaled her not to do it first.

At this time, the robot spoke again.

"The request is denied. Please ask Miss Clara to apply for access rights."


Hearing that Clara was the authorized person, everyone was no longer anxious.

"Who is this Clara? She is so powerful, but we still have to apply for access rights from her?"

Because March Seven had been guarding Xing during her coma and did not go to the big mining area with Dan Heng, he was also confused about Clara.

"A little girl - Clara is Swarro's owner. "Xing explained.

"It's "family"... Did you do it on purpose or accidentally?"

Bronya said in a helpless tone.

"Family... huh? I don't really understand..."

March Seven also scratched his head in confusion, a little confused.

"Okay, don't worry... Where is Clara now?"

Dan Heng interrupted March Seven's thinking and turned to ask the robot.

"Audio data is being retrieved, please wait..."

After the robot's noise, Clara's soft voice also came out.

[The bearing of the core energy source is broken... If it is not repaired quickly, the settlement will become dark.]

[Timmy, I'm going to Rivet Town again to see if there are any original parts that can be recycled. When I'm not there, you have to help Clara guard the gate~]

"The recording is retrieved, and continue to execute Clara's orders."

"Clara? I thought she was back,

Going to Rivet Town again?"

Kiana said in surprise.

"I didn't expect that we would have to go back to look for someone again after such a short time."

"Huh? So you went to another town for sightseeing?"

March Seven looked at Seele and Bronya and asked curiously.

"I'm afraid it's not as easy as you think."

"Clara came back and went again, I always have a bad feeling."

Kiana frowned as she said.

"Indeed... I'm a little worried when I think of that little girl entering the Rift alone." Bronya nodded in agreement.

"Although she is not as weak as she looks, she still..."

"You look very weak too~" Seele looked at Bronya with a worried look on her face, and Seele couldn't help but tease.

"Hey, let's go find her quickly, Swarovski is still waiting for us behind the door. "

"Let's go find Clara first, right...wait."

Kiana nodded, then waved her hand, and a portal leading directly to the Rivet Town Orphanage appeared in front of everyone. This was the clearest coordinates that Kiana knew.

"Let's go."

After everyone passed through the portal, Kiana did not follow in, but stayed where she was, closed her eyes, as if thinking about something.

"What's wrong?"

Dan Heng looked at Kiana behind him with some confusion.

Everyone turned back to look at Kiana after hearing this.

"I thought about it, you go find Clara to get her approval. And I, stay here and negotiate directly with Swarro." Kiana took a deep breath and continued, "Didn't Swarro say that we are variables before? I will try my best to solve this matter peacefully and will not embarrass Clara."

After that, Kiana immediately closed the portal.

Rivet Town Orphanage--

"Huh? This...what should we do? "March Seven looked at the closed portal and asked somewhat at a loss.

"Since she said so, let's do what she wants... Let's go, let's go find Clara."

Dan Heng looked at the place where the portal just existed and sighed helplessly.

Bronya said with some concern: "That Kiana went to face Swarovski alone, it should be okay, right?"

"Don't worry, don't worry! Kiana is very strong, we can all see this... But then again, this Rivet Town is so big, where can we find that little girl~~?"

March Seven looked at Bronya who was a little worried, and immediately comforted her, but then scratched his head in distress.

"Didn't Clara say before that she was going to find some mechanical components? Let's go to Nata's storage room first. "

Xi'er also directly expressed her thoughts.

Everyone nodded in agreement after hearing this.

At the same time, on the other side.

Kiana looked at the door in front of her, wondering what she was thinking.

"Alas, it's just a door, there's no need to crack it."

After saying that, Kiana jumped over the door in front of her and landed on the ground behind the door, leaving only the robot Timmy who was looking at her stupidly.

"Swarovski, come out and see me."

After Kiana landed, she shouted Swarovski's name loudly.


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