The two of them were sitting together, and the two of them were sitting together.

Outside the Goethe Hotel.

"Ah~ The matter in the lower district has finally come to an end, and we can go find the star core." Sanyueqi stretched and said a little tiredly.

After this series of running around and fighting, she was indeed a little tired.

"But thinking back, Kiana actually went to negotiate directly by herself. I was shocked at the time."

Sanyueqi recalled the previous scene and still felt a little incredible.

"But it doesn't look like Swarovski can solve it peacefully. How did they negotiate it?"

Sanyueqi's curiosity was completely aroused. She wanted to know how Kiana convinced Swarovski.

"I feel like it should be... convincing people with 'reason'?" Xing thought about Kiana's many abilities and tentatively gave his own guess.

"Convincing people with reason? Is that what I meant?"

March Seven blinked, as if thinking about Xing's words.

"Looking at Xing's expression, it's obviously not what you think... It should be that Kiana used some of her methods - like the ability to crack the door before?" Dan Heng analyzed the possible situation.

"Oh! Are you talking about the power of erosion?" Xing suddenly thought of Kiana's explanation of her own abilities when she was at the Black Tower Space Station.


March Seven and Dan Heng looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.

"Don't you know yet? You can spread a virus that can tamper with mechanical and electronic products at will, but it completely obeys Kiana's will."

Xing nodded and explained Kiana's abilities to the two.

"I see... This reminds me of the "Star Core Hunter" Silver Wolf who was wanted by the company. He seems to be a genius hacker. "Dan Heng listened to Xing's explanation, and in his mind emerged the wanted poster of Silver Wolf, the star core hunter who was famous for his hacking skills, which he had seen when he was working in the company before.

"Haha, if Kiana were to fight her, I wonder who would have the stronger ability between the two?" Sanyueqi teased with a smile, and she had already begun to imagine the scene of the two people's duel in her mind.

"Hi! I'm back."

Just then, Kiana's figure appeared in the sight of the three people.

"How is it? Is Bronya okay?" Xing asked with concern.

Kiana nodded: "Well, she needs some time to adjust her emotions, but Seele will be with her. Don't worry."

Hearing this, the three of them also breathed a sigh of relief.

"What were you talking about just now?"

Kiana asked curiously, and she saw that the three seemed to be discussing something.

"Oh, we are talking about your ability." Sanyueqi replied with a smile.

"My ability? "Kiana was slightly stunned.

"Yes, Xing said that your erosion power is very strong, and you can tamper with mechanical and electronic products at will. We are still wondering what the scene will be like if a genius hacker confronts you." Sanyueqi explained with a smile.

"Ah... this... Although I don't know where the upper limit of this ability is, it should be no problem to deal with hackers... By the way, who is this hacker you are talking about?"

"Her name is Silver Wolf, she is from the Star Core Hunter, and she is a wanted criminal of the company-she has an ether editing system that can edit reality. The company can't do anything to her... no, they can't do anything to them."

Dan Heng said, frowning slightly, as if he was quite afraid of the Star Core Hunter organization.

"Silver Wolf... Strange name, sounds like a code name. "

Kiana fell into deep thought after hearing this. This name reminded her of the code name of Bronya in her own world when she was still in Siberia - Ural Silver Wolf.

"There should be no connection between the two. There has been a Bronya... How can there be a second one?" Kiana thought.

"There should be a chance to meet them on the road of future development, but for now... we should still talk about tomorrow's plan. It just so happens that you are back."

Dan Heng looked at Kiana, his eyes revealing a kind of determination and expectation.

"Well. In my opinion, after all, the upper and lower levels have been opened. Tomorrow, together with Bronya, Seele and others, we will confront the great guardian again, tell her the harm of the "Star Core", and let her not interfere with our sealing of the Star Core. "

As soon as Kiana finished speaking, Dan Heng and Xing nodded in agreement.

And March Seven was still a little worried.

"But... you also said before that Cocolia has been bewitched by the Star Core.

, even if we go there with the truth, she may not be able to accept our explanation. "

"Oh, right. I had a dream before this." Xing suddenly said as if she remembered something.

"Dream?" Everyone was puzzled and motioned Xing to continue.

Then Xing told the three people everything he heard and saw in the dream.

"You dreamed that Cocolia was talking to another voice? But the other voice made you feel familiar?"

Dan Heng listened to Xing's description, frowned, and tried to find some clues from it.

"From what the voice said, it seemed to be bewitching Cocolia-it should be the "star core", right?"

Qiana nodded in agreement, frowned at the same time, and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Could it be that you can see this picture because there is a star core in your body, Xing?" Sanyueqi made a bold hypothesis.

Xing also nodded, indicating that she also had this idea.

"Well, it's possible. "

"Hahaha, now we have a "human star core searcher", so we can just let the star sleep to find the star core in the future?" Kiana joked with a smile, causing everyone to laugh.

After the laughter, Kiana put away her smile and said seriously: "However, you just reminded me that the star core bewitched the Great Guardian... Just in case, I will give this future Great Guardian a gift."

After that, Kiana stretched out her palm, and a pink feather with a faint glow gradually condensed in her palm.

"What is...?"

"This is a special prop I built, the key of consciousness "Yu Du Chen". It has no other miscellaneous functions, it has only one function - to isolate any form of mental interference, so that the wearer can keep a clear mind and not be affected by external illusions and bewitching. "

Kiana explained, and at the same time waved the "Yu Du Chen" in her hand into the air, it turned into a pink stream of light and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Can the "Yu Du Chen" you sent out accurately find Bronya?" Dan Heng asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, I have set a tracking on this "Yu Du Chen", and it will find Bronya by itself." Kiana answered confidently.

Everyone was relieved when they heard this. With this "Yu Du Chen", they can face Cocolia with more confidence.


Just then, a stomach growl broke everyone's thoughts, and Kiana touched her stomach embarrassedly.

"Haha, it seems that our hero is hungry too!" March Seven joked with a smile.

Suddenly, the door of Goethe Hotel opened at this time, and a person came out.

"Oh~ Are you all back? I just heard someone say that they were hungry?"

The person's name is Gotie, she is the proprietress of Goethe Hotel, a middle-aged woman with a charming appearance, always with a kind smile on her face.

"Earth Fire" has already given the order. You can go back to your room and wait. The feast will be ready for you in a while."

Gotti said enthusiastically, and then invited everyone to enter the restaurant.

After returning to the room, everyone took a short rest and couldn't wait to come to the restaurant to enjoy the food.

The restaurant was filled with all kinds of food, the aroma was overflowing, and people were salivating.

Everyone sat together, eating and chatting, the atmosphere was particularly harmonious.

And Kiana was really hungry these days. She ate the food in big mouthfuls, as if she wanted to make up for the hunger of the past few days.

That night, everyone witnessed the "Rester of Rice" "It was so good that even the boss lady Goldie couldn't help but marvel at Kiana's appetite.

After everyone ate everything up, the restaurant finally returned to peace. Kiana touched her stomach with satisfaction, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

Afterwards, after everyone returned to their respective rooms and washed up, they all fell asleep.

On the other hand, Seele and Bronya returned to the yard of the orphanage in Rivet Town to chat and relax.

"...By the the way, what are you going to do next?"

At this time, Seele turned her head away with a little red cheeks and asked Bronya.

Just don't know what they whispered before.

"What you heard from Swarovski must have had a great impact on you, right?"

Bronya didn't notice Seele's expression just now, and just answered Seele's words softly.

"...Yeah. I thought I was mentally prepared, but still..."

"As long as I am still the heir to the guardian, I will sooner or later come into contact with those truths. But why did my mother hide this from me, and why did she ask me to hunt down the outsiders who knew the true nature of the "Star Core"... I just couldn't understand it.

"Then, Bronya seemed to have made up her mind and looked at Seele with a firm gaze.

"After thinking it over, there is only one thing I can do now-ask her in person."

"Wait, you are not really going? Are you going alone? No, this idea is too..."

Seele heard Bronya's plan, and a worried look appeared on her face, and she hurriedly tried to stop her.

"I have thought it through, Seele. I am the daughter of Lord Cocolia, and this will not change in any way."

"Whether as a daughter or as a Silver Mane Iron Guard, I must fulfill my responsibility to advise her in person. Even if..."

At this time, a pink light streaked across the sky, and then turned into a pink feather and fell in front of the two. The feather gently fell on Bronya's palm. She looked down, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"What is this...?" "

Seele also came over to look, and saw a faint light flashing on the feather, which seemed to contain some kind of power.

Bronya felt a gentle power, and then held it in her palm.

In an instant, the feather turned into energy and entered Bronya's body. In addition to feeling a little refreshing, there was no other feeling.

"This feather... feels a little different." Bronya said softly, with doubt and curiosity flashing in her eyes.

Seele also looked at Bronya blankly, not knowing what this sudden feather meant.

The two looked at each other and saw the same doubt in each other's eyes.

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded in Bronya's mind. It was a gentle and firm female voice.

"This is "Yu Du Chen", it can help you isolate any form of mental interference, keep a clear mind, and not be affected by external illusions and bewitching. "

Bronya was stunned for a moment, then she realized that this must be something given to her by the "outsider" named Kiana. Was she afraid that she would also suffer from some mental interference? A warm current surged in Bronya's heart, and she knew that this was Kiana's concern and help for her.

"Thank you, Kiana." Bronya whispered. Although the other party was not by her side, she could still feel the heart.

She took a deep breath and felt that her mood seemed to have become a little lighter. She turned her head and looked at Seele with a firm smile.

"Seele, thank you for always being with me. This is for you, Seele. Please help me pass it to those outsiders. If I can't meet up with you... they will know what to do."

"...Okay, I understand. You know what you want to do, and no matter how much I oppose it, it will be in vain. Just remember one thing for me-if you encounter any danger, I will save you at all costs."

Bronya nodded, and she looked at Seele deeply.

"Well, I'll wait for you then."

After finishing the heavy topic, the two continued to talk about some light topics until late at night...

Just like that, there was no conversation all night.

Early in the morning of the second day, Bronya did not say goodbye to the train crew, and took the cable car through the "core" to the upper area alone to face Cocolia.

And the people in the train crew woke up one after another after Bronya left for a while.

After meeting up with the people in "Earth Fire", they learned that Bronya went to the upper area alone to find Cocolia, and everyone was stunned, and then they all showed worried looks.

"Bronya, she went to find Cocolia alone?" Kiana said in surprise.

Although Bronya is the mother of the great guardian, she will not do anything excessive to her... but no one can guarantee that there will be no chance, right?

"You also know the relationship between Bronya and the Great Guardian. Some things still have to be solved by her personally."

Seele sighed softly. She knew that Bronya's decision was based on considerations of the overall situation, but she was also worried that Bronya would be in danger because of this.

"Well, okay... But why are you here, Sambo?"

Kiana suddenly looked at Sambo on the side, with a puzzled look on her face.

Sambo has been subconsciously ignored by the train crew since yesterday in Swarovski. When Kiana suddenly called him out, he was stunned for a moment, and then scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Ahaha, Sambo thought you couldn't see me. I was here in Swarovski yesterday, but you ignored me... Alas, I hurt old Sambo's heart."

"Shut up, Sambo... He volunteered to lead the way for us. Since he wants to, it's not too late to drive him away after we get up."

Seele interrupted Sambo's hug.

complained, and directly blocked his next words.

"Alas, Miss Seele... I'm still here..."

Sambo shrugged helplessly and said nothing more.

"Don't worry about him... By the way, Bronya asked me to give this to you."

As he said that, Seele handed a letter to the train crew.

The content of the letter was nothing more than: Xing, Kiana, March Seven, Dan Heng, when they saw this letter, they had already returned to the upper area. And Cocolia, as her own fosterer, although she had done many wrong things, Bronya still wanted to personally persuade her to change her mind. If she encounters an accident, please seek help from the Langdao brothers and sisters, and see the words as you see the person.

At the end of the text, it was signed "Bronya Rand".

After reading the letter, everyone fell silent.

They knew that Bronya did this for the overall situation. However, they still couldn't be completely relieved.

"But then again, I know Brother Langdao, but who is Sister Langdao?"

March Seven asked in confusion.

"Sister Langdao... should it be Shiluwa? The one in the mechanical house?"

Kiana thought for a moment and said.

"Oh~ No wonder, when Jeppard introduced the mechanical house to us, he hesitated to speak. So that's what happened."

"Maybe Jeppard is the sister?"

Xing suddenly joked after hearing this.

"Uh... your focus is so strange..."

Everyone was stunned after hearing this, and then they all laughed.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic and set off."

Dan Heng interrupted everyone's laughter, and then took the lead to walk towards the "core".

Everyone followed him after seeing this.

At the same time, Bronya also arrived at the Guardian's office.

Cocolia was very excited and worried when she saw Bronya return safely, which shows the deep mother-daughter relationship between the two.

"Bronya, I'm so glad you're okay. ”

Cocolia looked worried, and then immediately wanted to call the housekeeper over, but Bronya stopped her.

“Mother, I’m fine…really fine. I ran around the lower district and experienced several battles, but overall I was able to cope with it.

Bronya told her experience in the lower district, but when Cocolia heard the word "lower district", her expression suddenly turned cold, as if she had touched some taboo words.

“Report to me what you saw and heard in the lower district, Commander Bronya?”

“Okay, mother.”

Bronya nodded slightly, and began to tell in detail what she saw and heard in the lower district, and also defended those "outsiders". She described how those people living at the bottom survived with difficulty, and also told the truth she learned from a machine named Swarlow.

However, Cocolia's tone was still cold.

"Go on, I'm listening."

Bronya looked at Cocolia deeply, and then continued to defend those "outsiders", telling them the dangers of the "star core" and the purpose of the outsiders one by one.

But Cocolia remained unmoved, and in return she only got the wrath of the great guardian.

"Enough! Bronya!"

Cocolia finally couldn't stand it anymore, she stood up suddenly and shouted at Bronya.

Bronya was also a little surprised by this sudden shouting, she looked up at Cocolia, her eyes full of confusion and puzzlement.

"Arrogant, ignorant... You disappoint me, Bronya."

"You just peeked at a corner of the snowy mountain and thought you saw the truth? Just splashed with mud on the lower level, you dare to question my order?!"

"Iron Guard! Give Bronya..."

"They are not mud!"

Just when Cocolia was about to say something, Bronya raised her voice, revealing firmness and determination, and questioned the great guardian again, wanting to know the truth she knew.

Finally, Cocolia sighed.

"Alas - come with me, Bronya..." Cocolia walked off the stage and came to Bronya. "This dying world, it's time for you to hear her voice."

As she said, a special and extremely bewitching voice came into Bronya's mind, trying to seduce her.

But that voice was directly excluded by the activation of "Yu Duchen", which surprised the owner of that voice.

Bronya didn't feel anything unusual, but she felt that her consciousness was instantly cleared when her mother passed by her.

Bronya didn't care what happened. Since her mother asked her to go with her to find out the truth, she would naturally follow.

At this moment, the train crew and Sang

Bo and Xier also came to the upper area at this time. However, as soon as they got off the cable car, Sambo disappeared again.

"This guy Sambo disappeared as soon as he returned to the administrative area. We really can't count on him."

Xier shook her head helplessly, and she was used to Sambo's disappearance. Although a little disappointed, the main purpose of their trip was not for him.

"Alas - I finally breathe fresh air again~~" Sanyueqi stretched and felt the fresh air in the upper area, with a relaxed and happy face.

"Don't let your guard down yet, we are still wanted." Danheng reminded, his eyes always scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

"Isn't there Kiana~ But then again, what are we going to now...?"

Sanyueqi looked at Xing, Danheng and Kiana with some uncertainty, as if asking about the next action plan.

"The mountains and rivers remain unchanged, and the waters flow forever, let's get back to the train!" Xing's voice was full of firmness and decisiveness, as if everything had been planned.

"Ah? You are such a disloyal guy! But... I am actually a little tempted."

Xing scratched his head when he heard this. "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously~~"

"Okay, everyone, in order to prevent Bronya from getting into trouble, let's go directly to Cocolia."

Kiana interrupted everyone's jokes and said seriously.

While saying this, she glanced at Seele next to her, as if to confirm her reaction.

Seele didn't seem to notice Kiana's gaze, her mind was completely focused on Bronya's safety.

But everyone nodded and agreed with Kiana's point of view.

Because several people have been wanted, in order not to cause too much disturbance, Kiana directly opened the portal to the Guardian's Office.

When everyone stepped into the Guardian's Office, they immediately felt a solemn and solemn atmosphere. Everything here seemed to be in order, as if every detail had been carefully arranged.

However, Cocolia and Bronya were not in the office at this time.

Not only did they not find them, but the few people who appeared out of thin air immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the Guardian's office.

Several Iron Guards immediately surrounded them vigilantly, pointing their weapons at everyone, with vigilant light flashing in their eyes.

Facing the weapons of the Iron Guards, Kiana once again took everyone to another place in an instant, leaving the Iron Guards looking at each other, not knowing what had just happened. They only saw a shadow passing by, and the strange guys disappeared.

"Just now, those people seemed to be those on the wanted list!"

An Iron Guard seemed to recognize everyone, and he shouted in surprise, his voice full of disbelief.

Hearing this, the other Iron Guards also showed shocked expressions.

"Those "infiltrators"? These guys actually dared to appear here blatantly!"

"Why did they suddenly come to Lord Cocolia's office and leave?"

"What else could it be! They must want to assassinate Lord Cocolia! Let's report it to Lord Jeppard!"

The Iron Guards discussed it, and then a scout quickly left the place and prepared to report the matter to Jeppard.

However, no matter how fast the scout ran, he could not catch up with the people who were teleported directly.

On the other side, Xing and others came directly to the front line of the Iron Guard restricted area.

Because Kiana felt that since both of them were not in the office, they could only go directly to Yongdong Ridge.

At the front line at this time, Jeppard was resisting the invasion of the Rift Monster. He was wearing heavy Iron Guard armor and holding a huge harp box. Every swing could repel the Rift Monster by several meters. His eyes were firm and cold, as if nothing could shake him.

"After going through ice and snow, this ambition is forged and will never end! "

Jepard's voice echoed on the battlefield like thunder, bringing firm faith to everyone.

And gave the soldiers a thick "protection" shield. Under the protection of the "protection" shield, the soldiers seemed to have gained infinite power, and they bravely rushed towards the monsters of the Rift.

Jepard was very depressed at this time. Why did the attack of the monsters of the Rift suddenly become so swift after the Great Guardian took Lady Bronya from here to the Everwinter Ridge. However, as a guard officer of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, everything else was not what he thought. His duty was to follow the orders of the Great Guardian to guard this place. Even if there were more monsters, they would never cross this line of defense.

Xing and others looked at Jeppard who was fighting bravely on the battlefield, and their hearts were full of respect.

Although there was respect, there was also regret. Everyone in the train group knew that these monsters were all disasters caused by your Great Guardian being bewitched by the star core.



Shouting Jeppard's name loudly, the sound echoed on the battlefield. Upon hearing this, Jeppard immediately looked back and saw Xing and others walking towards him.

Seeing Xing and others, Jeppard showed a surprised expression. He quickly took back the piano case in his hand and walked a few steps to Xing and others.

"Why are you here?" Jeppard frowned and asked, his tone full of doubt and vigilance.

"At this point, do you still want to stop us?"

Kiana walked up and got straight to the point.

Facing Kiana's questioning, Jeppard was silent for a moment. He knew very well that these people in front of him were not ordinary people.

Although Kiana could lead everyone to Yongdong Ridge directly, she still wanted to tell Jeppard the truth first. After all, as the guard officer of the Silver Mane Iron Guard, Jeppard also had the right to know all this.

"I know I am not your opponent, and I cannot catch you. But my duty is to protect this city and every citizen. I cannot let you go on."

Jepard's voice was firm and powerful, and his eyes revealed unquestionable determination.

"Jepard, we are not enemies. And we are only here to solve the problem of the star core. The so-called cold wave and the rift erosion are all caused by the star core. Why do you think the rift monster suddenly became so crazy?"


Jepard heard this, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He did feel the abnormality of the rift monster, but he never delved into the reason.

However, even so, Jeppard still shook his head.

"I know the "star core", but the great guardian has told me the truth! Aren't you here for it? Use this as an excuse to steal the treasures of the city builders! "

When Jeppard said this, he looked at everyone with a hint of hostility.

"No point in talking..." Jeppard looked at Kiana, "Even if you use your incredible ability again, I will still stand in front of you and not let you move forward any further!"

Jepard's tone was strong and powerful, and his determination was like an unshakable mountain.

"What a stubborn person..." March Seven couldn't help but complain.

"Kiana, quickly give us the letter from Bronya..."

Before Xing finished speaking, Kiana had already taken out the letter from her backpack.

"Yes, and there is also a letter from Bronya... Jeppard, this is a handwritten letter from your lady Bronya, I don't believe you won't let us go after reading it. "

March Seven said playfully, with a proud look on his face.

When Jeppard heard this, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He took the letter handed by Kiana and began to read it carefully.

As the letter unfolded, Jeppard's expression gradually became solemn. He saw the handwriting of Lady Bronya and her trust and entrustment to Xing and others.

"This..." Jeppard looked up at Xing and others, his eyes full of complex emotions.

He knew that he could no longer stop them. He must obey Lady Bronya's orders...

"Ahem... I am the Silver Mane Iron Guard Garrison Officer, and my duty is to obey the orders of the "Great Guardian"..."


March Seven did not react for a moment. She stared at Jeppard blankly and blinked.

"But..." Jeppard paused and continued, "Miss Bronya is the actual commander of the front line. According to military regulations, when the front-line command conflicts with the orders of the city builders in the rear, they should wait for further orders in place. ”

He turned and made way, signaling Xing and others to continue moving forward.

“Good boy, you have figured out the rules.”

Xing couldn’t help but sigh.

“Ahem… For the Silver Mane Iron Guard, the orders of the Guardian are supreme and absolute. But in the oath, there is something equally important as her orders, and that is the people of Beloberg.”

“Without the people, the meaning of the Iron Guard no longer exists. The battle with the Rift Monster is for “preservation”, but the confrontation with you… I don’t understand its meaning now…”

After Jeppard finished speaking, he looked deeply at Xing and others.

“If you can really stop the ever-expanding disaster, then everyone in Beloberg owes you a gratitude.”

“Huh—I thought we really had to fight. If it weren’t for what happened today, I really wanted to spar with you. "Xier walked forward with a smile and patted Jeppard on the shoulder.

When Jeppard said he would defend this place to the death, Xier had already drawn his sickle and was ready for battle.

Jepard was stunned, and then showed a stiff smile.

"Are you from the lower level? ... Then... after the matter is resolved, let's find a time to spar. "

"Okay, the matter here is resolved,

Let's go quickly. "

Kiana suggested.

Everyone nodded, and they continued on the road to the Everwinter Ridge.

As they went deeper into the scope of the Rift, the surrounding scene became more and more desolate. The originally prosperous streets and buildings had disappeared.

On the way, they also encountered many afterimages of Cocolia and Bronya produced by the Rift, which showed that they had been here.

And Cocolia in the afterimage was still brainwashing Bronya about the "benefits" brought by the "star core".

Looking at these afterimages, everyone frowned.

The cold wind whistled, rolling up gusts of dust, making people shiver.

Fortunately, Kiana opened the warm field for everyone in time.

However, the further they went, the higher the terrain, and the colder the wind became. The Rift monsters became more violent,

But these monsters could not stop everyone's footsteps.

Finally, several people finally arrived at the Everwinter Ridge.

On the rugged mountain road of Yongdong Ridge, although there are no rift creatures, there are many scattered frozen antimatter legions, all of which tell the tragic story that happened here.

Continuing upward, a huge mechanical palm crosses the mountain road, as if forming a cave.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Kiana couldn't help but sigh.

"A palm is so big, how big should its body be..."

Suddenly, Kiana had an idea and thought of a fun thing.

Kiana stretched her hand to the mechanical palm and used the power of reason and law to deconstruct the entire mechanical whole connected to the palm. In the process of deconstruction, Kiana knew about this super-large robot called "Creation Engine".

"Kiana, what are you doing?"

"Hehe, I'm deconstructing this machine and will give you a surprise later."


Everyone looked at Kiana in confusion, not understanding what she was up to.

Not long after, Kiana finished the deconstruction and then waved to everyone.

"Let's go, everyone. Go up a little further, it seems to be the top, Bronya and Cocolia should have been there for a long time."

Everyone followed Kiana through the mechanical palm and continued to climb up.

"By the way... I'm a little scared. You say, if Cocolia uses Bronya to threaten us..."

March Seven said with some concern.

"We must save her. The lower area... No, this world depends on her."

Seele said firmly.

"Don't worry, March, Bronya will definitely be fine."

Kiana also comforted.

Everyone continued to move forward and soon reached the top of the mountain.

At a platform on the top of the mountain, Cocolia was urging Bronya to get close to the "star core" on the platform.

And that "star core" was also gradually bewitching Bronya.

"Don't resist, Bronya. Accept Him, accept the common will."

Cocolia's voice echoed in the wind, carrying a strange temptation.

However, Bronya just frowned, looked at her mother with some doubts, and then looked at the star core on the platform, expressing her doubts.

"Accept... what?"

It is obvious that "Yu Duchen" has played a role, isolating the bewitching voice of "Star Core".

Cocolia didn't expect Bronya to ask such a question, but she didn't care, just continued.

"Of course, accept His power - look at the future they promised, Bronya! A world without poverty, cold, and pain: a world where you don't have to pray for survival like a prisoner; a world we can protect forever."

Bronya frowned even more tightly, and she seemed to disagree with Cocolia's words.

"Mother, what are you talking about? That's not a beautiful future at all, but destruction!"

Bronya's voice was firm and powerful. She looked directly into Cocolia's eyes, trying to awaken her reason.

Cocolia was stunned. She didn't seem to expect Bronya to refute her like this. But then, an angry look appeared on her face.

"What do you know! You are just a child. You don't understand the cruelty and pain of this world at all! Only the star core can bring us real salvation!"

Bronya shook her head, with a flash of disappointment and sadness in her eyes.

"Mother, I used to think you were fighting for the future of Beloberg. But now, I find that you are bewitched by the "star core" and become so blind and paranoid. If that future is what you want, then I... I can't accept it. "

"Besides, I don't know what you want me to feel. "

Bronya's words made Cocolia's face gloomy in an instant. She stared at Bronya, her eyes

Flashing with dangerous light.

"You... what are you talking about?"

"Bronya, we are here!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded from behind Bronya.

Bronya looked over and was filled with joy.

"Ah! Seele!"

"Humph... you are here after all. I thought these blizzards could bury you." Cocolia snorted coldly, and the expression on her face became even colder.

"You wish! We will not fall down before we defeat you!"

Seele responded loudly, while tightening the sickle in her hand.

"Bronya! I don't know what happened between you. Even if you explain it on the spot, I probably won't understand those mysterious things. But there are two things I know very well-"

As she said, Seele pointed to the train crew behind her.

"First, these guys came here with great difficulty just to seal the thing called "Star Core". "

"Second, do you remember what I said? If anything happens to you, I will definitely come to save you. "

Bronya looked at Seele, and a warm current surged in her heart.

"So, do you understand? Even if you have been brainwashed by the woman over there and have completely forgotten the agreement between us - I will knock you out and take you back!"

"Huh?" Kiana was stunned.

"This sentence is so familiar." Kiana thought in her heart.

However, after hearing what Seele said, Bronya looked at Seele gratefully, and then looked at the people behind her, her heart was filled with warmth and strength. "Seele, and... everyone..."

"It's okay, I have given you enough time... time to say goodbye."

Cocolia looked at everyone, with a hint of impatience in her tone. Her eyes swept over everyone, and finally stopped on Bronya, with a hint of complex emotions flashing in her eyes.

"The other reason for bringing you here, it's time to tell you, Bronya."

"Reason? "Bronya looked at Cocolia in confusion, not knowing what she would say next.

"I want to witness your choice."

Cocolia finally looked at Bronya tenderly and said.

"I have told you all the truth; about the deal with the star core, about the wish I made to it. There are no more secrets between us."

"My Lord Guardian, you no longer have to rack your brains to brainwash Bronya - I have blocked her perception of the "star core" and she will no longer be deceived in any way. Just give up on this idea."

At this time, Kiana stepped forward and came to Bronya's side.

However, Bronya stretched out her hand to block it.

"Kiana, thank you." Bronya said softly, with a firm light in her eyes, "But I believe that I can face all this by myself. "

Kiana looked at Bronya, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, but then turned into understanding and support. She nodded, stepped aside, and silently cheered for Bronya.

Bronya took a deep breath and looked at Cocolia again.


10,000-word chapter, and a 10,000-word chapter will be updated every 50 chapters in the future.

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Suspected that my wife is long-lost and my wife is gone

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