The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Bronya took a deep breath and looked at Cocolia again.

"Lord Cocolia...thank you for raising me and for leaving me the right to choose."

"But...I'm sorry, mother. This last time, I can't stand by your side."

Bronya's words pierced Cocolia's heart like a needle. She didn't say anything, but just stood there quietly, closing her eyes and thinking.

"You said that the depths of human nature are stupidity and cowardice. Maybe it's true. Desperate situations will reflect the darkest side of people's hearts."

"...But you missed those who tried to survive and fight hard in desperate situations. I saw the light in them, on the front line of the restricted area, in the lower area, and in the corners you ignored."

"The ancestors built this city with their own hands and struggled to continue civilization in the swaying wind and snow. Even if this world is destined to fall apart, the road to the end should be paved by human hands-"

"-Instead of leaving fate to this seed of disaster!"

Finally, Bronya's voice was firm and powerful. Her words echoed on the platform. Every word was like a heavy hammer, hitting Cocolia's heart. Her words were not only a rebuttal to Cocolia, but also a firm declaration of her own beliefs. At this moment, Bronya was no longer the child who obeyed orders, but a leader with independent will.

Cocolia remained silent, but the voice of the star core was lingering in Cocolia's mind, as if giving her the last advice or... bewitching her.

When the voice of the star core stopped, Cocolia slowly opened her eyes and looked at her daughter in front of her.

And Bronya continued to argue at this moment.

"We are guardians chosen by ordinary people, mother! Our duty is to "preserve" the world built by humans! We are not gods, not judges!"

"You want to trample on humanity and play the role of judge and god at the same time - I can't allow such a thing!"

Bronya's words were full of determination, and her eyes looked directly at Cocolia without a trace of retreat.

"Is that so... your choice is... so. I understand, Bronya."

When Cocolia heard her daughter's answer, there was no expression on her face, and she said calmly.

"It's a pity... it's a pity that you can't see the beautiful world. You can't break through the shackles of thought... do you know? You should have been... the "mother" of the new world. "

Cocolia's words were slightly regretful, but only for a moment.

Since her daughter has made a choice, then...

Instantly, the ground began to tremble, and everyone felt a strong sense of uneasiness in panic. Under Cocolia's control, the energy of the star core began to release unprecedented energy fluctuations.

And Kiana took advantage of this opportunity to spread the Feather of the End and flew into the air, quietly watching what Cocolia would do.

"The fate of this city... Beloberg has long been determined, and its future will unfold in our hands."

"And you will become the cornerstone of this new world!"

Cocolia gradually floated in the air, and as she spoke, she held a stream of energy in her hand.

"Without breaking the old, there is no way to create the new!"

Instantly, a lance covered with ice took shape in Cocolia's hand, and then she raised the lance and shouted.

"I am the Great Guardian, and I order you to stand up-"

"Creation Engine! ! "

With Cocolia's

lance pointing straight to the sky, with her command, a huge mechanical hand grabbed the platform on the top of the mountain.

Using the top of the mountain as a support, a huge mechanical creation as tall as a mountain stood up and appeared in front of everyone.

"This, this, this... a robot that is 10,000 times larger than Swarovski!"

Looking at the mechanical creation in front of him, March Seven exclaimed.

"Is this your new world, mother? Destroy everything?" Bronya's voice seemed small under the shadow of the mechanical creation, but her eyes never left her mother, and her tone was full of doubt and determination.

While everyone was still amazed, Cocolia immediately issued an order.

The huge mechanical creation called "Creation Engine" waved its fist and smashed towards everyone.

But fortunately, this creation was in disrepair and moved slowly. Although it fell down, it gave everyone a chance to avoid this terrifying attack.

"It was a close call, I almost got crushed!"

March Seven patted his chest with lingering fear.

"Don't tell me.

Be careful and handle it carefully. "

Kiana reminded everyone, and at the same time spread her wings and flew into the air again.

After dodging the attack just now, the people on the ground quickly adjusted their fighting posture again and attacked Cocolia. Bronya tried her best to shoot with strong "protection" energy bullets to eliminate the obstacles that blocked them for her teammates.

At this time, Kiana was flying in the air, looking at the mechanical creation in front of her, muttering: "Cocolia, is this your reliance? Just like this, it's a bit not enough."

"Since you hit us with a robot, I have to show respect in return, right!"

However, just when Kiana said this, the scene in front of her suddenly changed drastically.

The scene in front of her suddenly changed from the snow-capped mountains to the universe... No, according to what the black tower said, it should be called "the audience court".

"Where is this?"

Just when Kiana was still confused, a huge blue figure of a centaur who was shooting an arrow appeared in front of her.

His eyes were fixed on one spot, where the arrow of his bow was pointing.

"Another... Star God?"

Kiana sighed, but she didn't know why this Star God appeared at this time, nor did she know what fate this Star God had.

At this time, something seemed to attract His attention, and He glanced in that direction.

However, it was only for a moment. After a glance, He no longer had any interest, and continued to stare at the direction of the arrow in his hand, as if he was hunting something.

Then, he raised his front legs, and his hind legs turned into wheels to drive Him away from here.

This Star God left so quickly that Kiana was confused. He held the bow and arrow as if he was in a hurry to hunt...

Suddenly, Kiana thought of a Star God who might be comparable to him - the "hunting" Star God, Lan.

"Why is he watching me? Just because I want to build a big robot and let it fight against each other?"

Kiana was puzzled.

"Oh, I see~ It hits me, I hit it with the same thing... This is the meaning of "hunting", right?"

Just as Kiana was still thinking about something, the scene changed again-back to the top of the Everwinter Ridge.

The scene at this time was still the same as before Kiana entered the "Court of Audience", as if only a moment had passed in reality.

But there was no time to lose, Kiana did not think about it any more. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the power of construction of the Herrscher of Reason was driven, and a "creation engine" exactly the same as it was constructed out of thin air.

But the difference is that Kiana used her "creation engine" to drive the energy of "hunting", and suppressed its energy use to be the same as the "creation engine" of the great guardian.

Although Kiana could quickly deal with the great guardian, wouldn't it be fun to do so?

"Since you hit me with your robot, I'll also hit me with a big one, let's see which one is more powerful!" Kiana shouted, with a challenging light in her eyes. She controlled her "creation engine" and made it imitate the enemy's movements, but the speed and power were raised to a new level.

Under her command, the huge machine waved its fists, and each impact brought the force of thunder to the opponent's "creation engine".

At this time, Cocolia stared at Kiana in disbelief, as if looking at a monster.

"You! Who are you? Why can you create a "creation engine" out of thin air!"

At this time, Dan Heng, March Seven, Seele and Bronya were attracted by the fierce battle and watched the contest between the machines intently.

"I... I'm a little confused. How did Kiana do it? How did this big guy appear out of thin air?" Seele saw the two "creation engines" as tall as mountains fighting in front of her, and her eyes were full of surprise.

"Why does Kiana's machine have the power of "hunting"? "

Dan Heng also felt the powerful energy fluctuations. He knew that this was a completely different power from Cocolia's "Creation Engine".

For a moment, the entire Yongdong Ridge seemed to tremble because of the confrontation between the two huge machines.

The sound produced by the two "Creation Engines" attacking each other was deafening.

At this time, Kiana... took out her mobile phone to record the video?

It seems that she was affected by the fate of "joy".

At this time, Cocolia was already angry and embarrassed by Kiana's behavior.

"What do you think this is! Is it a game for you to play?!"

Kiana ignored Cocolia and continued to record the video.

Although it was a bit exaggerated to create another mechanical creation to fight, it also helped Xing and the others to contain this "Creation Engine"


Without the disruption of the "Creation Engine", Xing and his team would have won the game by directly dealing with Cocolia.

As the battlefield commander, Bronya was the first to understand Kiana's intention.

Although she was also wondering why Kiana could create a "Creation Engine" out of thin air, now was not the time to think about it. She immediately directed the attack direction of Xing and his team.

Bronya's command was very easy, and she was worthy of being the leader of Beloberg's Silver Mane Iron Guard.

After several attacks by everyone, Cocolia was defeated.

Cocolia, who could no longer bear it, was finally bewitched by the "Star Core". She still abandoned her physical body and chose to fully embrace the power of the "Star Core", becoming a world-splitting monster named [Mother of Illusion].

Bronya looked at her mother in front of her and felt mixed emotions, but she had no time to be sad. She immediately adjusted her strategy and directed everyone to fight this new enemy.

Facing the terrifying power of "Mother of Illusion", Kiana's "Creation Engine" seemed a little powerless.

At this time, Xing, holding a baseball bat, suddenly rushed out and faced "Mother of Illusion".

"Xing, are you crazy?!" Bronya exclaimed.

However, when Bronya reminded her, it was too late.

Xing's figure seemed extremely small in the figure of "Mother of Illusion".

With just one blow, the ice lance pierced out from the hand of "Mother of Illusion" and pierced Xing from the chest.


Xing, who lost his center of gravity, fell heavily behind him.

This sudden change shocked everyone.

Kiana in the sky did not expect this to happen.

"It's a big deal..."

Kiana used the ideal fluid of Fenglu to lift up the mobile phone and continue shooting.

And she quickly flew towards Xing who was pierced by the lance.

Entering Xing's sea of ​​consciousness again, trying to restore Xing's consciousness.

"Damn... why don't you use the Yu Duchen I gave you!"

Kiana's heart was full of self-blame, but she didn't have time to blame herself. She knew that the most important thing now was to stabilize Xing's consciousness.

At this time, Xing's consciousness did not dissipate, but entered a space, the same space as Kiana - the audience court.

"Is this... the universe?"

"I remember I wasn't... fighting with Cocolia again? How did I come here?"

Xing looked at the endless stars around her, she was a little confused, but not afraid.


A familiar voice sounded from behind Xing.

Xing was about to look back, but was hugged from behind by the person behind her.

"Fortunately, fortunately you are okay..."

Xing felt the familiar breath, and a sense of relief surged in her heart. She turned around and hugged the person who hugged her tightly.

"Kiana, is that you?" Xing's voice was trembling a little, but more of a relief.

"Who made you so impulsive? Why don't you use the "Yu Duchen" I gave you? Since you call me your stepmother, I must be responsible for your safety."

"I... I thought I could handle it." Xing's voice was full of apology. She looked at Kiana with a guilty light in her eyes.


"Wait... is this... the audience court?"

Kiana gradually let go of Xing and noticed the surrounding environment.

"The audience court?"

Xing was a little confused. Kiana was so sure.

"Yes, I just saw the "hunter" in this place... Could it be that what you did just now also attracted a star god?"

Hearing what Kiana said, Xing shook his head and said, "I don't know..." Then, Xing pointed to an area in front, "But... there seems to be a light in front, do you want to go over and take a look? "

Kiana looked at the direction of Xing's finger and nodded slightly. Then Kiana held Xing's hand tightly and walked towards the flickering light, fearing that Xing would disappear accidentally.

As they approached, the light gradually became brighter, as if a tiny sun was shining in the dark universe.

And on the way forward, phantoms of Cocolia's past appeared one after another, recording all the ridiculous orders made by the great guardian.

"This is like a memory corridor... Why are there so many records of Cocolia?"

"Perhaps, this is related to the star god we are trying to contact." There was a hint of uncertainty in Kiana's voice. She stared at the flickering phantoms and had a bold guess in her heart.

"Anyway, let's keep going forward."

At this time, Kiana obviously felt that since she had obtained the "destiny" of these star gods, she felt that she had a better understanding of her own power and it was easier to develop more

More power... Kiana was a little curious, what would happen to her if she got the "destiny" of all the star gods.

Since we have come to this place where we can see the star gods again, let's see who the star god is this time.

Then, the two continued to move forward, and finally found a lance exactly the same as the one in the hands of the great guardian in the bright place ahead, standing there quietly.

The only difference is that this lance is no longer covered by ice, but is wrapped by burning flames, emitting a blazing light, as if it is a burning star in the universe.

"This is..."

Xing and Kiana looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

Suddenly a voice came from the two of them, it was the voice of a girl.

"I didn't expect that two of you would come here."

The two looked in the direction of the voice and were a little surprised.

"Who are you?"

"Me... You should be able to regard me as the will of all the guardians in the past seven hundred years."

"But the power of "preservation" of this city is fading. "

The girl smiled gently, and that smile contained endless years and vicissitudes.

Then, the girl told the two of them all the sadness of the past seven hundred years and the useless efforts to fight against the disaster brought by the "Star Core", and finally lost to the will of the "Star Core".

Listening to the story told by the little girl, Xing and Kiana felt mixed emotions, not knowing whether it was admiration or sadness. They understood that this girl was the embodiment of all the guardians who sacrificed for protection.

The little girl continued to say: "No matter how firm the will is, it is inevitable to waver. This day is destined to come... His protection is destined to leave us."

"No wonder... generation after generation of despair and temptation, seven hundred years of quantitative change, caused a qualitative change in Cocolia. In the end, it was completely reduced to a puppet of the "Star Core". "

Kiana finished speaking and shook her head helplessly.

At this time, Xing stood up and said solemnly.

"Then, let someone else inherit this "protection"! ”


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