"You?" The girl was a little unsure. "A passer-by, but he insisted on shouldering the fate of the whole world..." The girl turned around and looked Xing up and down. Xing was a little confused and said: I'm actually talking about Bronya, do you believe it? Of course, it's just a joke. "Xing... have you thought it through?" Kiana asked uncertainly. Xing nodded hurriedly after hearing this. "I've thought it through..." That flame lance is so handsome, I want it so much. When nodding, Xing couldn't help but glance at the lance emitting burning flames, his eyes full of yearning. The girl saw Xing's expectation, but did not say much. She just sighed silently and said, "Well, that's fine. What else can we lose... What else can we not try?"

Then, the girl turned silently and pointed to the flame lance.

"Then touch the light of amber, pioneer. See if your will to "preserve" is strong enough, strong enough to attract His attention."

"The will to "preserve"... huh..." Kiana murmured.

My own world has also paid a lot of price for the "preservation" of the world.

The previous civilization made a lot of sacrifices to "preserve" the earth against collapse. Kevin, with the inscription of "saving the world", has shouldered all the responsibilities of saving the world against collapse for more than 50,000 years.

"If it is his will, perhaps he can open up a destiny called "saving the world" alone. "

Kiana thought so in her heart.

At this time, Xing had already walked in front of the lance. Facing the lance emitting waves of heat, Xing did not retreat, but firmly stepped forward and held the lance handle tightly.

In an instant, when the lance handle touched, a knocking sound like a tremor of the earth was heard. The scorching air waves emitted from the lance body startled Xing and made him take a few steps back.

However, Xing did not let go of the lance, he took a deep breath, clenched his teeth, and endured the heat that almost burned his soul. There was a flash in her eyes. Shining with unyielding and determination, as if the weight of the whole world was on her shoulders.

Then Xing exerted force with both hands, enduring the severe pain and trying to pull out the lance. With his efforts, the roar of the flames gradually subsided, and the hot air waves slowly dissipated. The lance seemed to feel Xing's determination, and its resistance gradually weakened. Finally, accompanied by a dazzling light, the lance was pulled out from the confinement.

In an instant, the "protective" Krippo cast his sight here and noticed the two.

At this time, he raised the giant hammer high, as if he was building something.

Xing held the flaming lance tightly, his whole body trembling, sweat slid down his cheeks, dripped on the hot ground, and instantly evaporated into steam. His will and the resistance of the lance intersected at this moment, forming an unshakable bridge of faith.

At the same time, Xing's consciousness also woke up again and returned to the confrontation with Cocolia. At this time, her body was still falling backwards, but the wound on her chest pierced by the ice lance had long disappeared. In her hand, she tightly grasped the lance surrounded by flames.

Everything that happened just now happened in just a moment.

At this time, Kiana also flew out of Xing's consciousness.

At the moment when Xing was about to land, he did a backflip to stabilize his body.

Everyone was relieved to see that Xing was safe and sound.

Xing stood steadily and showed a confident expression to the people behind him, as if saying: I, Xing Hansan, am back again!

Then he raised the lance and pointed it directly at Cocolia, the "Mother of Illusion".

"Cocolia, the disaster you caused will be ended by me!" Xing's voice was firm and loud, echoing in the empty battlefield, and every word and sentence was full of endless determination and strength.

"With the inscription of "preservation"! ! "

Xing raised his spear high, and as he spoke, the blazing light on the top of the flame lance suddenly surged, like a burning star, illuminating the entire battlefield.

And the tall "Creation Engine" ordered by Cocolia was originally driven by "preservation". Cocolia, who abandoned "preservation" and embraced the star core that symbolized "destruction", also lost control of it and responded to Xing's orders.

"This is impossible!"

Cocolia saw that her "Creation Engine" actually listened to Xing's will, which made her unacceptable.

Obviously, she was the one who could lead this dying world to a new life, why did He

Will she respond to an outsider? She is not the Great Guardian!

"The will of "Cunhu" has made its choice!"

Bronya's voice echoed over the battlefield, her tone full of determination and faith.

"You know nothing about the plight of this world... and the ending that awaits it!"

A hint of madness flashed across Cocolia's face.

"Even if this world is destined to perish, we will hold hands and bravely walk into that darkness!"

Bronya looked at Cocolia, and the determination contained in her words made everyone present feel her firm belief.

"Don't say that. With us here, that kind of thing will not happen in this world!"

March Seven's words echoed in Bronya's ears, and a warm current surged in her heart.

"Thank you... Thank you everyone..."

At this time, Kiana in the sky saw that the "Creation Engine" of "Cunhu" had obeyed Xing's command, and immediately stopped her "Creation Engine" of "Hunting". No, it should be called "Revenge Engine".

Since "Creation Engine" is already a friendly party, "Revenge Engine" has lost its revenge target and turned to attack Cocolia, the culprit who commanded "Creation Engine" to attack them.

Before everyone could react, "Revenge Engine" found the right opportunity and punched "Mother of Illusion" Cocolia.

Cocolia was caught off guard by this sudden attack. She looked at the giant fist that fell from the sky in horror and tried to block it with the ice spear. However, without the protection of the power of "preservation", her defense seemed so fragile. The moment the giant fist collided with the lance, the ice shattered and flew around like glass.

However, it was still not over. The next moment after the "Revenge Engine" finished its bombardment, the fist of the "Creation Engine" controlled by Xing followed.


The two huge forces intertwined together, forming an irresistible shock wave, spreading in all directions with Cocolia as the center. The ground cracked, the wind howled, and the entire battlefield was shaken by the destructive force at this moment. Cocolia's figure became blurred in the light, and her screams were drowned by the loud explosion.

Faced with this double blow, Cocolia's figure was completely defeated, and her ice armor shattered, like a broken glass artwork scattered all over the ground. Her body rolled in the air and fell to the ground powerlessly. The former majesty and power disappeared at this moment.

"Flame Spear, Charge!!"

Xing tightly grasped the blazing lance, not giving the enemy any chance to breathe, and his figure rushed to the core of the battlefield in mid-air like a meteor. The flame lance drew a blazing trajectory in the air, like the anger of the gods, pointing directly at Cocolia who was hit hard.


The flame symbolizing "preservation" burned the ice armor of the world-breaking body of Cocolia, the "Mother of Illusion", and revealed her original appearance.

And she also knelt on the ground due to exhaustion.

Seeing this, everyone stopped attacking Cocolia. Kiana also immediately flew back to everyone from the sky.

"Mother... stop... don't be controlled by the star core anymore..."

Bronya looked at the exhausted Cocolia in front of her, still having a glimmer of hope to persuade her mother to change her mind.

However, just when Bronya wanted to get close to Cocolia, she was immediately pulled by Seele.

"Bronya, don't get close!"

Bronya stopped and looked at Seele in confusion, but the latter's firm eyes made her realize that the situation might not be simple. At this moment, although Cocolia's physical strength had been completely defeated, her eyes were still burning with crazy obsession.

"He promised... in the future... He will swallow everything!"

I saw Cocolia slowly get up and put the star core in her hand back into her body. Her voice was weak but full of determination, and every word seemed to be soaked in pain and madness.

The violent energy of the "Star Core" instantly engulfed Cocolia, creating a barrier to isolate herself from everyone else.

"Star Core! Give my mother back to me!"

Bronya instantly broke free from Seele's pull and pounded on the barrier frantically, trying to break it.

"Bound Chains!"


I have something to do today, so I can only update this much. I will try to add 4,000 words later.

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