The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Suddenly, several golden chains shot out from behind Bronya, instantly piercing the barrier constructed by the "Star Core" and tying up Cocolia.

Due to the characteristic of the constraint power that invalidates any form of imaginary energy, the energy field generated by the "Star Core" dissipated instantly.

"What is this?"

Bronya looked back in surprise at the scene in front of her.

"Kiana? What are you doing?"

"Ha, don't you want to save your mother? I have a way to save her. It's just..."

Kiana looked at Bronya's anxious look and reluctantly smiled, without finishing her words.

"What...what method? What is the price?"

Seeing that there was a way to save her mother, Bronya immediately asked nervously, with a gleam of expectation in her eyes. She was ready for anything, and she was willing to pay any price as long as she could save her mother.

"As for the price..." Kiana's eyes became deep, she bit her lower lip lightly, and then said: "You don't need to pay any price...but your mother is deeply affected by the thinking of the "Star Core", and removing this influence will cause your mother Cocolia's intelligence to be damaged..."

"And...given what your mother did before, how are you going to properly deal with the hatred of the people in the lower district for the policies she implemented?"

Bronya's pupils suddenly contracted, she had never considered this problem. The damage to her mother's sanity means that she may no longer be the one she remembered, and her previous decisions have brought deep pain to the lower district. This price is much heavier than she imagined.

"I...I understand. "Bronya's voice trembled, but her eyes were very firm, "As long as I can save her, I... I will do my best to accept and deal with it."

Kiana looked at Bronya and couldn't help but admire her deeply. She knew how difficult this decision was for Bronya.

"Are you sure? From now on, you are the leader of this world, and you must be responsible for any decision you make."

"I..." Bronya hesitated after hearing what Kiana said.

"I believe in Bronya's choice, and I will accompany her to face the future!"

Suddenly, Seele strode forward and held Bronya's hand tightly. Her voice was firm and powerful, giving Bronya immense courage and strength. Seele's eyes were full of support and trust for Bronya. She knew that Bronya needed not only understanding, but also companionship and encouragement.

"Thank you, Seele. "Bronya looked at Seele gratefully, and the fear and uncertainty in her heart gradually dissipated with Seele's encouragement.

"I'm sure." Bronya took a deep breath, raised her head, and looked directly at Kiana. Although her voice was weak, it was full of determination. "I will do my best to redeem my mother and find a new way for the people in the lower district." In her words, there was both confusion about the future and firmness in responsibility.

Kiana nodded, with admiration in her eyes.

But looking at the loving look of Bronya and Seele, my back teeth were about to break.

I haven't seen Mei for many days, and I haven't eaten the food she cooked. I feel like I'm about to get depressed. I came to this world and just watched these two people show their love every day.

But this is just a complaint in my heart, and I didn't show it.

"Okay, since I'm sure, then I'll start. "

After that, Kiana used restraint to suppress the energy of the "Star Core", and then used the power of consciousness to peel off the connection between Cocolia and the Star Core bit by bit. This process is both complicated and dangerous, and requires Kiana's full concentration.

As Kiana's consciousness invaded, Cocolia's body began to tremble violently, as if resisting this interference. The air around became oppressive, as if time had frozen at this moment. Bronya and Seele stared at Kiana nervously, their hearts hanging in their throats, fearing that anything would go wrong.

"Mother, hold on!" Bronya clenched her fists and prayed in her heart. She knew that this process would be extremely painful for Cocolia, but she also understood that this was the only hope. She gritted her teeth and prepared to accept everything that was about to happen.

During this period, Cocolia's brain felt as if it was being forcibly torn apart by an extremely powerful force, her consciousness swung between madness and reason, and a painful scream brewed in her throat.

Brew, but could not make a sound. Her eyes gradually lost focus, leaving only a void and confusion. However, even in such pain, the obsession and fear of the future in her eyes were still vaguely visible.

At this moment, Kiana also used the healing power of the Death Law to repair Cocolia's brain nerves that were madly eroded, trying to piece her sanity back together. This process was extremely difficult, and fine beads of sweat had already seeped out of Kiana's forehead.

"Can she really be restored? She has been eroded by the "Star Core" into this state..." Dan Heng looked at Kiana operating her ability and couldn't help but wonder.

Kiana did not answer, but just nodded slightly.

Then, no one disturbed her anymore, just quietly watching Kiana use her ability.

A few minutes later, Kiana gently lifted the completely peeled "Star Core" onto her palm, while the other hand was constantly performing the final healing on Cocolia.

Finally, with the last bit of Kiana's power injected, Cocolia's body suddenly stopped shaking, her breathing gradually stabilized, and her disordered consciousness began to return. The oppressive feeling around her dissipated, and time seemed to flow again. Bronya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw this scene, and tears flashed in her eyes.

"Success." Kiana's voice was a little tired, but more of a sense of relief.

This is Kiana's precise control of power. Although Kiana could directly peel off the "star core", in order to avoid causing irreversible damage to Cocolia, she chose a slow and cautious way. This is undoubtedly a double test of her will and ability. Looking at the "star core" lying quietly in her palm, Kiana's eyes were full of firmness and determination.

Cocolia slowly opened her eyes, her eyes were no longer empty, but full of confusion and faint light. She looked at the nervous and concerned faces around her, especially Bronya, and her memory gradually revived in the chaos. She tried to move, and the power she felt was no longer a crazy erosion, but a strange calmness.


Bronya immediately rushed to Cocolia, holding her hand tightly, tears falling down her cheeks, "You are back, mother, you are finally back."

Everyone saw this scene, and they all showed a relieved smile.

At this time, Kiana spoke. "It went better than I expected-the "Star Core" did corrode Cocolia's consciousness. Fortunately, I read her memory before. After stripping the "Star Core", I immediately guided the fragments of consciousness that were not contaminated by the Star Core back to their original positions. This step is crucial. If there is a slight mistake, Cocolia's consciousness may be lost forever." Kiana's words were a little scared, but more of a trust in her own abilities.

"She has no problems now, but... the price now is-she has lost the ability to use any imaginary energy, even if she is glanced at or blessed by any star god, she can't use it. She is a completely ordinary person."

"This... this is enough... Thank you, Kiana. "

Bronya's words were full of gratitude.

At this time, Cocolia looked at the people in front of her, only full of guilt.

"Bronya... my daughter, I should pay the due price for what I have done... so that I can atone for those who died because of me."

"No, mother, listen to me, you are controlled. We all know that the real you will not do those things." Bronya interrupted her hurriedly, trying to alleviate her self-blame.

"Bronya... you are wrong, I chose the "Star Core" myself. For hundreds of years, all the great guardians have been looking for ways to redeem and destroy the "Star Core", you know this. "

"As a great guardian, I believed the promise of the source of disaster, the "Star Core". It was my weak will that led to many wrong decisions, causing many people to die. It is an indisputable fact that I ordered the Iron Guards to enter the Rift to die on the pretext of resisting the Rift monsters. I also ordered the blockade of the upper and lower areas and the withdrawal of the lower Iron Guards, which caused the people in the lower area to fend for themselves. I cannot escape these crimes, I must face them. "Although Cocolia's voice was weak, every word was full of heavy self-blame. Her eyes flashed with determination, which was a deep reflection on her mistakes and a foreshadowing of the future path of atonement.

As she spoke, Cocolia lowered her head slightly, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she paused for a moment, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a moment, Cocolia spoke again.

"Bronya, I remember what you said when you confronted me: Even if this world is destined to

"If we are destined to perish, we will also walk hand in hand and bravely into that darkness..."

Cocolia let go of Bronya's hand, looked at Bronya tenderly, and gently stroked her red cheeks with one hand, saying softly: "...If I could also face the reality early and be as open-minded as you, I would not be obsessed with that unrealistic fantasy."


Bronya's tears fell again, but this time she smiled. "No, mother. You were forced, the mental pressure of trying to save the world for so many years... If it were me, without the help of these "outsiders" and the support of Seele... Facing a hopeless future, I might make the same choice. We understand you, mother, and we will always be with you. "She held Cocolia's hand tightly, giving her the strength and warmth she needed most.

Seele, who was mentioned by Bronya, was suddenly stunned, and then her face turned red instantly.

Even so, since her name was called, Seele stood up and added to Bronya's words: "After listening to your conversation, I also know that your nature as the Great Guardian may not be bad. Maybe it is because you want to save the world that you believe in the beautiful promise of the "Star Core" that was originally a disaster. I speak more directly. Since Bronya is willing to forgive you, I am willing to believe you... I believe that you will find a true way to atonement and never let the tragedy happen again. "Seele's words were firm, and her eyes were full of trust in Bronya.

"Please also watch from behind - watch Bronya and I lead Beloberg to a future without the shadow of the "Star Core". "

Seele put her hand on Bronya's shoulder, her words were sonorous and powerful, full of expectations and determination for the future. These words were not only to comfort Cocolia, but also a declaration of their common beliefs.

Cocolia's face was full of relief when she heard this. Her eyes wandered back and forth between the two of them, and finally stopped on Bronya.

"Bronya... my dear daughter, you have really grown into a qualified great guardian, even surpassing me. I am proud to have a daughter like you." Cocolia's voice was full of admiration for Bronya and expectations for the future.

"I will watch you, watch how you change the world, how to make up for the mistakes I made. I will do my best to use the rest of my life to atone for my sins and help those who have suffered because of me." Cocolia's words were full of determination, and her eyes flashed with a firm light.

"And Seele, your words make me feel deeply guilty. I feel sorry for the people at the bottom, but your forgiveness and trust give me the courage to start over. I will witness your achievements and the rebirth of Beloberg as an ordinary person. "Cocolia turned to look at Seele, her eyes full of gratitude for the girl and support for Bronya.

Finally, Cocolia set her sights on the train set behind the two.

"Thank you too, "outsiders". It is your appearance that broke my despair of being swallowed by darkness and let me see the dawn of hope."

"Oh, it's finally our turn!" March 7 excitedly put his hands on his waist.

"Don't be so polite, Ms. Cocolia. We came here to stop the destruction brought by the "star core". We are also very happy to help you - and the most important thing is the credit of Kiana and Xing." Danheng smiled and waved his hand, his words were full of humility, and at the same time he also affirmed the abilities of Kiana and Xing.

"Don't just say thank you, be practical! ! "Xing put his hands on his waist and blinked mischievously.

"Yes! "Kiana nodded repeatedly. "I just wasted so much energy, don't you think I should be compensated?" She looked at Cocolia playfully, with expectation in her eyes.

"Of course!" Bronya stood up silently, and helped Cocolia up from the ground with Seele and said, "Tonight, we will treat you all with delicious food and fish. You helped us solve the star core, so that this world finally has hope of survival... and helped my mother get rid of the control of the star core, giving us the opportunity to make up for the past and create a peaceful future. We will remember this kindness in our hearts." Bronya's words were full of gratitude, and also expectations for the future.

"Oh, right!" Bronya suddenly looked at Xing. "The trash can that Miss Xing asked for before will definitely be prepared for you as soon as possible, and it is guaranteed to be the best trash can in Beloberg!" She promised with a smile, not forgetting the previous agreement with Xing.

Hearing this, Da

Everyone laughed, and the tense atmosphere was relieved at this moment. Cocolia also smiled for the first time in a long time. She patted Bronya and Seele on the shoulders, then looked at the people in the train crew, with a grateful light in her eyes.

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