The two of them were very happy.

"Wow... I didn't expect Bronya didn't forget the trash can I asked for~~"

Xing quickly stepped forward and held Bronya's hand tightly, tears of gratitude in her eyes.

"Haha, I can't have no credibility at all, right? I will definitely remember what I promised."

Looking at Xing's look, Bronya was a little caught off guard. She responded with an awkward but polite smile and made another promise to Xing.

"Now that everything is done, what should we do with this star core?" March Seven looked at the star core in Kiana's hand, a little confused.

While the others were chatting, Dan Heng, who had been checking his phone instead of joining the chat, looked up when he heard San Yueqi's question. He looked away from the phone screen and said, "Regarding the star core, I have told Miss Ji Zi and Mr. Walter what happened here. This "star core" will be given to them to seal."

"So... we have to bring the "star core" back to the train, right?" Kiana asked.

Hearing this, Dan Heng nodded slightly. Then he looked up at the vast expanse of snow, stretched out a hand, and felt the cold touch of the snowflakes falling on his hand.

"After the "star core" is sealed, the cold wave will slowly subside. The rift in this world will no longer expand fiercely, but it will not disappear out of thin air. Yalilo-VI has the possibility of regaining its life, but it will take time..." Then Dan Heng looked at Bronya and the other two, "This... depends on your efforts."

"By the way, what are your plans next? ”

Xing also let go of Bronya's hand at this time, stepped back and asked Bronya and the other two, almost forgetting that there was still business.

"What's next..."

Bronya pondered for a moment, with a firm light in her eyes, "There are still many things to do... The huge movement caused by the two "creation engines" must have been noticed by the residents of the city. Many doubts need to be explained, and many truths need to be made public..."

As she said, Bronya glanced at Kiana with a hint of suspicion. Creating such a large mechanical creation out of thin air, are you sure it's not something that only gods can do?

Of course, Kiana also noticed the meaning of Bronya's look at her, scratched her head embarrassedly and explained: "Haha, don't worry. I will take the other big robot away."

"Ah? ! Take it away? How to take it away? Our train can't accommodate such a huge thing! "March Seven jumped up in surprise, obviously finding Kiana's words unbelievable.

"Anyway, this is also something that I have built with my ability - it is essentially an imaginary creation, so I can directly remove its form."

"Oh~ I see, that's it." March Seven suddenly realized and nodded.

"By the way, how are you going to explain everything that happened here to the people?" Kiana stopped laughing at this time and turned to look at Bronya seriously. She was really concerned about this question. "After all, what your mother did may not be so easy for the people of this city to accept." She added.

Bronya took a deep breath and looked at her mother Cocolia standing beside her, with a complicated expression on her face. After a moment, she looked at Kiana with great determination in her eyes and said: "I will tell all the truth-"

"Absolutely not! Bronya! ! "

Seele suddenly interrupted Bronya's words. Her face became serious and her eyes were full of determination. "These truths are too cruel to be told to the people - at least not now!"

Seele's words stunned everyone. They looked at Seele, waiting for her next explanation. Seele clenched her fists for a moment, as if she was brewing something in her heart, but then relaxed, sighed and explained: "Hey, I... I don't know how to explain it, I just think there is no other way. "

"In the lower level, we repeat the same sentence to the children every day: "Tomorrow will be better." Everyone knows that it is a lie, but at least it can let them sleep with hope. "

"If you tell what happened here... Can you imagine the consequences? People will be disappointed. If even the guardian can't believe it - if it were me, I wouldn't know what I can believe... who I can believe. "

Seele's words were full of worries about the future and deep concern for people. Her words made everyone present fall into contemplation, especially Bronya.

Nia, she could feel Seele's pain and struggle. After all, she was struggling with the same contradiction.

Cocolia looked at Seele and felt relieved. In the future, Bronya will become the Great Guardian, and with someone like Seele supporting her, she can entrust everything to her with peace of mind. She patted Seele's hand gently, then turned to Bronya and said firmly: "Seele is right, Bronya. We can't let the people's hopes be dashed. We need time to deal with this problem and find a solution that can protect them and make them accept it."

Bronya was silent for a long time after hearing this, as if she was thinking about something and struggling with her thoughts. Finally, she took a deep breath and faced everyone and spoke.

"...Mother, in order to "save" Beloberg, she used the forbidden technique and lost all her power..."

"Huh?" March Seven looked puzzled when she heard this, not understanding why Bronya suddenly attributed the loss of power due to the use of the "Star Core" to the forbidden technique? Oh no, the energy of the "Star Core" should also be considered a forbidden technique.

"She learned the secret of the "Star Core" from the traveler who came from outer space. She also knew that the first Great Guardian, Alisa Rand, failed to destroy the "Star Core"..."

"...But she still decided to challenge this power that was far beyond human imagination and dispelled the haze that enveloped Beloberg."

"In the end...but because of the backlash of the power that drove this forbidden technique, she lost all her ability to use power-"

Bronya took a long breath and continued.

"-From now on, this is the "truth"...what do you think? "

Bronya's words echoed in the air, and everyone fell into deep thought. Her words were full of admiration for her mother and understanding of responsibility, but also revealed a kind of helplessness and compromise. She knew that such a "truth" was not completely true, but it could preserve the last hope for the people of Beloberg and prevent their faith in the Great Guardian from collapsing instantly.

Cocolia looked at her daughter, her heart full of admiration and love. She knew that Bronya had made a decision as a guardian, a decision that put the interests of the people first. She nodded gently to show her support for Bronya's decision.

"Bronya, you have grown into a true leader." Cocolia said softly, with pride in her eyes. Then she looked at everyone, "After I go back, I will draft a statement of abdication and formally hand over the duties of the Great Guardian to Bronya-the Great Guardian Cocolia is no longer able to "protect" this world, and I will assist the new Great Guardian for the rest of my life until the last moment of my life. "Her words were full of power. Although she had lost her power, Cocolia's will did not fade, but became more determined.

Although Seele agreed with Cocolia's words, she still felt disgusted with what Cocolia had done before, but she understood that now was not the time to pursue responsibility. She looked at Cocolia deeply, then turned to Bronya, gently held her hand, and gave her silent support.

"Bronya's words still have a bit of "protective" meaning. I agree with the current "truth."

"Why do you have to lie..." March Seven's mind was a little confused. She shook her head and continued: "I don't know, I abstained, I still prefer to tell the truth. Although... I understand you too."

"I agree... Let's put it this way. "Xing also nodded and agreed to this so-called "truth".

"Thank you for your understanding..."

Bronya looked at everyone gratefully.

"In fact... in the eyes of many people, my mother is an excellent great guardian..." Bronya said, glancing at her mother. Then, she looked at everyone with a firm gaze. "If you want to preserve the truth, keep those mistakes, madness, evil and dreams in my memory... let me bear them."

"Since I am destined to take over the responsibility of the "great guardian"... then I must give up my naive fantasies."

Bronya turned and looked at the platform that had been destroyed beyond recognition to store the "star core", with a firm light flashing in her eyes, and she was absent-minded for a long time.

At this time, Seele also walked in front of Bronya and stood side by side with her, holding both hands.

Bronya turned her head and looked at each other affectionately.

"I'm sorry, Xi'er. Please keep this secret with me... To borrow my mother's words - until the end of our lives."

Xi'er heard this and did not hesitate at all.

"Of course - I know what to do."

"Thank you, Xi'er~"

"Then, according to our previous agreement, we will start to rebuild Shang

The bridge between the lower levels."


Looking at the two people in front of her, Kiana scratched her head. Are Seele and Bronya in every world so close?

"When can I see myself and Mei in this world?"

Kiana's heart was full of expectations.

However, looking at them like this, she still wanted to help their world escape the continuous severe cold caused by the "star core".

Kiana thought for a while and spoke.

"Actually... if you are willing. Just a word, I can help you blow away the wind and snow in this world and clear the clouds to see the sun." Kiana's words made everyone look at her in surprise again, but she just smiled, as if this matter was just a piece of cake for her.

Bronya and the other two were a little shocked by what Kiana said, but when they thought that she could create a "creation engine" out of thin air, control consciousness to check memories, fly in the sky at will, and open portals... for her, such abilities did not seem surprising. However, this further proves Bronya's inner conjecture that this Kiana is indeed an unknown god.

"No..." Although Bronya thought of this, she still shook her head, "As outsiders, you have helped this world too much. I am really embarrassed to let you worry about our affairs again." Her words were full of determination. She wanted to take this responsibility for Beloberg and the people.

"Use your name, call our world "Yarilo-VI", right? Then, the things after Yarilo-VI will be left to the people of Yarilo-VI to solve themselves."

Kiana looked at Bronya's firm eyes and couldn't help but admire her more in her heart. She knew that this was Bronya's determination as the new great guardian and her promise to the people. So, Kiana smiled lightly and nodded.

"Okay, since you said so. Then we will cheer you on the side. Remember to tell us when you need help. "Kiana's words were full of understanding and respect. She knew that sometimes, watching and encouraging are also a kind of strength.

"Thank you~"

After Bronya thanked everyone in the train group one by one, she asked Seele: "Then Seele, can you bring the news that the "Star Core" is sealed to everyone in the lower district? Tell them that the blockade will end soon... and they will be able to breathe freely soon. "

Daughter-in-law... No, Seele agreed to Bronya's request without hesitation.

"Of course, leave it to me-I guess Nata is waiting anxiously."

"If you help to pass the message, I can rush back to the administrative district with my mother without worry. I have to go back and inform Jeppard and Sylva quickly."

"Sylva..." When Cocolia heard this name, her inner emotions were extremely complicated. At that time, she was dominated by the so-called "new world" promised to her by the "Star Core", and she no longer allowed anyone to get involved in things related to the "Star Core", including Sylva-her former best friend. If I had not stopped her research and expelled her from Klipperburg when she wanted to study the "star core", and if I had communicated with her more, perhaps things would not have turned out like this. Maybe everything would be different, and there would be no gap between me and her.

"Maybe... after I go back and resign as the Great Guardian, I will take our guitars with me... and apologize to her..."

Cocolia made a secret decision in her heart, with a trace of guilt and determination in her eyes. She knew that some things may never be made up once the opportunity is missed, but she still hoped to try to repair the friendships that were broken by her decision.

"Mother, you don't have to blame yourself too much. The past cannot be changed, but we can decide the future." Bronya saw through Cocolia's mind and comforted her softly. Her words were full of understanding for her mother and expectations for the future, which made Cocolia feel warm and determined to do what she would do after returning.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot..." Bronya suddenly thought of something and turned her eyes back to the train group. "You are still wanted in Beloberg. I will lift the wanted order for you immediately after I return, otherwise you will be in trouble in the upper district."

After that, everyone in the train group nodded.

"Mother, Seele. Let's go back first."

Bronya turned around and set off on the road back to the administrative district with Cocolia and Seele. Everyone in the train group stayed where they were, looking at their backs as they left, with emotion and expectation in their hearts. Everyone was looking forward to the day when Bronya officially became the Great Guardian.


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