The more you think you are, the more you will be able to do it.

"It should be... but I can't feel it yet. But according to what you said - hunting and revenge. Is it because I don't have anyone to avenge or hunt now, so this ability is not fully displayed?" Kiana said thoughtfully, with a glimmer of exploration in her eyes.

"It's possible." Dan Heng pondered, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Kiana looked at Dan Heng and felt a little strange when he suddenly stopped talking.

Dan Heng remained silent, but his hands did not stop moving.

He turned on his phone and searched for the name "Blade" on the software of Interstellar Peace Company.

A moment later, a wanted poster of a man with black hair, red eyes and a cold face appeared on the screen.

"Danheng, what are you looking for?" Kiana asked curiously when she saw his movements.

Danheng raised his head and looked at Kiana, his eyes flashing with deep thought, and then showed her the portrait on the phone.

"I'm looking for this."

"Blade? Who is he?"

Kiana looked at the wanted poster on the screen in confusion.

"He is... um..."

Danheng was silent for a moment, as if he was organizing his words, "To be honest, he is from the "Star Core Hunter" and the one who has been chasing me."



Xing and Sanyueqi were shocked when they heard this.

"So, you mean he is the one who is chasing you?" Sanyueqi widened his eyes and looked at Danheng in disbelief.

"You mean..."

Kiana also realized something, her brows were furrowed, and she seemed to be thinking about this new information.

"You try to set him as a target. Since it involves hunting, I guess your attack should be able to hit him accurately. "

Dan Heng suggested, his eyes flashing with determination, as if he was expecting something.

"But why is he chasing you?"

March Seven also looked at Dan Heng curiously, waiting for his answer.

Dan Heng was silent for a moment, as if he was recalling the past events and the scene that kept appearing in his dream - the man's whisper when he pointed the sword at him: There are five people, and the price is three... Dan Feng, you are one of them!

"It's obviously the sin of my previous life, why do you keep holding on to my current self? I have obviously been punished for him, why do you keep chasing me? I am obviously not him. "

Dan Heng thought so in his heart, and his eyes revealed deep fatigue.

"Dan Heng, you..." Kiana looked at Dan Heng's eyes, she could feel the pain and struggle in his heart. She patted his shoulder gently, trying to give him some comfort.

"It's okay, Kiana. I just made a suggestion. "Dan Heng shook his head slightly, forcing a smile.

"How can that be? Since you are a wanted criminal and you are still chasing you, then as companions, we can't just sit back and watch!" Kiana retorted immediately, with a firm light in her eyes.

"That's right! I've said it before, once you join the train group, you're a family! We have to face difficulties together and solve problems together!" Sanyueqi also echoed, waving her little fist, with a firm light in her eyes. "

Kiana also nodded, she closed her eyes, concentrated her mind, and tried to set Blade as her target. She could feel her consciousness extending in a certain direction, trying to lock on the wanted criminal named Blade.

Suddenly, a chill flashed through her mind. Then she opened her eyes and took out the pistol condensed with power.

The weapon in Kiana's hand instantly emitted a dazzling light, as if it contained endless energy. She held the weapon tightly, her eyes were firm and sharp, and the pupil of her right eye turned into a crosshair as if it had locked onto the blade.

"Found it!"

She whispered.

Then, Kiana turned her hand into energy and passed through the window of the lander.


As the trigger was pulled, a bullet with a strong "hunting" smell was ejected from the muzzle.

At the moment the bullet was fired, it instantly disappeared into the air, as if swallowed by some invisible force.


Dan Heng and others looked at this scene with puzzled looks in their eyes.

"What's wrong? Didn't it hit?" San Yueqi couldn't help asking.

However, Kiana just smiled slightly, took the gun in, blew away the non-existent "smoke", and then said.

"What? Still

How can you not believe me? Of course it hit. "

In fact, what everyone didn't know was that Kiana had played a trick on the bullet of the "patrol" and marked a "memory" coordinate.


A little earlier, on an unknown planet.

An off-road vehicle was speeding on a road, and the people sitting in the car were the people of the "Star Core Hunter".

"Silver Wolf~ Where are you on the train now?"

In the back seat, a woman with burgundy hair gently asked the girl with silver hair and spiral ponytail sitting next to her, and she was constantly typing on a virtual screen.

Silver Wolf glanced at Kafka next to him, without stopping his hand, and said lightly: "Alas, Kafka, why are you in a hurry? Wait until I finish this game..."

"Silver Wolf, stop playing, tell me quickly." Kafka looked at Silver Wolf helplessly. She knew that this girl's personality was like this. She always liked to do something she liked, even when she was on a mission.

"Elliot has already said that you can't win this game."

Silver Wolf paused when he heard this. Then he frowned slightly and blew the gum in his mouth to express his dissatisfaction with Elliot's prediction.

Silver Wolf looked at the word "failure" on the screen, curled his lips, turned off the game, and then called up a star map.

Her fingers slid gently on the star map, looking for the trace of the train set.

"Well... they should still be on this planet now." Silver Wolf pointed to a light spot on the star map and said.

Kafka looked at the light spot pointed out by Silver Wolf, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes. Then her eyes turned to look out the window, watching the scenery passing by quickly outside the window, and secretly thinking about the next plan in her heart.

"It seems that their mission on Yalilo-VI is almost completed~ After completing our mission, we can go and pave the way for the next "script"~"

Kafka said quietly, her voice was gentle and magnetic, as if it had a reassuring power.

"Aren~ How long will it take us to reach the auction in Atuin Universal?"

Kafka curiously asked Ren, who was driving in the front seat. Ren was silent for a long time before slowly speaking: "Soon, it is expected to arrive in 4 systems."

His voice was low and indifferent, as if it was out of tune with this world.


A voice from the passenger seat broke the silence in the car. At this moment, she was covering her mouth, as if she was trying to hold back a laugh.

She had long beige hair, a black and blue headband on her head, and a pair of beautiful eyes with a gradient of blue and pink. Although her face was beautiful, there were blue lines on her cheeks, which was a disease called "entropy loss".

"Alas~ For you who have been driving for 15 system hours in a row, 4 system hours is indeed fast." The woman with long beige hair is named Liuying. She looked at Ren teasingly, with a cunning light in her eyes.

Ren ignored Liuying's teasing, but just turned his head slightly, revealing a barely perceptible smile. His eyes looked through the windshield and into the distance, as if he could penetrate the endless starry sky and see the upcoming challenge.

"Do you still remember our mission - to 'steal' the finale of today's auction, the dazzling diamond (star core) worth 860 billion credit points." Kafka smiled lightly, with a cunning light in her eyes, and she continued: "This mission is quite simple, so it's better to solve it as soon as possible."

"Kafka." Suddenly, Ren's low and hoarse voice interrupted Kafka's words. "Can this script get the death I want?"

Kafka was slightly stunned when she heard this. She looked at Ren's profile, and her deep eyes seemed to hide endless loneliness and desire. She sighed softly and responded softly: "No~ A Ren, it's not time yet."

"Hmph... Then I can at least give him a knife and force out his power."

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Ren's mouth, and his eyes flashed with a strong fighting spirit. Although his words were calm, the strong will contained in them made the atmosphere in the car become solemn in an instant.

"Okay, A Ren~ The ending you expect will come. There will be such a day in the future that Elio sees~ Don't worry... And now what we have to do is to pave the way for the future we want to reach~"

Kafka's voice was calm and gentle, explaining to Ren.

And Ren also calmed down a lot under Kafka's voice, and finally returned to silence.

"Drive slower, you are still driving tired when you open more than a dozen systems in a row. Just because you don't die doesn't mean that Silver Wolf and Kafka won't!"

Liu Ying suddenly interrupted, with a tone of

A hint of blame.

Upon hearing this, Blade frowned slightly, but still nodded and slowed down the car slightly. He glanced at Liuying, a hint of gratitude flashed in his eyes. He knew that Liuying was concerned about him, even though she expressed it a little directly.

The atmosphere in the car returned to calm again, with only the sound of the off-road vehicle speeding on the road.

However, at this moment, the "Hunter" bullet from the void instantly shattered the entire driving position from top to bottom, and Blade, who was driving in the driving position, was also smashed into a meat paste (literally) by this powerful energy impact.

This bullet did not affect anyone except Blade, as if it had accurately locked the target. The car was instantly in turmoil, but after only a few seconds of silence, the members in the car quickly regained their composure.


Liuying quickly jumped out of the window, wearing the "Sam" mecha, and instantly blocked the speeding off-road vehicle, buying time for everyone.

At this moment, Silver Wolf quickly operated on the virtual keyboard of "Ether Editor", instantly invaded all the systems of the car, stabilized the speeding off-road vehicle, and slowly stopped the car.

"Oh my god, what's going on? I just started the game!"

Silver Wolf seemed a little dissatisfied with this sudden attack, but she quickly switched the screen and called up the vehicle's monitoring screen.

At this time, Kafka also jumped out of the car and pulled out the two submachine guns she carried with her, ready to deal with possible enemies. Her movements were smooth and skillful, and she had obviously experienced countless battles.

In this way, Kafka patrolled around the vehicle, Silver Wolf checked the vehicle's on-board monitoring, and "Sam" flew in the sky to watch everything that might happen around.

However, after a few seconds of tense confrontation, there was silence all around, and there was no other abnormality except the sound of the wind and the faint roar of the vehicle engine.

"Found it!"

Silver Wolf's voice broke the tense atmosphere. Her eyes were fixed on the screen, and her fingers jumped quickly on the virtual keyboard, like playing a silent symphony.

Kafka and "Sam" also returned to Silver Wolf's side at this time, watching Silver Wolf's operation.

Silver Wolf pointed at a place on the screen, zoomed in and zoomed in again, and then slowed down the video to 10,000 times, and finally saw the shadow.

"This bullet looks like it was shot across space... and the target was accurately hit on that guy... Who can have such a great ability?"

Silver Wolf looked at the image on the screen, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Could it be the "Hunting" Star God? "

Kafka asked calmly.

"No, those guys won't care about us..." Silver Wolf pondered for a moment, then said: "Who would have such a deep hatred with Blade..."

Silver Wolf said, and suddenly fell silent, and then silently complained: "Well, it seems that our reputation as "Star Core Hunters" is really not very good."

"But who can have such a terrifying ability? "Hunting" envoy?"

Silver Wolf was puzzled.

"The "Hunting" envoy shouldn't put A Ren to death, right? Isn't that Luofu general an old friend of A Ren?" Kafka put away the submachine gun in her hand, and there was a hint of doubt in her words. There are probably not many people in this world who know Blade's identity and can pose a threat to him.

"I think, instead of just watching here, it's better to go and see how Blade is now..." "Sam"'s voice echoed in the air, with a hint of heaviness.

"You're right~" Silver Wolf closed the "Ether Editor" in front of him and jumped out of the car. "Whether it's Blade or us, we're marked by the bullet from the "Hunter" just now, and none of us can escape. Let's see if Blade is dead or not."

After that, the three of them quickly returned along the road they had just traveled, and the road was more or less scattered with Blade's flesh, which made people tremble in their hearts. They all knew that this might be Blade's end, but as his partners, they had to confirm and find an answer for him.

When they returned to the attack site just now, the driver's seat of the off-road vehicle had been completely destroyed by bullets, and Blade's flesh was mixed with broken metal and glass, which looked particularly miserable. "Sam", Silver Wolf and Kafka were all silent.

Although Blade had become a pile of flesh, the flesh slowly grew buds, gathering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gluing themselves together bit by bit - this ability came from Blade's unexpectedly acquired immortal body, which was also a cursed body. The original Blade, named Yingxing, was an ordinary person. In order to revive someone, he used forbidden techniques with Dan Feng, which resulted in him obtaining the cursed body of the "Abundance" Order, and becoming the undead evil creature he hated the most.

Therefore, every battle of Blade is a matter of life and death.

Fighting each other, never sparing life. Hopefully, one day in the future, he can finally reach his other side and be free from the endless pain brought by this immortal body.

However, this time, although he was bombarded into this state, he still did not reach his other side.

Silver Wolf squatted down and pinched his nose to reduce the strong smell of blood. Then he reached out and gently touched the reorganized meat. A weak but tenacious breath of life passed from the meat to her fingers, causing her to tremble slightly. She knew that this was Blade's special ability and the heavy burden he had been carrying.

"He's not dead yet, but this way of resurrection must have consumed a lot of his energy." Silver Wolf raised his head and looked at Kafka and "Sam" who were equally shocked, with a hint of helplessness in his tone. She knew that every death and resurrection would deepen Blade's pain.

Kafka took a deep breath, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes, "Ren can only rely on my Word Spirit Technique to suppress his "Demon Body" now~"

Several people just waited quietly for Ren's reorganization to be completed. Although they knew that this process was undoubtedly an endless torture for Ren, they were powerless and could only wait silently by his side.


A sound of metal falling to the ground came. It was a bullet that fell from Ren's body that was being reorganized, and it was also the bullet that hit him before.

Silver Wolf picked up the bullet and looked at it carefully.

At this time, Kafka also came forward to ask: "What's wrong, Silver Wolf? Have you found anything?"

Silver Wolf shook his head, but the action of his hand did not stop. Open "Ether Edit" and analyze the bullet.

If you don't analyze it, you won't know. Once analyzed, Silver Wolf's face showed a look of surprise. "This bullet not only has the breath of "hunting", but its material is actually from "memory"? What's going on? ? ? ”

However, just when Silver Wolf was still in doubt, a portal as tall as a person opened above the bullet in Silver Wolf's hand.



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