The first time, the second time.

"I didn't expect really works~"

Kiana, who was on the other side of the portal, looked at the portal that was successfully opened on the bullet with surprise, and then turned to show off to the three stars behind her. There was excitement in her eyes. She had just successfully combined the material of "memory" with the characteristics of "hunting", and added a tiny amount of the power of the end to create this bullet that belonged to Kiana. This bullet can not only accurately locate, but also leave coordinates after hitting, and directly open a portal in a place you have never been to, which is really convenient.

However, its fatal problem is that the meaning of "hunting" is revenge and hunting. If there is no target, you can't just find someone as a target casually, right?

After Kiana finished showing off, she turned around and prepared to walk out of the portal.

Kiana just stuck her head out and looked down, and saw a girl with a single spiral ponytail, silver hair, a pair of game pixel-style glasses, and clothes similar to cyberpunk style, blowing bubble gum and staring at her.

And when Kiana saw that person, she was also stunned, and the two stared at each other for a long time.

"Who is this guy...? Why is he staring at me? Is there this person in Elio's script? After coming out of the portal, he didn't do anything and just stared at me? It delayed my game... Should I say something first..." Silver Wolf thought in his heart.

"Huh!? Bronya??! Why are there two Bronyas? If this is Bronya, then who is the one on Yalilo-VI?? Can it be divided into the old and grown-up Bronya? Is it split like Seele?" Kiana thought in her heart.

After a long time, Silver Wolf finally couldn't help it. He frowned slightly and broke the awkward silence: "Have you seen enough? Who are you?"

When Silver Wolf questioned Kiana, he was still a little scared in his heart - who could put the coordinates on this bullet and directly transmit it?

After hearing Silver Wolf's voice, Kiana became more certain.

"You are Bronya!!"

Kiana pointed at Silver Wolf in surprise, her words full of disbelief.

Kiana's voice was very loud, and Silver Wolf was stunned by Kiana's reaction. She looked at Kiana who was pointing at her, and a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by confusion. "Bro... what?" She asked back, with a hint of subtle tension in her voice.

"By the way, you have been staring at our Silver Wolf for so long, and you only showed your head to speak. It's not very polite~ Look, you scared our Silver Wolf~"

Suddenly a voice interrupted, breaking the delicate atmosphere.

Kiana finally reacted. She looked to the side of "Bronya" and found that people had already stood on both sides of her.

But Kiana didn't know the two people next to "Bronya".

Kiana looked at the person who just spoke and looked him up and down.

"Who are you...?"

Suddenly, Kiana thought of something, introduced herself, and asked: "My name is Kiana Kaslana, you said her name is... Silver Wolf? Are you sure it's not Bronya?"

"First of all, I'm not Bronya. Secondly, my name is Silver Wolf."

As he said, Silver Wolf looked at the person who just spoke for her, and after a little quibbling, he asked: "Kafka, I wasn't scared, I just felt a little cold just now! By the way, is this person in the script? Why haven't I heard of her name?"

"Silver Wolf... Kafka... You are the "Star Core Hunter" wanted by the company. "

After hearing Silver Wolf's answer, Kiana showed a disappointed look on her face. She sighed softly, as if some expectation in her heart was dashed.

"Kiana, who is behind the portal?"

Suddenly, Xing's voice came from behind her. Kiana heard it and withdrew her head from the portal.

"It is indeed someone from the "Star Core Hunter"... and I saw the person you kept talking about, Kafka."

"Kafka? ! ! "

Xing was overjoyed.

"Xing keeps talking about Kafka?" Sanyueqi was a little confused when he heard it and looked at Xing. "Xing, you were not deceived by that bad woman, and you kept talking about her secretly?"

"The "Star Core Hunter" does have a bad reputation in the universe, but their purpose is also as the name of their organization, hunting for star cores in the universe."

Danheng explained.

"However, there are people who have seen

"Has it come to Blade?"

"Blade..." Kiana shook her head, "I didn't see it. I only saw Kafka, Silver Wolf who looked very similar to Bronya, and a white mecha who was silent next to him... But the Star Core Hunter... It sounds like a very bad organization. Isn't the Star Core called the cancer of the universe?" Kiana looked at Dan Heng in confusion. Her understanding of this organization was limited to Dan Heng's few words.

"Well, Star Core is indeed regarded as a threat to the universe, but the way of action of the "Star Core Hunter" is not recognized by everyone. In order to achieve their goals, they sometimes take some extreme measures... In fact, the company that issued the so-called wanted order is not a good person. Why do you think the Interstellar Peace Company is the only one in the universe that does business throughout the universe? How could it be possible without some means and conspiracy? Between them and the "Star Core Hunter", it is more of a struggle for interests, rather than a real effort to maintain the peace of the universe. "Dan Heng shook his head slightly. He had a deeper understanding of the entanglement between the "Star Core Hunter" and the Interstellar Peace Company. Before joining the train, he had worked as an employee of the company for a period of time. "It sounds like another complicated struggle for interests." San Yueqi sighed. She didn't like this kind of complicated relationship and dispute. "However, the train generally has no conflicts of interest with other forces in the universe, but as the only train in the universe currently running on the road of development, we will naturally attract the attention of some forces. The appearance of the "Star Core Hunter" here this time may not be accidental, but may also be the release of some kind of signal. For Xing, if you are really interested in Kafka, I can only say that it is better to be careful. They are not good people. " "But... she gave me the feeling that... I want to meet her! "

Xing's eyes flashed with determination, and she seemed to have special feelings for Kafka. March Seven looked at Xing's persistent eyes, sighed helplessly, and shook his head.

Dan Heng looked at Xing, was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Xing, I understand your feelings, but we must act with caution."

"It's okay, I'll go with Xing again... Well, in such a short time, they shouldn't have left yet, right?"

Kiana looked in the direction of the portal, and saw that the black and gold light was still flashing there. She took a deep breath, turned around and said to March Seven and Dan Heng: "Xing and I will go again, you wait for our news here."

As she said, Kiana took out the "Star Core" that she had thrown into the imaginary space before and handed it to Dan Heng.

"The train is coming soon, you can send this "Star Core" to Aunt Ji Zi and others to seal it first, and we will be back in a while."

Dan Heng took the "Star Core" after hearing this, and then nodded slightly to Kiana. Since Kiana is here... Xing shouldn't be in any trouble, right?

Although Sanyueqi knew that Kiana was very powerful, he still couldn't help but worry.

"Go and come back soon..."

Kiana and Xing passed through the portal again and returned to Silver Wolf, Kafka and others.

Silver Wolf looked at Kiana and Xing who appeared again, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Look, they are back~"

Kafka looked at Kiana and Xing who reappeared, and smiled slightly. There seemed to be some deep meaning hidden in her smile. Her eyes wandered between the two, and finally fixed on Xing, with a hint of complex emotions flashing in her eyes.

Silver Wolf glanced at Kafka disapprovingly, and then looked at the two people who came out of the portal.

"Why can there be mistakes in Elio's script? I don't remember the name Kiana in the previous script. And I asked Elio again after we met her, and Elio found her after re-reading the future?"

"What? There can be bugs in the future?"

Silver Wolf's words made Kafka also look puzzled. She turned her head to look at Silver Wolf, as if thinking about this question.

"Who knows about this~ But in general, the future with her seems to be very bright~ Isn't it, little wolf?"

Kafka smiled slightly and shook her head gently, as if she didn't care about Silver Wolf's question. She turned her eyes to Xing again, and her eyes flashed with an indescribable kindness and tenderness.

Xing looked at Kafka's eyes, and an inexplicable feeling surged in her heart. She felt that her heartbeat seemed to be accelerating. It was an unprecedented feeling, as if something important was slowly awakening.

"Sam" still didn't speak, but when he saw Xing, his heart couldn't help but palpitate. It stood aside silently, as if guarding everything.

Kiana stood aside, silently observing the conversation between Xing and Kafka

, and occasionally glanced at Silver Wolf who was playing games.

Silver Wolf didn't seem to notice Kiana's gaze. She was concentrating on operating the game interface, and her fingers were sliding quickly on the touchpad. She frowned, as if she was dealing with a tense and exciting battle.

"That... Silver Wolf?"

"What? Don't bother me... I'm playing games."

Silver Wolf's tone was a little impatient. Since she knew that this person named Kiana would not treat her like Blade in the future, she was relieved.

"I just want to ask: What was the relationship between Xing and you in the past?"

"I don't know..."

Silver Wolf didn't answer, but just perfunctorily said.

"What about Blade?"

Kiana continued to ask questions.

Silver Wolf pointed behind him, then quickly returned to his phone to play the game, and said nonchalantly: "That piece of meat that is gathering behind is it."

"Ah? He's not dead?"

"No, he has a cursed immortal body - unless he is completely wiped out, I feel that even if he is just a pile of molecules, he can slowly recover."

"You shot the bullet at him, right? For the sake of Dan Heng and Blade, I suggest you stop shooting, otherwise it will break... No, I mean that in the future, both of you can get the ending you want, and there is no need for this. You are only adding to Blade's pain."

"Whether you believe it or not, we "Star Core Hunters" have no hostility towards your train."

As she said that, the game on Silver Wolf's phone also ended at this time. She looked up at Kiana and blinked a few times.

"Why are you still staring at me? Is there something written on my face? ”

Kiana, who had been staring at Silver Wolf playing games for a long time, finally came to her senses.

“Ah? Oh…you said you have no hostility towards the train…is it because of…Xing?” Thinking about what Silver Wolf had just said, Kiana glanced at Xing who was still talking to Kafka next to her, and the next moment Xing suddenly hugged Kafka, making Kiana more certain that Xing must have had a lot to do with the “Star Core Hunter” before he lost his memory.

Silver Wolf nodded and said indifferently: “Almost—but that was the script before he met you. After meeting you, the future that Elio saw has changed, but the general direction has not changed, and it is all developing in a good direction.”

As he said that, Silver Wolf spit out the bubble gum that had been chewed out of his mouth and wrapped it in bubble wrap.

Seeing this, Kiana opened a small portal next to him to connect to the imaginary space, and motioned Silver Wolf to throw it in.

Silver Wolf also understood and threw the garbage in his hand in.

"Thank you, your ability is quite convenient. But if you don't help, I can also use "Ether Edit" to teleport the target to other locations."

Then he took out two new ones from his pocket and handed one to Kiana. Kiana took the bubble gum without hesitation and put it in her mouth.

"Actually, I'm still curious...'Silver Wolf' is really not your code name? You're really not called Bronya?"

Kiana chewed the bubble gum and looked up and down at Silver Wolf again.

"My name? I chose it myself, it's the game account name - the whole universe is a game to me, so I chose this name. As for the 'Bronya' you mentioned, I can only say: I'm not familiar with it."

"Do I look a lot like the one you mentioned called 'Bronya'? "

Kiana thought for a moment after hearing this, then took out her phone and found a photo taken together in the album. At that time, Bronya was still the "Herrser of Truth", and her hairstyle and bangs were exactly the same as the Silver Wolf in front of him.

Silver Wolf took the photo and looked at the "self" on it, frowning.

"This... is me?"

Kiana nodded and said, "It should be considered your alternate universe."

"This mecha is quite handsome, and the mecha I imagined seems to look like this. But it seems that no one can make it... By the way, you said she is my alternate universe, but why is the name different?"

"Are you talking about 'Silver Wolf'? She used to have a similar code name: Ural Silver Wolf. But this code name was used when she was a mercenary. As for the different names, it may be because they are in different world lines, or because of differences caused by personal experience and choices." Kiana explained, her eyes revealing curiosity about this complex universe.



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