The old man was very happy.

"Ural Silver Wolf?" Silver Wolf chewed the name gently, and there was a thoughtful light in his eyes. "Ural Silver Wolf... sounds cool. But I like the current name better. This 'Ural' sounds like a place name."

"But the other one has good taste~ This combat suit is also cool."

Silver Wolf smiled, returned the phone to Kiana, and then said: "Let's not talk about this. Do you play games? Add a friend?"

"Well, I play. But I prefer PVP. What about you?" Kiana put away her phone and asked, her eyes flashing with love for games.

"I don't have a preference for the type of game. I like all games that bring fun. PVP is also good. Challenging other players is exciting. Nothing is more exciting than defeating other players. What is your game ID? Maybe we have fought on the battlefield before." Silver Wolf said with interest, with a challenging light flashing in her eyes.

"I don't think so. I have only been in this world for a few days... My ID is 叱咤月海鱼鱼猫... Hehe. What is your ID?"

Kiana scratched her head when she said her ID, and smiled a little embarrassedly after she finished speaking. After all, this ID is really a bit long and a bit second-year.

Silver Wolf couldn't help laughing when he heard this ID, and said, "Pfft... ahem, very individual."

"My name is 'Silver Wolf'. I just said that the universe is a game to me, and this name is my game ID, no matter which server or world line I'm in." Silver Wolf chuckled, and then said, "Let's add a friend, maybe we can team up to play dungeons together in the future, or become each other's rivals in the PVP battlefield."

"Ha! Then you'd better be careful not to be beaten to tears by me, Silver Wolf." Kiana put away her smile, put on a confident look, and then found the option to add a friend in the game menu, entered the ID "Silver Wolf", and clicked to send the application.

"Okay, I'll wait..." Silver Wolf nodded in confirmation, agreed to the friend application, and then showed a meaningful smile: It's so funny, can you beat me? If you can beat me, I will eat up "Ether Editor"!

"…You, do you want to play now?"

"Stop playing, Silver Wolf~ We have something important to do~"

Suddenly, a voice interrupted the conversation between the two. It was Kafka's voice. She had already chatted with Xing.

Silver Wolf and Kiana also looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Kafka approaching with an apologetic smile on her face. When she approached, she said to the two apologetically: "Sorry to interrupt your chat. But we have to go now, Little Wolf~"

"Why, because of the script? What are you going to do?" Kiana put away her phone reluctantly, looking at Kafka's face with a mysterious smile, wondering what she was thinking.

Kafka smiled softly upon hearing this, and explained to the "uninvited guest" who suddenly appeared in the script: "Of course~ For that ending, of course we have to make all preparations. Although your existence will make the future better - your existence is not fixed, and we can't bet on which time period in the future you will leave and never come back, so just in case, we still need to proceed according to the original script."

"Your ability is far beyond our control, so we are not going to make enemies with you and force you to stay in this world-"

"Of course, it is impossible to keep you..."

Suddenly, Silver Wolf interrupted.

"Hmm?" Kafka looked at Silver Wolf with a slightly surprised tone. "Silver Wolf, I didn't expect that this sentence would come out of your mouth~"

"Why, Kafka? In your eyes, am I the kind of person who disregards life and death?"

Silver Wolf smiled softly, glanced at the blade that was almost back to normal, and "Sam" who had been standing without speaking and silently looking at Xing. Then said.

"I also want to experience other "games" after finishing this game as a "Star Core Hunter" - joining the train is also an option."

"Hearing you say that my arrival disrupted your original script?" Kiana asked in confusion.

"Yes, your appearance did bring some variables." Kafka nodded slightly, "But this is also a good thing, isn't it? New variables may bring more interesting plot developments.

However, we do need to deal with some things first to ensure that everything can run according to the general trajectory. "

She turned to Kiana, with a firm look in her soft eyes: "Kiana, your appearance has caused Xing's fate to deviate, but she can still gain a lot in the future. "

"I have told you everything I know and what Elio told me - if you don't believe it, you can check my memory. "

"You are so strange to take the initiative to let someone check your memory. But..." Kiana waved her hand with disgust, and then continued: "I believe you - it's just that you are a little too much. You just threw Xing into the space station attacked by the antimatter army. What if her experience is not as good as the future you saw? Just like you found out that the future has changed after you saw me? "

"No, the future that Elio saw has never been flawed, so we are relieved to leave Xing there - until you appeared, the future is full of uncertainty. "

"However, I still want to know why your guy named Elio can see what will happen in the future?"

"Elio?" Hearing this, Kafka crossed her arms, tapped her chin with one hand, thought for a moment, and said, "He didn't explain in detail, but the title announced to the public is: Slave of Destiny - with the ability to see into the future. That's what made me join the "Star Core Hunter". In the future he promised, I will get the "fear" I want. As for Silver Wolf's needs, you already know~ A Ren's needs are to truly welcome the other side he expects in the future." Kafka smiled and looked at "Sam". "And "Sam"~ Now is not the time to tell, sorry~"

When saying this, Kafka also glanced at Xing, who was a little sad at this time, and she didn't want Kafka to leave.


Just as everyone was still talking, a thick and hoarse male voice came from behind everyone.

"Oh? A Ren? Have you recovered?"

Kafka looked back after hearing the voice. Sure enough, Blade had completely recovered into human form at this time, but he just covered his head, feeling the crazy and resentful memories that kept coming out and impacting Blade's brain, making him miserable.

"Incredible... Witnessing with my own eyes a lump of meat gradually gathering into a person, this kind of power should be "abundance", right? I really don't know if the creation of the Herrscher of Death can also achieve this level. "Kiana looked at what was happening in front of her and sighed.



There are a few updates today, and I don't have much inspiration...

Free little gifts, please brush~~~ Please click on the little hand that urges update~~~~ Please click on the little hand that urges update~~~~ Please click on the little hand that urges update~~~~ Please click on the little hand that urges update~~~ Please click on the little hand that urges update~~~ Please click on the little hand that urges update~~~ Please click on the little hand that urges update~~~

It seems that my wife is long-lost and my wife is long-lost.

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