The old man was very angry.

"Kafka...what's going on?"

Ren endured the painful memories that hit his brain and asked about Kafka's current situation.

The moment Ren was hit by Kiana's bullet, the feeling of death made him feel a moment of peace. There were no more chattering whispers and painful memories, and no more curses from the innocent people he accidentally killed because of his loss of control - everything returned to peace, the peace he dreamed of.

But after that moment of peace, the gradually recovering feeling was fed back to his consciousness. Those whispers, memories, and curses all surged back like a tide, drowning him in a sea of ​​pain. But the pain of physical recovery slightly relieved his mental torture.

Kiana frowned at the painful expression on Ren's face and the sweat on his forehead, and asked, "What is he going through?"

"Have you heard of the name of the demonic body?" Kafka glanced at Ren, then turned to Kiana and explained, "The immortal species blessed by "abundance" will gradually lose their beautiful memories after hundreds of years, and will eventually be eroded by hatred and pain, turning into a demonic body that only knows how to kill."

Speaking of this, Kafka suddenly showed Kiana a mysterious smile and continued, "The next thing should not be told by me~ You will get a series of answers at your next stop, the immortal ship "Luofu". When you are about to leave, I will visit the train in person to explain the reason to you. "

After speaking, Kafka turned and walked to Ren, gently patted his shoulder, and began to exert her ability - the word spirit technique.

"Listen to me" Ren, in your pain, I will weave a peaceful haven for you. Let those violent memories settle down deep in your heart. "Kafka whispered softly, her voice was like a whisper in the night wind, soft and powerful. As she sang, Blade felt a cool breath spreading in his mind, and many noisy voices disappeared at this time.

Kiana looked at Kafka's operation on Blade and was a little curious.

"Is this... psychological suggestion?"

Kiana thought so.

At this time, Blade had returned to normal. She looked at Kiana in front of her, wondering what she was thinking.

Then, she suddenly pulled out the "Disintegration" sword and pointed it at Kiana.

"I can feel... I can feel that you didn't use your full strength... If the power of that blow was stronger, I might be free..."

Blade's voice was hoarse and low, but full of determination and strength.

"What do you mean... you want me to kill you?"

After hearing this, Blade put away his sword and held it behind his back, saying: Although I really want you to give me a death, I will not die before he dies and pays the price. If it weren't for him..."

At this point, Blade paused.

"Forget it, why am I telling you this?"

Blade turned and left, leaving Kiana standing alone, looking at his back, full of doubts and curiosity.

Kiana frowned after hearing this. What kind of experience could force him to be like this? Was it the so-called "demon body"? Or something else? Does "he" refer to Dan Heng? Why chase Dan Heng?

A series of questions puzzled her. In the end, as a member of the train, for Dan Heng's personal safety, she still let her check Blade's memory.


As Blade walked towards the off-road vehicle that slid several meters, he said lightly.

"Let's go, Kafka."

Kafka nodded gently and followed Blade to the SUV. Before leaving, she looked back at Xing, with a complex emotion in her eyes.

"We'll see each other again, Xing." She said softly, then turned and left.

"Sam" said nothing, and after looking back at Xing for the last time, he followed reluctantly.

And Silver Wolf played with the bullet shot by Kiana in his hand and asked, "This thing is the coordinate you shot, right? With this thing, you can go where you want to go?"

As he said, Silver Wolf threw the bullet in the air, then grabbed it in his hand and stuffed it into his pocket.

"I'll keep it, maybe I can ask you for a favor in the future - don't worry, it's not about the mission."

Then, Silver Wolf put one hand in his pocket and followed Kafka and the others. On the way, Silver Wolf waved to the two people behind him.

"Let's go!"

Looking at the backs of the "Star Core Hunters" leaving, Kiana fell into deep thought.

Based on the memories of the blade she just saw, Kiana didn't expect Dan Heng to have such a past.

"The Immortal Boat "Luofu"... Yingxing... Chiming Longzun Danfeng... Reincarnation... Dan Heng... Dragon Transformation Magic... This amount of information is a bit too much..." Kiana sighed in her heart, full of anticipation and curiosity about the upcoming journey.

She looked into the distance, with a lot of thoughts in her mind.

"Do they want to force the power out of Dan Heng's body after Dan Heng returns to Luofu? Should I tell Dan Heng?"

Kiana pondered, her heart full of entanglement.

"Forget it, just pretend not to know for the time being. If Dan Heng is really in danger, I will take action. "

"But one thing is strange, why is the location of the space rift the same as the place where the Star Core Hunter asked us to go? Is it a coincidence or someone deliberately arranged it? "

After a moment, Kiana shook her head and put her thoughts behind her.

Kiana looked around and saw Silver Wolf using the "Ether Editor" to repair the car in the distance. He seemed to be cursing and saying something. The other members of the "Star Core Hunter" were standing next to the off-road vehicle, but the white mecha was gone. Did he get on the car? But can such a small car accommodate everyone?

Then, Kiana looked around again and saw Xing, who was sitting on the ground and curled up, muttering: Kafka... When can I see Kafka again...

Kiana looked at Xing who was sitting on the ground and muttering, and couldn't help feeling helpless and a little curious.

"What was the relationship between Xing and Kafka before she lost her memory?"

In Xing's heart, Kafka seemed to be a special existence. Although her memory was fragmented at the moment, her attachment and desire for Kafka were deeply imprinted in her soul like a brand.

"Will it be like the relationship between me and Mei?"

This thought flashed through Kiana's mind, but she quickly shook her head to dispel it. Everyone's experience and emotions are unique, and she can't speculate on the relationship between Xing and Kafka based on her own feelings.

She walked towards Xing, squatted down, and gently patted her shoulder.

"Xing, didn't Kafka say that you can still see her? There will be many opportunities in the future. Let's go."

Xing slowly raised her head when she heard Kiana's words, and a trace of confusion and expectation flashed in her eyes.

"Are you leaving now? I still want to see her more... She said that she will meet us in Luofu soon, but I don't know how long it will take..."

Xing's voice was filled with a hint of reluctance and a hint of melancholy. She looked into the distance, as if she was expecting something.

Kiana gently held Xing's hand, trying to give her some comfort.

"According to what she said, you will have many opportunities to meet in the future, so there is no need to rush."

Xing nodded slightly, she took a deep breath, and tried to calm her inner emotions. She knew that Kiana was right. There was still a long time to come, and she would have a chance to see Kafka again.

The two stood up, dusted themselves off, and prepared to return to the train.

After arriving at this place, Kiana also understood her abilities better - for example, the "memory" coordinates can not only automatically mark the places you have been to, but also actively mark any item you specify. By handing this item to the other party, you can teleport to the other party at any time. And this coordinate can only be used by yourself, no one else can use it. Moreover, if the item is constructed by yourself, then you don't need to mark the "memory" coordinates, and teleport directly to the side.

Kiana raised her hand and waved, and a black and gold portal appeared in front of the two.

The two entered one by one, and the other side of the portal was still in the cabin of the lander. But Dan Heng and March Seven inside were gone, and the hatch of the lander was wide open. And outside the hatch, it was either somewhere else or the compartment of the Star Dome Train.

"It seems that they have returned to the observation car. Let's go there quickly. We have been delayed for a long time."

Kiana and Xing walked quickly through several cars and finally came to the observation car at the front of the train, which was also the meeting place of all train crews.

"Huh? Look, they are back!"

March Seven saw Kiana and Xing coming in, and she waved excitedly.

Dan Heng also turned around and looked at the two of them. Although his expression was still calm, his eyes revealed a trace of concern.

"You are back." He said lightly.

Kiana nodded, walked in front of everyone, and briefly recounted what happened before. She did not mention the part about Dan Heng in Ren's memory, and decided to remain silent for the time being and wait and see.

After listening to Kiana's narration, March Seven's face was

A surprised expression appeared on his face: "I didn't expect that Xing and Kafka had such a connection. But, Xing, do you really remember nothing?"

Xing shook her head gently, with a trace of confusion in her eyes: "I... I really don't remember anything."

Dan Heng looked at Xing, with a trace of complex emotions in his eyes. He was silent for a moment, and then said: "Since Kafka said you will meet again, don't worry too much."

After listening to Kiana's series of stories, Ji Zi showed a disgusted expression towards Kafka.

"Leaving Xing alone in the space station and planning the fate of others without authorization, I don't have a good impression of the people of "Star Core Hunter". I don't know what the intention is of leading us to the Xianzhou Luofu on his own initiative..."

Walter was a little confused after listening to Kiana's story, and said thoughtfully: "The Xianzhou Alliance is protected by the "hunting" Lan. If the "Star Core Hunter" goes to trouble the Xianzhou, they will change from "hunters" to "prey". I'm afraid the alliance will chase them to the end of the universe..."

"I suggest not to get involved with the "Star Core Hunter"..." Ji Zi frowned, then relaxed and sighed, looking at Xing with a helpless expression. "But, a "Star Core" is stuffed in your body. And everyone says that Elio can see the future, and every step of his plan is a foreshadowing. Maybe he does know something, so we have to get involved with the "Star Core Hunter". Xing, what do you think?"

Xing was silent for a moment, as if thinking about Ji Zi's words.

At this time, Kiana spoke.

"Actually... I haven't said something. It's about..."

Then, Kiana told everyone what she had experienced in Xing's consciousness before, as well as the conversation with Sanyueqi and Danheng in the lander about the space rift and the fairy boat.

As Kiana narrated, the atmosphere in the car gradually became solemn. Jizi and Walter looked at each other, and they saw surprise and worry in each other's eyes.

"I didn't expect there would be such a thing..." Walter whispered, "Is this space rift really related to the "Star Core Hunter"? They asked us to go to the fairy boat Luofu, is it for this space rift?"

Jizi frowned and said thoughtfully: "If this is true, then what is the purpose of the "Star Core Hunter"? What do they want to do with this space rift?"

"Since this space rift may also be the same as the space rift that brought you to this world, then for Xingye and your wish to go home - we have to go to the fairy boat Luofu. "

After Jizi finished speaking to Kiana, she looked at Xing again, her eyes full of determination and concern.

"Xing, no matter what your past was like, you are now a member of our train team. We will face future challenges with you, whether it is the "Star Core Hunter" or something else. "

When Xing heard Jizi's words, a warm current surged in her heart. She raised her head, with a firm light flashing in her eyes.

"Thank you everyone..."

She took a deep breath, as if she wanted to absorb all the confusion and uneasiness in her heart. Xing knew that the burden on her was not light, but she also understood that she was not alone.

At this time, March 7 spoke. She looked at Walter, then at Kiana. She asked with some reluctance.

"But then again, if that space rift can really take Kiana home, will Uncle Yang leave? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes were on Walter Yang, curious about his choice.

Walter Yang was silent for a moment, he looked up and looked out the window, as if recalling the past.

His motive for coming to this world was not simple. He came to this world with Void Manzang because of the "Man from Heaven" incident.

"Man from Heaven" invaded the earth, but under Void Manzang's operation, "Man from Heaven" only absorbed the Houkai energy gathered on the moon and left.

But when sneaking into the base of "Man from Heaven", it was discovered that "Man from Heaven" was spying on this world and attempted to invade this world. And the target was Jizi in this world.

Walter didn't know why "Man from Heaven" would target Jizi, but he knew that this was definitely not a good thing.

In his own world, Jizi was Walter's most outstanding student, but later experienced many things and finally sacrificed to protect his student Kiana.

As a teacher, Jizi protected her students. As Jizi's teacher, Walter couldn't just sit there and let Jizi be taken away by the "person from heaven".

Therefore, Walter and Kongkong Wanzang, with their concern for Jizi and their

The sense of responsibility of this world, stepped into this strange world. Finally joined the Starry Sky Train, silently guarding this train group and Jizi.



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