At the same time, somewhere in the base cabin of the "Black Tower" space station. A woman with burgundy hair was playing the "violin" elegantly to the music of the elevator, which was out of tune with the chaos caused by the invasion of the antimatter army in the outside world. Her eyes were closed, as if the whole world had nothing to do with her, only her and her "violin". Her fingers jumped on the strings, flowing out a beautiful melody, as if it could soothe all the chaos. In the outside world, the station chief Ester was also evacuating with the staff, and Alan from the security department led other security personnel to fight against the invasion of the antimatter army. And everyone on the Starry Sky Train also came to the space station at this time. Suddenly, a loud noise outside the elevator interrupted the elegant woman's interest and stopped her movements.

She opened her eyes, looked at the alarm in the elevator, frowned, and looked at the virtual screen that suddenly appeared in front of her, but she did not show any surprise or nervousness, but just said calmly.

"It seems that I came at the wrong time~"

The screen was also answering her.

"No, I think you came at the right time."

The voice did not contain any other emotions, as if all this was just a game to her.

However, the voice continued without hesitation.

"System time, 23:47:15, you are very punctual, Kafka."

"The future that Elio sees is not wrong. What happened to the explosion just now? Is this also in the script?"

The wine-red-haired woman named Kafka asked lightly.

"Yes, the script mentioned "System time 23:44:59, the pulse generated by the explosion caused a large-scale paralysis of the main control system." "

"Did you do it? "Kafka asked calmly.

"The Antimatter Legion did it. They invaded the space station two system hours ago."

Kafka whistled softly after hearing this. This action seemed to be her assessment of the situation and preparation for the future.

"Do we need to fight the Legion?"

"I don't know. Elio didn't say it, which means it's not important."

"I see~ Then... from now on, I will take over the operation." Kafka said, revealing a smile.

"Got it. Uh, can you let me have more fun this time? The previous operations... were all boring." At this time, the voice on the virtual screen suddenly felt a little lost.

"Sorry, today's task is also very boring: just "putting the target in". "

Kafka couldn't help but smile softly after hearing this. There seemed to be a hint of helplessness and pampering in that smile. Then she changed the subject: "But, if you want to have fun, I won't stop you. "

"After all..."

Suddenly, the screen disappeared, the elevator door opened with a whoosh, and outside the door stood several virtual soldiers.

At this time, Kafka walked out of the elevator leisurely, "--After all, Elio didn't write it in the script...", and then slowly took out the submachine guns on both sides of her waist, "--It doesn't matter! ! "

As Kafka's words fell, her finger gently pulled the trigger, and the submachine gun spewed out a blazing flame, instantly defeating the approaching virtual soldiers. Her movements were elegant and decisive, as if she was dancing a deadly dance. The chaos and danger in the space station seemed to have no effect on her rhythm and mood.

After a while, Kafka eliminated all the virtual soldiers, came to the door leading to the corridor, and turned on the switch.

"When did the antimatter army become so weak? "

Kafka said teasingly as she walked.

At this time, the voice that came from the virtual screen before appeared again in the communicator.

"This is the only force I can lure here. You don't want the main force of the legion to target this place, do you?"

"With only this kind of stuff, we can't hold back the people from the Star Dome Railway~" Kafka's tone was a little playful.

"Don't worry, a Doomsday Beast is here too."

Kafka walked leisurely in the viewing corridor of the base cabin section, and did not immediately respond to the words of the person in the communicator. Instead, she noticed the electronic portraits arranged in the corridor.

She stopped, looked at the portrait and said: "This is... Zandar, Zandar I. Kuwahara? The first genius in history."

"The one who created Boshizun in the legend?" The voice in the communicator was a little surprised.

"Yes, it's him... If the legend is true, then he is the man who created the Star God."

Kafka smiled softly

He smiled, a strange light flashed in his eyes, "However, how true is the legend, who knows?"

"It's better that the legend is untrue, I don't want to be a Zandar hunter." The voice in the communicator clearly has a sighing feeling.

Kafka did not respond to the voice in the communicator immediately, but continued to walk and observe other electronic portraits.

Until the last portrait. And on the picture, there is a mechanical humanoid life form.

At this time, Kafka showed a playful smile.

"Hey! Silver Wolf, look, it's Screw-Gum! Your old rival!"

The voice in the communicator was silent for a while, and seemed a little helpless, "Alas, I've said it before, I didn't know it was him at that time..."

"But it was that battle that made Elio take a fancy to you: there is someone in the universe who can crack Screw-Gum's program!... Well, first it was Screw-Gum, then it was Black Tower. I'm afraid no one in the universe has ever provoked two geniuses in such a short time. It's fate~"

"Alas... It seems that I am the "slave of fate""

The voice in the communicator was a little self-deprecating, and Kafka was also tactful and didn't continue the topic, and continued to walk forward.

Finally, they came to the induction door leading to the reception center at the end of the corridor.

And after the door opened, what came into view was A few more virtual soldiers.

"Oh, this is really troublesome. My coat will get dirty~"

Kafka complained softly, but her movements did not slow down at all. She quickly raised her submachine gun, and a burst of hot flames burst out again, instantly defeating the approaching virtual soldiers. Her movements were still elegant and decisive, pouring out all the bullets until all the virtual soldiers were dealt with, and then she put down her double guns. Then Kafka patted her coat lightly, as if cleaning the dust on it.

However, at this moment, a fish that escaped the net rushed over from behind, and the arm blade of the virtual soldier stabbed at Kafka's back.

Suddenly, at the moment when the arm blade was about to touch Kafka, the virtual soldier turned into a data stream and disappeared in the current space.

"It's not my job to clean up other people's butts, Kafka. "

As the voice fell, a gray-haired girl with blue highlights and blue-purple gradient technology glasses sitting on a desk far behind Kafka jumped from the desk to the ground, chewing bubble gum in her mouth, and operating something on the virtual screen in front of her with one hand.

"Okay, okay~ Silver Wolf, where did you just throw it?"

Kafka smiled and looked at the girl in front of her, her tone full of pampering and helplessness.

"I just typed the coordinates casually, there's nothing particular about it. What, do you care about the whereabouts of that virtual soldier?"

Silver Wolf said, with a hint of mischief in his tone.

"I don't care~ It's just... No matter how many times I see it, I will think that your methods are really incredible~"

"It's just modifying real data, a little trick that's not worth mentioning." Silver Wolf shrugged and said calmly. In her opinion, this is not something worth mentioning.

"By the way, what were you looking at just now, so interesting? Let me see it too? ”

At this point, Silver Wolf suddenly became interested: "The toys in the Black Tower, the catalog of "strange items" collected by the space station, there are many interesting things in it."

"For example?" Kafka was a little curious about what could make Silver Wolf so interested.

"There is a gun that can score the creatures that appear in the crosshairs, ranging from 0 to 100."

"...What's interesting about this?"

"Eh? Aren't you curious about how many points you will get? ...I really want to know."

Kafka looked at Silver Wolf's eyes full of curiosity and expectation, and couldn't help but smile softly.

"Okay, if it's on the way, let's go and play~Where is the target location?"

"Go deeper along the corridor behind the left door, there is a room with some kind of "strange items". "

"Could it be that... the "star core" is there? "Kafka widened her eyes and looked at the direction pointed by Silver Wolf.

Silver Wolf smiled confidently and said, "It can tell us where the star core is."

After that, the two of them went deeper along the corridor, and several virtual soldiers that jumped out on the road were also eliminated. In the end, without much effort, they finally came to the deepest part of the corridor-the main monitoring room.

The two entered the monitoring room and looked around.

"There is no one here. It seems that the evacuation is quite thorough. Is it the order from Black Tower himself?"

Kafka looked around the empty monitoring room and couldn't help but sigh.

Silver Wolf looked at the message on the arm terminal, and then said, "Look at the access record... Well, that woman hasn't logged in here for more than half a year. The evacuation work is directed by the acting stationmaster, a person named Ester. "

"Hmm? I haven't heard of the name... Ah, Elio seemed to have said that we wouldn't run into the Black Tower, it seems she's really not there..."

"...By the way, where is the "Star Core"? "

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