The old man was very surprised.

"...By the way, where is the "star core"? "

"Elliot didn't mention the specific location of the "star core" in the script, which means... in the future he saw..."

Silver Wolf's voice gradually became low, as if he was thinking about something.

"... In other words, in the future he saw, we didn't find the "star core" through physical means." Kafka took over Silver Wolf's words.

"There are so many incredible things in this space station, and it's not surprising to have such a "strange thing."

Kafka also nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, using a "strange thing" to cover up a "strange thing" is indeed what that woman would do. You have been flipping through the catalog for so long, I guess you have a clue, right? "

Silver Wolf nodded and said, "We have all the necessary clues, so now we just need to do a small operation--" Silver Wolf looked at the big screen in the middle and continued. "--Just hack the monitoring system."

As Silver Wolf finished speaking, her fingers were tapping quickly on the virtual keyboard, as if she was playing a beautiful piece of music. The interface of the monitoring system changed rapidly under her operation, and the data flow flowed like a waterfall, and Silver Wolf was like a magician controlling the waterfall, guiding their flow.

After a while, all the monitoring equipment in the room turned into garbled code with Silver Wolf's exclusive logo, and only one screen remained normal.

"Done." Silver Wolf smiled with satisfaction, and then pointed to the screen that was still operating normally, "Here, look there."

Kafka walked to the side of the screen and looked at it with some confusion.

"What is this...? ”

“Strange Item No. 211 “Blind Spot”: A simple deflection light field makes things in the area less likely to attract attention, but as long as other things are no longer conspicuous, it will be exposed.”

“Black Tower uses such a simple gadget to hide her treasure?”

Silver Wolf chuckled after hearing this.

“Hehe, the simpler the method, the harder it is to detect. Isn’t this our motto?”

Kafka smiled and didn’t say much, but turned off the function of the “Strange Item”.

The next moment, a light gate appeared in the corner of the monitoring screen.

Silver Wolf, who was already standing next to the light gate, also signaled Kafka to come over. Seeing the things in the light gate, he also confirmed that it was a star core.

“Go in and take a look. It’s okay. We won’t die here.”

After that, the two of them stepped into the light gate together. The next moment, the scene around them was infinitely stretched, but it instantly returned to normal in one or two seconds, and the two were also teleported to a hidden room at this time.

In the center of the room, the glowing sphere is the "Star Core".

"Hmm? Interesting, you are indeed a member of the Genius Club."

"The "Star Core" is right in front, hurry up." Silver Wolf said without hesitation, walked forward, hacked into the operation terminal, and opened the protective cover storing the "Star Core".

Kafka smiled, took out the "Star Core" and walked towards Silver Wolf.

Silver Wolf was operating something on the virtual screen, then slid his finger and moved a split screen in front of Kafka and said: "The carrier is ready, you decide."

The screen showed two carriers, a man and a woman. Kafka did not hesitate and directly chose the female carrier named "Star".

"Then it's her."

Silver Wolf nodded, his fingers flew on the screen, and soon, the female carrier named "Star" was "printed".

Kafka took the "Star Core" and walked silently to "Xing" and looked at her face and asked softly: "How much does she... remember?"

"At least she will remember you." Silver Wolf turned around and answered Kafka.

Kafka smiled slightly after hearing this, then walked to "Xing" and pressed the "Star Core" in her hand into her chest.

"It's time to get up--"

As the "Star Core" merged, "Xing"'s body began to emit a faint light, and her eyes gradually opened and looked at Kafka.

"Kaf...Ka?" "Xing" looked at Kafka in confusion, as if thinking about something.

"Great~ You still remember me~" Kafka looked at "Xing" gently.

The next moment, Kafka suddenly activated the Word Spirit Technique.

"Listen to me: Your mind is in chaos now. You don't know who you are, why you are here, and what to do next; you think I am familiar, but you don't know what to do.

Shouldn't have trusted me——"

Kafka shook her head gently. "——But none of this matters. What matters is that I'm leaving and leaving you alone in this space station. So from now on, you don't have to think about the past, and you don't have to doubt yourself anymore..."

"Listen to me: you will encounter many dangers and be in terrible troubles; but you will also encounter many wonderful things. You will have companions like family and start adventures that you can't even dream of..."

"...and at the end of the journey, all the puzzles will be solved."

Kafka smiled kindly.

"This is the future that Elio foresaw and that you arrived at...Do you like it?"

"Where are you going?"

"To the next place, paving the way for the prepared future~"

Kafka continued. "It's like a tapestry. You and I can only weave one golden thread at a time, but it will eventually become a beautiful picture."

"How long will it take? According to the script, the people on the Star Train will be here soon, and we shouldn't take pictures with them. "

Silver Wolf urged Kafka with a hint of anxiety.

Kafka glanced at Silver Wolf, smiled gently, and then turned to "Xing" again.

"I know, Silver Wolf. Just a little while, just a little while~"

"Time is almost up, I should go... Listen to me: someone will find you soon, go with them without worry. You don't remember anything except me."

"No... Don't..." "Xing" looked at Kafka, feeling a little reluctant.

However, after saying this, "Xing" fell down in a daze. At the moment when he was about to close his eyes, he only saw the backs of Silver Wolf and Kafka leaving, and then his vision became blurred and everything turned dark.


"The coordinates of this person are not sent by the space station..." A male voice suddenly sounded.

"What are you still arguing about at this time? Such a big living person can't be fake, right?" Another female voice came.

At this time, "Xing" had some consciousness.

"…The heartbeat and pulse are very weak… Sanyue, prepare for artificial respiration!"

"Ah?! I…I don't have much experience! Danheng, you come!" The man called Sanyue suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

The man called Danheng didn't say much after hearing Sanyueqi's words, and directly put his face close to him.

At this time, Kiana, who was waiting outside the door, happened to walk in at this time. At this time, Kiana had already used her power to replace the clothes of the Herrscher of the End, and changed into the clothes she used when she was a ranger in Tianqiong City on Earth. Seeing what Danheng was about to do, she looked at him in shock.


Instantly, Kiana had countless thoughts about Dan Heng: "Dan Heng would actually do such a thing?! Isn't he usually quite serious? Could it be that he has been hiding his true nature? Or is this actually his true face? Wait, what am I thinking about now?! Isn't it normal for Dan Heng to do artificial respiration? Why do I think so much?!"

However, just when Kiana was thinking about it, Dan Heng's mouth was almost close to "Xing". Suddenly, "Xing" opened his eyes, and what came into view was a black-haired boy pouting at him.

The next moment, March Seven suddenly pushed Dan Heng's face away. "Hey - stop, shut up!"

"The person is awake!"

At this time, the face of a cute girl with pink hair also appeared in front of "Xing".

However, at this time, "Xing" held his forehead with one hand, and his mind was still a little groggy.

"Are you okay? Can you hear me clearly? Do you remember your name?" Sanyueqi asked anxiously.

"I... I don't remember anything."

"Well... That's troublesome. Can you try to recall it? What's your name?"

"My name..." "Xing" tried to recall, and a word appeared in his mind, "Xing, my name is Xing."

"Xing?" Danheng paused for a moment after hearing it, and then introduced himself. "Hello, my name is Danheng, and this is Sanyueqi." As he said that, Danheng glanced at the pink hair beside him.

Sanyueqi also put one hand on his chest and smiled at Xing.

"The one behind us..." Danheng distanced himself from Sanyueqi, revealing Kiana who was walking towards them behind him.

At this time, Kiana also took over Danheng's words.

"Hello, Xing, my name is Kiana Kaslana, just call me Kiana...Excuse me, are you from the space station?"

At this time, Xing had just woken up from a deep sleep and seemed a little confused and sluggish. It quietly listened to the conversations of the people around it, as if it wanted to understand what they were saying, but because it had just woken up, its mind was not clear enough.


Seeing Xing's state, the three of them looked at each other for a few times, as if they were communicating some kind of tacit understanding.

Then Dan Heng told his reason: "This space station was attacked by the antimatter army. We came to support it on behalf of Station Master Esta."

"Antimatter Army?" Xing was also a little alert at this time, and was a little confused after hearing a strange service.

"Destruction" Nanook's thugs, you are very lucky. The most dangerous Extinction Lord is not nearby. The ones who came are just some stragglers who are doing evil everywhere." March Seven explained to Xing with a smile. "We will soon eliminate the invaders, don't worry!"

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