"Huh? The girl outside the window is so beautiful, but why does she look like she's about to cry?"

Sanyueqi scratched his head, expressing his confusion.

"March……"Dan Heng couldn't help but hold his forehead when he heard San Yue Qi's words,"You are focusing on the wrong thing, shouldn't you be focusing on how she can be defenseless in space?"

"Oh, oh, right!"When March Seven heard Dan Heng's words, he immediately reacted. It was indeed more surprising why she could survive in space without protective clothing than why that sister was crying.

At this time, everyone in the train began to discuss the woman who suddenly appeared outside the window.

Ji Zi noticed the way the person outside the window looked at her, and was a little puzzled why the woman was so excited when she saw her, even though she had never seen this person outside the window before. Ji Zi is now considering whether to let the person outside in, and then set her sights on Walter.

Walter also noticed Ji Zi's gaze, and after understanding, Walter nodded slightly.

March Seven looked at the two people looking at each other, scratched his head and asked puzzledly:"Eh? Uncle Yang, Ji Zi, are we going to bring her in?"

"Yes, the person outside the window is an old friend from my hometown. You can trust her character and personality."

After that, everyone came to the guest car from the observation car.

At this time, Kiana was slightly stunned when she saw everyone in the car got up and left. However, the next moment, the door of the rear car opened.

"Please come in, Kiana."Walter invited gently.

Kiana hesitated a little, but still folded the light wings behind her and slowly walked into the carriage. The door behind her closed automatically.

Her eyes swept over everyone and finally stopped at Jizi, with complex emotions flashing in her eyes. Jizi smiled and walked towards her, holding out her hand.

"Hello, your name is... Kiana, right? I'm Jizi, the navigator of the Star Train, nice to meet you."Jizi said.

At this time, Kiana only noticed Jizi's address and automatically blocked the following introduction. She went straight forward and shook Jizi's hand, her eyes slightly red:"Teacher Jizi, I... I didn't expect to see you here. I thought you had... we... we did it, we defeated the collapse and crossed the end... you……"

"Hey, Dan Heng..." Looking at Qiyana's state, he was a little confused and whispered into Dan Heng's ear"……What's going on? I don't understand. This Kiana seems to know Jizi and they have been together for a long time, but why doesn't Jizi know her?"

Dan Heng thought for a while, crossed his arms and answered:"If nothing unexpected happens, it should be the 'isotope in another world'. In simple terms, it is the self in another world. Mr. Walter also said before that he was not originally from this world. For example, March, you are the"pioneer" of the Starry Sky Train in this world, and you may be a space thief in another world."

"Oh - parallel world, right? I think I understand."March Seven had a look of sudden enlightenment on his face.

Jizi and Kiana also knew what was going on after hearing what they had just talked about.

Kiana also felt a little abrupt at this time, so she reluctantly let go of Jizi's hand and scratched her head awkwardly.

"Sorry, I mistook you for Mr. Jizi from my world.……"Kiana's voice was a little choked, and she raised her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. At this time, Jizi looked at her gently, smiled and shook her head, and said softly:"It's okay, Kiana. No matter which world we are in, we have the same goal and pursuit, that is to protect the people and things we love. Your teacher Jizi must be proud of you."

Hearing Jizi's words, Kiana's eyes were wet again.

""Okay, wipe your tears, let's go back to the observation car and sit down... and by the way, I'll let you taste the coffee I made~"

As she said that, Jizi took Kiana's hand and walked towards the observation car.

However, when the other three heard that Jizi was going to make coffee, their hearts trembled. On the entire train, Jizi's coffee was only enjoyed by herself, and we were not blessed to enjoy it. Is coffee with a ratio of 4 to 1 really drinkable?

Walter suddenly remembered that when he first got on the train, he drank the coffee made by Jizi and injured his esophagus. It was outrageous.

In order to prevent Kiana from suffering that, Walter hurriedly stopped Kiana.

"Wait, Kiana!"

"What's wrong, Mr. Walter?"Qiana turned around and looked at Walter with some confusion.

"Jizi, Kiana and I want to chat about the past, let's wait a little longer before going over."

Jizi looked at Walter in confusion, but still nodded and let go of Kiana's hand:"Oh~ That's right, you also said that she is an old friend from your hometown, then you guys chat first, I'll wait for you in the observation car"

"Sanyue, let's go first. Mr. Walter and Miss Kiana are talking about something, and it's not appropriate for us to be there."

Danheng also noticed that Walter seemed to have something to say to Kiana alone, so he also took Sanyueqi away first.

After Jizi, Danheng and Sanyueqi left, Walter turned around and looked at Kiana, revealing a deep look in his eyes.

"Kiana, do you remember how you came to this world?"Walter's voice was low and serious.

Kiana was a little confused, but still answered:"Hmm? I remember I sent the photos and videos to Anti-Entropy. Not long ago, I came here through that space crack."

"Not long ago?!"Walter fell into deep thought when he heard this key word

"After arriving here, I sensed the surroundings and found this train. At that time, I thought it was the Key of God Thousand Worlds One."

After listening to what Kiana said, Walter adjusted his glasses and wanted to confirm it again.

"Can you tell me more about how long ago it was?

Kiana was even more confused and scratched her head.

"Huh? Just... a dozen minutes ago? A dozen minutes ago, I was swallowed by the crack that suddenly expanded and ended up here."

"Ten minutes ago?!"Walter couldn't help but widen his eyes, a little unsure if he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, more than ten minutes ago, I thought you were driving the Thousand Worlds One to find me. But I was a little curious. I had only been in this world for less than 3 minutes. Why did you come so quickly?"

Kiana's words silenced Walter again.

"Kiana, do you know that you have been missing for 7 years? During this period, Destiny, Anti-Entropy and others have been frantically looking for your whereabouts in the past 7 years, frequently traveling between other worlds of the Imaginary Tree and the world bubbles of the Quantum Sea, looking for the coordinates of the world you are in."

Walter's words shocked Kiana completely. She widened her eyes and couldn't believe her ears.

"Seven...seven years?!" Kiana's voice trembled,"How is this possible? I only felt like a dozen minutes had passed.……"

Walter took a deep breath. He knew that this matter was too unbelievable for Kiana, but he had to tell her the truth.

"The culprit of this incident may be the mysterious space crack. The moment you pass through the crack, your time may be slowed down by several times, so the time in the outside world is accelerated. It is not until you arrive in another world that the time speeds of the two worlds converge."

"Of course, this is just my personal inference."

Speaking of this, Walter adjusted his glasses again.

"Kiana, you also know that the worlds in the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Ocean of Quantum are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, plus the vastness of the universe in each world... So even if we find the coordinates of your world, with the current technology on Earth, it is impossible to support ultra-long-distance space travel in this universe."

"But fortunately, I found you in this world"

"Walter... Mr. Walter! How have Mei, Bronya, my aunt, my father, and my sister been doing over the years?"

Kiana's voice was a little anxious, and she held Walter's hand tightly, wanting to know the answer urgently.

"Don't worry, Kiana, don't worry, they are fine. But in order to find you, the earth's technology has developed rapidly in recent years, and space stations for observation have been built in the worlds they have visited. Maybe there is one in this world's solar system, but we don't know where it is. Mei and the others should be carrying out their mission somewhere now."

Walter's words made Kiana feel a little relieved, but her heart was still full of doubts and anxiety. She urgently wanted to return to her original world. She felt that since Walter had no eagerness to go back, it meant that Walter must have a way to go home directly.

"How do we get back then?"

But Walter shook his head.

"I don't know the exact coordinates of the Earth in this world. I came here in a special way. Our spaceship ran out of energy while sailing in this universe, but we accidentally encountered the Star Train. The train navigator Ji Zi took us on the train. Knowing the capabilities of this train, we stayed and prepared to ride it one stop at a time. However, much of the previous navigation data of the Star Train has been lost, and I am not sure whether there is Earth on the"opening up" route."

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