"Ah?!" Kiana's voice was full of disappointment and anxiety,"Then we can never go back? I will never see Mei, Bronya and the others again?"

Walter walked up to Kiana with a smile, patted her on the shoulder, and said half-jokingly:"Don't be discouraged, Kiana, now we have a good start, we accidentally 'picked you up' on the way of the train, maybe one day in the future, the train will travel to the solar system of this world, and then your power will be able to take us home directly."

Kiana heard this, and a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes. Yes, Walter is right, now at least we have a good start, if we stay where we are, nothing will happen.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

After a moment, Kiana suddenly thought of something, and looked at Walter with some confusion.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Walter, you just said 'we'? Who else is traveling with you? Is it those two people?"

Kiana wondered at this moment whether the people traveling with him were Dan Heng and March Seven who had just gone to the observation car, because she didn't know them.

Walter didn't answer immediately after hearing Kiana's question. He pushed his glasses with his hand and was silent for a moment.

"Mr. Walter?"

Seeing that Walter didn't speak, Kiana asked again. Kiana felt a little strange at this time, why did he show such an expression when asking who his companion was.

After a while, Walter sighed and slowly spoke

"It is... Void Ten Thousand Treasures"

"Void Ten Thousand Treasures?!"Kiana was shocked

""Yeah." Walter nodded slightly.

"Didn’t Xukong Wanzang die with Otto in the imaginary space?"

"Otto was indeed wiped out by the imaginary space, and Void Wanzang was released by Otto and gained freedom, but……"

"But?" Kiana was puzzled.

Walter frowned at this time, looked at Kiana and continued:"Xukong Wanzang obtained Otto's soul steel body, and because he stayed with Otto for a long time, he was infected with Otto's personality and way of speaking. Otto's face plus Otto's personality and way of speaking... Do you understand what I mean?"

Kiana suddenly realized, and then clenched her fists

"I see... Indeed, Otto's face really deserves a beating, and it makes people want to punch him in the face."

"But... then again, where are they?" Kiana silently put down her fist.

"He... because of his weird teasing of Pam, was thrown out of the train by Pam... and was put on Pam's blacklist... Now, I don't know where he is floating. But... I will definitely see him again in the future."

"Pam... is that the rabbit I saw just now?" Kiana was a little unsure


Kiana couldn't help but chuckle when she heard this. She imagined the scene where Void Wanzang, who looked like Otto, flirted with Pam in a weird way, and was thrown out of the train mercilessly by Pam, and she found it funny.

Looking at the happy Kiana, Walter also showed a barely perceptible smile at the corner of his mouth.

After a moment, Walter looked at the door leading to the observation car, and then gestured to Kiana.

"Kiana, do you want to go... get to know them again? Besides, we will be living together for a while. And I think you and Sanyueqi will definitely get along well."

"Yes! Of course!" Kiana nodded, with an expectant expression on her face.


Earlier, in the observation car, seeing that only Ji Zi, San Yue Qi and Dan Heng came to the train hall, Pam walked over twisting and turning, and asked in confusion:"Huh? Why are there only you, where is the new passenger, Pam?"

Ji Zi was about to say something, but San Yue Qi answered first:"Oh! She and Uncle Yang seem to be reminiscing about the past, so we came back first!"

"To be honest, that sister named Kiana is really cute when you look at her up close, just like me!"

Sanyueqi said, smiling smugly, then put his hands on his hips and posed in a pose that he thought was very cute.

Jizi looked at Sanyueqi's narcissistic and complacent look, shook her head helplessly, then turned to look at Danheng, only to find that Danheng was looking out the window, wondering what he was thinking.

""Danheng, what are you thinking about?" Ji Zi asked softly.

Danheng came back to his senses, turned to look at Ji Zi, and then replied lightly:"I was wondering if the new passenger would also become one of us and join the"train crew"」"

"Oh? Do you really want her to join us, Danheng?"Jizi teased Danheng half-jokingly.

Danheng shook his head expressionlessly and said lightly:"Jizi, you know, my opinion is meaningless. In my opinion, as long as she joins the"train group", she will be one of us, and I will do my best to protect her."

"Dan Heng, you are always so serious." Ji Zi looked at Dan Heng, with a warm smile in her eyes. She knew that although Dan Heng was usually taciturn, he cherished the relationship between his companions in his heart.

Just then, footsteps were heard at the entrance of the observation car. Kiana and Walter walked in together, and when Kiana saw everyone present, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Hello everyone, let me introduce myself again! My name is Kiana Kaslana, just call me Kiana, I am very happy to join the Star Train, please take care of me in the future!"

Everyone couldn't help but smile when they saw Kiana's energetic self-introduction. Jizi was the first to applaud and welcome Kiana

"Kiana, welcome to join our"Train Team" family!"

��Thank you, Sister Jizi! I am also very happy to meet you all!"

Seeing this, Sanyueqi came over and excitedly introduced himself:"Hello, hello! Kiana! My name is Sanyueqi, and I am glad that you can join us!"

Danheng on the side introduced himself with a faint smile.

"Hello, Kiana, my name is Dan Heng, I am the train's guard and I am also responsible for the maintenance of the train's"think tank."

Listening to Dan Heng's introduction, Kiana nodded somewhat confusedly.

However, the next moment, March Seven suddenly stepped forward and hugged Kiana's arm.

"Kiana, Kiana! You are so cute, can we take a picture of you?"

Kiana was caught off guard by March 7's enthusiasm. She smiled shyly and nodded.

"Of course, March 7"

""Great!" March Seven jumped up happily, then took out his phone and started taking pictures of Kiana.

Walter, who was standing in front of the door connecting the carriages, was also a little moved when he saw the two of them getting along so well. It was great to be young.

At this time, Kiana, looking at March Seven who was pulling her to take pictures, actually felt a little awkward. It was so strange.

"That...March 7th?"

"Hmm? What's wrong, Kiana?"March Seven was concentrating on taking pictures of Kiana, and turned to look at her with some confusion.

"Does your name have any special meaning? Why is it called March Seven?"

When March Seven heard this question, he stopped what he was doing and looked up at Kiana, with a hint of thought in his eyes.

"This question is actually related to my background.……"


"Yes~ Actually I was rescued by the train. At that time, I was naked and sealed in a piece of"six-phase ice" drifting in the universe. Later, the train rescued me, but I don't remember what happened before I was frozen, nor do I remember my original name. So"March 7" is the name I gave myself on the day I was thawed."

"Huh? Being trapped in ice and drifting in the universe? This sounds like a science fiction movie!"Kiana opened her mouth in surprise. She had never expected that the origin of March 7th would be so bizarre.

"Right? I think so too... And don't you think the name 'March 7' sounds nice?"

As he was talking, March 7 suddenly put his hands on his hips, looking very proud.

"Hehe, my naming skills are pretty good, right?"

Looking at Sanyueqi's smug look, I burst out laughing.


At this time, there was a slight sound, and Sanyueqi took a photo of Kiana with a bright smile with his camera.

"Well, I think the name 'March Seven' is really nice and suitable for you." Kiana nodded sincerely. She could feel the confidence and optimism in March Seven's heart.

"Hehe, of course! But, Kiana, your name is also very nice! Moreover, your smile is also very warm, making people feel very comfortable. Also, you can also call me 'March' or 'Little March'. Of course���It's up to you."March Seven blinked and said seriously.

March Seven's words made Kiana's cheeks slightly red, and her little heart was suddenly touched.


There was another light sound, and Sanyueqi pressed the shutter again, capturing Kiana's shy and cute appearance.

""Hmm? Hey, you!" Kiana said coquettishly.

The two were playing half-jokingly, when a long-eared rabbit with a hat came to their side.

"This new passenger named Kiana, before the train jumps, I have a few words for you."

"Huh?"Kiana came back to her senses and looked towards the source of the voice.

"Are you the conductor Pam?"

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Kiana wouldn't have believed that the conductor of this train was actually a rabbit.

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