"Well, not bad~" Pam nodded her little head,"It seems that you have remembered the name of this train conductor well, Pam."

Then Pam said seriously:"But, listen carefully, newcomer! I will only say important things once! Recently, many people may say"you are special". However, this is the Starry Sky Train, and the passengers on the train have some secrets that cannot be told!"

"Now that you have chosen to board the train, you must abide by the train rules. You are not the only special person on the train, so remember this!"

"Okay, that's all! If you encounter any problems on the train, just come to me, Pam!"

After saying that, Pam walked away with her butt twisted.

Kiana was thoughtful as she watched Pam leave. The next moment, she was suddenly hugged by March Seven, who whispered into Kiana's ear,"Don't look at Pam like this, she's actually quite easy to talk to~ As long as... you praise her often"

"Hmm... So that's how it is~" Kiana suddenly realized,"I didn't expect the train conductor to be a little tsundere." Kiana whispered

"Ouch!" Sanyueqi quickly covered Kiana's mouth and said,"Don't let the conductor hear this."

""Okay, okay, I get it. I won't say anything." Kiana smiled and patted Sanyueqi's hand, signaling her to rest assured.

At this moment, Pam's voice sounded again, still holding the small speaker in her hand.

"Attention, passengers! The train will start to jump immediately. Please stay in your seats. We are about to go to the"Black Tower" space station!"

At this moment, Xiao Sanyue did not challenge the standing jump as usual, but sat with Kiana and chatted.


"Hey! March." Kiana called March Seven in a low voice, then glanced at Dan Heng who was sitting on the sofa opposite her with his eyes closed and his arms crossed over his chest, and continued,"Why doesn't he speak all the time?"

"Huh? You mean Dan Heng? He has always been like this. It should be related to his life experience. He only said that his hometown is in"Xianzhou". It seems that he joined the train to avoid someone who has been chasing him."

"Escape being hunted? It sounds very complicated."Kiana frowned. She couldn't imagine a person having to leave his hometown to escape being hunted. This experience was too strange and heavy for her.

"Yes, I am also curious why such a gentle teacher like Dan Heng would have any enemies. However, everyone on the train took good care of him, and he gradually integrated into the place. But, he may need more time to open his heart."March Seven said softly, her eyes revealed a trace of helplessness and sympathy.

Suddenly, March Seven changed the subject.

"But I tell you, the almighty teacher Dan Heng is still very reliable. Every time I go on a"pioneering" journey with him, he is the first to step forward when we encounter negotiation problems and dangers. He knows everything, can repair everything, and often accommodates me. If you have any questions, just ask him directly!"As soon as he finished speaking, San Yue Qi's expression suddenly became lost again, and he sighed.

"Alas, it's a pity that the omnipotent teacher Dan Heng doesn't like to talk much. Every time I want to chat with him, the topic ends after a few words. I can't stand it.……"

When Kiana first met Danheng, she thought he was a difficult person to get along with, but she didn't expect him to have such a side."It seems that you can ask him any questions about this world." Kiana thought so.

At this time, Danheng, who was opposite Kiana, opened his eyes and frowned. He looked at Kiana and Sanyueqi opposite him, thinking to himself:"How come you are talking about me all of a sudden?"

Danheng's eyes wandered between Kiana and Sanyueqi. He didn't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, but their voices were not small, making it difficult for him not to pay attention.

He sighed slightly, feeling a little helpless. It's not that he doesn't like to communicate with people, but his past experiences have caused him some barriers in interpersonal relationships. However, watching Kiana and Sanyueqi chatting so happily, he couldn't help but feel a little warm.

In his heart, he has long regarded the train group as his own family, but he just does his own thing silently without saying anything.

After a while, the train exuded a blue light, followed by bursts of"buzzing" sounds.——

"Is this a jump? What a strange feeling, what kind of energy is driving it?"Kiana exclaimed

"Eh? Don't you know? I thought Uncle Yang had told you before when we talked for so long."March Seven looked at Kiana with some doubt.

""Huh? Maybe I just talked to him about the past and forgot to ask."

Kiana scratched her head and smiled a little embarrassedly. She was indeed curious about the energy drive method of the jump, but it seemed that she had not touched on this topic in her previous conversation with Uncle Yang.

"It's okay, when the jump is over you can ask Dan Heng, he is in charge of the train's"think tank" and knows more. By the way, you may feel a little dizzy for your first jump experience, it's normal. If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell me."March Seven said with concern.

Kiana nodded to show her understanding.

The next moment, the scenery outside the train window was infinitely stretched, as if it was stretched into a flowing painting. Starlight, galaxies, nebulae, stars, black holes... everything passed by quickly in front of her eyes, as if it was a visual feast. Kiana was deeply attracted by all this. She felt as if she was in a dreamy universe, shocked and curious.

However, this experience did not last long. After only 5 seconds, the scenery outside the window returned to normal. At this time, the train was only a short twenty kilometers away from the"Black Tower" space station.

"This feeling... is very strange. It is completely different from the feeling when I use the power of the Herrscher of the Void.……"Kiana closed her eyes and recalled the feeling of the jump. The feeling of being wrapped in endless stars and traveling through time and space was unforgettable. She opened her eyes and looked out the window. In the distance, she could see the outline of the"Black Tower" space station and the huge planet next to it.

"What is Herrscher of the Void?" Sanyueqi was a little confused when he heard this unfamiliar word that Kiana just said.

"Huh? That's a long story, but it's not a secret.……"

Before Kiana could finish her words, she was interrupted by Jizi's sudden voice.

"Everyone, an emergency! The"Black Tower" space station has been attacked by the antimatter army, and the stationmaster Estelle has sent me a request for support. We must go to support it immediately!"

"Antimatter Corps? What is that?"Kiana was a little confused.

Walter pushed his glasses and gave a simple answer to Kiana:"In simple terms, the Antimatter Corps is the followers of Nanook, the star god of destruction, and they are used to carrying out Nanook's will of"destruction". In his view, civilization is a cancer that has quietly grown in the universe and needs to be eliminated and corrected."

"Star God? Destruction? They want to destroy civilization?"This information once again refreshed Kiana's worldview. It seems that this world is completely different from their worldview.

"Since we, the"pioneers", have encountered them, we can't just stand by and watch. Jizi, let's go and support them quickly, otherwise it will be troublesome."

Sanyueqi's tone was a little anxious, and he immediately summoned his bow and arrow, ready to fight at any time.

"Jizi, tell me what to do." Then Dan Heng raised his hand and summoned his"Jiyun" spear.

"Since they are a threat to all civilizations in the universe, we must not let them go."Kiana said, and took out her double guns"Nameless Realm".

In order not to cause unnecessary damage to the space station, Kiana tried her best to suppress her power of the end. Otherwise, if she didn't suppress it, I'm afraid that a normal shot rich in the power of the end could directly blow up a planet.

"Okay, now that everyone is ready, I will assign the tasks. We are now about 20 kilometers away from the space station, which is just right for us to use the"opening up" boundary anchor to teleport there. The train will stay here temporarily. Walter will stay on the train until the problem is solved and then drive the train over. Xiao Sanyue, Danheng, and Kiana will go with me to support the space station."

""Got it!"

The three of them answered in unison, and then a flash of light passed by, and the four of them disappeared on the spot.

Walter, who stayed on the train, kept an eye on the situation outside the window, ready to respond to the possible attacks of the antimatter army at any time.

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