Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 36. Finding a Dream (3)

Even a green dragon can't power a cell. It was concluded that maintenance was necessary. I wouldn't have said that if Spring had known a little more about herself. The problem was that. Spring didn't know who he was.

He never explained to the children his bad looks. I had no reason to say it. Make your daily life better. To make the memories of the happier dragons, they were better off not knowing what kind of human life he had lived.

The regent was enough if the dragons were happy. Getting closer than needed wasn't what I wanted. He never wanted to get close. Of course, I never tried to look good.

It was just, there was a desperate repetition of not knowing the routine, so we were living the routine together.

“ ……. ”

So he didn't feel this way.

Just the bodyguard next to the celebrity. I just wanted you to know that.

Now, does he feel like he's a real family?

“So, no more talking? ”

“ ……. ”

“Now, prove it. ”

The spring that stood up approached him.

Spring descended from the distance to reach him as he stretched out his arms, looking at his eyes, avoiding the sleepy eyes.

Then I put my two hands on my waist. Top with a boxy fit sweatshirt.

“Prove it. Prove it. ”

“I told you before. I'm asking you to do it. ”

Then I pull my sweatshirt from behind. The fluffy clothes cling to his waist.

The curve that follows the waist from the ribs to the line of the hips reveals exactly the same.

I could not find any tension or hesitation in the eyes of the spring, who faced my gaze. Earlier, when I approached my hand, I was not as nervous as I was.

Why didn't you like it before? Why is it a good color now? The regent did not understand the delicate and subtle emotions of the baby dragon.


But the routine is awkward. Even if the relationship remains unfamiliar. Now I know for sure. Spring shows that he wishes for trouble.

And his thoughts were not wrong. He's starting to get in trouble a little bit now.

“Huh...? ”

Spring is one step closer. He was looking at his face. As at any time, he was expressionless.

However, words and actions appropriate to this situation did not come to mind. It was just a matter of silence.

So spring came one step closer.

“Come on……. ”

On the spring ship approaching the front of the nose, the keeper turns his head slightly.

And the spring clearly realized how difficult it was to maintain in such a small movement.

“Don't you? ”

Spring endured the almost bursting laughter. Then he came a little closer and tugged his stomach on the head of the keeper.

She lifts her head and raises her spring.

So spring couldn't stand it any longer.

“Ah..! ”

When the spring broke out of the waist dance, the bread burst and started laughing. Smile and lose center so you can fall into the corner of the terrace. “Aang ― Studies...! Argh!” He grips his stomach with his breath. When you smile like a cock, you shake your feet.

He sighs and shakes his head.

* * *

After laughing for a while, he said, "Huff, huff.....” Breathing Spring.

Today I decided to ask once.

“Why are you laughing so much? ”

Spring ran out as I wiped the tears on my tibia.

“It's funny. You're embarrassed. ”

“I've never been shy. ”

“Uh-huh. I see. ”

“... I mean, why is that funny. ”

“Of course it's funny. Who would embarrass you in this world? ”

A good spring breeze hits the terrace. The hair of grass shakes. Spring smiled.

“or me. ”

* * *

So the fish and rabbit on the table.

Spring asked.

“How was it?”

“I'd like to ask. ”

“I just do. ”

As we did in the last rounds, the sculpture also fails.

If he had been an ordinary human being, he would not have been punished by one act. But he's a dragon. There is little change in the dragon's thoughts or values.

“You made it good. ”

“Just…… I don't feel affectionate when I look at sculptures made. ”

Spring pushes the rabbit statue with its fingers extended. The rabbit fell.

Paintings, sculptures, novels.

Among them, the cause of the sculpture's failure was' not affectionate 'to the finished sculpture.’.

“ ……. ”

I'm steaming something a little. The painting says, 'I just don't want to draw pretty. The’ sculpture ‘is not affectionate to the sculpture.’ Rani, there is no big reason.

“What's next? ”

Somehow, I think so next time.

But I decided to try it.

“Novel. Would you like to write it? ”

“A novel?”

Spring, as the bear thought, became a bright face.

“That's good?”

Surprisingly, he asked.

“You ever think about writing a novel or something? ”

“Yes, when I was very young. I snuck out to play outside Rare when I saw ghosts all the time. ”


“It was amazing then. I was wondering if I could write a novel with that experience. ”

“What's the genre then? ”

“Hmm... Horror? ”

Green Dragon and Horler? Is there a combination that doesn't fit this well?

Anyway, he looks good.

As a horror, it seemed that the impact of spring on life and maintenance would also be partly explained. I've had a few horrendous encounters with monsters.

If there had been any change in his heart, he might have written a novel that he had not written in the 6th time.

“Yeah, try it. ”

“Yes. What about you? ”

The regent shook his head. Even when it comes to painting and sculpture, fiction is not a particularly good thing to share.

“Do it yourself this time. ”


Spring nodded gently.

Later that day, the spring carried a holographic device and knocked the batter in the living room or in my room.

Then I got round and big glasses somewhere.

“I feel like a novelist. Does it suit you?”

I didn't know the criteria for a match, but I don't think anything would fit. He nods.

Until now, unlike painting or sculpting, spring was full.

Of course, the deviation did not end, so the spring missed half of the class for a few days afterwards.

Rare is as sensitive to attendance as he is to military school. There was a call from the Bureau of Foreign Affairs questioning the attendance of the spring. He said he was not feeling well. Then I saw the spring knocking the batter in the back smiling.

Unlike paintings or sculptures that lost interest in a day, the novel continued for three or four days.

Maybe he really found aptitude.


After four days, the face of the spring as the dogbird went down to write a novel turned worse.

“What's wrong? ”

“ ……. ”

He looks twice as fat as usual and alternates with the device.

Then he shook his head. Something is not right, but it still doesn't stop the beater.

He decided to watch quietly.

* * *

One spring night. At 2: 00 in the morning. Someone knocked on a maintenance visit. “Uh.” As he reacts, the spring pushes his head through the crack.

“Have you slept?”

The regent shakes his head. Then the spring with the poop goggles sighed.


“It's just, I don't have a novel. ”

“Come and sit down. ”


Spring sat on his bed.

“How's that? Yeah. ”

“It's a horror novel, so ghosts don't come out often. ”

“Of course I am.”

“In a scene where ghosts come out, the protagonist has to be scared. But no matter how you think about it, you can't express your fear. ”

“You said you saw a ghost. ”

“Yes. Ghosts and Undead..... but I wasn't afraid even then. ”

It's awkward that the dragon is afraid of ghosts.

Hatzling is similar in appearance to humans, but there is a strange contradiction. Maybe this is why he didn't get much of a response when he wrote the novel in the sixth time.

“Anyway, so? ”

“I've been thinking about it for days. At least when I was scared of something, I lived only once...? ”

Then I see the notion of retention. I felt like I didn't have to listen, but I knew when it was.

“The day you first saw me? ”

“Yes, the day of the kidnapping. ”

Oh, my God.


“Can't you just play a ghost once? ”

“ ……. ”

No, it won't.

But I wasn't willing to do it.

“Even when I got caught up in something that was against my dimension, I wouldn't be afraid. ”

“It's not fear by the target. ”

“How different. ”

“Well, by analogy. It's a frivolous night when the dimension goes against it. It's scary, but Horror Novels can't have ghosts. ”

“... I guess so. ”

Despite hearing the explanation, the regent did not give up.

The essence was different from when I asked you to tell me that summer threatened journalists. After all, I'm asking you for a situation in which he might somehow feel threatened. The fear that remains will remain forever, won't it? So he was silent.

“Can't you? If not, it's okay……. ”

He gave up surprisingly gently.

“You know you can say no. Well... it could be... ”

But the horse's tail gets longer.

“The painting and the sculpture failed..... and so is the novel. But this time it was quite fun.... ”

Then I took off my glasses and put them in the trash.

“…… what do we do next? ”

I felt like protesting all over. Maintenance was determined to help.

Spring nods brightly.

“Well, I'm going to write here. Surprise me from behind. ”

“Surprised? ”

“I'll be a little bit harsher than that. Make it a little worse. ”

“Tell me more about the situation. ”

“Umm, so……. ”

This was the situation in the novel.

A woman, a criminal, runs away and finds a lodge in the mountains. Then I press peacefully at home. Bring a friend to play. I also bring someone I love to play with. In fact, the woman killed the owner of the lodge. Then the soul of the lodge owner became a ghost and took revenge on the woman.

“Do you know about revenge? ”

“I know.”

“Well, that's what it feels like. I just feel like I'm in trouble. ”

Do you feel like you're in trouble?

“Got it.”

The situation drama has begun.

Spring turned off the fire and sat at the table of the keeper. Then I started writing something down in my notes with a pen.

In the meantime, the regurgitator raises his body slowly.

I feel like I'm in trouble.....

There is nothing serious about the child. However, it will only be a feeling.

He thought.

I am the owner of the lodge.

She killed me and took my lodge.

It's just a feeling, but when you look back at the last time, you remember being taken from a woman. There was also a memory of revenge on her.

What did I do then?


He seemed to have approached the woman's back with a noisy step. At that time, the target was sitting at his desk laughing and eating a delightful dish. As it was then, the green-haired girl did not feel her foundation. He tucks his hand around his neck, embracing the woman behind his back. When a stranger touches his neck, the woman who didn't even know until the moment he came behind his back realizes that he is wrapped around his body. He opens his mouth slowly with his ear to his ear. “That sounds fun.” Then I strangled the woman with my big, thick hands.....

“ ……! ”

At that moment, as if spring were seizing, I was surprised and looked back at him.

There was a tension in my eyes that I could not see until now.

Was it that scary? No way. I had no intention of threatening him. I didn't even think about killing someone like that. It was just an imitative gesture.

“... spring. You're okay.”

“Ah, ah, ah…… yes. ”

The expression is not fine at all. That degree could be distinguished.

The spring, which avoided the sluggish eyes, grabbed my chest and bowed its head. He then headed to the visit with a slow pace.

“I'm sorry if I was surprised. I was trying to feel like something was going wrong. It must have been too much.”

“Oh, no…… I'm really fine. ”

He closes the door like he ran away without even looking this way to the end.

It was a mistake even though I refrained from doing it. The lonely regent touches the stranglehold awkwardly.

I won't let you.

* * *

Spring returned to my room, leaning back on the door. Then I could breathe what seemed to explode.

I was surprised. I felt feverish on my forehead and cheeks. My heart beats like hell.

I just thought I'd come by and surprise you. I will hold it from behind with my arms....

The spring recalled the situation, closed its eyes and vomited a deep, hot breath.

The shivering lips swung upward. Spring smiled and murmured.

“I almost got in trouble..... ”

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