Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 37. Preparation of the Heart

“How was it? The novel. ”

In response to his question, Spring answered without a thought.

“Let me do a little bit more. ”

Unlike in painting, sculpture, spring seemed to be intrigued by fiction.

Maybe he found himself in the last six times. If he had, he was enjoying himself and working hard. It must have been the abduction of the peacekeepers.

“I see.”


“… can you help me often? ”

His voice was subtle. Perhaps he wanted to be surprised a lot last time, he asked as if he was worried. Are you gonna be okay?

Spring nodded unhappily.

Just in case, there was a student contest going on in Rare. The writing sector was mostly pure literature and poetry contests, only once a year. There was a horror contest closing in July.


The spring saw the contest basin as well. Manuscript 300 pages. The time remaining is approximately half a year. I had enough time to write one page a day.

“I'll get ready. Would you like to see what I wrote yesterday? ”

“What did you write yesterday? ”


He handed over the manuscript. Yu Hyeong-tae sat quietly and began to read.

Spring used to lean on the back of such a retainer and put his arms on his shoulders, and read the manuscript as follows:

“ ……? ”

Winter looked at her like that and laughed at her head.

Plug the pink flower shaped pin into your head. A shape that is expected on the back of the child. She sat down and denied it. Spring was standing in the mirror.

I think I saw something similar....

The winter that the bear was pondering, he realized something and turned his head and looked at the painting on the wall. A picture of a gray cedar flower and a pink flower attached to it.

Winter turned gogal again.

The painting resembled the retention of spring.

* * *

The light deviation of spring ended with it. Afterwards, he put a flower pin on his head, wearing the same raw clothes as before. Then I went well without forgetting the class.

In the seventh time, could he find his dream? Keeping an eye on the ear.

By the way, that morning, before they still went to the academy district.

Today's 301 was a mess somewhere.

“ ……. ”

‘ ……. ’

Guardians and chicks were staring at each other.

Strange tension flowed.

‘I thought you could use a lot of food. ’

The Guardian thought.

Recently, the chicks were eating half a sack of feed a day. I gave it to him because he ate what he gave me, so I got this quadruple.

In fact, if it was eating a lot of food, it didn't matter. It's not about the money. It's not a problem to buy. I feel good when I see tosyltosyl flesh rising.

When you get a huge chicken, how happy will fall be...?

The Guardian became blurred just by thinking.

However…… it was a problem for the chicks to spread in the toilet.

‘I can't imagine. ’

The dragons don't come out no matter how much they eat. It is because the digestive system is able to replace almost 100% of what is in the body with energy.

However, the artifact is not a dragon. He gives something as much as he eats.

In fact, this never happened before. Chicks often went out. I handled the job outside. But now it's different. Even the artifacts are intelligent, so at least they're cheap in the bathroom, but they weren't cheap in the toilet.

It's only up to the guardian to get rid of it.

So the guardian sighs every time he comes out of the bathroom.

“I was patient enough. From today on, I think I need an education. ”

“Beep Jung? (What kind of education?) ”

“You should have defecation education. ”

“Beep Jung?) ”

“Don't you know what I mean? ”

“Beep, beep, beep, beep. (No, I don't. I'm not asking what his defecation education is.) ”

The Guardian didn't know what the chick meant, but he seemed to know he was suspicious.

Hmm. Does it not work in human language? The red eye light in the helmet grows.

Then why don't we do this?

“Beep Jung.”

“Beep…… (What is this……)”

“Beep, beep, beep. ”

“ …? (??) ”

The guardian cried out in a scratchy voice. The chick was afraid of why this lunatic wanted to do this.

“It's time for a conversation. Beep, beep, beep. ”

“Beep hoop! Beep hoop! (No, it doesn't work! Speak in person!) ”

“Phew. Phew. Phew. ”

“Beep, beep, beep! (Did you turn? Why are you doing this!) ”

“Beep Jung.”

“Beep Jung. (I'll be damned.) ”

Or not. The guardian took the chick and gave her all day of defecation training.

Human words can be understood, but the Guardian's "beeping.“ ”I couldn't understand, so the chick was frustrated all day.

It was a little ridiculous to keep an eye on the side. However, because he couldn't find a reason to correct his pregnancy, he turned his nerves off from the two of them.

“Argh...! ”

In the meantime, the autumn dressed in fresh clothes put their hands on their heads and went around the hallway.

He looked three times more distracted than usual.

“What's wrong, Autumn? ”

“Uh-uh, uh-uh, what do I do? What am I supposed to do!”

“What's wrong with him? ”

“Today is the day of the assignment announcement...! I didn't investigate the data, so I took over the presentation. This is the first time you're announcing me! ”

“You can make an announcement. ”

“But, Gee, I'm nervous! ”

Cheers to spring. Cheers to summer. And the autumn, which was a blessing to the winter, ran to the keeper.


“ ……. ”

“What should I do!? I wasn't even prepared! Stand in front of me in the dark! Everyone will only look at me...! ”

And he said, "Huh? That's good...?” It's quiet.

Of course, I haven't been there for a few seconds. He regains a distracted position.

“None of your friends did any work together!? ”

In sum, I ask you to share your memories or feelings as you did at the time of the Declaration. He shook his head. I never did a joint assignment. Autumn became a cry and looked at the summer.

“Summer! ”

“Oh, why this pig. Shut up and I'll die.”

“How can you not be nervous? It was natural when I interviewed you!? ”

Summer snorted.

“Are you nervous that ants see you? ”

“ ……?! ”

The Red clan's gaze was so different from the Gold clan's. Even so, the ant..... asked Spring when she muttered.

“What about you? What about you? How can you not be nervous? ”


“Yes! You don't get nervous when you're nervous! ”

“Well, right? ”

Spring opened her mouth as she thought for a moment.

“You just have to be prepared. ”

“How do you prepare your mind? ”

“Predict the embarrassing events before they happen. I don't know what could happen in that situation. ”

“For example? ”

“Well…… when you announce, someone will ask you a question. ”


“Then I would like to set out in advance what questions will be poured out and what abrupt situations will happen. Think about dealing with that situation. ”

“Oh...! Approximately how many situations do you have to anticipate?! ”

Autumn looked at the spring with hopeful eyes.

“200 to 500 a month? ”

And hope broke. From what I hear, that looks like a green dragon or a possible way. It was too early to imagine 200 sudden situations.

Still, it would be better not to be prepared. Autumn started muttering with a watch, looking at the data of the teamwork.

Then I thought, autumn looked back on spring.

“Ah, Sister! But thinking about it, I've barely seen you panic. ”


“Why are you panicking when you're not ready? ”

Spring swept over the other side of the corridor.

“Yes. I was embarrassed too..... ”

By then, the winter stretched out its arms, asking the keeper for a hug.

“ ……! ”

As he embraced, a small cheek touched his neck. Skin was soft.

Then, he lifts the collar of his retaining shirt with a familiar hand. Is the necklace well worn? He never removed the necklace, so even today the winter nods satisfactorily.

It is now between 6 and 7 years old when the baby's tea is completely out of control.

Then, around this time in the last session, he was dislodged.

The term "dislocation" means that the adult dragon comes out of his body as his body grows. Even a dragon undergoes two or three escapes when it's an immature baby. And then the dragon gets really weak.

Is it a sad time?

He asked me for a moment to think about the sixth time.


“ ……? ”

“Have you ever had an epileptic feeling? ”


“If you want to feel a little weird, tell me right away. You got it?”

He nods nicely.

The winter replied, hugging the neck of the peacekeeper. It was an unreasonable hug. I've been a little moody lately, and it's been like this for a long time. Water hair tickled my chin.

“Peep, Pew, Pew!”

That's where the chick screams. As I was listening, I was struck by the Guardian's wipe between my legs.... Winter wondered if it was, and ran down from the arms of the retainer.

The chick was soaked in water. The winter takes away the chick in surprise and grumbles at the guardian.

“Argh. Little lady. ”

“... What are you doing? ”

“We were doing defecation training. ”

“... Why, do you harass me? ”

“Harassment, harassment! No, it was just a necessary education! ”

“... Anma. ”



The Guardian was shocked at the pronounced words of winter.

At the same time, the chick embraces the winter by insulting her guardian, as if she had found a savior.

However, the situation has changed dramatically. Dirty thing that hasn't yet been properly wiped off the chick's fur (?) is buried in the arm of this winter.

“ ……? ”

What the hell is this?

Knng, knng.

The winter smells worse.

“ ……. ”

“Look at that. Little lady. There is such a problem because education is not enough. ”

The guardian, who identified the opportunity, persuaded the winter.

Winter wiped my arm clean with the magic of "Cleanliness (B)" and looked at the chick.

“Beep, beep, beep, beep!”

A chick who realized it was a lifetime mistake began to explain.

Winter, however, smiled lightly and only stroked the chick's head.

“… work hard, spouse. ”

The chick felt the world crumble. I can't do that! Don't give up on me! ’Winter turned the chick over to the guardian. The running chick is puddled and dragged to the guardian's feet.

Winter closed the door as the toilet came out.

“Beep Yuu...! ”

The chick's void scream rang in 301.

* * *

That day, Keeping was accompanied by summer. By the time I get him to class early in the morning.

The status window came to mind.

He didn't want to lose to the congregation clock. Now I see you sending an alarm.

In a minute.

Maintenance gave rise to a list of renewed performance assignments. The clearance of the low level dungeon is 15 points. Individual tournaments win 10 points. The task of carrying out a specific teaching is a 15-point study. Tribute is 7 points…….

As a matter of fact, the scores are low, so I didn't want to do anything today.

One thing. There was a task that caught his eye.

― 87. B + Grade Underground Rift Attack (100 )

Basic payment point: 20/additional points when completing a raw axe without the intervention of a minimum of 4 party targets/guardians.

(However, it is considered a failure to attack when intervening with guardians)

Add points based on combat public to Base Point 20. This allows you to collect at least 30 to at most 100 points with one assignment.

If it's an underground rift, it's where monsters pour into the stables. As risky as this was, it was the most rewarding of the renewed assignments to date.

As evidenced by that, after the maintenance assignment, 100 people kicked all the gardens before three seconds passed.

It would have been quite a pity if I had missed the summer.

* * *

“Oh, that's okay. ”

Summer, which confirmed the assignment as he thought, did not hide the excitement.

“So you're fighting the monsters in the basement? ”


“The kid who killed a lot of people is poisoning points? ”


“Oh, I love crazy dogs. ”

Then the status window came up again.

Yes, well done.

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