Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 40. Proof of Life (2)

That's it. It went right in.

The summer I judged opened the street.

The battle has passed the quarter. Relieves tension in the body.

The hours of clumsy walking with the hands of the keeper, once again, grabbed my head and passed. ‘You will walk from now on.’ Obviously, that's what Maintenance said then.

From now on, because I can't walk until now, I wanted to leave Yooseo saying how great it is to walk in summer.

But now I seemed to know.

The walk he said was so great.

After listening to Sofia, she hid her power. It was the first time she had done her best to live and move in action.

I feel a vivid power in my whole body. The dragon heart was shaking even after the situation was over.

The first thing that came to mind now was retention.


He was a strange man.

When I pretended to be a kidnapper, I now pretend to be a guardian.

When I pretend to be human and train, I feel like a red dragon.

I pretended to be interested in being a teacher who never cared. Now you're playing like a real teacher.

Why did you want to do this? Now I'm convinced. Maintenance training was right. He was right about his teacher.

Just now, he proved it with his body.

“Hey! Summer! ”

Then Sofia rushed and shoved a potion into her mouth in the summer. He was bleeding red iron with his shoulders pierced.

Summer takes the potion and drinks, Sophia screams.

“Summer. Are you really crazy? ”

“Ew. Why again. ”

“What the hell are you thinking? ”

“You won.”

“What have you won? It's not over! Why the hell did we start this? You almost got us all killed here! ”

“You're not searching, are you? It's just a death sentence. ”

“If you did, you'd be in my hands! ”

Sofia, stained with excitement, cries out in a haughty voice.

“Why are you doing this to your dick without saying anything? ”

“No dick. ”

“No kidding. I'm really pissed. ”

Why am I doing this?

Summer should not be a no-face turn. What did Sophia yell? However, in disregard of the summer, I searched my pockets and pulled out a little chocolate.

I saw something shining blue in the body of that distant, broken and burnt giant spider.

“This is what happened anyway. If you have time to buzz, get ready. ”

Summer put the chocolate that she gave me in her mouth.

I didn't like the sweetness. It would have been better if it had been a seizure.

* * *

Petrovich is a hero.

No, not just Petrovich. The majority of young people who were active during the Great War tended to clutter the beginners of the new era.

Petrovich always thought.

When I was.

If I die fighting a monster, my mother dies.

A woman who lost her husband to a young gangster. Her life, which fed me and my younger brother with a hollow body, has changed. It was on my two shoulders.

But do kids know that these days?

These days things don't work out.

It's clumsy.

No desperation. No sense of crisis. There is no desperation. The desire to be strong at the risk of life has been castrated. I am watering and grazing grass in a safe field, so I can't tell how I used to turn the dust upside down to eat weeds that are rooted in the desert.

I know what kind of athlete a rookie is.

Genius was in every age. In the brokerage, there are some who are as gigantic as the dragon. That's it.

Dangerous places are avoided. It became urgent to hand them over to each other. I can't find the young man who tries to kill the monster until he rips off my flesh.

Of course, it's not a student problem. It's an era like that. It's just a shame.

I used to.

― Wow! Summer!!

― Too cool ٩ (ᗜ ˋ *) و

- Come on! Are you crazy!!!


Petrovich grabbed both fists.

Here, there were the beginners of that time.

A young, fuzzy face. It was a ludicrous battle, but in those days it seemed to have cost the family's lives on the shoulders. Unfortunately, weakness was the only thing that had to be realized as a sin. The soldiers of those days were there.

“Oh, shit! Good luck!! ”

The moment the summer strikes the boss with dozens of metres. Petrovich swung his fist and smashed the shelf without even knowing it. The books were poured out, but he didn't even give it a glance.

“Everyone be nervous! It's not over yet! ”

The middle-aged soldier cried out because he was devastated.

“When you're dealing with a monster in a crack, I always said I had to understand monsters! ”

― L

― Yes You said it!

“Why is the boss wearing a human body on the subject of spiders? ”

Fearfully before Petrovich's words end, two phases of the Boss War begin.

The Fire Mana exploded. The body of a spider caught in a huge flame burns or explodes. It's because the arthropod monster is as vulnerable to fire as it always is.

However, the human body attached to such a sheath was different. Despite the fall of his head, it began to move.

Quack, quack!

At the same time, the entrance to the boss room, blocked by summer, was breached. A heap of cadets rush out of their greed. Almost thirty were women.


A two-faced body extends out of the sheath. The torso resembles that of a woman, but the protrusion has four pairs of wings that resemble wingworms.

― Ugh, gross.

― Damn it. Stu's coming up for breakfast.

― and dog 줰 look alike;;


A monster that resembles a human.

Petrovich focused on the screen with an impression. From here, the walls of reality can't be without eagerness.

Eradication should not be a single moment. It should be routine.

According to the information provided, the time given to attack the dungeon was four days. In the meantime, how prepared I am will be revealed.

Forgetting to comment, Petrovich focused on the next situation. After dozens of students, winning or losing is meaningless.

“In fact, some viewers see this. You probably don't even know the details. What the evaluation criteria are. ”

― Why don't you do a lot of damage?

― No. Makta is more important than damage. Who kills? Isn't that the key?

― Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Don't you think it's the safest thing to do? It's a boss fight, and it's about winning!

Hundreds of chats in a row.

Everyone's right. That's right, but the value you want to evaluate in Rare is a little different.

“The important thing is which team can first adapt and battle for 'abnormal status’. ”

That was the proof of preparation time.

Over the last three days, how well you prepared for the attack.

How well equipped they are to prepare for the attack.

That was the core of the evaluation.

“It's going to start. Gravity will spill!”

Soon, tremendous pressure began to pour over the cadets and summer team heads. Approximately 20 times the gravity.

“The cadets will be confused! ”

Hahns, they're still young cadets. There are only veterans among the superhumans who can respond immediately to excess gravity.

“Suddenly I'm missing a heavier weapon. It's hard to support my body!! ”

Petrovich's words became reality. About half of the cadets miss their weapons, and eight of the cadets stumble and kneel. They were even double-handed machetes, and cadets dealing with heavy weapons, such as sniper muskets, were also armed.

A witch came to the air. Then he flew out of his mind, shooting arrows and lightning bolts of ice.

The fallen cadets were deceitful. As long as you are not a rookie of the Front Guard line, you are a fool for witchcraft's powerful magic. The protective necklace is broken in one room and the protective curtain is opened.

In the meantime, I wake up one by one.

“Watch carefully! Right now!”

The team that first adjusted to excess gravity and entered a two-faced Boss War.

- Oh, come on. I think they're getting ready.

― Amazing, even if you're injured!

― I got up...! ()

It was the summer team, not the other way around.

Petrovich felt the blood boiling from somewhere deep in his stomach.

It wasn't just about getting up and fighting. Summer and Sofia fit into the front-fighter position, sprung up as usual.

The two Sharp Shooters in the back were also reluctant to attack with weapons.

Summer and mojiri were thoroughly prepared.

“Holy shot! ”

The veteran screams with cheer.

Soon after, the Dragon Seed family, Erfan Guild, and Noblesse School all happened at similar times.

Due to the high number of cadets, the witch regained consciousness when the attack began. Then, a few seconds later, gravity loosened.

I'm going to beat you up in a crowd. What can I do for you?

The witch was killed as she was. That's how the attack ended.

+ + + Scoreboard + + +

1. Summer and Morgees: 20

2. Nobless: 8

3. Team Erfan: 7

4. ‘Dragon’ Squad: 6


+ + + Scoreboard + + +

Overwhelming, it was the victory of the summer team.

“First of all, I'll do the commentary here today. ”

Petrovich clapped his hands with a cheerful smile.

The Rare Public Affairs Bureau footage ended.

“Today is a great day. I've got a glimpse into new possibilities. So, I'll be back when the next PR video is released. This is the Balkan Peninsula. WOO Serbia Branch. It was Petrovich.”

However, even after stopping broadcasting the streaming video, Petrovich's "Summer and Mojiri" did not leave his head.

Really. How long have you been feeling?

There are many students who are determined to fight desperately only by words. There may be those who follow frozen behaviour. But the atmosphere starts with the eyes. And there are few who evoke the perfumes of the former soldiers until the age of majesty.

Sofia Borkova. And I've never seen a name before.

These three were amazing.

However, the summer that led them led the operation of the battle.

This is the real thing... It was‘ stuff ’that will never happen again.

+ + +

[Official Petrović of WOO]

Title: Summer is Coming

I became a fan of a student today. Wonderful. Great. Beautiful talent sparkles like a star.

+ + +

That night Petrovich secretly searched the summer cafe. I found one of the most active cafes in South Korea.

The name of the cafe was "The Madmen in Summer."

On the one hand, I was questioned.

What on earth made such a young cadet that summer in such a peaceful time?

What's the matter with you?

In fact, it's a life-threatening hollow, and even RIL's cadets can't be so desperate. Being a cadet means that you already have a position to confirm your life.

Either way, this wasn't Petrovich's problem. He left a greeting with a smiling face.

Hi guys! New kid on the block here!

Then the content was automatically translated.

PV: Heh! Get a new one!

* * *

After the attack.

When the summer came out. Summer flickered and looked around.

It seemed like I was looking for something.

And when a crowd of people began to approach, they frowned.

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