Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 40. Proof of Life (3)

In other words, reporters were waiting for the Portal Administration.

Summer has always been a lot of enemies. Many condemned this underground dungeon attack.

In the meantime, I've shown you the power of the Tal Subcontractor. No matter how the summer's answer came out, I saw signs of a great article.

Dozens of reporters came like zombies. The guards who were waiting at the Portal Administration stopped the journalists.

“Don't come too close to the cadets! ”

“These are the ones who just finished the battle. Thank you for your understanding!”

“Uh-huh! There's a reporter! Where do you belong? Don't keep your distance! ”

The number one interviewee is of course summer.

Summer was torn apart by blood and sweat. I didn't like the look of it, but that's what they know. Some people squeezed the crawl basket and ran in and asked excitedly.

But the reporters were persistent.

Faced with his eyes, he is afraid that his body will stiffen.

However, in his heart he called for joy. Now that summer's mouth is finally open, the traffic is a setback.

Journalists asked a slightly more aggressive question.

“What are you doing there? You're not gonna push these guys away? ”

The guards rushed to the annoyance of the summer and pushed the reporters away. However, there were too many reporters and the guards were not available.

Gearco and other journalists approached and asked.

The summer came to a standstill on the question that followed.

Then I turned the goggle.

After the filtered articles came out, the summer fan cafe ‘Madmen' began to be enthusiastic.

― Kitchen blah blah

― Captain exploded blah blah blah

― Yeah, it could be summer!

― Take our useless brother as a hostage

― Isn't that what you wanted? blah

― Honestly, it's a bit embarrassing.....

- Oh, Molland, I wish you well.

― This is right blah blah blah blah blah


― blah blah blah blah blah

― Gogan.

― Ah Shiva, do you want me to be cool?

When the temper of summer came to an answer, the journalist who saw him closely opened his mouth.

― blah blah blah blah

― blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah journalist collar noise blah blah blah

- Oh, fuck the cider.

― Ha Hyung-nim is a good dog, isn't that a problem? Rare would hate that.

- I don't think so. - Reporters crossed the line.

This interview has been much rougher and more difficult than any of the interviews to date. It was a last-minute interview. To the extent that I feel sensitive in the PR.

Thus, those who did not usually like the summer were firmly horned. If it were usual, they would have cursed once or twice, but this time they were harshly insulted.

- You're crazy. You must be out of your mind because you asked me to come or not.

― Is the reporter your friend? Crazy bitch;;

― What did he eat and be so arrogant? Look at those unpleasant eyes. You think all those pretty kids are out of their minds? It looks like a venomous viper.

―... It's pretty, to be honest. What do you do when you're pretty? I'm so handsome.

― I used to love it, but I'm disappointed, even in summer. It seems to have crossed a lot of lines.

Summer didn't matter at all, but the summer lovers and caretakers, in their possession, Kim Zi-in was unpleasant. As those with bad feelings began to solidarize, the Public Affairs Bureau also noticed Masscom little by little.

It was that night that public opinion was turned upside down.

+ + +

[Official Petrović of WOO]

Title: Thoughts and courtesy

I'm a slave reporter, a world ranker. Volcanoes burst. Earthquakes tore the ground apart. I've been covering people.

It was up to everyone to know the right information in the dungeon, and families waiting to strangle their sons and daughters as they watched our story and cried.

But what are journalists these days? Do you not behave politely, yet define the young and desperate as noble beings?

Of course, this is not a problem. Journalists can make someone uncomfortable enough. Because revealing Bondi's thoughts is based on someone's discomfort.

On the contrary, however, there is a problem in such situations where a young rookie does not respect revealing his or her thoughts.

Young journalists. You guys are scum.

You have offended me. It's okay, though. I'll make you unpleasant too.

+ + +

That day.

Petrovich and WOO (Hunters' Federation) telephones were delivered to national public media outlets.

And rarely, as a journalist, has an apology been posted. Those who decomposed in the summer concealed the end in an instant.

“ ……. ”

Summer should have listened to Masscom coping training, not as Bonn's publicity bureau.

He followed me gently without much complaint.

The time remaining for such events has passed rapidly. The first quarter of the in-school ranking competition ended.

Until now, the scores and ratings of the students who were covered in veils have increased.

Immediately today. It was released.

* * *

Parents were only watching quietly.

The screened big sister looks down at herself with an arrogant expression.

She reaches out and grabs her chin.

Then I opened my mouth.

‘ ― ―? ’

Summer was unforgettable.

A small, weak man touched his jaw with a strong hand. This is what the first born in the egg said. The bodies of her dead relatives that were unfolded behind her.

Because I can't forget. When you close your eyes and try to think about it, your emotions come alive.

Summer was cursed by the big sister who killed the little sister. The selection of the Red Clan was disgusting. Above all, I hated myself for being weak.

I wish I'd been born a little earlier. I would have been amused at the same time as other sisters. When I returned, I would have broken my neck to my big sister at the screening ceremony. Just like my little sister did.

So it's been a long time since summer was alive and breathing. It was thanks to the weak summer.

In other words, even his life is given in weakness. Summer was troubled by living and breathing time. Often I felt disgusted enough. The weakest of the Red Dragons had to die. You were the weakest. All the time that summer was alive came from contradiction.

And the reason these contradictions could have existed.

It's not because summer tried to do something.

Summer has something special, and it's not even born.

It's just,

"You're lucky? ’

... because I was lucky.

If the sinner has to die. Summer thought he should die too. You were weak. You were weak.

Nevertheless, there is no reason for summer to live today. There was just one thing I couldn't tell you.

If I could just say a word. Summer was nothing to be sad about even dying right now.

However, it was not easy to live with such a romantic idea.

Even though I lived well, sometimes my emotions fell apart. At that time, Summer had to console himself in order to push away the desire to die.

I've been trying this hard today. You're stronger than this. You deserve to live and breathe tomorrow.

Summer continued to require such conviction. Being motivated before the competition was also for that reason.

At last. Next to him was the strongest man I've ever seen in my life.

Because it was a red dragon that worshipped strength. For the summer, the man was the object of worship. Now that you're a teacher, summer is the most credible thing to do.

So he asked Keeping.

― Me, but... don't you think it's a little hard?

If my efforts today have been in vain. I don't deserve to live tomorrow.

― Me, but... You're doing great now, aren't you?

Still, I worked really hard. It's okay to live tomorrow, isn't it?

Summer, I asked Keeping.

― How old do you think I am when you look at me? Satisfactory?

Please let me live.

If you do this, you deserve to breathe tomorrow.

I wanted him to tell me.

It was a plea to live.

However, the man did not listen to his plea, even in falsehood. He was honest. Summer was good for his honesty. So when it wasn't recognized, he was just disgusted.

But one day. Late afternoon. At the back alley entrance.

It was a habit of biting and spitting out smoke.

Maintenance told himself.

― You're doing great. Much more than I thought.

In what the man said, summer panicked.

― What?

― Seriously, no dragon lives harder than you.

Summer was unbearable in the words of the retainer, and he looked down and laughed.

― Good.

As much as the moment was recognized by him, the summer was joyful for living and breathing without any closure.

On the one hand, it was not a compliment to work hard when you think about it. Because my sisters didn't work so hard, I didn't die on my big sister.

Summer had to be good. I had to be commended for doing well.

He had to do better.

A little more.

So even with the team's assignments, summer made impulsive decisions. I was suddenly anxious to get more points than anyone else.

So now.

Grade B + underground rift attack is over. At the end of the first quarter of the in-school ranking competition, the ranking that had been hidden until then was revealed.

+ + + Rank + + +

1. Summer: 901

2. Yongtaeha: 893

3. Vera Bluday: 889

4. Zhou Roushen: 883

+ + + + + + + + +

Summer found a room of retention with a report card. Just like I always did. The strongest man in the world looked at himself with blurred eyes.


I hesitated to say that the summer approached him. I didn't mean to pinch my toes.

“You know.”

“Tell me.”


Hand over the report card. Maintenance opens it.

“... just, I was number one. ”

He answered Moore roughly. He made a certain look. But I was not curious about such superficial reactions.

Summer proved himself to be a teacher, and his training was correct.

So this time, I wanted the maintenance to prove the value of being alive.

So the summer opened his mouth, which did not fall, forcibly asking again.

“Me, good job? ”

The summer I asked, he was pressing for fear until the wail. I looked into the face of a man who couldn't tell if he was lying.

The next moment.

Without hesitation.

Without a trace of contemplation.

The man replied reflectively.

“Yeah, I did a really good job. ”

Summer bites his lips hiccup.

Just now, retention proved his life. The moment I realized it, I felt like something exciting was flowing from my fingertips to my toes and shaking my whole body.

After bowing his head and vomiting hot breaths, the summer slowly walked.

He then wrapped his head around his neck while he was sitting in the chair. He pulls out his sluggish body backwards, but the summer hangs into the barracks and does not let him go.

Within hours, his big hand lightly knocked on his back. Something choking keeps pushing up. It seemed to explode as he spoke loudly.

So summertime he put his ear to the ear and said,

“... Thank you. ”

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