Kidnapped Dragons

45. Technical aspects of negotiations (2)

According to Chalna, spring did not miss the winter glare heading for the jelly.

A shallow smile spread on the fat face. That's what you were so sorry about, isn't it? Spring hid the insides and calmly asked.

“What's yours? ”

“· · · jelly. ”


“· · · Yes. Originally, it was mine. ”

“Well, no jelly. Our winter only eats jelly every day, so we fast at mealtimes. ”

“· · · jelly, I don't eat fast. ”

Spring looked into the snow of winter.


“· · · All of you, eat well. ”

“Then you can only eat jelly? ”

“· · · Yes. ”

“What if it's a world without jelly? ”

“ · · · · · ·? ”

“There's no jelly in Ascalipa. When we get back, winter will starve. ”

“ · · · · · ·! ”

“Then winter may die of hunger. I can't. I can't give you jelly. ”

Winter pondered for a while and opened his mouth slowly.

“· · · In the future, I won't. ”


“· · · Fasting. ”


“· · · Yes. Believe me, he did. ”

“Our winter is a good boy. ”

Finally, a positive answer came out, with a slight upward movement of the mouth of winter.

“If you don't fast, then I'll give it to you. ”

Then I went back down.

“· · · Do you not believe me? ”

“Me? I don't believe our winter. ”

“· · · So? ”

“But you know, even in winter, jelly is sour. ”


“And fragrant. It's chewy.”


“You're just happy when you eat. ”

That's what you're saying? A nodding winter look brightens up.

“That's why I can't believe jelly. ”

Quong. Something collapsed from the look of winter.

Winter thought. Skill number one of the negotiations. The ‘calm dialogue’ was a failure. But this is not how it happened, and this technology has never worked properly.

For as long as it's like this. Enter Skill 2 of Negotiation!

I wish I could say it with two skills. It was a proven skill that Autumn had already tested on her.

Winter stretched out its two arms to spring. I ask for a hug. With the exception of the maintenance, the spring is the most numerous, so spring naturally lifts the winter and sits on my knee and supports my back.

Closer to spring and winter, he hesitates for a moment and raises his head. The two eyes of the water come close. Spring watched why he wanted to do this. The child kissed his sister's cheek.

A slightly surprising spring overlooks the winter.

“What? What did winter do? ”

“· · · Well, bribes? ”

Then he laughs in the bedroom. His smile was cute, so Spring smiled lightly.

But there is no way. Spring shook both arms in winter and slowly brought lips to the child's forehead. Page, it was a noisy kiss.

Then the panic was winter.

An arithmetic calculation was made in the child's head. I bribed him all the time, and he took back the bribe. Plus or minus 0, right?

“ · · · · · ·! ”

“Bribery is null and void. Isn't that right?”

“· · · Yes. ”

That wasn't the end. Spring looked into the winter's eyes with a subtle and deep gaze, and once again baptized the forehead and cheeks of winter. Side by side.

“· · · That, stop. ”

The winter, which took too much bribe, put out its hand and blocked the face of spring.

“This will make our winter a coven duck. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Winter covered my face with both hands. ‘· · · I, the duck?’ Then I murmured: It reminds me of a duck in a fairy tale book that the Guardian read.

Seeing the color of the child's heartfelt embarrassment, Spring laughed Hickhik.

Winter accepted defeat. Skill 2 of the negotiations was' bribery offense ’a failure. At the end of the spring, my sister was terrifying.

Rather, the blue girl who became a debtor sighed.

All that remains now is Technical Negotiation No. 3.

I didn't want to do this much until the end, but I can't help it anymore.

A magical winter flew and sat next to the laptop device of Spring.

He smiled at the face of the spring.

“What are you doing? ”

“· · · hostages, ”


“· · ·, hand over the jelly. ”

Winter reached out with a stiff expression. It also follows the scene of a midnight that summer saw.

Spring laughed and asked, as if it was absurd.

“What if I don't give it to you? ”

“· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·, if you do not give jelly. ”

Winter worries about the laptop. You can't fold your laptop in half. However, we do not even know how to handle the device.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

I'm making a threat. There's nothing you can do about holding a hostage alive.

What are you doing with this?

Then I came up with a pretty decent way to do that.

The winter, which gathers water from the air to the mana, puts it on top of the laptop. Round, like water in a gravity-free space.

“· · · Notebooks, no life. ”

It was the intimidation that had only been put out at the end of his troubles.

Then, when I saw the winter with no expression, I opened my mouth.

“It doesn't matter? ”

“· · · Huh? ”

I wonder if winter was wrong, I asked.

“· · · novels, erased? ”

“Of course I kept it separate. You blue devil. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Even number three was useless. Winter shook with a sigh. The water originating from Mana was made angry with Manah and disappeared.

And he won't know.

In fact, Spring was not very interested in novels.

“Come down when you're ready. Write to me. ”

“· · · Yes. ”

In the end, I used up all the numbers I had prepared.

Winter came from the room of the Turretale spring.

It was a perfect defeat.

Spring glanced at the back of a sleepless winter.

Then I smiled.


But I couldn't give up like this.

Winter ran to Yu Hyeong and frowned. Jelly. Spring sister. The duck. Behind the pot. Help me. Because I explained it in a clumsy and slow tone, the regent stroked his hair.

“Help me?”

“· · · Yes. ”

Winter nodded with a pitiful expression.

Unlike usual, his face or behavior was easily understood today. So the regent pondered for a moment.

“How can I help you? ”

“· · · mm. ”

I tried to squeeze my head hard, but it didn't fail. The two eyes of winter become puffy. The winter I was pondering, I put my hands on my head and shook my head.

It means I don't know what to do.

“Come here. ”

He held the winter and sat on my knee.


They looked in the same direction. At the end of the gaze was a spring visit.

He opens his mouth in a discreet voice.

“What do you see? ”

“· · · Spring sister room. ”

“There's something in there. ”

“· · · Spring sister. ”

“Yes. And where will the jelly be in the room in the spring? ”

“· · · 3rd floor of the bookshelf. Behind the pot.”

“I see. The bookshelf goes all the way in and it's on the left wall. I need to get back a little further. Isn't that right?”

“· · · Yes. ”

“Then let's do it this way. I'll call you Spring for a second. So if you take him outside. You sneak in and get out of the barrel. ”

“ · · · · · ·! ”

In sum, it meant that you would take away the boss of the boss's room for a while. Then winter only comes with the treasure.

It was a very simple and easy operation, but the winter was very exciting for the first time with anyone in the theater.

The cephalopods. The heart sounds a little louder.

“· · · How, then? ”

“Do you think I'm okay? ”


“· · · Genius, huh? ”

“No. Anyway, you get it all, right? ”

“· · · Yes. ”

“You should never hit a pot or drop it. Spring is a time to write, so you can't take it far. ”

Winter nodded.

“You don't have to hear it. Spring is fast and noticeable. I'll notice right away. ”

All dragons, including the keepers, would not know if they were sneaking around to kill as many senses as they could in 301.

“Secret, discreet. Quiet. Okay. ”

The winter nodded. I took a two-handed fingerprint in my mouth and overlapped it with a × character.

“Good. Let's get started. ”

It was time to maintain it. Winter grabbed his forearm.


Then I came out with my fist. This was also a scene from the summer and the present midnight. He nods his head and strikes a small fist with a big fist.

It was the commencement of operations.


Maintenance tapped the visit in the spring.

In the meantime, the winter swallowed up the drool and curled up under the couch to hide itself.

I saw the legs and feet of the keeper. After the door was opened, the spring feet and legs were visible.

“Yes, sir. ”

“Let me talk to you for a second. ”

“What story? ”

“· · · · Why. You know, the story I told you last time. ”

“Ah, good. ”

Maintenance takes the spring and heads to the kitchen. My legs walk away from me.

Winter moved to sneak out of the couch.

“Oh, wait a minute. ”

All of a sudden, the spring turns its feet and returns to the room, so the winter freezes in place by surprise.

His heart beat. However, we must not be nervous. I would make a mistake if I was nervous.

Spring came out of the room again. Following the maintenance, the two walked towards the kitchen.

Aren't you coming back this time? Winter stares at the walk of spring. I didn't think I'd be coming. It's an opportunity.

Winter slowly walked out of the sleepy sofa into the spring room. Spring was especially sensitive to manas, so if they were to fly by manas, they would be caught right away.

But from the beginning, the gateway was blocking. The spring that came out of the room closed the door and came out.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Winter reached out and grabbed the doorknob, lowering it very, very carefully.

Very slowly.

It's like clockwork.

If you look back at the angle casually, it will never be noisy.


So when I heard it, I thought my heart was pounding. If I hadn't heard the sound of a dry cough in the kitchen, I would have been stuck.

I'm alive. I'm alive!

Winter opens the sluggish door and crosses the cautious spring room. Tidy, clean room. I don't see a piece of trash. A white room decorated with pruned books and pots.

Standing in front of the Gearco bookshelf, the third compartment looked taller than usual. However, even winter was now quite tall. Winter pushed the painters cautiously with a sharp toe.

The pots are made of fraudulent material, so you will hear a whiny roar here.

So be careful. Be careful again.

I grabbed an opaque plastic barrel. I can feel the heaviness. The object looks right.

Take care of the barrel. Winter came out cautiously, suppressing the feeling of wanting to jump.

Then I hid behind the couch and waited for the timing.

“So I'm going to rewrite. ”


Soon, spring went into the room. She sat on the couch. The winter hiding behind the couch rose and smiled widely as she watched as she remained awake.

“What do you think? Did you make it? ”

“· · · Yes! ”

Winter lowered its waist and looked up at the barrel of jelly.

He put out his fist. The child comes across the fist.

It was a success!

“· · · · Off 힣. ”

Exciting winter rushed to open the jelly barrel.

But what's going on?

There was no jelly in the barrel, and the sand was full of dirt.

“· · · Er, eh? ”

A surprising winter shook the barrel. It's just sand wherever you look.


I turned my head to the way I felt, and the spring shrugged through the door and looked out.

The moment I met him, the spring laughed and closed the door.

Winter was less shocking.

It was a failure. · · · ·

“· · · heh. ”

Failure. Failure again.

I felt like the time I had suffered was flying in vain, so winter frowned and stretched out my arms to the keeper. It was almost time to cry.

He's hugging the kid. I tapped my back lightly.


Winter on the couch was already burying his head in his twentieth minute seat.

That doesn't mean I'm crying, but I think I've come a long way.

I thought it would be like this. Because it wasn't anyone else, it was spring. However, I was now learning how to deal with the spring attitude.

You can't stand in front of him.

Knock, knock.

Soon someone knocked on the door of 301. Keeping the door open, you get a black envelope from the opponent.

“Well done.”

“Honor, my lord. ”

I'm leaving the body. Maintenance reaches winter.

Then I take out the barrel of jelly on his head and shake it.

With a mackless eye, winter turns gogal. Then, as soon as I saw the jelly, I wondered about it.

“· · · Huh? ”

He got up and sat down with a frozen voice. Then I took a bucket of jelly with my bare hands.

Nolan's gaze alternates with the retention, the jelly barrel, and the retention. I felt like I could hear the sound of joy blooming in the dark.

The regent said he had a finger in his mouth.


Oh, yes.

The winter I thought of closed my mouth, and I nodded freshly.

“Not to be seen by other sisters. ”

“· · · Yes. ”

Winter was joyful as it hit the soles of his feet, and he woke up cautiously and greeted the navel at right angles.

“· · · Thank you, I should like to thank you. ”

“I'm good.”

“· · · Uncle, you shouldn't even talk. ”

“Got it.”

So that day became a little special.

For the maintenance and winter, you have your own secrets.

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