Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 46. My Guardian (1)

A public document came down from Rare.

Parental consultation period

You're here again.

However, today's counseling assignment was a little unusual.

Consult without formal conversation and leave it on record.

Of course, this‘ counselling assignment ’is not compulsory. It had nothing to do with it. So the conversation without formalities was handed over and I was only going to consult as usual.

It wasn't until the fall.

“Huh? What is this? ”

He hugged the chick all morning and braided or brushed her hair. The time of Uganda that followed. Beep Jung found a public document that he had thrown under the living room table.

“You want me to take care of you in half? ”


“Half horse mode. Um, palm time or something? We only talk to each other for a set amount of time! ”

“What? Why are you doing that? ”

It came from the summer when I was sitting on the floor trimming my claws.

“You just have to say the opposite. ”

“Huh? Why don't you pay your respects? ”

“Why should I say respect? ”

“Huh? That's, um... ”

When the autumn grows fat and ponders, the chicks also lean on their heads. Then I clapped my hands to see if something came to mind.

“Because someone who doesn't know how to behave is ruined? ”

“What a mess. ”

“You're a pronoun for dislike, aren't you? Whoops. ”

Speaking of which, the target is specific. Summer made a difference. ‘Argh!’ said he, not a word, and the autumn temples were squeezed into two fists in the summer.

“Beep Jung!”

Then the chick fights back to protect the owner. I'm going to run to summer and bang my side.

Even a polymorph dragon is human. ‘Argh, fuck.’ Whether you felt ticklish or not, the shriveled summer frowned.

The target changes. The chick squeals with the same pose.

“I told you to look after these. ”

The autumn and chicks were thrown in the floor and begged.

Anyway, so it's time to consult a guardian.

Today, I decided to call them all and do it at once.

He said he was having a semi-annual consultation, so the autumn and winter were especially exciting.


“Why, Tae-tae? ”

Spring replied reflectively, and summer, autumn, and winter giggled. The regent glances at the spring with a blurred gaze and turns his gaze back to the journal.

“How are you? ”

“How are you? ”

“What I need. ”

“No, I'm doing just fine. ”

“It's not hard in school life. ”

Spring shook his head. So I wrote a consultation journal in such a way that the maintenance is not a problem.

Then spring asked.

“Ah, that's close, mister. ”


“Can I have one of those? ”


“Even when you consult, can't you pay your respects? ”

I was wondering if this is some kind of nonsense. It seemed like he thought so. Autumn claps her hands and shouts.

“Wow. Your idea is awesome! ”

“I'm not kidding. It's gonna be fun. ”

“ · · · · · ·! ”

The same was true of summer and winter. I don't know what they think is funny, but they gave their full support at the end of spring.

“I don't like it.”

“I'm just doing it for a second. Can't you?”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Just once. ”

I mean, why didn't you know the face of spring until the previous time? Spring was a natural talent for keeping things tough.

“I'm good.”

He shook his head.

I did everything they could to have fun, but this didn't work out.

“Wh-wh-why! ”

“Come on, come on. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Disappointment was as intense as support was enthusiastic. He shook his hand and continued to ask questions. Summer.I asked Autumn what she needed. I asked him how he was doing. I asked him if he had any regrets.

Again, he noticed that winter was demanding a serving, so he used to bury the winter naturally too.

Krung · · ·.

Then the guardian, standing on the other side of the room like a statue, coughed (perhaps).

Spring, noticing the Guardian's appeal, snatched the journal from the keeper.

“How's the janitor doing these days? ”

“If I may say so, I've found the pleasure of housework. In Bondi's very distant days, there were times when he considered this to be an abomination, but in the end, doing what was needed in a place where existence was required was like a thousand people. · · · · · · with those who need me. ”

“Ah, how are you? ”

The lower jaw guard that was shaking in the passage Wadal stopped.

“· · · Yes. ”

Since then, consultations have continued.

A hobby recently given by the vigilantes. Hobby of retention. Hobby to join. Travel Planning. Hope for the future. Then, at some point, this topic came out.

“You know, who do you think you know best here? ”

It was a question of summer.

“I will.”

“Oh. Oh. I wonder!”

“ · · · · · ·? ”

It wasn't a big question. And they would have asked the question without much significance.

But, as always, the regent was an amusing person, and he had a lot of ideas. I also thought seriously about the question.

The answer was simple.


The response was surprising to them. In particular, winter was a bit of a shock.

“· · · Who am I? ”

“You know. ”

I think that was fine. Comfort returned to the face of winter.

The same goes for the others. She was acquainted with spring, summer and winter every day. However, it was not autumn. Maintenance already knew a lot about the fall.

Surprisingly, the most doubtful was in the fall.

“Uh-huh? How do you know me? ”

“Just, you know. ”

“Well, you and I are the least conversant, aren't we? ”

That's right. I didn't have much to talk to you about this fall. More recently, in particular.

But what he knew best was autumn. It was autumn that I knew for a long time. The closest one was autumn.

There was no doubt there.

That day.

Autumn was a cavity.

At the end of the consultation, he shoots the base and pulls the chick and falls asleep.

Maintenance stares at such a slippery fall. And I haven't looked away for a while.

Seventh time, it didn't seem successful yet.

When I see him sleeping like this.

* * *


The first time I saw a gold dragon comes to mind.

His period was thirty-five years old. He became a national hero at a young age. He was a rookie ranker. After suddenly declaring his retirement to the military. He temporarily resigned from the General Assembly.

I thought only the death of the Gold Dragon would bring an end. He created a security team to protect the gold dragon. He also ran directly from the front line as the chief bodyguard.

Unlike the other times, Baby Yellow (BY) debuted a little later in the fourth round.

I grabbed Mike for the first time at the age of eighteen. Only at the age of twenty did I begin to gain a reputation.

“Hello! ”

She remembered the moment she first encountered BY.

A golden head braided with lambswool. Two eyes that glow cleaner than gold.

The 20-year-old BY, who soon became an adult and took his youth for a long time, resembled the autumn. Face. Face. Voice. Head. Thought. Speech. Even the cheerful laughter.

She was a girl who was loved by everyone.

“I will be your bodyguard in the future. ”

“Wow! I heard about it. You said you were very famous?! ”

“I beg of you. ”

“Yes, I am. I'm not the one who deserves that protection yet. Good luck in the future! ”

Since then, I have rarely mixed words with him.

He just watched him close by, like a shadow.

If you compare him to bright gold.

As time went by, the Seekerman rusted somewhere in such gold.

It was a subtle change at the moment. Things that, in retrospect, wanted to change this much.

His predecessors began to appear, who did not know until the third time and did not understand until the seventh time.

BY, 25 years old.

“You're a strange man. You know what?”

She said that one day.

Appearance was strangely the same as the first time I met her, but now I can't find the feeling of a child in her voice, expression, etc.


By then, there was a dedicated team of more than 40 BYs. Starting with record, broadcast, road, general manager, hairartist. Makeup Artist. Coordinator. Dance Team. Condition Helper. Guards, counsel, lawyers, etc.

In other words, BY's schedule was always tight, with so many people moving for only one BY.

“Isn't it hard? I've never seen a human returning from a five-year vacation. ”

“It's my job to protect you. ”

“Who says it's not your job? I'm not going home. ”

“You don't have to go. ”

“You don't have a family. Aren't you waiting to be strangled somewhere in Asia? Mom, when's my dad coming? ”

BY giggled.

She laughed whenever and wherever. However, the laughter of that day was somewhat different from the one seen outside.

he/she/it had not been taking a stand

As I got older, BY was staggering.

When you rest alone in a palace-like mansion like that day, you naturally start touching drugs.

“Give me the light. ”

BY across one of the robes from the nude golden couch, said to the bodyguard,

Maintenance approached and lit it.

It was nothing to be afraid of. BY was in his mid-20s. It was quite common for peer salads to play drugs in Hollywood and the popular music god.

However, it was a new side of the gold dragon that was not known until the third time.

“Mm-hmm. So you don't have a family. ”


“Where have you been? ”

“There wasn't. ”

“You weren't born because you have parents. Or what, can I have Maria? ”

“I don't know.”

“You know, it's really short. ”

Hmph · · ·. BY inhaled the smoke deeply.

He shook his chin and toes lightly, as if he felt something within. When I emit smoke, my eyes are half turned over. ‘Uh-huh!’ It was followed by a moaning.

BY smiles as she looks back in shape.

“Long story. I'm bored today. ”

“I'm good.”

“Do it. Can I ask you something difficult? ”

“I'm sorry."

“Tanna · · ·. Do I keep canceling all the following schedules? ”

“· · · What? ”

“Reason for heartache. How dare you bore me? Then you're gonna have to fuck Rodrigo or something. Don't you think?”

If I cancel a day, I won't have one or two people. The amount of loss is also enormous.

Unlike those who usually did not pay much attention to maintenance, BY on that day was low-key.

“· · · I don't have anything to say. I don't remember very well. When I was very young, I was a nursery. I don't know my parents' faces. ”

“Hmm · · ·. Then another story. ”


“There's nothing there. You were my own ranker, weren't you? He was a war hero. There must have been a story. ”

“Stop asking. ”

“· · · What? What did you say now? ”

“It's really nothing. ”

“No, what was that saying? ”

The golden eyebrows were frowned at the words of Hyeong-tae.

“I'll be waiting outside. Don't smoke too much. Take a long rest. ”

To block unnecessary conversations, the regent takes a step back.

I didn't want to unnecessarily affect the golden dragon who lives on his own. Even if he did four times, he was a soldier who lived on his own rather than leading the flow.

“Stand there. ”

However, BY took the step of retention that day.

“There's no problem protecting you outside. I won't interfere with your rest. ”


Round enough outside.

Inside, it was stubborn.

BY stares into a golden eye where authority falls.

She tucks her seat next to my couch with her hand.

“Come and sit down. ”

“I can't do that. ”

“Do you want me to keep talking twice? ”

“I can't follow orders that interfere with my security duties. ”

BY had a slightly rougher voice than usual, but somehow I wanted to keep it going.

BY then threw the glass of wine he was holding against the wall.

Grab it! Glass fragments are scattered everywhere.

“Sit down. You tell me to come sit down. Can't you hear me, your employer? Or are you ignoring me, too? ”

With twitchy hands, pink character nails carved on the fingernails, that golden look. I was trembling like a lion.

In the fourth time, it was a response that had never been seen before.

I've recently seen BY suffer from a malicious rumor or antifan. What kind of detonator did that become? So he went quietly and sat next to BY.

“That's right. Now listen to me. ”

Drug-intoxicated BY lay on his thigh with a dirty smile. The robe of the glowing knot is shattered and bare flesh is revealed everywhere.

Fourth time. My body was living my daily life, but my mind was far from my daily life. It was time for him to feel less annoyed about this situation.

“I'm just looking at something. ”

The unfolded golden gaze looks up at him.

“Give me a stroke of my head. ”

"Like my mother. ’By adding words, BY covers his eyes discreetly.

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