Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 50. The Dark, Eyes Looking Down (3)

“What are you doing? Come into someone else's dorm! ”

A man approaches with a loud voice. The fierce energy soared from the small sphere.

Eyes are facing each other. Eyes torn under Min's head are bloody.

His gaze touched the nose of the keeper, a gaze that was evident when the fearful person reflectively avoided the eye.

“Neither did I intend to enter the corner of anyone's party. ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“Yeah, you should have got a call. ”

Dry voice. Apparent subordinate. That's what all the superheroes here have heard about the voice translation artifact.

“What the hell am I supposed to take your call for? I don't know what's going on, but it's unpleasant. Can't you get out now! ”

The wheel stares at him like it's going to eat him.

Erfan Guild pupils look at the wheel alternately while rolling their eyes.

“Let's ask one thing. What did you do?”


“How did you shoot. Did you follow him? If not, who told you? ”

“I don't know what you're talking about. Why did you come all this way? You're just gonna say that? ”

The wheels pulled out the twitch and asked the mouth. The ashtray on the other side of the floor is full of buttocks.

The wheels raised their voices, emitting smoke.

“Look, Mr. Kyung-tae. I know your family is great. Let's go out and talk for now. ”

“There's nothing to talk about out there. So what's the answer?”

“Sniper? I don't really know that. ”

*. False.

“Followed? Only four children I have to take care of. You have three guardians, don't you? Who would sit there doing something like that? ”


“I'm sorry your kid sucked my kid's score. By the way, didn't the Summer Cadet give our Zhurushin a saber? You sat down with Erfan as a sniper with no apology for that, did you? ”

“I'm not following. The shooter looks like he's right. ”

“I don't know? How about a diarrhea sniper? Is that against the doctrine? Or is it illegal? ”

Looking for a reason to tell the story, the wheel smiles like hyena.

For a moment, he blurted his imagination of tearing his proud lips under his ears.

“Yes, I got it. ”

He used to set ‘principles’ one by one when the repetition began. It was a device to avoid deviating from a system of behavior that pierced through one repetition, and lived largely following even if it was not intact.

In the third time, it must be based on the principle that ten months a year are spent in a dungeon.

For the fourth time, it was based on the principle of physically protecting the new recruits of the Gold Dragon.

And now.

On the seventh occasion, it was based on the principle that 'we will not undermine our daily lives’.

This principle was particularly dodgy when a regent treated a person.

In everyday life, relationships between individuals were an important factor. Relationships extend into society. Society again empowers individuals to adopt a set of rules and norms that seek to encompass everyday life. As much as that, he had to keep his daily routine to melt down. Killing unnamed backstreet correctors and killing those involved in the summer routine was a different meaning.

To put it simply, I wanted to kill him, but I decided to be patient.

Maintenance accurately identified the faces of the cadets and the nature of their manna.

To do that, I took a quick look around the students. Dozens of Erfan Guild cadets gathered to kill his breath and avoid his gaze.

Soon he went out gently.

The place where the storm passed.

“ · · ·. (Screaming)”

The wheels were full of tongues.

“You pathetic caregiver. ”

As a guardian, pushing in front of what the students see was an injury to the soldier's pride. So he pretended to be strong, but in a way, he seemed to have been sober as he wished.

Thinking back, I was a little more proud of it.

So the wheel raised its voice.

“Where the fuck are you gonna go to someone else's dorm? He's got a big hand on his back! Why don't you just turn it all upside down and pollinate? ”

Then the students were astonished and caught him.

“We are patient. Guardian, just avoid being dirty. ”

“Yes, yes · · ·. But it was fine. ”

Zhou Roushen and long-distance swimming drowned him. Then the wheel was full of tongues. I can't help but feel angry.

It was to be compared with the attitude of tolerance as an open caregiver of children's opinions.

Emitting smoke, the wheels raise their voices.


Nolan Zhurushin was distinct from each other.

Did you do something wrong?

“Well done.”

The wheel smiles with a knife. Zhou Roushen also kicked him when he realized what he was saying.

Laughter also spread to the Herfan Guild and other protectors who had become contagious. The tension is relieved. In particular, the swimming and ringing, which had been broken in the summer, seem to be all cool.

“Anyway, I feel like I've been raising kids on this floor for years. Cadets simply follow their guardians and say it's true. ”

“Are you?”

“Look. Who would a redhead look like? ”


“Well done. Very well done. Zhou Roushen. How much will you push us away from the Guild HQ this time! Huh?”

Thinking of the reward, the excitement returned to the table.

* * *

Conclusion: The shooter did. I didn't follow.

That means there's a way to shoot, even if you don't follow.

Maintenance headed to 'Colosseo Rare’ to find the way.

An enormous, columnar building, with a large revolving door at the entrance, pierced in eight directions.

The butchers, guardians, and teachers were busy walking down the street.

There were eyes all over here in real time, even if they weren't being followed. There were almost 50 CCTVs on each floor.

So Yungtae headed to the 8th floor of Colosseo.

It has a control room that controls the entire Feud room. He walked up to the control room. Formal security team members rushed in and stopped him.

“Oh, there! This is a restricted area for outsiders. ”

Then I noticed that the target was in a state of perpetuity and was embarrassed.

“Are you the caregiver? ”

“I see.”

“Aha. Hello. Hey, what are you doing here? ”

“I need to take a look inside. ”

“Yes? That's it. Please tell us why you do it. · · ”

“I have a question about the operation of the control room. ”

“Aah! I see. Well, can I have your permission for a moment, then? ”

No problem. I've been in touch with the front desk beforehand. Nevertheless, a security team member who did not want to be held accountable called somewhere for limited permission.

“Yes, you are welcome to join us. ”

Maintenance picked up a security team member and entered the control room. There were hundreds of CCTVs being monitored in the complex control room. More than a dozen teachers were sitting and busy watching the work.

“Greetings, Control Room Integration Control and Chief Lian. ”

A middle-aged female teacher approached him. Then I asked him in a cautious tone.

“What brings you here? ”

He looks inside the control room.

If someone sends the information they know to CCTV, they can be shot.

“Who's the monitor? ”

“Wang Gyu is Chinese. ”


“Can I see you for a second? ”

Soon, a stiff-looking man came to maintain his position. Keeping asked him. See if you have any contact with the Herfan Guild. He noticed that there was no such thing as injustice. And his words were the truth.

In other words, this was also a wasteful step.

“Got it.”


After three days, he wandered around near the control room and all over Colosseo. Of course, no one knows. And I watched the workers do it. Checked in and out of the cadets.

Nevertheless, there was no human being looking out over the entire Feud room, which was strange somewhere.

If you have enough time, you will be able to identify an ant hidden on the other side of the planet, just as you would not find an observer hidden in such a small building.

Rather, it came back to the right answer.

“Ah, are you here? You have been contacted · · · ”

The head of the control room, who was much more careful than the first day, looked at his eyes and asked.

“What can I do for you today? ”

Maintenance turned its gaze to the ceiling of the cabinet opposite the control room. Dark ceiling with no light reaching away from the lamp.

There was another CCTV that looked at the control room and looked at the monitor screen.

“Please check that circuit once. ”

“What are you doing? · · ·. ”

“Don't ask, just do it. ”

“Ah, yes. I see.”

Absurd, she called the merchant to check the circuit of the CCTV according to the instructions of maintenance.

“Huh? What is this? ”

And the idea of retention was accurate.

“Uh-huh. I found a trail of outsiders. It also has a signal propagation device. Looks like it's been a long time. ”

The merchant has reported that the footage would have leaked outside. However, we do not know where the destination is · · ·.

“Oh, my God, so someone might have seen it? ”

“I don't know about that, but · ·. I think it could be. ”

Dialogue between the chief and the businessman. The chief glanced at him with a puzzling expression.

“Who the hell? · · ·. ”

Who's who?

If it looks like it's old enough to be a trail of chords, it's probably from a rider named Erfan a few years ago.

However, retention did not necessarily connoisseur the problem.

* * *

“Mister · · ·. ”

Upon returning to 301, Autumn spoke to Keeping Tae in a worrying voice.

“My sister doesn't eat. ”

“Yes, I know. ”

“No, no. It's already the third day. I barely saw my sister eating. ”

That's right. For summer, eating was part of the growth. He never hungered, even though he coveted something to eat.

“Is summer okay? ”

Spring also asked with a worried expression.

“Yeah, it's okay now. ”

Maintenance tapped the visit in the summer. ‘Yes.’ I heard the answer in the summer. He entered the summer room and sat down opposite the red-headed girl who was still depressed in the corner of the bed.

“I'm not in the mood.”

“Just like that. ”

“Let me tell you a funny story. ”

It was the first time that such words came out of the mouth of the retainer, so the summer looked at the retainer.

“What is it?”

He told me what had happened in the past three days. Summer started to get annoyed, and when I heard the story about what I found in the control room, I set off a heat.

“Are you crazy? So they did what they used to do? ”

“That's what it looks like. Why, does it feel unfair? ”

“Of course it is. Fuck, I was competing purely in my own way, but I'm really pissed. ”

It must have been a depressing feeling. Anger was quieter than usual.

He said to Keeping Tae-tae in his tone.

“Why didn't you colonize it? It's all falling apart, you fucking dogs. ”

“I used to try to. ”

“But why didn't you? ”

I've been thinking about it for days. Maintenance could have come up with a better way than to announce this.

The summer was entirely a 'fun way’.

“From now on, we must take revenge. ”

“You and me? ”

“Yeah. Let's fuck it up. ”

“How the fuck do you fuck? I ate it all by myself. I'm already early for the third quarter. ”

“That doesn't matter. The result of the fourth quarter is the final ranking before the competition. ”

“Well, that's it, but · · ·. ”

Maintenance briefly informed the results. By the way, the announcement of the score in Q3 itself is consequently of no great significance. In that situation.

“Erfan can't see you anymore. ”

You pulled the opponent's eye out.

“But I can see Erfan. ”

Now it was my turn to look down.

Summer opened his eyes to what the vengeance was.

“Let's shoot? ”


“· · · How? ”

There was a simple but very efficient operation.

It was an operational meeting. After hearing the story of the maintenance, a slight bright hue began to bloom in the eyes of the summer.

The fundamental reason for being angry was the mistake of failing to control his anger. I still noticed that much bitterness. The word revenge itself seemed to make him feel better.

“How do you like it? ”

“Do you like it? ”

The mouth is then pushed up by the snow.

He leans down and smiles lightly.

“· · · outside, do you have anything to eat?

* * *

The day on which the personal tournament is over for a period of 3 days.

If so, the third quarter's ranking was announced definitively.

Yongtaeha is number one. Zhou Roushen is number two.

Since Vera Bludey of Noblesse School finished third, summer was in fourth place.

On that day, journalists rushed to the academy district and asked the top students who had finished their classes for testimony.

The number of seats that remained fixed finally fluctuated. Journalists from Yongtaeha, Zhou Roushen, and Vera Bludday asked how they felt.

However, there were more people who led the journalists than they were.

“Summer Cadets! ”

“If you have any regrets about the rank, say something! ”

Summer gave me the impression of being annoyed. However, journalists did not enter any streets. I sent someone from the front desk who was contacted by Maintenance. It's because they protected the summer round.

“Summer cadets! KSB! You have been defeated by Cadet Zhurushin this time! Please say what you feel right now! ”

Then, when I saw a reporter from the Korean public broadcasting station, the summer suddenly approached him.

At the end of the summer, he was the reporter who said, "South Korea's victory" every time.

Summer, he said with a stiff face that was rare.

“This is not a summer defeat. ”


“It is the defeat of the Republic of Korea. ”

Then he smiled at the camera.


The Internet got messed up.

On that day, Petrovich's SNS was quiet.

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