Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 50. The Dark, Eyes Looking Down (4)

Keeping his tongue out of the camera, he grabbed the back of the summer moth that was making fun of him.

“Enough, let's go home. ”

After the third quarter number announcement.

The academy district and Colosseo Rare had a huge crowd. Hale was a reporter, and the rest of the students also came to see special moments of celebrity.

On the other side, I saw the keepers of the excitement expression. Yongxi family, Yongxi Joon and Herfan Guild's wheel.

Yongcheol Jun looked at him and avoided his gaze.

The wheel laughed at the flute.

“Something to eat this evening. ”

Summer turned his head along the gaze of maintenance.

He looks at the wheels buzzing in front of the reporters and the pupils of the Erfan Guild, and he makes an impression.

“Was he shot in the top plate. He used to be a jerk. ”

Summer stabbed his hand in his pocket. And then I touched her.

Until then, he didn't seem in a bad mood.

However, I felt compelled to think about what was going to happen. I could not be happier than being humiliated in the face of personal rivalry and being pushed into the ranks.

“Look at that. I'm... I'm gonna die. I'm so excited. I've got the whole world on a subject that doesn't even come first. If I go first, would I tap dancing naked? Assholes.”

And then in the summer, I ran into Zhurushin.

“What is it? I'm going to summer there. ”

Zhou Roushen chatters like that, kicking, laughing, and turning. Then, the eyes of the other Erfan Guild cadets glimpsed through the summer at the same time.

At the next moment, laughter passes between them as if it were a digression. I had no difficulty guessing that Zhou Roushen was floating.

That was the scratchy shape of the summer planting.

“What do you want? Crazy bastards are plagued. ”

“Don't get excited about that. ”

“· · · Who's excited? Tsk, if I just have one hammer, I want to string my head to a nail and hang it like a oyster. What are they laughing at? Funny?”

I wondered if the summer would be a smooth walk, but when I heard the laughter, I suddenly turned around and shouted.

“Hey ―! Funny?”

The roar of summer was loud, and the crowd's eyes returned.

“You motherfuckers! Am I funny?”

Maintenance tugs around the shoulders of the summer.

“Calm down.”

“No, no. Let go, motherfucker. Crazy bitches are laughing at me! Did you see that? Huh? You just saw it, too, didn't you? ”


The eyes of summer opened slightly to the harsh voice of Jim. His arms are wrapped around his hand. So the summer bit his lips tight.

“After · · ·. ”

Throughout the road, the summer was harsh.

His heart was beating like crazy.

The shoulders that touched me also trembled together.

“You know, our operation, it really works, right? ”

He asked on the way.


“Just don't. ”

A place where anger cools down.

I feel a sense of nervousness in my chest.

“I'm going to cry. ”

But that will not happen.

* * *

Herfan Guild. Guardian Wheel.

He got an unbelievable call.

“Hello! Yes? Oh, yes! I am the wheel! ”

A surprisingly friendly voice that the students heard.

The wheel bends its back, even though it was a phone call.

It was a contact from the best combat squad in the hollow. A dream of all neutralizing superheroes, the best minority elite organization in the people's superpower.

The wheel spoke to the cadets with a godlike expression. ‘God, God, God.’ Then the disciples gasp and shut up.

“Yes. Oh, yes. Yes · · ·. Yes. Yes? Aah! Really?”

In response to the wheel's reaction, the cadets take a breath and stare at him.

― Yeah. It's nice to catch a summer.


The wheels thought I was crazy.

The possibility of scouting Zhurushin from Heavenly God has just been mentioned. If you enter it, Zhou Roushen will receive explosive support from the entire hollow and will rise to the world's two-digit ranker within a decade.

And he's the guardian of that ranker, and he's never gonna get a chance again.

― In fact, if you catch the dragon, you'll like the elders too, but the old man is so mad, isn't he?

This was a bitter word. As he said, he was a student who was regarded as the greatest genius of all time, along with Tir Vlzen, who was conceived in Segan.

― What can I do? We have to look away. Isn't the best made anyway?

“Yes. Yes. This is what you are accustomed to.”

― But I have to keep an eye on the rice cake leaf.If you're in second place, you can keep it, right?

“Absolutely. Erfan will never betray your faith! ”

― Q4. I look forward to it.

The phone is hanging up.

The wheel hugs and shouts.

The other cadets looked forward to seeing if there was no story of their own and noticed that they were sorry. Still, I rejoiced with the great success of my motivation.

Hopefully, when Zhou Roushen is well, there will be congee.

So Erfan Guild has been a festive atmosphere for days since the beginning of the fourth quarter.

The protectors encouraged the protectors. The cadets believed in Zhurushin and came to the task a little more actively. I couldn't stop laughing like that every day.

“· · · black. ”

So the day of the private tournament.

Ranked 51st when Wijin Mei came back to the dorm crying.

They doubted it.

“What's wrong, May? What's going on?”

“I lost the tournament. ”

“Holy shit.”

Pre-competition 50th place students often held the same title. Even if matching is avoided well, the top ranking is not in Dantock Room (ex. Oscar Vljenk, Sofia Borkova, etc.).

“It's okay. So who were you with? ”

“· · · Summer. ”

I almost didn't see it.

He would have been insulted after he broke. However, Wijin Mei's guardian comforted his cadet.

“It's okay. I wouldn't have scored so much on the Underdock system. ”

“Yes · · ·. ”

And the next day, the 27th place in the third quarter, "Quartermaster", was defeated and returned in the summer.

“I can't even use the side and it's broken. I'm sorry."

“Dude, there's something I'm sorry about. Everyone knows summer is strong. ”

“The ranking must have fallen. ”

Until then, Erfan's guardians said this would be a coincidence.

But on the third day of the fourth quarter, the 33rd oil was defeated by the summer. Four days later, when the 15th long-distance swim was defeated by the summer, Erfan's mood began to shake a little.

“· · · Damn it. What the hell is going on here? ”

Long-distance swimming used to bite my lips and bow down.

Not every organization in Bondi Hollow is a very peaceful place.

After four days of defeat, the protectors raised their voices.

“Hey, what's wrong with you guys? You're breaking up in summer. ”

“I'm sorry."

“Didn't you check his entry time? ”

“Well, that's actually · · ·. ”

Early in the fourth quarter. Wheels were pushed or distracted from work.

“What? Helper splashed? ”

Helper was a member of Herfan's headquarters and was a helper who set the schedule and time for the students' trials.

Wheel called somewhere.

The opponent was not affected.

I called Guild Headquarters in case of doubt, and the answer came back that the Helpers' barracks were all gone.

“What do you mean, it doesn't even sound like a word? Why is Helper gone? ”

Eight years ago, before Rare's system was still intact, Erfan Guild created a device to engage Rare's grades and information all over the place.

Most of the time, it was discovered and intercepted by the bureau, but the status quo was rebuilt.

That's what's blocked right now.

“What the hell are you guys doing in a corner? Huh? In this situation! ”

The wheels of the Warlock shouted and bitten their mouths. A racing bell rang in my head. It's like being swept away by a huge stream, that kind of feeling.

“Ooh, coincidence. ”

It was the word of Zhou Roushen.

The wheel shed a drool. I couldn't agree more. The Erfan Guild sets the order of the tournaments so that they don't compete with each other. But the four cadets who had been defeated by the summer were all in the first order of the day.

Looks like it's not a coincidence.

You must accompany the cadets. If there is something, you must find it.

“Oh, fuck my score! ”

But on the first day, I didn't find it.

On the sixth day, a long swim accompanied by him was once again defeated by the summer before his eyes.

After successive losses, the number of long-distance swimmers dropped from 15 to 19.

It was a point that has been raised since Q1. If you lose now, there is not enough time to reverse.

“Sir, what am I supposed to do! That's how Pointon collected it! ”

After returning from the subspace to the Feud Room, a long-sleeved swimmer used to dig into his hands and start crying.

“Ha, me, damn it, real. I'll be delighted.”

Strike Force is a unit that creates Bondi Flow. Those who lead rather than be drawn.

The most desperate moment of such an assault is not when the troops are drawn into the stream of war. When they are being dragged and they don't know how they are being dragged, the Charge Force supermen despair.

Wheel felt like vomiting, with an unacceptable feeling. Summer is shooting the entire Erfan Guild now. I might be able to avoid it if I knew how. However, no matter how I thought about it, I could not understand the principle of the sniper.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

How the hell are you shooting?

* * *

Ground floor.

Emergency escape stairs.

It didn't light up at all during the day. There were no windows and the fluorescent light sensors were unaware of anything.

There a man was looking at the floor.

Colosseo's structure makes it the perfect place to overlook all the Feud rooms from the ground floor to the fifth floor.

To see something, I used to use skills and power.

However, it was no longer necessary.

The regent opens his eyes.

Blurred, far-sighted eyes penetrate the concrete floor and penetrate the basement.

The principle of a sniper was simple.

Summer comes at Colosseo Rare. On the day of class, I skipped class.

Summer sits in the Feud Room and waits.

Maintenance entered Erfan Guild's party and remembered the manna texture and face of all the cadets. If someone comes and enters the Feud Room. Signals the summer when the target presses the Match button.

Then, the summer I was waiting for was to receive a signal from Yu Tae-tae and press the "Battle" button.

It was simple, but it was a way that no one could do without maintenance.

At that time, a message came to mind about Keeping Watch.

[Summer: Baby]

It was summer.

[Summer: Not yet?]

[B: ㅇ]

[Summer: blah?]

[Summer: Why aren't you here?]


[Summer: blah blah blah blah blah]

The summer was so happy that the Red Dragon could make such a bright face.

[I: Wait]

[Summer: So how long? You're not here yet, are you?]

[B: ㅇ]

[Summer: -]

[Summer: Sex]

The Erfan Guild used to train one person at a time every 10 minutes from 6: 00 p.m.

But today was different than usual. It was 30 minutes later than usual, but no one came.

Preparing for something.

Soon, the reason was revealed.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

A familiar man from afar opens the North Gate of Colosseo. One was a wheel and the other a jouruchin.

Wheel took my cadet to the Feud Room, looking around for someone to see Sarah.

They chose the ballroom equipment. I subtracted one of the brains from the last used list and added a shield.

In other words, it became two shields.

Maintenance sent a message.

[B: Summer]

[Summer: Really? Whose ohm?]

[B: Zhou Rou-shin]

[I: Take SpikeWarhammer]

[Summer: ㅇㅇㅇ]

Perhaps Erfan realized that his first Feud opponent was being shot. So I want to put a shield on Zhurushin against the first shooter, so that he can stick with the summer. I'm trying to take advantage of the daily battle chances of Summer as a draw and put in the bows of other Erfan Cadets.

There's no way.

Summer carries a double-handed hammer with the function of shredding gloves.

[I: Now]

When the signal of retention drops, the summer presses the "Battle" button.

Then a match is made between the high score cadets.

Maintenance accessed the caregiver app and checked the screen with a watch.

Summer and Juouruchin were summoned to the subspace.

Zhou Roushen's embarrassed expression flickers. Because I saw a weapon in my hand in the summer.

At the same time, in the basement third floor Feud Room, the wheels would not beat the minutes and it was seen to smash down the Feud Room chair with their fists. I realized that even the weapon was shot.

Then, to make sure he wasn't upset, the wheel picked up the broken chair and threw it into the instrument.

(´ • ω • `) × 382

In an instant, there was a crowd of electrons.

That way, the battle began.

Not long ago, Zhou Roushen survived, even though he was completely sniping and entering the castle. So when the imagination was turned upside down, Zhou Roushen did not become a summer opponent.

Kaaang ―!

A sharp battle hammer pierced the shield in a single room.

Kaaaang ―!

The other shields were also broken in both rooms.


Zhou Roushen's head exploded in just three rooms.

Of course, the goddess of the contest stopped bleeding, but the battle ended so easily.

Winner: Summer

Combat Time: 00: 15 sec.

Points Earned: 12

It was the perfect victory of the summer.

Summer returned from the subspace to the Daejeon Room flashed in the direction of retention. Then he touches the watch.

[Summer: Have you seen him? blah blah blah]

[Summer: I woke up!!! blah blah blah blah]

[Summer: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah]

I tried to get revenge for what happened in my daily life. However, even though it was such a small revenge, the regent felt a little moody when he saw the summer rejoiced.

Routine revenge.

Thinking for a moment, there was one more thing that caught my eye. Keeping the wheel oriented, he looked at the wrench chair and called the Colosseo Lead Office.

― Hello?

“I'm going to report a breakdown of public goods. ”

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