Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 50. The Dark, Eyes Looking Down (5)

I've waited a while.

After a long walk like that.

Zhou Roushen opened his mouth because he couldn't stand the silence that followed.

“Sorry · · ·. Guardian.”

There was no answer from the wheel.

On the way, the sun flew from the front was overwhelming. Located in the stratosphere, the high altitude Rare was the result of the sun falling and rising later than the ground.

I don't have a word from my guardian. Zhou Roushen noticed him a little more.

The same was true of arriving at the dormitory. The wheels didn't say a word, even though they were fumbling in the middle of the living room. There was a poison in his gaze that resembled crocodiles.


There was no answer in the hesitant voice.


Despite a slightly clearer call, the answer did not return.

What the fuck? Zhou Roushen thought so and scattered smoke with his hands.

After a long and serious time, the wheel only opens its mouth by rubbing off the ashtrays.



“But yes, 15 seconds. 15 seconds. Huh?”

“Sorry · · ·. ”

“If I'd known it was so hard to fight back the moment I saw a weapon, I would have found a path somehow. The blunt force on both hands is heavy, so if you don't give me the tempo, I'll be able to hold on. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Because you said you were a cadet and everyone laughed Hahaha Ho, did you forget who you are? ”

It seemed like an unbearable outrage burst. The wheel bites its mouth again and screams.

“You're a hunting dog! You should have been bitten by a wolf to survive a bloody blast! ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Tomorrow, the video will be all over the place. What do you think of the elders when they see you crawling around and busting your elbow with a hammer? ”

A nag that starts to spill over. Zhou Roushen closed his mouth and bowed.

Because of regret or shame.

It wasn't.

"Fuck you, Ji, take the shield, you fucking asshole. ’

Zhou Roushen said he would not take two shields, but would stick them in front of him.

However, the wheels were once the world ranking, the recognized novice of the 2000 lighthouse, and knew exactly what the level of summer was. ‘Winning is not the only talent.’ In the words of Wheel, Zhou Roushen was a little upset with pride. But the guardian told me to take the shield.

Summer is a weapon that is perfectly superior to the image. From there, Zhou Roushen's mentals were shaken. I also had a lot of wheelchair cravings.

Fifteen seconds of defeat, for that reason.

“Damn it, we should have survived somehow! You should have brought the beat! If you were going to crawl around, you'd have torn her thighs apart! Even if you were pushed out of the force, you should have seen what you were doing! ─ Uh?”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

The smoke hovers around the living room again.

By the time the second convulsion is shortened to the filter.

The wheel that killed the excitement exhaled.

“Well, what do we do? It was last time.”

“ · · · · · ·! ”

Wheel's voice was soft, Zhurushin's eyes widened.

“If I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn't have taken you to the first batter. ”

“Oh, no · · ·. It was my turn anyway. If I don't go, it's against equity. ”

“Tsk. I used to say that the word equity sucked. What the hell is equity? ”

"The gauge where the faction members became water tanks. ’He grumbled.

“Anyway, you don't want to be bored, you need to keep your mind straight. ”

“Yes · · ·. ”

“You are the future of Erfan. ”

Zhou Roushen nodded when he bit his lips.

Erfan's future.

A heavy sense of responsibility did not press the shoulder.

‘Fuck you, you crazy bastard. ’

I was not touched. I knew that the wheel would do everything I had to say and grip the carrot.

‘My score is fast because I'm already dead. What am I going to do? Ha, fuck, fuck. The other kids will notice. ’

The problem is that other cadets have also begun to take the initiative.

Everyone, my score was more important than the team. Erfan Guild is an educational institution anyway. As soon as you graduate, you become a self-employed choice.

Zhou Roushen's most worrying situation began to become reality a few days later.

“It's your turn today, Owong. Aren't you going?”

Pool said with an uncomfortable expression.

Ranked 23rd in the Owong. Herfan Guild signage is handsome and one of the four Late Index members.

At the same time, he was the first student of the tournament today.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Owong looks unpleasant and looks at the swimming pool.

“I'm not going. ”


“I'm taking a day off today. ”

“Whom do you like? ”

“I like it. ”

“· · · Are you crazy? ”

“Who is this crazy looking at? Fuck you, you go first. ”

“Hey, Owong. ”

“Shut up. Don't want to go to the map and go to me. ”

“I went last week! ”

“Then go again. ”

“These crazy birds. ”

The power of long-distance swimming reaches its jaws. Long-distance swimming in 19th place is in 20th place once again when defeated by summer.

On that day, the students in the lower class of the dormitory noticed Owong.

Then the guardians stepped up and tried to convince Owong.

“No, why am I going? I'm in 23rd. 23 out of 3,000 pre-competition students. It's my loss, isn't it, Erfan? ”

“Oh wong. Do you really want to get hurt? ”

“Yes, I will. I'll be right if you hit me, but I don't want to cut points. Honestly · · · · · ·. ”

Owong turns his handsome eyes and looks at the other cadets. A bitter smile spread.

“Some people don't care how many dots you cut, do they? ”

Points are precious to anyone. Less sleep for three months. To endure the pain. I've been fighting back and forth to save my life.

Subordinate students, however, who did not have the right to speak, felt disgusted and were forced to wait for their guardians' judgment.

Of the dogs, the lowest ranked student in Erfan Guild Group 1 seemed to be shaking.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

For a long time, the wheel said, chewing.

“I'm sorry, King Yuan. ”

“· · · Guardian! ”

“I need you to go. ”

“Oh, no. Please, if I cut more points here, I won't even get Erfan's support fee. I might fall into Group 2! ”

Tsk, the wheel is full of tongues.

“Yes. You should have done well. ”

King Yu Song seemed to have collapsed.

A thirsty cadet was pushed into the shield, but the first battle of the day took place.

And... unexpectedly. I met an opponent of the same rank and won.

I was happy, but I couldn't find out.

The students celebrated, but it was unpleasant inside.

The wheel opened a new pack of cigarettes.

It would be a coincidence. 181st place was clearly a lot of cadets of similar rank. So the shooter may have failed.

Erfan analyzed the situation in which inertia was broken.

And I decided to rest assured.

· · · ·. No matter how much time passed, there was no renewal of the summer tournament in the pre-competition application.

This meant that the shooter's time zone had changed.


Since then, Erfan Guild's atmosphere has become a mess.

“I'm not going. I don't want to go until someone takes the chance of a summer tournament. ”

“Long swim!”

“I don't want to go either. ”

“Ringing. Are you? ”

“Guardian, you almost tricked the tiger chick. Are you saying go? ”

“What if I don't go? You're dropping your ranking! ”

“Why are you angry? Do you think I'd feel better if I dropped my ranking? Black · · ·. ”

Long swimming cried and the caretaker shouted.

While looking at their landscape, the chief caretaker of the wheel felt anxious from the bottom of the boat.

Obviously, this news would have been conveyed. But there was no phone call to come.

Anxiety doubles.

Technically, it was then that the phone rang.

― Beeri.

[Feng Joong-cheon, Heavenly Elder]

When he saw the caller's name, the wheel grabbed his fist.

He answered the phone carefully.

“Hello · · ·. ”

― I'm watching Thanksgiving.

A lousy voice.

― I'm disappointed.What happened to the kids from the 06th period? Half-sized, one-armed. A lone puppy. I'll spill it into the night sky.

However, the words that followed were not at all contradictory.

The relaxing nagging continued for a long time, and the wheels had to listen to them with a crying heart. Then he couldn't stand it and asked.

“Then, the words relating to the scouts of Zhou Roushen are: ”

- Hey, man.

“ · · · · · ·! ”

- Are you out of your mind? What scout?

The two hands of the wheel trembled with humiliation and frustration.

That's when I thought it was a death sentence. I heard someone on the other side of the speaker. It was a famous voice, so I knew the wheel right away. It was the voice of the 'Spirit’, the master of heaven.

Soon. Unbelievable news was conveyed.

― Lucky.

The wheel almost burst into the heart.

― The captain asks you to give him another chance. Pre-Competition Final Rank 3. Would you mind?

“Yes? Oh, yes! Absolutely!”

― Last chance. Do your best.

“Go, thank you! ”

After hanging up, Zhou Roushen couldn't stand the choking of his heart. Last chance from the Great God Captain! I thought it was over. At the end of the day, does the rope fall like this?

You go third.

If you can only win third place in the pre-competition deadline. Here comes the chance to rebound.

What was necessary to do so was self-evident.

I had to stop the summer shooting somehow.

Whatever number you use.

· · · So how?

It was a time when he couldn't do it either. A successor guardian, who was told by Wheel, rushed to the Rare App and scratched his lips to trace his guardian profile. Then I found someone's name.

“Hey, hey! ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“Khan, what are you doing? ”

“I'm going to call maintenance! ”

I heard that my successor's guardian should not be a crying stranger.

The wheels choked and shouted.

“What's wrong with that bastard? ”

“I'm begging you, you're wrong! ”

“What are you fucking doing here, you crazy son of a bitch! Don't you have any pride? ”

“How could his pride feed him? ”

“It doesn't have to be pride. If you were that son of a bitch, would you stop shooting in this situation? That ‘BM’ is the family I see behind it. Do you want to make a deal? ”

“What would you do if you were a senior? What can you do? How do we stop a sniper who doesn't know how to do it? ”

“This guy, he's got a mouth pierced! ”

The wheel picks up the ashtray and throws it. The ashtray flies and breaks as it explodes in the cupboard behind the successor guardian. Parkacan! Glass shards are scattered everywhere.

“Wake up, Senior! Are you going to be angry right now?! ”

However, his successor, who was affected by evil, also yelled at the whales. Then I took the number on the hologram, and I pulled the watch out of my right wrist and gave it to the wheel.

“Can't you get rid of it? ”

“I had a conflict with you, so you have to let me go! Senior. Put it all down and think about it. Do you think we're pride or something? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

A dormitory that's been devastated by snipers for the last two weeks. The cadets who grasp the situation stare at the wheel with an eye-catching look.

Yes, this is not the time.

Wheels with fifty thousand emotions are watched.

Then I called.


Spring and autumn went to class.

Summer lay on the couch, and the keeper sat at his feet. Winter sat on the knees of the keeper and read the book. Now the fairy tale book is not fun, so it was a novel I bought in the spring. I wanted to see the article because it was dense, but I was curiously focused.

However, by the end of three pages, he had begun to slumber.

“Uh-huh. ”

Summer smiles brightly as the yawn lengthens.

The last two weeks of shooting have brought summer's rank back to second place. The difference between the first and second place is small.

Zhou Roushen, who was shot three times in the summer, fell to fifth place; third and fourth place were American students at Noblesse School.

Surprisingly, Oscar Blezhenk's son, the world's number one superhero, ‘Tir Blezhenk’, was under-represented. The boy didn't seem very interested in the competition itself.

Anyway, it's time to go slow today.

“Go to your room and get ready. Let's go.”

“Yes. ”

Recent summers seemed to feel good. Not so good, it was flying endlessly.

Let's watch the winter break out of sleep in the noise, the summer is' Oguo, my brother. You sleepy? ’I kissed my forehead in the winter. Winter was frightened when she became a pair of eyes, but she frowned and wiped her forehead.

It was then that Maintenance's phone rang.

“Huh? What's that phone? ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

A number I don't know.

“Go into the Rare App and search for this number. ”

“Okay, let's see. Khan Wu. It's a Chinese American hybrid. Your affiliation is · · ·. Huh?”


A smile spread on his face in the summer.

His smile grew bigger and bigger, and he started laughing like a witch.

“What is it? Yeah. ”

“You're Erfan's guardian? ”


Bell was still ringing.

“Aw! That's ridiculous. I'm fucking curious. What did he call here for? Are you saying you're sorry? ”

Summer giggled and added:

“What are you doing? Answer the phone. Fuck you! Or is it better to humiliate her? You want me to dance naked in the caretakers' barracks? ”

God's summer continued with such a pleasant imagination.

However, there was no different answer. The expression was unremarkable, with nothing different than usual.

The laughter of summer was cut off. After a brief and gentle look, I realized what the number of gods is, much better than stubbornness or humiliation.


“ · · · · · ·. ”

“No way, you're not going to get it? ”

Yu Hyeong-tae nodded.

"Ah-ha-ha-ha! ’Summer laughed to the point of breathlessness.

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