Kidnapped Dragons

53. Just a sad thing (2)

The Green Dragon will see the world's providence from birth.

Provence is another world that the Green Dragon sees.

With the flow of causality that follows, the Green Dragon understands the world.

The closing of the eyes of providence to the Green Dragon was not significantly different from the loss of both eyes by anyone.

I think I went blind one day.

Spring felt that way.

Spring was never born so confused.

Should we go back? I couldn't tell.

What should I say? Or should we not? It was also unsure.

However, I could not reassure myself that I was unable to see providence.

It was identity as a Green clan, and pride. Like the Red Clan doesn't want me dead enough to admit I'm weak.

The feeling of anxiety became contagious and began to feed on the spirit and emotions of the spring. The heart of Jerine Hatzling shook. Mana starts to tangle at her own pace. The turbulence dispersed.

Early summer. Watching the mosquito bite its toes. Spring thought.

‘I'm broken. ’

At such a time, spring dug up my grave. It's the most important thing. Standing in a strange place at some point with the most delicate treatment.

How did this happen?

Thinking about it, a few days went so far as not to be insane. Like someone grabbing my hair and pulling it? At the moment of doing so, spring was one day standing in front of a cliff.

Spring thought.

‘I'll be happy. ’

It's like a flying bug that loses its stump and doesn't fly straight and hits its head everywhere.

This was a very dangerous situation for spring.

Influencing maintenance has always been permissible in providence. If there is no providence, you should not paint the child with any color. I can't see the answer, so I'm not completely sure if it's the right color or not.

So, as a matter of common sense, it would have been the right decision to go home from here, hide in the corner, and hold your mind for a while.

However, spring did not want to go back.

"I've always been alone. ’

So spring saw an agreement in his head.

Let's just do it as usual.

Instead, keep your distance. If you want to make fun of yourself, don't overdo it.

If that were the case, it would be a good time, but there would be no wrong color in the painting called Maintenance.

* * *

“I don't know where to go · · ·. I don't know.”

Spring, well, he added.

“Actually, I have a confession to make. ”

“Confess what? ”

“I've been in bad shape lately. ”

“Condition? What do you mean? ”


“I'm not human. I'm in some kind of condition. ”

“Have you ever tried a dragon? ”

“No, that's not it. ”

“Then don't talk. ”

‘There is, that's it.’ Spring is a powerless voice, ’he added.

Maintenance looked into the spring's eyes for a moment. Originally, he never confirms his authenticity in his communication with dragons. To respect children as intellectual, static and willful beings.

However, he says that the spring is not the same as the others and that he is not always in a calm mood or speech, and that his condition is bad. It seemed necessary to make a clear distinction between words that could be handed over trivially.

The truth that came to mind in Cheonqing was Jin.

The shape is really bad.

“· · · Yes. Okay, it's not serious. ”

“Yes, not at all. ”


“Mm-hmm. Anyway, so you might not find your way. I'm a little confused in my head. It's shaking, too. ”

“So what. Go back?”

“No, it's not serious? ”

“Tell me if it's hard. Cancel the dispatch and go back. ”

“It's okay. It's really nothing. ”

“Got it.”

Since then, spring and peacekeeping have entered the mission in earnest.

His poor condition began to touch his skin as he crossed the desert.

Spring didn't focus on data and maps. I couldn't navigate the way to Manaro even though it was a dragon.

Still, I decided to keep an eye on him.

This baby green dragon's judgment was never wrong, including the last retreat. Therefore, if you want a spring, even if you don't have enough dispatch, there is a reason for it.

However, he wanted to become a bystander. This was his dispatch. It would be worth trying to get it yourself rather than getting it easily. If it was against the rules, I thought I could help just enough to give a hint.

Then, many steps went wrong.

The Northern Great Desert, which runs along the former Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, covers half of mainland China. Ignorantly wide. Once misdirected, it was the placenta that moved away from the destination endlessly.

However, he did not rush or fumble the spring.

I wish I had taken that step so many times. About half a day after Gearnos. They were able to make their way to the desert close to the fall of Kahum.

“I think it's near here. ”

Yi Yi Profit ―

It was then. Suddenly, a massive sandstorm began to erupt.

In the desert, the winds are full of whirlpools that we often encounter. turbulence.

The sand particles that contain Mana scatter everywhere. Spring bowed outside her body with a subtle magic 'Cheonry'.

A place less than 10m away from where the wind is strong. Then the stubborn shapes began to get closer from the other side.

It was a person. It was also a group.

The moment I found out, Spring hid herself on a desert ridge. I adjusted the attitude to his movements.

Then I looked at the black things that were coming. It was an interesting situation.

He decided to test the spring once.

“Did you learn this too? What to do when you encounter a stranger in an outlawed area. ”

“No, I learned it separately because I was in a hurry. ”

“But why did you hide yourself? ”

“It's illegal. I think we should attack or avoid it. ”

“Why did you avoid it? ”

“Well, because you're scared? ”

Maintenance nods at the end of spring.

“Look at them. ”


“He's got a knife in his black hood, and he's got a gun. The one at the front is a rookie. At the back, he neutralizes what's rough on his back. So what kind of a group is that? ”

As you get this close, you can read Manado. Their Mana stands very day by day. Like you're going to attack everything you encounter.

Like, the energy of a pack of thieves.

“· · · between sectors, wouldn't you say? ”

However, spring's answer was different.

“Why do you think that? ”

“You have more stuff on your camel than a weapon. The direction is contrary to the warp station. And there's only one superhero riding the lead camel. ”


“If it's an outlaw, you have to attack or avoid it first. If you don't belong to a community, there's no point in money or power, so a strong man would be the leader. You don't have to be in a good position to be elected. ”

But now the strongest one is in front.

“So you're an escort? ”

“Yes, and it would be from a subdivision of the size in which any currency is circulating. When you see the two of you holding a bunch of weapons behind you, the two of you and the front guard. ”

He said he was in bad shape, and he acted like a guillotine, and his eyes were pretty good.

But is Spring right? Maintenance continued the test.

“If it were a silver won relationship, wouldn't your projections be wrong? ”

“Silver won?”

“They're the robbers. You could be the one with the front. My babies said I'd save them. ”

“Most of the time, the clothes are clean. The middle camels are in good shape. He's got weight. The lump on the back is fat, and it's fluffy. ”

“So, isn't it wandering? ”

“It's a Merchant with a Node. ”

I looked up at him, asking if it wasn't spring.

“First of all, I knew. So what do we do now? ”

“I want to follow you carefully. ”


“There are a lot of local battles here, so most of them are pretty far between subdivisions. However, if the top is going in the direction, there is an overlap with the location of the Kahum Subdivision on the map. · · · Wouldn't you find it better than me? ”

Where I first came from. I don't even study. I don't have any basic common sense. In that situation, it was a judgment that had an understanding of the human behavioral system and reasonable reasonableness given the conditions.

“You have good eyes. ”

It was an honest compliment.

Just before avoiding his gaze, Spring's eyes widened slightly.

Spring shook his lips and opened his mouth.

“· · · Then let's sneak behind? ”

“No, you don't have to follow. ”


Maintenance rises on the ridge.

There was a stone in his hand. Keeping your back extended, you twist yourself with a picturesque gesture. The next moment his arms blur from his shoulders, and the stone is shot from his fingertips.

Paang ―

The stone that flew through the sound blasted the head of the superman at the forefront. I literally burst my head. Angry Merchants. At the same time, a shocking spring covered my mouth.

“Why? Why kill him? ”

“Take a good look. ”

Then something strange began to unfold. Suddenly, the merchants started to fight among themselves. It was precisely because there were so many that it was possible to group two people together.

The sound of gunfire crossed the desert through the silencer. In the meantime, the one who grabbed his head fell off the camel and broke his back.

“I hit it all. I've hit it all. It's odd that only the escorts are carrying weapons. It's my job to heal myself in the outlaw zone. ”

They were merchants.

A hostage-taught top for a robber with a leading superhuman.

And Yu Hyeong-tae killed the thief's master, Choin, with a stone.

“So, the merchants were taken from the robbers? ”

“Yes, I thought you knew that. ”

The spring, looking at the nature of things, realized that maintenance was at stake in the first encounter.

But I couldn't do it now.

“I guess it's not in good condition. ”

“Because it is. · · · ”

“I got it. Let's go. ”

Maintenance was at the right time. And he mentioned that he was the one who threw the stone. I asked you to join me in the neighborhood by pinning it on the top.

No one refused. He had a stone in his hand, so he could do it.

That way, the spring was caught between the retention and the group and headed for the fall of Kahum.


More than 200 small appellations of populations followed by clumsy woodlots.

“Oh, no. This smell is · · ·. ”

“Oh, my God. God. ”

Despite the scary smell before arriving there, the fallen merchants fled in vain.

Disease classification: EF014

The name is called 'Ancient Purulent Spore Reproductive Disease'.

The pathogen originating from this ancient species flies through the air, digging through the human respirator and taking life. It blooms with the fertility of the mold that was taken. When man dies, the mycelium is scattered into the air.

Mycelium has a unique fragrance. And in the Kahum appellation, the scent of that EF014 was thickening.

“I'm going in. I'm going back. ”

Knowing what the landscape was like on the site where EF014 was sweeping, Maintenance once again asked the doctor of the spring.

“· · · I'm going in. ”

Spring nodded with a stiff expression.

Inside the subdivision was as expected.

Tents, or tents that are easily made by cutting down trees and leaves. Most of them are half-broken.

It was a human being that spread out in the streets. I'm not human anymore. It was a mess of flesh for flowers. Similarly, it was similar to subarachnoid.

If the pathogen is severely eroded, it transforms into something other than human. This cannot be cured even in spring unless time is reversed.

Maintenance has moved on. Spring also followed behind him.

Half the infected were dead and half were not different from the dead, even if they were alive.

Apparently, the upper half was intact. There was also a side of the head that wasn't just human.

The pathogen that swallowed up the host sucked white mycelium on the human head to find new food, like Dandelion Monk.

Half of it is being swept away by storms. In the direction of the wind, it was scattered like snow.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Among the entangled, there was also a large chunk of flesh with a small chunk. The big one is still twitching and stretches out its two arms to hold the small one.

What a miserable landscape to open your eyes to.

Spring, however, boldly confronted the landscape.

“This is the end of the mission. ”

“Yes. The cause of the breakdown of the Kahum subdivision was EF014. ”

“And everyone is dead or infected. ”

He looked not far away for a moment. Just one. There was a survivor. It was a tent that was half collapsed, and unlike other tents, it was covered in a very tightly woven cloth.

In it, she found the only survivor. She was a middle-aged black woman who ate well in a place like this.

“Who are you? ”

She was the only survivor.

It is a well-made tent, at least due to the slow erosion of pathogens.

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