Kidnapped Dragons

53. Just a Sad Thing (3)

Ancient species means the most ferocious and long-lasting of all the monsters in the world. These monsters usually learn to survive in extreme circumstances, hold their breath for long periods of time in unsuitable environments, and thrive when the right environment arrives and swallows up a whole nation.

They are so gruesome that the will of life is disgusting.

Like a catastrophic Mine.

Because of that, an infected human quickly becomes a non-human. Even dragons can't heal because they're not human.

“Aah! ”

However, the plague infected in front of the eyes was different. Symptoms have not yet been severe. Unlike other subjects, it can be treated.

At the moment of judgment, Spring hurriedly ran and sat down on her knees. Then I began to heal the woman's body with the mana of nature.

“You can't move. ”

“· · · Who? ”

“I'm on a mission. ”

A green manna wraps around the body.

“· · · Strange · · · comfortable. ”

She closed her eyes for a while.

When I opened my eyes again, I was cured.

“Mister, it's over. ”


“Your body is very weak · · ·. I think you should eat something. ”

The regent was not interested in whether or not a woman who did not know who the stranger was in the land was dead.

However, he hoped that spring would help him recover. So he surrounded the barracks, protected the entire tent one more level, and used the field kit to heat up the simple soup and deliver it to her.

“Thank you, thank you. ”

I swallowed warm soup with the slow movement of a middle-aged woman.

Good is good. It was a rare tendency to be in the illegal zone of the wilderness.

Hoo for retention and spring was neutral. I seemed to be afraid of a part of it, rather than vaguely liking it, even though it was a gift of life.

I left half the soup. I finished my meal. The woman opened her mouth.

“I am, Aziana. I've been a nomadic in this sector for 40 years. About a week ago, people suddenly started to get weird. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

Spring nods.

“What about outside the tent? ”

“Outside the tent. ”

When the spring blurred, the woman nodded.

“Aah! It seems the same.”

The voice of the woman who spoke in a calm voice was filled with repentance.

“They're all infected, right? ”

“Yes, the pathogen is still spreading. If you're here, you'll be infected again. ”

“I see. · · · I have no family, I have no foolishness. ”

“Will you come with me then? ”

“By the way. Before that, may I ask you one thing with some disrespect? ”

“Yes, tell me. ”

“There was a young man in the neighborhood who was making tents. He's the guy who built the tent I'm in. He's a really nice guy. I don't worry about anyone else, but I'd like to see that young man a little bit. ”

Spring looked back on retention.

Bearing in mind that the spring conditions were poor, this was decided to help.

“What are the features? ”

“Yes · · ·. I'm sure he's wearing blue. He's a soldier guarding the fall, so he must be carrying a weapon. ”

Maintenance was quickly found. The center of the fall. Near the entrance to the largest hut, there was a group of young people. All of them were already out of hand.

Maintenance looked back on the middle-aged woman. She nods with a blunt gaze.

I prevented him from getting close. I was at risk of being infected again.

Death is common in outlawed areas. Spring only took a step back in thinking of this situation.

The situation ended with it.

* * *

The mission came to an end in vain.

If there were other causes, spring should have been more involved in other things, but the situation was simply doomed by the plague.

Maintenance went to the dispatch station and handed over the photos to inform them of the completion of the mission.

“Well, yes. Well done.”

“What are we going to do about the fall? ”

“What are you going to do? We have to stop them.”

It burns with fire.

The on-call worker turned a landline call to the NAN.

That's how I want to inform you of the completion of the mission. Yu Hyeong-tae returned to Khahum Falls.

“A little bit, can we take responsibility? ”


Then, at the request of spring, she brought ‘Aziana’ to the nearest quarter.

The fall of the sister relationship has meant that after listening to the words of spring, I will organize the place. Tomorrow, they had to leave far away from the plague.

“Thank you. · · ”

The parisian woman smashed her forehead in front of the spring.


Aziana only started to cry when she got to the other side. People avoided saying she was a woman from the barracks. But she was healthy, so the misunderstanding would soon be solved.

It was time for them to go back to work.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

I'm gonna go back, I'm gonna talk. I was looking at the direction of the ruined subdivision as the spring was dazed.

“What's wrong? ”

“Well, it just feels a little complicated. ”

“Something. ”

“I will · · ·. ”

And spring had not spoken for a long time.

When I turned my head again, a gloomy hue flew away.

“It's okay now. ”

“Are you sure you're okay? ”

“Yeah. Anyway, there's more I've seen every day than this. ”

What I saw every day seemed to mean a landscape that I didn't want to see through providence. That's what he used to say.

“If we're okay, can we just go for a day? ”


In the vicinity of the oasis that brought Aziana that way. Maintenance ended the night with the spring.

In the outlawed zone, the magic stone was an efficient currency. I carved the Medium Magical Stone that I brought to them in advance.

“This, this · · ·. ”

Overpaid and overpriced.

The chief's eyes twitched for a moment. The gaze was shifted to the waist of the retainer. The bag touches the end.



“Do you covet?”

“Oh, no. ”

Then my body shrivels.

The chief did not hesitate. If you're a superhero enough to be assigned to the NAN, you shouldn't dare touch this lawless zone.

“I don't need rice. I'll only stay one day. ”

“Got it. Hahaha. ”

That way, he was assigned one of the chief's daughters' tents. At least it was the cheapest tent in the subdivision.

Until then, the spring that followed behind the retention was like being possessed by a ghost. Then I sighed as if I had been relieved and sat down in bed. At least it's a bed covered in sacks. It was a place where people could lie down.

He sits on the floor and leans back on the peg post.

I hear grasshoppers. Outside the closing window, the stars glittered over the desert sky.

“Because it's late. Lie down and get some rest. ”


Spring took off his coat and lay in bed.

Short-sleeved tees and military trousers are a must have for your body. He stares at the ceiling of the tent.

I've been hoping that time would pass.

When I looked at the ceiling, the spring opened my mouth.

“Why is this happening? ”

He replied.

“What's going on? ”

“Yes, someone is suffering. Death and grief. ”

“ · · · · · ·. “

“It would be nice for everyone to be happy. ”

“I'm sure.”

“Why do you think this is happening? ”


Spring seemed to think of something for a moment.

“Every outcome has a cause. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”


“Well, that's why. “

“Well, then, I think there's a cause for someone to feel this sad. ”

“ · · · · · ·. ”

“So if you think the provider is wrong, does it get a little better? ”

Spring waited for an answer. However, there was no answer from the Guardian for a long time.

“You're asking questions that aren't like you. ”

It was an answer that came back a long time ago.

“Because the condition is bad · · ·. ”

Spring lifted me out of bed. Then I looked at him.

“I don't know what the answer is either. I don't even know if there's an answer. ”

“Wonderful · · ·. I think you know something. ”

“I don't know much. ”

Maintenance looked up at the spring with blurred eyes.

“But I don't think it was just like you said. ”


“When something unfortunate happens. If the person who gave you the cause is sure, you can catch and kill one of them. But there were a lot of things that didn't. ”

She thought of something.

I can't change anything, even if I blame and hate it.

But there was a time when people had to live.

“It's just, there's a pity. ”

Spring understood what the protector said, but what he thought. I couldn't understand what I was saying based on my experience.

However, if you try to put yourself in a position where providence is invisible, spring feels unexplained consolation.

Don't know why. Suddenly approaching. It's a little scary. It's just something like that. It's just a shame. The living must endure, endure, and overcome those moments. Even if something you don't want to do comes up.

Perhaps it is a process of acceptance of suffering. Hope is a story that is not as eye-catching as it seems, but Spring feels miraculously comfortable in a confused mood.

“· · · Will you continue to be there? ”

Spring was dazed and asked.

“You're uncomfortable sitting there, aren't you? ”


He tucks the bed with his hand.

“I'm good.”


“I don't sleep anyway. ”

“Then you're awake. Lie down.”

Still, Vertini Spring came down and sat next to Keeping.

“· · · What are you doing? ”

“You can't be in a good place alone. ”

“What's wrong with you. Just go lie down. ”

“What's wrong with you? ”

“What did I do? ”

“It's not the first time we've slept together. ”

Did that happen?

“Of course there was winter then, but · · ·. Are you worried? ”

“What. What are you making fun of? ”

“Yeah, you don't have to worry about that. I'm in bad shape today anyway, so I don't want to make fun of you. ”

The regent stood up while thinking about something for a while. Spring smiled and headed to bed with him.

He sat down. Spring sat down.

He felt new. Perhaps, the Spring Condition was a really important issue. As it proves, he doesn't even know that a bug can't even come close to the usual difference, even if it's sitting on his shoulder.

He reaches out to the shoulders of spring.

“ · · · · · ·? ”

Suddenly, the spring's eyes widen in the coming hand.

By the time his hand touched his shoulder.

“ · · · · · ·?! ”

Spring moved backwards in surprise.

Then I fell off the bed, smashed my ass and hit my head on the top of the box.

“Ow, ow. What are you doing? ”

“What's wrong? ”

Hyeong-tae wanted to know why he did this.

Yet his gaze touched the shoulders of spring. The pest was still on the shoulders of spring. That worm's a poisonous spider. ’A bug that smells nasty when you spit it out once.

When he reaches out, the spring shrinks again.

“What's wrong? ”

“There you go. I've got something to catch. ”

“Yes? What do you catch? ”

“Stay put. Don't move.”

“For what? I'm in bad shape. I can't get close. ”

“What's that supposed to mean? ”

“You're getting close. ”

“Stay put. Don't move.”


He grabs the bug from the shoulder of the spring and throws it out.

Then I revived a bit of the rage that I had even killed. Don't let the bugs come out again.

Spring sighed.

“You did something. ”

Meanwhile, the regent felt the Dragon Heart of Spring tremble like crazy.

He wondered if the spring response was correct.

I was scared, like I used to be.

“Anyway, go away. You don't have my place. ”

“Oh, yeah. ”

He retreated to the other side of the bed and thought,

It feels pleasant to know why. I felt that way.

It was the same as in the past when I was mocked in reverse. Spring, which was so relaxing, saw him reluctantly, so he felt a little pleasant. It was an uncommon emotion in his life.

He thought. The mission ended anyway. If we stay the night, we have to go back tomorrow. Spring said he was in bad shape, but he seemed quite well.

Somehow I feel pleasant, and he looks at the face of spring.

“You said you didn't want to make fun of me. ”



“Yes, today is a day of rest. ”

The answer that I had no intention of making fun of him aroused interest.

He tilts his torso.

From now on, I was going to make fun of him.

“ · · · · · ·? ”

Unlike usual, the spring's eyes twitch.

Keeping his hands up.

I didn't know how to trouble others. Nevertheless, if you know anything. Distance was close. Movement was cautious and should be subtle.

Spring always did.

“Why are you approaching again? What are you going to do? ”

At this point, the spring replied, "What?"

Probably, he pretended not to.

“Hairstyle, it's always the same. ”

“That's him, right? Because my head doesn't grow. ”

He imitates the spring and brings his hand to the forehead of the spring. Then he pushed his forehead of grass with his finger and wiped it off.

White forehead.

The eyes of the grass grew like a panic down there.

Spring removed the sleepy head, avoiding snow. The difficulty was obvious. I felt a little pleasantry again.

It was similar to the pleasure a child felt when looking at a toy.

Let's make it a little bit more difficult. I thought he'd like to approach, but a little more surprising spring crossed my arms and covered my body.

“Why? You just saw my forehead. ”

“I did.”

“But why are you here again? Why · · ·? ”

It will be difficult to tease him when his condition returns anyway. In that thought, Yu Tae-tae approached like a bulldozer. Spring stepped back on its seat, but it was not long before the peg post of the tent blocked the back of the spring.

“Aah! ”

Now I have nowhere to run. A slightly more uneasy expression appeared in both eyes. Maintenance is getting closer to what it is. It seems like the beast is coming, but it's different from when spring narrows the distance.

A shocking spring stretches out its hands and blocks the retention of the breasts.

The insignificant force gave me a pause.

“What's wrong? ”

“What's wrong with you? · ·? ”

“What did I do? ”

“Oh, I see. Are you trying to make fun of me? You know I'm embarrassed because I'm in bad shape? I can't help but notice this. ”

“Let's get you close. ”

“It's too close. ”

“So, to stay away? ”

The words that I said to myself in the past become shackles and grasp my ankle.

“I was wrong · · ·. ”


In trouble, the spring that prevented me from doing so became a cry.

“· · · Save me. ”

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