Kidnapped Dragons

Part 67. 90 years of service (2)

― Well.

“Oh, open the door. ”

― No.

“What? I have something to ask you. ”

― I have nothing to answer for.

There was a slight day standing in the voice of spring. Summer, when daylight faults came to mind, I scratched my side. Horses have never been so round until spring. Was that how you felt?

However, empathy was not good. What's the requirement?

Broccoli. Cute.

“Hey, open up. ”

― Don't open it.

“I'm going in. I said. ”

― Don't open it.

Summer opened the visit in the spring.

Spring sitting at the desk was writing something with a pen in the diary. As summer approached, Spring put the pen down and covered the note in the drawer.

Summer closed the door and moved on cautiously.

“Sister Wool. What's wrong? Why are you so open? ”

“ ……. ”

“Huh? I'm so sorry. ”

Spring looked back on summer. I wanted to be angry, but it didn't look like it. As always, the look on his face seemed like he would build if the class were boring.

However, the voice was a little low.



“I told you not to open the door. But why did you open the door? ”

“No, fuck, I said I had a question. ”

“If you're wondering, should I answer unconditionally? ”


“If you're wondering, I might not want to answer. I told you not to open the door, but you didn't open it. You want me to answer something I don't want to answer? If I did, would you want to answer? ”

I was in a slow tone. I had thorns.

It's right behind him. The brows of summer twitched.

“I'm sorry, dammit. Tsk. Okay. I'm going out. Can I go out? ”

However, as the summer turned around, a resolute voice stood in the way of the summer.

“My stuff. ”

Summer looked back on spring.

“Don't touch it. ”

“ ……. ”

“You got it?”

“What are you talking about again? You're such a jerk. ”


“Oh, shit. Okay. You got it. You got any gold on your laptop? Why do you keep it in a box? Since when did you pack your stuff like that...? ”

However, the fine sound does not go out. I had a habit of ticking and chatting, but I had already spit it out and couldn't pick it up.

Then the spring's eyes tremble. The tremor led to the eyelids within seconds. Later, I could see Parr trembling even under the snow.

What the hell.

What's wrong with him?

It was half annoying, but the other half was questionable.

There was no foresight. Spring broke out of my place, and I grabbed my laptop with both my hands. Then he raised his head high.

Huh? Huh? At the moment of doing so, spring struck the laptop on the desk as hard as it could.

Is this bitch really around...! Summer ran and blocked the spring arms and took away the laptop just before the collision. In the process, spring pushed into the hands of summer. The difference in power was so great that the spring was swooping backwards.

“What are you doing? Crazy bitch!”

“ ……. ”

“Why are you trying to break this? Keep your laptop intact!”

The spring, which sat still, sighed deeply. The shattered head flows down as you wish.

Spring laid his hands on his forehead. Then I looked up at the summer. No, it wasn't summer. It was a laptop in the hands of summer.

A panicked summer in the direction of that gaze picked up a laptop and threw it into the bed of spring.

“So what do we do? ”

It was then that spring opened its mouth.

“I feel so bad. ”

I look into the eyes of spring. Summer felt an unknown creep. It was the first time I saw her even though I had been with her for quite some time.

Was he so attached to his stuff?

“Crazy... Tsk.”

However, it seemed to me that the situation would be really bad, even if there were more hateful voices. It was annoying to push myself to the top of my head. Spring's eyes began to tremble again.

Summer seemed to me to be some kind of disgusting thing for spring. Just as you turn your eyes upside down in front of violence or conflict. I don't think you should touch it.

Until now, no one has touched Spring's stuff so badly. This may not have happened.

“Oh, okay. I'm not touching you again. ”

“ ……. ”

“You know, don't smash your laptop because I'm out. Fuck... Why are you mad at your laptop? Angry.”

For now, I felt like I needed to cool down.

So when summer tries to leave the spring visit, the voice of spring flies like an arrow and sticks into the ears of summer.

“I can't do that to you... ”

Oh, my God.

So, you're trying to smash the laptop instead of me?

.. Let me talk to you once, Brainy boy.

Fortunately, I didn't hear the laptop break. The next day, Spring used the laptop without any problems. However, because of the conversation, I did not ask what I really wanted to ask.

They were a little awkward for a while.

* * *


Maintenance headed for the United States across the Pacific.

The protégé 1 who was waiting in advance welcomed him.

“I was waiting. My lord.”


Protein1 was turning over the black and white mixed man's hair, a western look. I felt like I had remained there all the time.

From now on, he was going to act as a completely new fictional identity.

I had to change my appearance that much. So the retainer is also fixing his face with a face that is hard to build a particular race. The skeleton was also slightly modified.

However, Deuteronomy 1 looked at her face and questioned her.

“Did you do the hair yourself? ”

“Why. Somehow. ”

Self 1 doesn't seem to be worth it.


It's like a psychotic killer, though. It was like a psychopath with a knife. He who is the face of the earth will be repulsed.

But soon Deuteronomy 1 received a memory. I realized that it was a work of spring and followed the words carefully.

“… it meant it fits terribly well. ”

“ ……. ”

He couldn't stand it.

I have to establish a virtual identity somehow. It would have required a fictional name.

Which pseudonym would be good? He was always insensitive to the mission. All that came to mind was that the names of the children were seasonal.

Then, his pseudonym seemed to be good for Season.

Jefferson soon took his place.

He greets the Self 1 with his eyes and waits for permission. If Deuteronomy 1 nodded, he went and sat carefully in front of Hyeong-tae.

I'm sweating cold on my face.

“Hello, I'm Jefferson. ”

“Nice to meet you. Call it the season. ”

Thousands and hundreds of regressions.

For such a retention, at least not as many new people existed in the Federation. So did Antonio Jefferson.

It wasn't new, so there was no reason to know.

I didn't need an unnecessary conversation because I had no reason to know.

“First of all, you can take the missing people with you today. ”

Jefferson's eyes get thinner.

“You can't just give it to me like that... What are your reasons for this? ”

I was comfortable speaking quickly. He pointed to Protein1.

“His name is One. ”

At that moment, Protein 2 became Two.

“He was a no-name superhero in the Great War. Individual power levels are higher than those with 'Freedom Qualification Dungeon Attack Privilege’. ”

Jefferson's eyes swirl at the words of Keeping.

There were only about 30 supermen in the world who had the privilege of attacking a free dungeon, the nickname Dungeon Free Pass. Most of them were 2-digit ranked superheroes.

“The main capabilities are navigation and tracking. If you want, you can find the location of the hidden witch Valentine, so... You're above the clumsy trackers of the Federation. ”

Jefferson's eyes frown.

This was also absurd.

No rookie doesn't know that witches are hiding. However, only one superhero knows where the witch is, Oscar Blezhenk, the number one in the world.

It was already ten years ago that he was desperate to hide and disappear. Who the hell are you looking for?

“Why. Strange? ”

“Yes? Ah.. No.”

“That's the setup. ”

That's it, then.

Mac opens his mouth, and his words continue.

“You happened to know. I made a request to this friend. This guy found it. I found the three who were missing. Then you should recommend this friend to the Federation. To the extent of military torture. If you're the chief secretary, your recommendation would be a pain in the ass to get out of the army these days. The torture seat is empty. ”

How do you know the fast track of the Federation?

Jefferson touched his beard.

“Wait a minute. How can those three look at me and smile? Did you wash your brains? ”

The hostages have not yet returned. Deuteronomy 1 was with him.

At that point, Deuteronomy 1 replied.

“No. I didn't brainwash them or anything. ”

“So what?”

“Well explained. Those who understood accepted the monarchy's will. ”


I dig up the bullshit again.

Jefferson frowned.

If someone had told me this, he would have treated me as a psychopath and been out of position. However, since the hard-working people are saying this seriously, it is difficult to determine where to believe.

It started with three SSS + grade dungeons in the first place. It was unbelievable.

The conversation was futile because there was no credit. I couldn't understand what they were saying. They won't follow your opinions.

However, this frustration does not stand in the way of dialogue. This is because I realized that the opponent's level and defeat are not negligible.

Jefferson realized this was going to leave his line. How dare you. You can't do this to yourself.

By analogy, you are a child.

The opponent was an adult with a gun.

He could die, but he should not go to the Federation. For that reason, Jefferson decided to pretend to be on their side for a while.

In order to do so, the 'strong' who don't know the world's waters. I needed to know where the Federation was.

“… hmm. Okay, but it's not going to roll that easily. ”

“What do you mean? ”

It was the answer of one called Circle.

“Collateralize three missing persons. Even with my letter of recommendation. On the Federation side, we will speculate. We're going to try to pinpoint the identity. Only then can I put you in the army. ”

“This is a country where all soldiers get out of the military. Do you still have a way to be sensitive? ”

“That's... I haven't been able to hear that since. ”


“Teacher, please don't speak! ”

Bam! Jefferson lowers the glass with all his might.

However, no one looked back on them at the cafe. Because the sound is blocked.

“We are the International Early Childhood Federation. They're the ones who move the world army. It's the only organization that's been able to interfere with the military forces around the world since the dawn of time. There's no way you guys wouldn't know. ”

The circle leans on the arm and leans on the chair.

“There are only 1400 rankers in 72 units. They're our hands and feet. Do you think that's it? You know that." Returnee. "There's the druid of regeneration." The wings of the fatherless. "The Royal Family Sword. Many other superheroes are swords and shields of the Federation. ”

“You should be a little more discreet if you wish. It's hard to underestimate the Federation! Whatever revelations you have received. No matter what prophecy you follow, you will only hear the outrageous voices of the hidden superstitious in front of the name of the Federation! We need to be a little closer! ”

He widens his shoulders. The Scarecrow looked like it was wrinkling.

The words were rude. What was in them was advice to be discreet. Do not treat the Federation as you would yourself.

It was rather like trying to protect the maintenance. If you do as you're told, the Good Federation will take care of the situation. However, there was no reason for Jefferson to protect the holding, so this could be understood as an act to protect the hostage, not the holding.

Jefferson estimated retention and self-immolation1 to be about the seniority of the older generation.

I'm ignorant about the Federation. I don't know. I believed in only one power during the old war. Like a lot of hidden journalists.

But Jefferson Antonio didn't know.

Maintenance for the first time was a soldier in the Federation.

The second maintenance was the commander of the 107th Caucasian platoon of the Federation.

The 3rd Maintenance Brigade was a member of the Federation and was Brigadier-General of the 10th Battle Brigade for a very short time.

Maintenance was a member of the General Assembly for the fourth time. He was the Second Army Commander of the Federation for a very short time. He was ranked 3rd and served as deputy commander of the League's last coalition. He was named Caliovan's "Five Transcendents."

And for the fifth time, he was chairman of the Federation for about 10 years.

“Antonio Jefferson. ”

The term of office of the Confederation was about 90 years.

This was longer than the history of the Confederation.

A voice came out that darkened the pathetic.

“Call me. Don't be shy. ”

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