Kidnapped Dragons

Chapter 68. Transcendents (1)

“Call me. Are you sure you want to start the plan you just said? No, no, no! Absolutely not ready. I don't care if I hit it. I'm the only one muttering. However, what you are trying to do is ridiculously large. Your chances of getting into the Federation are limited right now! ”

But Jefferson made the call.

Maintenance immediately entered the Federation that day.

“You have entered…… but this is the real beginning. Once the follow-up squad is in place, we will immediately try to verify the authenticity of the hostage structure. What do you plan to do now that you have no evidence? ”

Federation Special Forces explored his tracks based on the testimony and statements of Protestant 1.

I found evidence.

“You have already produced evidence…… but from now on, you will have to interview the Federation Human Resources Department. They're stubborn, unmistakable people who picked four minds out of 2270 new recruits. Can't you tell them something strange? ”

Maintenance saw the interview. I did not get caught

“What the hell..... no. Even so. Asking for a position of torture right away, no matter what the circumstances. Of course, the torture seat is vacant. It's true that the military is quiet. Even so, why would you torture the military as a base for tracking? ”

It was the opinion that the rivalry between the retainer and himself would not be too strong.

“Try it. ”

“Perhaps the misfortunes so far will disappear. ”

“Do it.”

“No. Please be a little more discreet. ”

Jefferson was strong this time.

However, in a report that went up from the follow-up squad, Jefferson received a call from the chairman of the Federation, rather praising the tracking skills of Protestant 1.

The next day, Protein1 became responsible for the military advisor.

“ ……. ”

I can't.

It's definitely not possible.

Why is it all happening?

By then, Jefferson had a feeling that the world was playing around with something, just like clowns.

Yeah. How did this happen without Truman?

“Arrange a meeting with the Chief of the Command Strategy Office tomorrow. ”

Not that much.

Does the Chief of Command Strategy look like a dick? If she is, I must point out their strangeness. I will stubbornly try to capture the truth.

“Why is there no answer? ”

“ ……. ”

“Can't you? ”

However, it did not say that it should not be.

“... let's try. ”

On his way back. Jefferson tries his best.

Related to identity, let's get credit through ourselves. It is possible because there are 40 years of loyalty to the Federation.

Then the rest of the elements must have been proven to be pure abilities, but this was quite exquisite.

It's not anything else, it's the Federation's Tracking Squad.

If there are 1,000 people who have been trained in tracking for a lifetime, there will be only 10 of them called masterminds. The heads of the tracking squads belonging to the Federation are unconditionally included in those 10.

Those who are not able to see the higher places because they are already standing in heaven.

However, the earliest people who saw One-One's tracking technique put their mouths together and said:

“Hahaha... Chief. I started tracking at the age of 12, and there's a Leica tracking technique I've been learning for 35 years. It flipped in just 35 seconds. In just 35 seconds. He shook a theory that I thought was a belief. But I still don't understand half of his tracking. ”

It was a faint voice.

It wasn't just a follow-up. The 'circle’ was a little more out of common sense. After the interview, the top rankers who had served as interviewers put out their tongues.

“He had a great understanding of military science……. ”

“The achievement of Mana's life has been unimaginable. If you think about it, it could be a two-digit number or a higher ranker. ”

“You have a lot of wisdom about real combat. A senior soldier who went through a great war like you said..... ”

Even when I heard it all this way, Jefferson was still a rebel.

However, as he listened to the president of the Federation Strategy Office, Zegal-Hayyeon, Jefferson felt frustrated.

“Inspiration. Where did you bite those lunatics? ”

Round glasses, neatly arranged and tied hair. Somewhere in the dry eye, the firearm lives and breathes.

This Chinese woman in her late thirties, the total head of the Federation's tactical……, has never complimented a butcher. So Jefferson had to ask her what she meant by "one" and "season," "lunatics."

“Did they make any mistakes? ”

“What are you talking about? ”

“What do I do?”

“By taking on the role of advisor, they can expect an explosive power boost for the entire Federation. It's amazing. If you had that kind of connection, you'd have brought it. ”

“That much? How much? ”

“1.12 times a year. ”

A superhero with a 'special computer’ in his head.

Her calculations were never wrong.

So Jefferson was alarmed. In a year alone, he raises the military power by 12% ……. Like this, he had never heard of it in his life.

“Is there anything else I can't do? ”

So a few days later.

When the owner of the circle, Season, asked him so much. Jefferson shakes his head.

Now what..... Jefferson answered like a sigh of blurring judgment.

“Again, what else can I give you? ”

“Let me see the Chairman. ”

However, at the end of the ‘season’ that followed, the same answer emerged as a seizure.

They ran without knowing that the sky was high, and reached the mountains beyond the building. So now you want to go into space.

“It is, not that much…! ”

He wanted to cry.

* * *

This was a really bad time.

Although, it was premature to meet that busy man.

It took ‘One' only two weeks to catch the right person within the Federation.

He was also able to take a seat in the Federation with him in the name of his companion in the season (Maintenance).

They were superheroes beyond those specifications.

The emptying federation was a time when the military had to lift the tide towards these people.

The situation was exquisitely engaged.

Of course, even on the federation side, this point will not be recommended for the next few years. The already watched gaze passed all over the place.

This huge, moving tissue was watching the two of them.

So, for the time being, I had to get credit.

She lived in Rare with her children during the day. When the Hatzlings were asleep, they left the dormitory and entered the Federation headquarters.

He then acted as a military advisor as a Class 4 agent.

Its role as a military statement was simple. Interviews with practitioners to improve the morale and power of each unit. and advice on practical and realistic power improvements.

For two weeks, he had to meet many practitioners around a small unit of the Federation, not to mention a day, to talk about military power.

“How the hell did you know all this so soon...? ”

When someone asked me that in a loud voice, I didn't have anything to say. I've been in your unit for about four and a half years, so how do I tell you that I found out?

He was not very wise about military science. In that field, there were limits to the wisdom that could be gained from experience.

However, he had a long history of living, a 90-year tenure, and a myriad of correct answers were revealed in the process.

It was a simple answer. So it worked.

“Just do what you're told. Don't ask for skewers. ”

“Oh, yep...! ”

However, getting close must always be careful and take a long time. This is also true of the relationship between the organization and the individual.

Urgent side effects are always present.

The next morning, as evidenced by that. A woman appeared in front of them at the time of Jefferson's breakfast with Season One (Maintenance) and Deuteronomy One (Deuteronomy 1).

“Hello? I'm a puppy. It came from the Federation Command. ”

He was a Korean who looked like a puppy by name.

It was a pretty face, just like everyone else. The smiling face was especially naive, and Jefferson laughed.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Azin. I'm Antonio Jefferson. But the commander? I didn't hear anything. ”

“I'm here to assist you with the Fifth Command Room instruction. ”

“Ah, the Fifth Command Room……. ”

A special position created by the Federation for the five strongest people in history among the early survivors.

"The Five Transcendents of the Caliovan"

This includes B.M., 2nd place, 3rd place, and Heleon. And there were strong men, including the elder rookie ranker Christoph.

The Fifth Command Room is a special purpose command unit for these transcendents.

This was a group for which no information was shared with anyone but the Federation Chairman and members of the Fifth Command.

“I don't really need an assistant. ”

It was the answer of Dement1.

“I heard you're valuable. I would appreciate your understanding with the care of the Fifth Command Room! ”

With a smile, the woman carries the assistant of the circle and maintenance.

“You may be embarrassed at the beginning, but believe me. I'm good at this. ”

“What are you good at? ”

“An errand. Coffee is good. ”

I did not react well. Then the puppy laughed.

“Can't you do that, too? So what about this? I'm with the Fifth Command and I have a name value. In the Federation business, the power of what I'm saying is quite great. You need as much authority as I do, so if you say so, you can see that it's a cool human lie. ”

“You talk a lot. ”

“Of course. I'm good at listening. It's nice to be quiet. Would you like to see it?”

Then, the puppy naturally sits next to the keepsake with a smile.

And I didn't say a word.

I felt uncomfortable with people, but it was a strange voice and appearance. How many people would hate it if a little puppy waved its tail. The atmosphere felt by the puppy was the same.

So Jefferson thought of her positively. I think I saw the season and the circle positively on the fifth command room side.

However, the circle did not look good.

“You, soldier. ”


“We don't need an assistant. You can go back.”

“Yes? I can't do that. Don't you think you should do what the soldiers say? ”

“I don't need anyone else to work with. ”

“Others? I volunteered for this. ”

“You said you were a soldier.”

“Yes! I am. Ever since I was a kid, a soldier was a dream. But what's so scary about fighting when you're a soldier? Rather, it is my role to help those who fight! I wanted to.”

“ ……. ”

“Oh, well, trust me. You're not gonna find my assistant anywhere. ”

“ ……. ”

The circle's reaction trembled.

“Anyway, I hope you two have a good day. I'm just going to do this. ”

In time for the Federation Chairman's commute, Jefferson took his place. From now on, he would not return for six hours at Federation Headquarters.

And Deuteronomy 1 also sought my place first. Then the puppy stood up together.



“Don't follow me if you want to do the auxiliary. Follow him. ”

“Uh, that's..... ”

“Don't add words, do what you're told. Didn't you say" assistant "? ”

The puppy showed embarrassment. Maintenance took time.

But here, personal walking was a little more important. This woman was right to be in maintenance.

So I had two puppies left in my sleep.

Hyeong-tae didn't say much to her. Just get up and walk somewhere, and the puppy sleeps after him like a puppy.

But it wasn't so bad to carry her around.

“Ah. Can you give me a moment? I didn't hear from the top. ”

“I'm glad you sent me during the day. Still haven't heard from you? ”

“Well, the procedural military advisor takes his time separately. ”

In the time of retention, he had never stepped on the threshold of the Federation as a rank four agent. That's why it was so annoying to take the case as a 'business process'.

“Hey, give me the phone. ”


“I'm the Fifth Command Dog. ”

The officer nodded in astonishment, and the dog was annoyed.

“Oh, let's change the phone. Come on. Don't you like horses? ”

The words of the Fifth Command Office gave him a little more authority. The unnecessary work procedures were streamlined.

The day's work ended earlier than usual. When I looked back after work, I smiled confidently as if my puppy was watching.

“What do you think? You're really good, aren't you? ”

“ ……. ”

I remember the summer, and I almost complimented it reflectively. But he didn't confront me.

By the way, it would be a sad time.

It was then that the message of the watch that was waiting came.

It begins to be drawn as an image that the watch sends into the head of the retention state.

If he hadn't. There is the first form of malice that will push the world into ruin.

It started to become clear.

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