Kidnapping All Mankind

Chapter 99: ecstasy

"Okay, master ..." "Yes, teacher ..."

Hearing the commander of the pastor, Wu Qingchen and Xiao Andre quickly stepped out of the church and set foot on a slate path paved in the wild grass.

Stepping out of the path, Andrei made a direction and straightened his sleeves.

What kind of trouble is this?

Knowing Andre's age, familiar with Andre's way of thinking, and then looking at Andre's appearance about to start running, Wu Qingchen quickly grabbed, "Andre ... how are you going to find the police ? "

"Run!" Little Andre said, "It's obvious", "There are seven police officers the priest is looking for, of course, be quick!"

"Seven ..." Wu Qingchen looked up involuntarily, "Seven police officers, where are you going to find?"

"Go to their house!" Andrea replied for granted.

"Andre ..." Wu Qingchen shook his head helplessly, raised his finger to the sun that had risen completely, "It's now this time, can you find someone in their house?"

"Well ... is it already so late ... shouldn't anyone be in the house?" Andre hesitated, and soon his eyes lighted up: "It doesn't matter, I'll look in their place!"

This solid-eyed child!

"Do you know how many pieces they have? Know where each piece is? Do you know how far each piece is from home? ... Waiting for you to run all over, maybe the whole day has passed!"

"Ah ..." Andre looked up, thinking for a moment, had to admit that what Wu Qingchen said was indeed true, "What then? Go back and ask the priest?"

This honest child ...

Essentials of horseplay: When leaders make obvious mistakes, don't point out, don't ask, and never correct them on the spot. The most appropriate way to deal with them is to make up silently during implementation.

"Don't ask, the master wants you to find it, but it's just a police officer, don't care who these police officers are ..."

Pulling Andre, Wu Qingchen simply said the response together: "Wait a while, you can choose any aspect and turn half a circle. When you pass through the land, you will be called one when you see a police officer. In the end, if the master is looking for people, when they are almost seven or eight, they can take them back to church. "

"Um ... this ..." In fact, before Wu Qingchen said these words, Andrei also vaguely realized that it would be inappropriate to look back and ask the pastor.

Recalling the conversation we heard in the church just now, Andrea's eyebrows stretched out: "Well, good way, just do it! Thank you, Los."

"Nothing, I have to thank you for everything."


"It's nothing……"


Andre's face was full of bright smiles.

No matter the earth or the medieval world, children's feeling is actually the most acute.

Just before this moment, although Andre had always felt that Wu Qingchen / Loss was very close, very enthusiastic, caring, and caring for himself, Wu Qingchen / Loss had always shown a clear purpose, and always made Little Andre feel Get a copy of the gap.

Until this moment, Wu Qingchen had a flash of light in his mind. Without planning by the staff, he set out directly from his own thinking and concern for Little Andre. The instructions and reminders that came out suddenly let this young man follow Near the priest, the child who has been in the village of Akeli for almost three years, for the first time, feels the sincerity and care from his peers.

Such feelings are naturally quite subtle. Due to experience and age, Andrei only vaguely perceives, and has not the ability to analyze in detail.

Similarly, Wu Qingchen didn't realize that before the official training started the day before, when the staff confirmed the information, he used photos and videos to secretly wash his brain in the second round, only to make André's fingers flush when he filled the water tank. , The smile of joy when sharing white bread, and the look of worry at the door of the church during heavy rain was deeply imprinted on his heart.

——Only at this moment, let Wu Qingchen see Xiao Andre posing for running, and immediately help the children of this medieval world to think about a better solution.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no other purpose at all.

"By the way ..." Wu Qingchen began to "inadvertently" again "successfully" and asked: "Andre, wait to see the police, how do you tell them why they came to church?"

"The priest wants them to protect you from searching for herbs in the forest!"

"Well ... not like this ..."

Wu Qingchen shook his head. "If I treat cattle by myself, the herbs are almost enough, and I don't need to go into the forest again, right?"

"Yes." This was obvious, and Andre nodded after hearing the full conversation in the church.

"Because you want to teach the burdock to help the workers manage the cattle, you need more herbs, right?"

"Yes." This was also obvious.

"So ..." Wu Qingchen made a long sound.

"So the police should be told that the priest wants them to accompany the burdock helpers to find the herbs."

"Yes ..." Wu Qingchen added by the way: "But, I'm also worried that they don't recognize the real herbs. In order to make them smoother and spend less time, when they first entered the forest, , I will go with them. "

"Yes! Right!" Little Andre nodded again and again: "Los, you are such a good man."

"It's nothing ..." Wu Qingchen smiled slightly, "I just thought about it for others."

——For example, think more about the helpers for the burdock: Anyway, they will return to their villages after they have learned the craft, and they do n’t care if they bear the resentment of a few Ikli police officers.

"Okay! I'm going ... Los, you have to hurry up!"

"Go on."

So, Andre went to the east, and Wu Qingchen went to the south.


The barn belonging to Lord Baron was close to the church.

A few minutes passed, and around a corner, dozens of steps away, a large-scale livestock barn appeared in front of Wu Qingchen.

At this time, the morning sun in the summer was shining on the body.

Standing in the position of Wu Qingchen, there were noises from the chorus of cows, sheep and chickens from the barn, as well as the sound of two oxen helpers who had already stood up, yelling at the serfs.

Dean from the Floran village and Elmore from the Ori village are the stewards of their respective villages. The smartest burdock children specially selected by them are at the most vigorous age in life and came to Ike In the three days of Li Village, with the help of two messengers, guides and short-term translators, Dean and Elmore have been able to barely understand the language of Acre Village and stuttered their meanings.

"Good day, Los."

When Wu Qingchen walked into the barn, Edra was the first to discover him.

This is taken for granted.

At this moment, it is the busiest time of the day to look after the animals. In the entire barn, the lowest-ranked serfs were naturally called to the point. The two burdock helpers and their messengers were equally busy. With a lot of sweat, only standing next to Idra, who carefully watched and learned how the two burdock helpers took care of the herd's craft, could occasionally sneak a few glances in the direction outside the barn.

Upon hearing Idra's greetings, everyone in the entire barn immediately looked at the door.

The next moment, the sounds of "Ryan, Los" and "Ryan, Los" became one.

"Jian, Idra ... Jian, Dean ... Jian, Elmore ... Jian ..."

Wu Qingchen had the mildest smile on his face, and nodded one after another to his elder brother, two cowboy helpers, and two out-of-village messengers. Even the serfs' direction was divided into a group of Wu Qingchen. Smile.

Just a smile, you don't need to spend a dime to get a good impression, and most of the time it can be accumulated over time, long-term effective, and the amazing profit rate is far more than most investment models in the medieval world and even the real world.

Entering the Middle Ages for the first time, Wu Qingchen, who was ignorant and ignorant, was taking his usual nap.

Entering the Middle Ages for the second time, the nervous Wu Qingchen fell asleep accidentally in the Great Hall of the People.

For the third time, and also for the first time, before entering the Middle Ages, Wu Qingchen, who was in emergency training, had already illuminated the common skills of the entry-level courses such as “smile” in sociology, management, and relations. This skill Point, in the past 42 days, Wu Qingchen has been very skilled.

Even Idela figured out Wu Qingchen / Loss's habit.

Standing beside, waiting for Wu Qingchen and the people around him to greet each other, Edra came over and patted his brother's shoulder affectionately: "Loss ... the time here today is a little later than usual ... "

"Yeah ..." Wu Qingchen smiled back, "Master Rev. explained a few more words ..."

"Come on, look at today's work ..." Then, Idella grabbed Wu Qingchen's arm, and the two burdock helpers came quickly.

After Wu Qingchen arrived, the division of labor in the livestock shed changed immediately: the messengers and serfs continued to handle the forage and take care of the livestock. Idra and the two burdock helpers accompanied Wu Qingchen and began to circle the cattle shed.

Walking slowly across several cowsheds, Wu Qingchen suddenly said, "Today's pasture seems to have more hay than usual?"

"Yes Yes……"

Dean and Elmo both spoke at the same time. After looking at each other, Elmo made a gesture. Dien took a step forward and continued to answer, "In two days, the summer battle will begin again ... In recent days, ploughing Cows should eat less moist, fresh pasture to avoid thinning, and when the work is heavy, cultivating cows has no energy. "


This is indeed consistent with the views of the Animal Husbandry Experts Group.

After a detailed evaluation of the skill levels of the two burdock helpers, the Earth Analysis Team significantly reduced the training time related to animal husbandry, leaving only a long list of questions and simple answers. The detailed principles and specific operating details were included. , Then let Wu Qingchen return to the Middle Ages, and then get the answer from the burdock helpers.

After acquiring another principle, Wu Qingchen nodded and understood that he had walked past this cowshed.

After walking through two more cowsheds, Wu Qingchen said again: "It seems that the bulls here and the bulls in the cowshed just changed positions?"


About the agreement reached by the helpers, the second question, Elmo's turn, answered, "The fire (sun) came here earlier. The bull just couldn't stand the heat, and changed his position."

In this way, while inspecting and inquiring, while making up lessons for the earth too late, Wu Qingchen walked around the cowshed and slowly returned to the starting point.

Since the burdock helpers arrived, this is the routine of Wu Qingchen every morning.

However, the procedure this morning is slightly different from usual.

Doesn't seem right?

All the minds were focused on Wu Qingchen, and Dean and Elmo realized that on this day, Wu Qingchen's viewing speed was much faster than the previous few days.

In addition, this is also this time, Wu Qingchen did not step directly into the cowshed. ——Of course, we will not step in. In the plan of “completely leaving the front line of manual labor”, the livestock sheds are the first places to be implemented.

"Okay, almost, that's it for today ..."

When the burdock helpers were still suspicious, next to him, Wu Qingchen had started talking to Edra alone: ​​"... by the way, how are those cows today? Are you still quiet?"

"It's all good ..." Idra nodded, then turned to look at Dean and Elmore. "Still the same, go and see them now?"

Hearing here, Dean and Elmore hurriedly turned and walked quickly away from the cowshed.

At this moment, Wu Qingchen and Edra talked about some of the cattle that belonged to the Baron Master in the village of Akeli, and some of them had a slower recovery from cattle farming.

This is the craft of the Los / Moore family!

This is not what two foreigners can now expect to watch!

"and many more……"

Two burdock helpers are busy preparing to avoid the suspect.

At this moment, Wu Qingchen's voice suddenly came from behind him: "Dean ... and Elmore, don't go first, come, come with me!"

The burdock helpers turned around and saw the entrance to the injured cow shed. Wu Qingchen was beckoning in the direction of the two of them.

The completely uncontrollable ecstasy suddenly burst into the hearts of Dean and Elmore.

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